For the record, I don't think it is Kate, but why does everybody seem to think that the assailant is shorter than Guybrush? Just watch the video again.
They say its a woman because that the first thing you think of when you hear the voice, they wouldnt give it away. anyway didnt Jojo sr die, thats why i wrote it was Jojo jr before and Jojo sr couldnt talk.
They say its a woman because that the first thing you think of when you hear the voice, they wouldnt give it away. anyway didnt Jojo sr die, thats why i wrote it was Jojo jr before and Jojo sr couldnt talk.
There was no reason to specify the gender of the assailant in the walkthrough, so I'm confident it's a woman.
Does anyone else think it looks like Guybrush's eyes are darting back and forth between two people? This could back up the "Morgan Le Flay is more than one person" theory.
I'm not sure about the shifting of the eyes, it looks like he's looking down and up. (I guess it could be a short/tall mix, especially since we've heard about a giant and a midget). However, I tend to believe Morgan Le Flay is a group-- Although it could be LED by Kate. (She is a tall redhead, she could put on a red beard? j/k)
One reason I tend to follow the "group" theory is because moments before Van Winslow is "Enhancing the upper righthand quadrant" and the likes, and suddenly he's gone from the picture. He also opts to follow along with Guybrush (who unfortunately refuses to check below decks in any way, shape, or form before taking off). He would make the perfect lookout for the rest of a crew. He could sneak them belowdecks. (Or keep them there, they could have been there from the get-go, after all, Guybrush won't go down there). Then he could signal for a good time, and join in. Theoretically, he should have been there warning Guybrush. But he wasn't.
He is short, for what its worth. If Guybrush is looking up and down he could be looking between Van Winslow and somebody tall.
Her name is Ricki Rapp. She's the voice of the mysterious attacker. Any clues?
If you were Telltale, in what role would you cast her?
If you go to her site, you can listen to her Voice Demo. It really is her! I mean...the character... I mean...who IS that woman?
(I allready posted this in another thread regarding the same subject)
Congratulations. I know it's hard to read every 19 pages, but it has been so freaking often, we already know everything about Nicki Rapp: She is the mysterious voice, she is Morgan La Flay, Morgan La Flay is a woman. How often?
i don't understand the argument that says "kate was such a minor character anyway, why bring her back".
Otis and carla didn't play that huge a role in SMI... Okay, carla a bit more, since she was the swordmaster at first and all, but still, they were still pretty minor characters as well, but they still were back in EMI.
So why not kate ? She's as much of a "not so important supporting character" as carla.
In my humble opinion, Kate Capsize's the best fit for this mysterious character, as Guybrush is the cause of her being in jail for no reason, but also because of the fact that you can attack her ship in MI3 after Rottingham stole the Blood Island map.
Carla is the other woman whom Guybrush messed with, as we can clearly see it in MI4, but there was a lack of coherence at that moment, as we weren't compelled to sink our ship in SMI. People at Telltale who worked on EMI told us they have learned from the errors they made, I hope the whole story with Otis, Carla and Meathook belongs to this category in their thoughts.
Nonetheless, seeing Carla return wouldn't be hard to swallow for me as I enjoyed the character in SMI and EMI.
Oh, I forgot, what if it were nothing less than Morgan Le Flay? a brand new character (that would fall in love with Guybrush while Elaine and LeChuck.. err.. forget about it..)?
All this speculation has left me with an uneasy feeling that somehow we are being intentionally mislead by unseen forces with a malevolent nature...
Or maybe years of playing Monkey Island have left me jaded, cynical and paranoid! lol!
I thought it was Carla the sword master at first. Oh yeah and this isn't Monkey Island 5, it's set after it (if people keep calling it MI5 we might not get a MI5!)
(Copied from worldofmi forums and I HOPE that noone posted something similar before).
Here is a list of every female character in Monkey Island so far (I don't think I missed anyone). It's a shockingly low percentage of the characters, and some are a bit of a stretch:
Female half of couple in Scumm Bar
Voodoo Lady
Elaine Marley
Carla the Swordmaster
Kate Capsize
Female observers of spitting contest
Guard at Booty Island mansion
Female guest at Elaine's fish fry
Female half of couple at Elaine's fish fry
Guybrush's mother
Chester at LucasFilm Games
Madame Xima
The lady in the "Grog" poster
Minnie Goodsoup
Harbor Mistress
Lua Bar waitress
Female customer at Lua Bar
Tourist in Starbuccaneers
Elaine the waitress
The Grumpy Diving Judge's Red-Headed Wife
The Grumpy Diving Judge's Blonde Mistress
Female pirate on Knuttin Atoll beach
Miss Rivers
Elaine's mother
Female customer in Bar 41
Out of these, I don't think many would have been plotting revenge. My guess is that it's a completely new character.
