I felt a sickened feeling in my stomach when I saw Elaine accept that flower.
Poor Guybrush!
The most rational possibility has to be that she accepted it because she thinks Guybrush is dead and y'know... She's Lonely, LeChuck was there for her when she was in a dark place. She was vulnerable!
It's excusable! It's got to be! I can't comprehend a future where Guybrush and Elaine aren't together.
It could be Elaine, after all, Ron Gilbert never meant for Guybrush and Elaine to end up together. It could have been a doppelganger Guybrush has been married to for the past 2 games. Just thought I'd throw that out there, ya never know...
The flower that LeChuck gives Elaine... is it one of the same type as from the flowerpot? The ones the voodoo lady said were the vaycaylian ones if you give her one? Can't remember what else she said about them.. something with either magic or voodoo maybe?
No other character seems worth all the fuss, other than Wally. Carla was in the last game, there'd be no big demand to bring her back. She also has no motive, that we know of.
And I still feel that Kate is way too minor of a character to have this month long dramatic pause. She seemed like a stock character, the obstacle in one puzzle, and the answer to another. I didn't think her declaration of revenge was anything more than an humorous situation. If they revealed Kate Capsize as the mystery person, it'd be like hinging a cliffhanger on the return of the shopkeeper from MI1.
Maybe Kate's more liked then I'm giving her credit, but Wally seems like the obvious choice. He's a major character that we don't know the fate of. Guybrush has wronged him again and again, leaving him for dead in both LeChuck's Fortess and Carnival of the Damned. Do most people even remember who Kate Capsize is?
I also seem to remember Guybrush looking *down* at the person when he turned around to face him/her, so it could be Wally.
I'd be excited if it was him.
And i dunno.. having wally back ? sure, why not. As a bad guy ? beeh.
Maybe they could pull it off, but it seems to me he really ain't fit for this role. Okay, seeing him TRYING to be mean and all in CMI was great, but the joke has been done, and actually giving him a bad guy's role seems like a bad idea to me.
He didn't seem to have any problem towards guybrush for letting him down, either.
Dude! I'd love to see the Melee Island Shopkeeper return!
agreed. He's the best character in the whole series.
Maybe Kate's more liked then I'm giving her credit, but Wally seems like the obvious choice. He's a major character that we don't know the fate of. Guybrush has wronged him again and again, leaving him for dead in both LeChuck's Fortess and Carnival of the Damned. Do most people even remember who Kate Capsize is?
First off, the fortress blew up. Guybrush didn't leave Wally, he can't help him when he's being shot through the air.
Second, there is no proof that Guybrush saved Wally in the Carnival, but there's not proof that he left him either.
Also, Telltale's been known to give short, undeveloped men VERY high pitched voices.
*Cough* *Cough* *Sodapoppers* *Cough*
They still sounded distinctly male though, this voice is distinctly female. Further, I'd really be disappointed if they didn't get Wally's voice actor back from Curse, his voice was as perfectly cast as Guybrush's in my mind.
....Pegnose Pete? .....Largo LaGrande?..... Yeah, I have no idea.
Largo LaGrande... well, he was short, so that would fit. Holding a grudge on Guybrush, for sure. Still serving LeChuck, probable. As for the voice, we've never officially heard it before... And isn't he the only character in the MI series of whom we officially know that he wears bras? Now that would be a twist.
Wally was last seen in the end of CMI waving goodbye after the wedding, right? So I don't think he's coming back for revenge.
And I still feel that Kate is way too minor of a character to have this month long dramatic pause. She seemed like a stock character, the obstacle in one puzzle, and the answer to another. I didn't think her declaration of revenge was anything more than an humorous situation. If they revealed Kate Capsize as the mystery person, it'd be like hinging a cliffhanger on the return of the shopkeeper from MI1.
I feel like Kate's status as a minor character makes her perfect for a reappearance.
It's got to be hard to reinvent a place for main characters in every game. That's why many of these character's new roles either end up being formulaic (Stan, Voodoo lady) or completely unintelligible when you start looking at what happened in previous games (Toothrot/Marley, Otis, Carla).
Kate, though, has just enough personality in place that the writers can build a deeper character around her. Yet she doesn't have so much depth yet that you'll end up ruining the cannon, or stretching people's imaginations to fit her in as Morgan Le Flay or some other piece of the ToMI story. I think she's perfect, and would really enjoy seeing some depth and intrigue added to the Kate Capsize character.
