Interactive fanfiction "A Brave New World" [FINISHED]



  • I want the bandits to die the same way Carver died.

    Episode 3 - Beyond The Fear [Episode 4/5] (?) You chose to fight the bandits. "We're risking everyday now just because we live." I sai

  • [Fight bandits and save camp members]

  • [Fight the bandit and save camp member]

  • We are kids! Camon! Ben is going to leave anyway LOL
    [Fight creepers and save teens]

  • You aren't being a good one. You are thinking about youself and not kids

    Azlyn posted: »

    . . . Let me just... Let me just TRY and be a good person, m'mkay? [Fight creepers and save teens]

  • Hope at least some kids leave. Ben and Mr. Parker are going to live THIS for sure.

  • Alright, the voting is closed. It's pretty obvious that Gregory and his crew will save camp members. I'll have lunch soon and probably start writing the LAST chapter of Episode 3 after this. I'm really excited! Perhaps I'll start Episode 4 today, who knows.

  • You should make a list of the deceased.

  • Please do.

    Alright, the voting is closed. It's pretty obvious that Gregory and his crew will save camp members. I'll have lunch soon and probably start

  • Emiline:
    Age of death: Mid to late teens.
    Status: Dead.
    Cause of death: Shot point black in the head by a bandit. The group appears to be saddened after her death.
    Killed by: Bandit. Group (indirectly caused.) Herself (caused.)

    Age of death: Mid teens to early 20s.
    Status: Undead.
    Cause of death: devoured by walkers.
    Killed by: walkers (caused.)

    Age of death: Late teens.
    Status: Presumed dead.
    Cause of death: Brutally massacred by spark.
    Killed by: The group (indirectly caused.) Spark.

    Age of death: Late teens to mid 20s.
    Status: Dead.
    Cause of death: Shot in the brain by Gregory, as a form of revenge.
    Killed by: The group (caused) Gregory. Fredo (indirectly caused.)

    Deceptio posted: »

    You should make a list of the deceased.

  • Hi so I submitted a character quite a while ago and they still haven't appeared on the characters waiting bit.

    Do you just accept certain people or something I was just wondering! :)

  • This story is consuming my life right now.

    Alright, the voting is closed. It's pretty obvious that Gregory and his crew will save camp members. I'll have lunch soon and probably start

  • I'll do it in the end of the Season, don't worry.

    Deceptio posted: »

    You should make a list of the deceased.

  • You should check in the description, see if his or her name is on the "waiting to be introduced" section.

    ConaMurphy posted: »

    Hi so I submitted a character quite a while ago and they still haven't appeared on the characters waiting bit. Do you just accept certain people or something I was just wondering!

  • Actually, Fredo is 28 years old, but I didn't point that out in the fanfic, so yeah.

    Emiline: Age of death: Mid to late teens. Status: Dead. Cause of death: Shot point black in the head by a bandit. The group appears to be

  • What is your character's name? Maybe I just missed it. And sadly, submission box is closed for now.

    ConaMurphy posted: »

    Hi so I submitted a character quite a while ago and they still haven't appeared on the characters waiting bit. Do you just accept certain people or something I was just wondering!

  • Maybe Josh and Emiline would have survived if we gave those kids over.
    Goddammit, Ben.

    Actually, Fredo is 28 years old, but I didn't point that out in the fanfic, so yeah.

  • Hue.

    I said try and be a good person.

    Way to burst my bubble.

    Shumisha posted: »

    You aren't being a good one. You are thinking about youself and not kids

  • Joshua died. starts to tear up

  • nice man

    Emiline: Age of death: Mid to late teens. Status: Dead. Cause of death: Shot point black in the head by a bandit. The group appears to be

  • so spark shot joan leg?

    Actually, Fredo is 28 years old, but I didn't point that out in the fanfic, so yeah.

  • Charlie

    Its not a problem if you cannot include her but if you can then thank you!

    What is your character's name? Maybe I just missed it. And sadly, submission box is closed for now.

  • Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »


  • edited June 2014

    Episode 3 - Beyond Our Fear [Part 5/5]

    (?) You chose to save camp members.

    No, I won't let my friends die!

    I approached the nearest bandit that was trying to shoot James and put a bullet in his leg and stomach. I tried to aim for the head, but it was hard to make a headshot because of all the mess around. James walked to me trying to say something, but suddenly he screamed and fell down. Few bullets came through his body from a gun of dying raider and he shaked on the ground in pain and agony. Bernard whined and jumped on the bandit in a fit of rage. Husky ripped out his throat in a moment.

    "Bernard, here!" I yelled. Dog ran to me, helping me to fight the others. I've shot another one, and now I got him right in the head. I could see Arabella and Tess stabing another bandits.

    "YOU WILL FUCKING REGRET IT!" shouted brigand and pointed gun at young Josh that he still held. Before Sips could take bandit down, little boy fell down with a stream of blood coming down his hand. Another stream swept from his neck.

    "ASSWIPE!" screamed Chris, pushing down raider ad beating the shit out of him. I dragged Sips away right before creeper clamped his teeth on man's shoulder. "NOOO! LET ME DIE!" he cried in misery and despair. I saw two bandits running away through the crowd of monsters. I throwed gun to Chris.

    "Do whatever you want. I don't care." I said and left him. I knew, that however depressed he would be, he wouldn't kill himself. He is just shocked. I ran to the teens and saw Elian trying to save Kevin from a grip of creeper, but they both were pushed down and buried under rotten bodies. I saw Ben, Travis, Erica and Mr Parker fighting with all means at hand.

    "GET OVER HERE! WE'RE LEAVING!" I shouted. Tess, Zed, Arabella and Devyn with Devin already went through the horde and they were waving to us. We all ran to them, but Erica stumpled and went down. Ben, the closest person to her, turned around.

