Judging by the pictures posted on Twitter by telltalegames (http://twitpic.com/d3r8j, http://twitpic.com/d3njp) I say it's a talking monkey - perhaps Jojo Jr. or (remember the female voice) his wife?
And before people start saying "but it didn't look like the one speaking was smaller than Guybrush" - look at the picture, the monkey is sitting on the railing! Everything fits perfectly.
Jojo Jr. also has a grudge on Guybrush for killing his father. (Though I don't remember if he forgave him in Escape..)
guybrush never admitted to it in escape if I remember correctly.. how would Jo-Jo jnr know?
After carefull examination of all data, I bring you the answer.
Sybil Pandemik.
For the record, while unlikely, this isnt entirely impossible given the old Sam and Max comics that took place in the monkey island world from the old Adventurer mags. The Sam and Max universe has always been really flexible that way, hell max is even a canonical character in the star wars universe, LOL
It would be sweet to have a monkey island moment in S&M season 3 for that matter...
have you looked at the picture?
either a ponytail, or she has two necks. or a really wide neck. or a neck that's way up on the shoulder, and some kinda weird little beard going on.
I can't believe you don't see the ponytail? it's really tiny but it's obvious.
sorry, I really shouldn't get so caught up by this..
Here's my speculation after re-playing through the game to listen to everyone's reaction to the flier (since I didn't do it the first time):
When the Voodoo Lady gets possessed, her voice is the voice of the character at the end. You can also hear that the line is broken into 5 distinct parts:
1. Guybrush Threepwood!
2. There's no escape!
3. The skull is right.
4. You!
5. Arrrrgh! (sounds like a death sound to be honest)
My guess is that each one is part of a voice clip from each of the five episodes. The "Guybrush Threepwood" part is the same as the ending to Episode 1. We'll see if "There's no escape!" shows up in Episode 2.
Presumably, this is also Morgan Le Flay. Given that she is a Pirate Hunter, and there are few pirates more famous than Guybrush, it's entirely possible that when she "has waited a long time for this" it just means that she's waited a long time to hunt down the most reputable pirate in the Tri-Island area. Whether or not she's also a character from previously in the series remains to be seen. Honestly, Guybrush didn't seem to immediately recognize her. It's comparable to the start of CMI when he has a gun pointed at him but still manages a surprised "Wally!" upon recognizing him. It seems similar enough that I'd have expected him to say the person's name if he recognized her.
The more I think about this, and the new TTG contest, the more I think Morgan is an all new character. It makes things a lot easer for TTG to bring a new 'enemy' on board. And why shouldn't they?
The big failing of the Star Wars prequels was that instead of expanding that galaxy, it made it so very much smaller. Everyone was related to everyone else, and it was ridiculous.
I hope Morgan is a new character that will flesh out Guybrush's life (remember we knew nothing about him pre-SMI). But, uhh, if I'm way off base, then I go back to my first post in this thread and guess Carla.
I have yet to make it to the Cliffhanger to chapter 2 as I'm pacing myself.
though have you noticed that the guy on those tarot cards looks an awful lot like an older DeCava?
Okay, she as a character is cool and all, but that huge build up for a character we didn't know? I was kind of disappointed.
But she IS a great character and that kind of made up for it. And I was freaked out when she
. Really now. And then she just goes off like that. I love it.
The cliffhanger for Morgan LeFlay was completly useless.... We allready know that DeSinge will send her after Guybrush, but to do it this way, is letting the audience believe that it actually is someone important or at least known to the audience.
Now we get a completely new character that talks like we have allready should have met somewhere in the past...
makes no sense....
but the character itself is pretty cool. So you are forgiven telltale
Now we get a completely new character that talks like we have allready should have met somewhere in the past...
makes no sense....
Yes it does, she only said that she waited too long to face Guybrush. And that is because she is a fan of him.
It was tricky, yes, but it make total sense.
Oh come on, you've never seen a misleading cliffhanger before? Like on the TV show Dexter, in season 3 when the
skinner is shown to be going after Dexter, and at the end of the episode they show Dexter being thrown into the trunk of a car, only to find out that it was the guys from the station playing a prank on him at the start of the following episode?