My first thought was also Wally B. Feed. The voice that we hear in the finale is distinctly different from that of the voice in Curse of Monkey Island, but what if Telltale is throwing us a curve ball? Wally could have a frog in his throat, so to speak. The short stature lends to this theory.
Although, the Kate Capsize theory is a good one, too. When I replayed Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge a few weeks ago, I also noticed that she mentions "The Sea of Beige Flotsam," and I posted about that in the Private Pirates Forum soon after. Flotsam, of course, is a common term used for sea wreckage, though.
... Wally was at the Carnival? Maybe I need to play CMI again... I just don't remember that...
Seems like the voice actress for the "Threatening Voice" at the end is Nicki Rapp, who does a lot of children voices. If Wally got stuck at the carnival, would be kind of funny if he was cursed as a child and became even smaller. I suppose that as long as we're dealing with that child curse though, that squeaky voice could potentially belong to anyone that may have visited that carnival, though it's a bit of a stretch. Kate Capsize still sounds more likely to me... don't know why really.
I think a new character would be more interesting than bringing back an old one though... just some random bystander whose life was ruined by some of Guybrush's adventuring.
Largo would be pretty awesome, but you'll need a much better explanation than the bra joke to explain the voice...
I can pretty much imagine him with a quite high pitched voice, but not that feminine :eek:
... Wally was at the Carnival? Maybe I need to play CMI again... I just don't remember that...
Wally's on the rollercoaster, he's part of the Monkey Island 2 Diorama of LeChuck's fortress, dangling above another pit of acid (pretty sure this one was fake acid though).
Guh, I was just playing Curse about a week before release and totally forgot about Haggis. The crew was pretty pissed about being shipwrecked and having to do all the repairs and even said they were leaving him. Though, for the most part, they seemed pretty calm about it.
Not just for the most part, the whole part. They weren't angry with him at all. Haggis even said that it had been fun, and that they were only going back because they liked being barbers better than pirates.
I also think it'd fit in nicely for Episode 4 "The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood." Having all his old "friends" come back to tell about all the horrible things Guybrush had done to them.
Here's my speculation after re-playing through the game to listen to everyone's reaction to the flier (since I didn't do it the first time):
When the Voodoo Lady gets possessed, her voice is the voice of the character at the end. You can also hear that the line is broken into 5 distinct parts:
1. Guybrush Threepwood!
2. There's no escape!
3. The skull is right.
4. You!
5. Arrrrgh! (sounds like a death sound to be honest)
My guess is that each one is part of a voice clip from each of the five episodes. The "Guybrush Threepwood" part is the same as the ending to Episode 1. We'll see if "There's no escape!" shows up in Episode 2.
Presumably, this is also Morgan Le Flay. Given that she is a Pirate Hunter, and there are few pirates more famous than Guybrush, it's entirely possible that when she "has waited a long time for this" it just means that she's waited a long time to hunt down the most reputable pirate in the Tri-Island area. Whether or not she's also a character from previously in the series remains to be seen. Honestly, Guybrush didn't seem to immediately recognize her. It's comparable to the start of CMI when he has a gun pointed at him but still manages a surprised "Wally!" upon recognizing him. It seems similar enough that I'd have expected him to say the person's name if he recognized her.
As for why they might not have shown her -- my guess is either because it is a recurring character that they want to keep hidden or because her appearance is going to end up being humourous (start with the joke in Episode 2) and revealing it at the end would have been odd.
It's comparable to the start of CMI when he has a gun pointed at him but still manages a surprised "Wally!" upon recognizing him. It seems similar enough that I'd have expected him to say the person's name if he recognized her.
As for why they might not have shown her -- my guess is either because it is a recurring character that they want to keep hidden or because her appearance is going to end up being humourous (start with the joke in Episode 2) and revealing it at the end would have been odd.
Aren't you overthinking this a little? Of course he didn't say the person's name, whether he knew who she was or not... the point is we're supposed to speculate!
Thanks so much, Bagge. We needed that for reference.
As for the voice, I still say it could be Wally. We know the voice actor is a woman, Nicki Rapp of Psychonauts' fame, but many young cartoon males are voiced by females.
I could see Wally with this voice, I honestly could.