    "BEN! HELP HER!" I begged. But he panicked and wuickly got back to us. Suddenly, when creeper was about to tear her apart, Chris shot it right in the head. Erica got in hysteria, but he grabbed her and reached us.

    "Come on, let's go!" he said.

    All that was in front of our eyes are symmetrical rows of pines, towering above us. Crows croaked, flying in the treetops. And somewhere down below, on a filthy ground, eleven tired people and one dog were plodding forward into the creepy maze of tall trunks and green leaves. We decided to stop and catch our breath, discuss everything that happened.

    "Why did they even come here? Why did they need you?" Zed asked Travis.

    "Those bandits... they used us. We are young and weak. They took all the food we had and started to scoff us. I guess they were just sadists. They were hurting us, using our girls for.. Well, you know what I mean... They forced us to watch." quietly spoke Travis. I shivered. God, that's horrible!

    "Why didn't you just leave?" Zed continued asking.

    "You think we never tried it? We did. But all those guys you've seen today is just a small part of everything. They have bigger organisation. They are more powerful then you think they are. Most people left those area, they were the only left and it was easy for them to control us. You think they would loose their little toys so easy?" replied Ben.

    "That's still not right. You could try to do something before we got you!" said Tess.

    "I know. We've been too stupid. All we did was gaining problems and now we piled them on you. We should care about eachother, do everything we can to survive." answered Ben with a deep sigh in the end. I frowned.

    "Care about eachother, huh? Why didn't you step in for Erica then?" I asked angrily. Boy just receded, mumbling something.

    "I-, I-, I had to s-save myself! I'm sorry! I just panicked" he begged. I looked at him severely.

    "Well, be ready to save yourself now." I said.

    "Guys, stop! Judging everyone is now the least thing we should do. We need to move forward. That's it. We live in times where past doesn't mean anything, even if this past was five minutes ago." replied Arabella.

    And everyone went silent. Only crows could be heard. We all were agitated, but at the same time we were to tired to argue or just say something. Sun slowly sat down and we knew that we have to spend the night here.

    "Guys, I have to tell you something." suddenly said Devin.

    "What is it?" asked Arabella.

    "I'm bitten."


    Stubborn - You waited and kept unlocking the door.

    Hospitality - You let teens spend the night.

    Daring - You fought bandits.

    Loyality - You saved camp members.


    "Physical and mental health are different things, Gregory. People can have clear mind and dirty wounds. But they can also have damaged mind and sound body. You understand what I'm talking about." spoke Zed.

    "Are you trying to say...?" I asked in a shock. Zed sighed.

    "She's driving insane, Greg."

    Woman looked at us with indulgence. She smiled.

    "All I can do - is to offer you. Your choice is to accept or not. I'm not pushing you. I can give you some time to think." she said. We moved enough far from people, ready to discuss everything.

    "We cannot say no. This is a chance of our lives!" said Ben.

    "Sounds like a trap." disagreed Sips.

    "This is the only direction we can follow. What else can we do? Just keep moving on every time? I think this offer worths a try." said Tess.

    I big puddle of blood flowed on the floor. Loud screams of pain filled this place with horror and agony. Erica closed her eyes, sobbing in the corner. Mr Parker tried to comfort her.

    "ARRRRRGH STOP! I CAN'T! NO!" yelled the guy.

    "Stop this shit! Be patient! That's the only way!" I answered. I saw a grimace of hurt on his face.

    Arabella looked at this with a pitiful glance.


  • Sorry brah, but she's not submitted. Maybe you did something wrong, I dunno. Don't worry, you can submit your character for Season 2 later.

    ConaMurphy posted: »

    Charlie Its not a problem if you cannot include her but if you can then thank you!


    Great Episode. Can't wait for Episode 4!!

  • We could've prevented those people dying. I fuckin' liked that guy Josh...


    NEXT TIME ON A BRAVE NEW WORLD "Physical and mental health are different things, Gregory. People can have clear mind and dirty wounds. Bu

  • Thanks. Well, we still have Bernard!

    jameshodge posted: »

    NOOOO MY CHARACTER GOT SHOT (AND PROBABLY NOW DEAD) Great Episode. Can't wait for Episode 4!!

  • Look after him haha

    Thanks. Well, we still have Bernard!

  • Another great episode! Need the next one!

    Alt text

    JK, take your time. :-)

    Episode 3 - Beyond Our Fear [Part 5/5] (?) You chose to save camp members. No, I won't let my friends die! I approached the nearest

  • Goodbye.. Son... I'll frickin' miss ya alright.. I'll.. InKennyWeTrust why do you do everything I say? All I can do now is wait for Sips to die.

  • So did Ellian and Kevin die?

  • Megan wasn't mentioned after she fell. Did she die along those teens?

  • Jesus, like half people died! Where's Megan gone? I noticed you mixed up Ep 3-4 of TWD, Erica was Clem when Ben did not help her...And devin is bitten now! Maybe we will cut the bit :3 Anywa, is Eric the only lid alive? Exept for Ben and Trevis.anyway...well now you can feed 11 people lol

  • This episode was AWESOME! I loved the choices, they were kind of difficult.

    Now, on to the next cool episode!

    Full speed ahead!

    Alt text

  • Oh thought I did.


    Sorry brah, but she's not submitted. Maybe you did something wrong, I dunno. Don't worry, you can submit your character for Season 2 later.

  • Thanks for your comments. I'm so happy! I'm not sure yet, but MAYBE new Episode will be today. Or maybe not. I need some rest, so probably not.

  • Get some rest, Kenny.
    Being tired = worse episodes.

    Thanks for your comments. I'm so happy! I'm not sure yet, but MAYBE new Episode will be today. Or maybe not. I need some rest, so probably not.

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