Credit: Dee
Her name is Ricki Rapp. She's the voice of the mysterious attacker. Any clues?
If you were Telltale, in what role would you cast her?
If you go to her site, you can listen to her Voice Demo. It really is her! I mean...the character... I mean...who IS that woman?
(I allready posted this in another thread regarding the same subject)
Where exactly is it confirmed that this is her? I looked at her resume and her blog and couldn't find anything about it.
Well, it's a possibility.
Morgan le Flay is an anagram for sure, since in Monkey Island tradition every name has a double meaning to it.
They seem to be doing that a lot with French names.
Anyway: I'm 100% sure it's not Kate Capsize and really don't know why people keep thinking it's her.
Telltale already said they try to not bring back a lot of characters from previous games, so why bring back a character who merely served as an obstacle to overcome then a plot driven one?
Kate Capsize would be quite fun for the few fanboys who just replayed MI2, but new players (who Telltale are aiming at) wouldn't have a clue who she is.
Hell, I played MI2 like 20 times, but that was like 15 years ago and I didn't remember Kate Capsize either, untill I rewatched the clip with her in it on youtube.
Largo Legrand is someone everybody remembers, even if you played MI2 all those years ago.
Also; a lot of the Telltale people were behind the fake MI5 trailer a few years back, which featured:.......Largo Legrand.
Largo wears a bra, is short, has a huge grudge against Guybrush,...
My vote is on him or a new character.
Bringing back Kate Capsize would be like bringing back the cook from the Scumm Bar, also another obstacle character which had no real plot purpose but Guybrush pissed of nonetheless.
i really cant see how ppl think its wally :S still reckon its carla. maybe her goverment job was invalid once herman became governor (witch im guessing he did) and carla is out for revenge
This is... strangely logical.
Okay, I vote for Largo LeGrande too. But... a woman-ized version of him?? That's...not very...scary. Not that women can't be's just...Largo... like... Larga? Ewwwww...
Well, it's a possibility.
Morgan le Flay is an anagram for sure, since in Monkey Island tradition every name has a double meaning to it.
They seem to be doing that a lot with French names.
Anyway: I'm 100% sure it's not Kate Capsize and really don't know why people keep thinking it's her.
Telltale already said they try to not bring back a lot of characters from previous games, so why bring back a character who merely served as an obstacle to overcome then a plot driven one?
Kate Capsize would be quite fun for the few fanboys who just replayed MI2, but new players (who Telltale are aiming at) wouldn't have a clue who she is.
Hell, I played MI2 like 20 times, but that was like 15 years ago and I didn't remember Kate Capsize either, untill I rewatched the clip with her in it on youtube.
Largo Legrand is someone everybody remembers, even if you played MI2 all those years ago.
Also; a lot of the Telltale people were behind the fake MI5 trailer a few years back, which featured:.......Largo Legrand.
Largo wears a bra, is short, has a huge grudge against Guybrush,...
My vote is on him or a new character.
Bringing back Kate Capsize would be like bringing back the cook from the Scumm Bar, also another obstacle character which had no real plot purpose but Guybrush pissed of nonetheless.
Being short has nothing to do with anything. The camera is directly at eye level with Guybrush, and the sword knocks tje spyglass away from his eye. If anything it appears the assailant is the same height as him.
A few Telltale people were involved in making that fake trailer 2 or 3 years ago, even featuring the real voice of Dominic Armato as Guybrush.
That means they were actually considering bringing back Largo...
It's also way to weird that Morgan Leflay features all the letters to make "Largo" "Le" and "Man".
They wouldn't make just a generic name like that.
Every name in the Monkey Island universe has a meaning to it most of the time even in French (like I explained earlier with the "Legrand-e" thing...
If this Morgan Leflay character would be a new character, they would have shown her and not make a cliffhanger out of her identity since it doesn't make any sense.
Even if it was Kate Capsize they could have shown her since people don't know what she looks like anyway. MI2 was a long time ago and all we could see back then were some sprites, identical to Elaine, only with green clothes and a hat.
Now, you could say the same for Largo, except for the fact that he had feautures everybody would reckognize when shown.
I agree, but still they were at least thinking about bringing back Largo.
Spoof or not, it states that they didn't forget him and saw him as a character who could return for a future installment of the series.