Maybe we should be asking ourselves: What is Spinner Cay? Why is under siege, supposedly?\
Also, Kate wasn't even in the lite version of the game.
Also, Kate wasn't even in the lite version of the game.
You know, I've played through MI2 probably once a year for the last 15-16 years, and I've never played the lite version. Same with CMI. I really should do a playthrough of those games in lite-mode just to see the differences.
I don't think it's Wally..
Firstly the voice is just too female, and secondly, watching the video, it looks like someone TALLER than Guybrush.
But please, proove me wrong TT, I'd love to see Wally again!
I could see Wally with this voice, I honestly could.
Whether you could see him with this voice is one thing, but I could never see Wally holding a sword to Guybrush's throat. In CMI, Wally went about two minutes before breaking down into a sobbing mess because he could never be a "real pirate."
the first thing that entered my head when i heard the voice was "Kenny Falmouth" from CMI, you remember Kenny, Guybrush put him outta business by drinking all his lemonade... who's with me on this one???
I agree, the first person I thought of was Kate Capsize. But Morgan Le Flay makes sense.
The Cutthroat Bill and Haggis theory is really compelling as well, because of the descriptions but the voice doesn't match up. And, as was pointed out already, Guybrush and the barbers departed eachother on good terms.
"I've been waiting a long time for this!" is the part that gets me. Would a character that has previously been unknown to Guybrush say this? Wouldn't this come from someone who knew him years ago? This makes the Kate theory more plausible.
One more thing that I am stumped on is how did the mysterious character get on the ship? Wouldn't Guybrush or Winslow have noticed a ship approaching? Did she/he stow away before they departed?
Poor Guybrush!
The most rational possibility has to be that she accepted it because she thinks Guybrush is dead and y'know... She's Lonely, LeChuck was there for her when she was in a dark place. She was vulnerable!
It's excusable! It's got to be! I can't comprehend a future where Guybrush and Elaine aren't together.
But wait, what about the 'pirate hunter' from the flyer? As some people said, it could be Kate... She actually hated pirates.
And I still feel that Kate is way too minor of a character to have this month long dramatic pause. She seemed like a stock character, the obstacle in one puzzle, and the answer to another. I didn't think her declaration of revenge was anything more than an humorous situation. If they revealed Kate Capsize as the mystery person, it'd be like hinging a cliffhanger on the return of the shopkeeper from MI1.
Maybe Kate's more liked then I'm giving her credit, but Wally seems like the obvious choice. He's a major character that we don't know the fate of. Guybrush has wronged him again and again, leaving him for dead in both LeChuck's Fortess and Carnival of the Damned. Do most people even remember who Kate Capsize is?
I'd be excited if it was him.
And i dunno.. having wally back ? sure, why not. As a bad guy ? beeh.
Maybe they could pull it off, but it seems to me he really ain't fit for this role. Okay, seeing him TRYING to be mean and all in CMI was great, but the joke has been done, and actually giving him a bad guy's role seems like a bad idea to me.
He didn't seem to have any problem towards guybrush for letting him down, either.
agreed. He's the best character in the whole series.
First off, the fortress blew up. Guybrush didn't leave Wally, he can't help him when he's being shot through the air.
Second, there is no proof that Guybrush saved Wally in the Carnival, but there's not proof that he left him either.
*Cough* *Cough* *Sodapoppers* *Cough*
They still sounded distinctly male though, this voice is distinctly female. Further, I'd really be disappointed if they didn't get Wally's voice actor back from Curse, his voice was as perfectly cast as Guybrush's in my mind.
Largo LaGrande... well, he was short, so that would fit. Holding a grudge on Guybrush, for sure. Still serving LeChuck, probable. As for the voice, we've never officially heard it before... And isn't he the only character in the MI series of whom we officially know that he wears bras?
Wally was last seen in the end of CMI waving goodbye after the wedding, right? So I don't think he's coming back for revenge.
Oh, I love cliffhangers...
I feel like Kate's status as a minor character makes her perfect for a reappearance.
It's got to be hard to reinvent a place for main characters in every game. That's why many of these character's new roles either end up being formulaic (Stan, Voodoo lady) or completely unintelligible when you start looking at what happened in previous games (Toothrot/Marley, Otis, Carla).