I loved the fact that TTG Had it go out on a cliffhanger.
Even if the swordsperson turned out to be a brand new character, I for one loved the fact that TTG did something that got the fans passionate.
Not going to lie, I LIKED the fact is was a brand new charachter, and that they gave Them the Cliffhanger, it was almost like TTG were Chumming the waters to see how much of a fervor they could get us into.
I kinda like how they mesed with us. A bit disapointing, yeah, but i don't mind.
Oh, and in COULD be someone we already knew... What if LeFlay is Largo in disguise ? :eek:
(I just said that to be silly in another thread but i actually like the idea )
Oh come on, you've never seen a misleading cliffhanger before? Like on the TV show Dexter, in season 3 when the
skinner is shown to be going after Dexter, and at the end of the episode they show Dexter being thrown into the trunk of a car, only to find out that it was the guys from the station playing a prank on him at the start of the following episode?
I've seen plenty of misleading cliffhangers... but they are just a bad cheap way of telling a story.
the cliffhanger would be just as thrilling if they would have shown it was Morgan LaFlay, not by showing the actual character but by just letting her (or Guybrush) say her name... than we would still have the surprise of what the new character would look like.
Now everybody (at least most of us) allready figured it would be Morgan LaFlay, but started all these speculations if it could be a returning character from the past using a false name....
I was let down when she came in frame actually.
Gosh, me too!!! :eek:
That's why I kinda don't like the character, and because she's just too much of a sexy-crazy-fan-girl, but let's see how that character will develop, I haven't played through chapter two yet...
a third hand?
wtf r u on about
theres only two hands
one with the sword
and the back hand
no need to get rude.
theres no ponytail
only ZUUL!
guybrush never admitted to it in escape if I remember correctly.. how would Jo-Jo jnr know?
Sybil Pandemik.
For the record, while unlikely, this isnt entirely impossible given the old Sam and Max comics that took place in the monkey island world from the old Adventurer mags. The Sam and Max universe has always been really flexible that way, hell max is even a canonical character in the star wars universe, LOL
It would be sweet to have a monkey island moment in S&M season 3 for that matter...
haha I doubt it!
have you looked at the picture?
either a ponytail, or she has two necks. or a really wide neck. or a neck that's way up on the shoulder, and some kinda weird little beard going on.
I can't believe you don't see the ponytail? it's really tiny but it's obvious.
sorry, I really shouldn't get so caught up by this..
So far, so good.
though have you noticed that the guy on those tarot cards looks an awful lot like an older DeCava?
Everything else was great though.
"But... I've never even met you before!"
They certainly had us going.
But she IS a great character and that kind of made up for it. And I was freaked out when she
Now we get a completely new character that talks like we have allready should have met somewhere in the past...
makes no sense....
but the character itself is pretty cool. So you are forgiven telltale
Yes it does, she only said that she waited too long to face Guybrush. And that is because she is a fan of him.
It was tricky, yes, but it make total sense.
Even if the swordsperson turned out to be a brand new character, I for one loved the fact that TTG did something that got the fans passionate.
Not going to lie, I LIKED the fact is was a brand new charachter, and that they gave Them the Cliffhanger, it was almost like TTG were Chumming the waters to see how much of a fervor they could get us into.
For all of you who already played through it: DON'T mention in this thread if there is one or not
Oh, and in COULD be someone we already knew... What if LeFlay is Largo in disguise ? :eek:
(I just said that to be silly in another thread but i actually like the idea
I've seen plenty of misleading cliffhangers... but they are just a bad cheap way of telling a story.
the cliffhanger would be just as thrilling if they would have shown it was Morgan LaFlay, not by showing the actual character but by just letting her (or Guybrush) say her name... than we would still have the surprise of what the new character would look like.
Now everybody (at least most of us) allready figured it would be Morgan LaFlay, but started all these speculations if it could be a returning character from the past using a false name....
I was let down when she came in frame actually.
That's why I kinda don't like the character, and because she's just too much of a sexy-crazy-fan-girl, but let's see how that character will develop, I haven't played through chapter two yet...
Leave it to the internet to come up with every disturbing fetish you can find. Leave to a Monkey Island fan to be the one who posts about it.