Andrew Langley was primarily responsible for that April Fool's Day Monkey Island 5 joke, and as far as I know he isn't in any way in charge of what games Telltale is going to make, nor is a 4 year old joke that he made for April Fool's Day for in any way an indication of Telltale's plans for Monkey Island, regardless of the fact that he is a programmer for them. If it were actually produced BY Telltale as a company then you might have a fraction of a point, but it wasn't.
They didn't make up a generic name, it's a parody of Morgan le Fay from the King Arthur-stories.
Also, Morgan is the name of a famous pirate (Henry Morgan) and LeFlay sounds a lot in french like "le fléau", which means "the Scourge", or "the Plague". Which is quite adequate for a merciless pirate hunter
Anyway: I'm 100% sure it's not Kate Capsize and really don't know why people keep thinking it's her.
Telltale already said they try to not bring back a lot of characters from previous games, so why bring back a character who merely served as an obstacle to overcome then a plot driven one?
Kate Capsize would be quite fun for the few fanboys who just replayed MI2, but new players (who Telltale are aiming at) wouldn't have a clue who she is.
Hell, I played MI2 like 20 times, but that was like 15 years ago and I didn't remember Kate Capsize either, untill I rewatched the clip with her in it on youtube.
Largo Legrand is someone everybody remembers, even if you played MI2 all those years ago.
Also; a lot of the Telltale people were behind the fake MI5 trailer a few years back, which featured:.......Largo Legrand.
Largo wears a bra, is short, has a huge grudge against Guybrush,...
My vote is on him or a new character.
Bringing back Kate Capsize would be like bringing back the cook from the Scumm Bar, also another obstacle character which had no real plot purpose but Guybrush pissed of nonetheless.
She was a woman in the stories as well. Do u honestly think telltale would ruin a character like largo by giving him that voice and trying to explain he had a sex change? If that april fools recording was so significant I'm sure they would give Largo a similar voice to the one done by dominic armato. He did a great job, and if they ever do reintroduce him I would like to see dominic give it a go. Casting Nicki Rapp for largo could work, but theres no attempt to make that voice sound even slightly masculine.
I dont see kate as an obstacle to overcome, she had a memorable role in my opinion and a more important one that some characters. She was involved in getting 2 of the map pieces. how can you say you're 100% sure? she fits the billing better than anyone else. Shes female for starters, she has genuine beef with guybrush and her advertising methods match up. Obviously your entitled to your opinion and Telltale havent given us much to work with. I would love to see the return of Largo but if he turns up looking like Hugo from Lucre island I think i few people will be disappointed
Why would they ruin Largo if they made him into a woman?
I would love that and it even makes sense with his bra wearing fetisj.
And I still stick to my point that Kate was just an obstacle to overcome.
Hell you could even save her at the end of MI2 (I did) so why would she hold a grudge?
That just doesn't make any sense.
Although I must admit the advertising part of your argument does sound convincing and would mean my turnover to Kate as well if she only had a much bigger part in the previous games...
I just really hope they bring back Largo, Stan and Murray somehow.
I just replayed MI2 and I'm replaying Curse of Monkey Island right now, to see if there is a woman with a grudge there but so far no luck.
I won't replay MI4, since I remember hating it with every bone in my body.
Can't wait for wednesday though, when the secret of monkey island special edition comes out!
Perhaps they put a clue in there somewhere, although I doubt it.
Did anyone else notice how Elaine reacted when she first saw human LeChuck at the beginning of the game? She yells woof and starts staring at him for a couple seconds before shaking her head like she's trying to clear it.
i really cant see how ppl think its wally :S still reckon its carla. maybe her goverment job was invalid once herman became governor (witch im guessing he did) and carla is out for revenge
Thank you... my original speculation in Carla has been renewed
This may have been discussed already, but maybe Largo is Morgan Le Flay. He had the sword up to Guybrush's throat and there was a woman talking next to him.
dont understand this either
They say its a woman because that the first thing you think of when you hear the voice, they wouldnt give it away. anyway didnt Jojo sr die, thats why i wrote it was Jojo jr before and Jojo sr couldnt talk.
yea but this is monkey island, I'm holding out for a zombie Jojo.
(or kate, either is good)
There was no reason to specify the gender of the assailant in the walkthrough, so I'm confident it's a woman.
Does anyone else think it looks like Guybrush's eyes are darting back and forth between two people? This could back up the "Morgan Le Flay is more than one person" theory.
One reason I tend to follow the "group" theory is because moments before Van Winslow is "Enhancing the upper righthand quadrant" and the likes, and suddenly he's gone from the picture. He also opts to follow along with Guybrush (who unfortunately refuses to check below decks in any way, shape, or form before taking off). He would make the perfect lookout for the rest of a crew. He could sneak them belowdecks. (Or keep them there, they could have been there from the get-go, after all, Guybrush won't go down there). Then he could signal for a good time, and join in. Theoretically, he should have been there warning Guybrush. But he wasn't.
He is short, for what its worth. If Guybrush is looking up and down he could be looking between Van Winslow and somebody tall.
Her name is Ricki Rapp. She's the voice of the mysterious attacker. Any clues?
If you were Telltale, in what role would you cast her?
If you go to her site, you can listen to her Voice Demo. It really is her! I mean...the character... I mean...who IS that woman?
(I allready posted this in another thread regarding the same subject)
Darn, and I thought I was sooo smart!
Well, anyway, it's a good thing that I...errr... reminded everybody of... the...
and that ...
*hides under his chair in shame*
The sword master and the Boat ship lady of MI2. There is an other woman in MI4 but he didn't mess with her that much. What else...
Otis and carla didn't play that huge a role in SMI... Okay, carla a bit more, since she was the swordmaster at first and all, but still, they were still pretty minor characters as well, but they still were back in EMI.
So why not kate ? She's as much of a "not so important supporting character" as carla.
Carla is the other woman whom Guybrush messed with, as we can clearly see it in MI4, but there was a lack of coherence at that moment, as we weren't compelled to sink our ship in SMI. People at Telltale who worked on EMI told us they have learned from the errors they made, I hope the whole story with Otis, Carla and Meathook belongs to this category in their thoughts.
Nonetheless, seeing Carla return wouldn't be hard to swallow for me as I enjoyed the character in SMI and EMI.
Oh, I forgot, what if it were nothing less than Morgan Le Flay? a brand new character (that would fall in love with Guybrush while Elaine and LeChuck.. err.. forget about it..)?
Or maybe years of playing Monkey Island have left me jaded, cynical and paranoid! lol!
I thought it was Carla the sword master at first. Oh yeah and this isn't Monkey Island 5, it's set after it (if people keep calling it MI5 we might not get a MI5!)
Not that again...
It seems this "it's set after MI5" joke is coming back to bite Telltale in the fundament
Here is a list of every female character in Monkey Island so far (I don't think I missed anyone). It's a shockingly low percentage of the characters, and some are a bit of a stretch:
Female half of couple in Scumm Bar
Voodoo Lady
Elaine Marley
Carla the Swordmaster
Kate Capsize
Female observers of spitting contest
Guard at Booty Island mansion
Female guest at Elaine's fish fry
Female half of couple at Elaine's fish fry
Guybrush's mother
Chester at LucasFilm Games
Madame Xima
The lady in the "Grog" poster
Minnie Goodsoup
Harbor Mistress
Lua Bar waitress
Female customer at Lua Bar
Tourist in Starbuccaneers
Elaine the waitress
The Grumpy Diving Judge's Red-Headed Wife
The Grumpy Diving Judge's Blonde Mistress
Female pirate on Knuttin Atoll beach
Miss Rivers
Elaine's mother
Female customer in Bar 41
Out of these, I don't think many would have been plotting revenge. My guess is that it's a completely new character.
Credit: Dee
Where exactly is it confirmed that this is her? I looked at her resume and her blog and couldn't find anything about it.
Morgan LeFlay is an anagram for: Largo LaFemny
"Feminy" is french for womanlike...
"Le" (being musculin) was changed to "La" (feminine)
This says: Largo The Woman
Couldn't be more clearer I reckon...
Please tell me you don't really think this.
Check out the credits at the end of the game (you can find a walkthrough on youtube). "Threatning Voice"
"Morgan LeFlay is an anagram for: Largo LaFemny"
*falls of his chair, holding his gut, from laughing*
But... you MAY have a...weeeeird point.
Morgan le Flay is an anagram for sure, since in Monkey Island tradition every name has a double meaning to it.
They seem to be doing that a lot with French names.
Anyway: I'm 100% sure it's not Kate Capsize and really don't know why people keep thinking it's her.
Telltale already said they try to not bring back a lot of characters from previous games, so why bring back a character who merely served as an obstacle to overcome then a plot driven one?
Kate Capsize would be quite fun for the few fanboys who just replayed MI2, but new players (who Telltale are aiming at) wouldn't have a clue who she is.
Hell, I played MI2 like 20 times, but that was like 15 years ago and I didn't remember Kate Capsize either, untill I rewatched the clip with her in it on youtube.
Largo Legrand is someone everybody remembers, even if you played MI2 all those years ago.
Also; a lot of the Telltale people were behind the fake MI5 trailer a few years back, which featured:.......Largo Legrand.
Largo wears a bra, is short, has a huge grudge against Guybrush,...
My vote is on him or a new character.
Bringing back Kate Capsize would be like bringing back the cook from the Scumm Bar, also another obstacle character which had no real plot purpose but Guybrush pissed of nonetheless.
*gets up from underneath his desk*
This is... strangely logical.
Okay, I vote for Largo LeGrande too. But... a woman-ized version of him?? That's...not very...scary. Not that women can't be's just...Largo... like... Larga? Ewwwww...
Go to 1:00 min into this video and listen to the audio.
His voice was already weird en womanlike, after his sex change they just made it a bit more like that.
They even refer to Largo wearin a bra in there!
Being short has nothing to do with anything. The camera is directly at eye level with Guybrush, and the sword knocks tje spyglass away from his eye. If anything it appears the assailant is the same height as him.
Just go to 1min into this rediculously bad video on youtube and hear the audio from the fake MI5 trailer which a few Telltale people worked on...
Also: "Legrande" is spelled wrong. "Le" is meant to be masculin so it should be "LeGrand" without the extra "e" which makes it female...
I'm now more convinced then ever that it's Largo Legrande after his sex change.
You just posted that video two posts ago... I really don't see how that should be more convincing than data from the actual game.
A few Telltale people were involved in making that fake trailer 2 or 3 years ago, even featuring the real voice of Dominic Armato as Guybrush.
That means they were actually considering bringing back Largo...
It's also way to weird that Morgan Leflay features all the letters to make "Largo" "Le" and "Man".
They wouldn't make just a generic name like that.
Every name in the Monkey Island universe has a meaning to it most of the time even in French (like I explained earlier with the "Legrand-e" thing...
If this Morgan Leflay character would be a new character, they would have shown her and not make a cliffhanger out of her identity since it doesn't make any sense.
Even if it was Kate Capsize they could have shown her since people don't know what she looks like anyway. MI2 was a long time ago and all we could see back then were some sprites, identical to Elaine, only with green clothes and a hat.
Now, you could say the same for Largo, except for the fact that he had feautures everybody would reckognize when shown.
Spoof or not, it states that they didn't forget him and saw him as a character who could return for a future installment of the series.
They didn't make up a generic name, it's a parody of Morgan le Fay from the King Arthur-stories.
Andrew Langley was primarily responsible for that April Fool's Day Monkey Island 5 joke, and as far as I know he isn't in any way in charge of what games Telltale is going to make, nor is a 4 year old joke that he made for April Fool's Day for in any way an indication of Telltale's plans for Monkey Island, regardless of the fact that he is a programmer for them. If it were actually produced BY Telltale as a company then you might have a fraction of a point, but it wasn't.
Also, Morgan is the name of a famous pirate (Henry Morgan) and LeFlay sounds a lot in french like "le fléau", which means "the Scourge", or "the Plague". Which is quite adequate for a merciless pirate hunter
She was a woman in the stories as well. Do u honestly think telltale would ruin a character like largo by giving him that voice and trying to explain he had a sex change? If that april fools recording was so significant I'm sure they would give Largo a similar voice to the one done by dominic armato. He did a great job, and if they ever do reintroduce him I would like to see dominic give it a go. Casting Nicki Rapp for largo could work, but theres no attempt to make that voice sound even slightly masculine.
I dont see kate as an obstacle to overcome, she had a memorable role in my opinion and a more important one that some characters. She was involved in getting 2 of the map pieces. how can you say you're 100% sure? she fits the billing better than anyone else. Shes female for starters, she has genuine beef with guybrush and her advertising methods match up. Obviously your entitled to your opinion and Telltale havent given us much to work with. I would love to see the return of Largo but if he turns up looking like Hugo from Lucre island I think i few people will be disappointed
I would love that and it even makes sense with his bra wearing fetisj.
And I still stick to my point that Kate was just an obstacle to overcome.
Hell you could even save her at the end of MI2 (I did) so why would she hold a grudge?
That just doesn't make any sense.
Although I must admit the advertising part of your argument does sound convincing and would mean my turnover to Kate as well if she only had a much bigger part in the previous games...
I just really hope they bring back Largo, Stan and Murray somehow.
I just replayed MI2 and I'm replaying Curse of Monkey Island right now, to see if there is a woman with a grudge there but so far no luck.
I won't replay MI4, since I remember hating it with every bone in my body.
Can't wait for wednesday though, when the secret of monkey island special edition comes out!
Perhaps they put a clue in there somewhere, although I doubt it.
Thank you... my original speculation in Carla has been renewed