Kate, though, has just enough personality in place that the writers can build a deeper character around her. Yet she doesn't have so much depth yet that you'll end up ruining the cannon, or stretching people's imaginations to fit her in as Morgan Le Flay or some other piece of the ToMI story. I think she's perfect, and would really enjoy seeing some depth and intrigue added to the Kate Capsize character.
Although, the Kate Capsize theory is a good one, too. When I replayed Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge a few weeks ago, I also noticed that she mentions "The Sea of Beige Flotsam," and I posted about that in the Private Pirates Forum soon after. Flotsam, of course, is a common term used for sea wreckage, though.
Seems like the voice actress for the "Threatening Voice" at the end is Nicki Rapp, who does a lot of children voices. If Wally got stuck at the carnival, would be kind of funny if he was cursed as a child and became even smaller. I suppose that as long as we're dealing with that child curse though, that squeaky voice could potentially belong to anyone that may have visited that carnival, though it's a bit of a stretch. Kate Capsize still sounds more likely to me... don't know why really.
I think a new character would be more interesting than bringing back an old one though... just some random bystander whose life was ruined by some of Guybrush's adventuring.
They set sail, married at 4:00ish, and there's no Wally waving them goodbye, he's plausibly still trapped.
You also see Wally at the carnival at 0:20. He seems like scenery, but if you examine him, you discover it's really him.
I can pretty much imagine him with a quite high pitched voice, but not that feminine :eek:
Ah, you're right, thanks for the link!
Wally's on the rollercoaster, he's part of the Monkey Island 2 Diorama of LeChuck's fortress, dangling above another pit of acid (pretty sure this one was fake acid though).
Not just for the most part, the whole part. They weren't angry with him at all. Haggis even said that it had been fun, and that they were only going back because they liked being barbers better than pirates.
Sounds a lot like the final episode of Seinfeld.
When the Voodoo Lady gets possessed, her voice is the voice of the character at the end. You can also hear that the line is broken into 5 distinct parts:
1. Guybrush Threepwood!
2. There's no escape!
3. The skull is right.
4. You!
5. Arrrrgh! (sounds like a death sound to be honest)
My guess is that each one is part of a voice clip from each of the five episodes. The "Guybrush Threepwood" part is the same as the ending to Episode 1. We'll see if "There's no escape!" shows up in Episode 2.
Presumably, this is also Morgan Le Flay. Given that she is a Pirate Hunter, and there are few pirates more famous than Guybrush, it's entirely possible that when she "has waited a long time for this" it just means that she's waited a long time to hunt down the most reputable pirate in the Tri-Island area. Whether or not she's also a character from previously in the series remains to be seen. Honestly, Guybrush didn't seem to immediately recognize her. It's comparable to the start of CMI when he has a gun pointed at him but still manages a surprised "Wally!" upon recognizing him. It seems similar enough that I'd have expected him to say the person's name if he recognized her.
As for why they might not have shown her -- my guess is either because it is a recurring character that they want to keep hidden or because her appearance is going to end up being humourous (start with the joke in Episode 2) and revealing it at the end would have been odd.
Aren't you overthinking this a little? Of course he didn't say the person's name, whether he knew who she was or not... the point is we're supposed to speculate!
As for the voice, I still say it could be Wally. We know the voice actor is a woman, Nicki Rapp of Psychonauts' fame, but many young cartoon males are voiced by females.
I could see Wally with this voice, I honestly could.
Maybe we should be asking ourselves: What is Spinner Cay? Why is under siege, supposedly?\
Also, Kate wasn't even in the lite version of the game.
You know, I've played through MI2 probably once a year for the last 15-16 years, and I've never played the lite version. Same with CMI. I really should do a playthrough of those games in lite-mode just to see the differences.
Firstly the voice is just too female, and secondly, watching the video, it looks like someone TALLER than Guybrush.
But please, proove me wrong TT, I'd love to see Wally again!
Whether you could see him with this voice is one thing, but I could never see Wally holding a sword to Guybrush's throat. In CMI, Wally went about two minutes before breaking down into a sobbing mess because he could never be a "real pirate."
"I'm not even...unpleasant!"
That was my first thought, seeing as it would have to be someone they (somewhat) introduced. And because I wouldn't know anyone else to connect it to.
It's Morgan Le Flay.
Alias? Maybe. Morgan Le Flay? Definitely.
Interesting. The mystery person is confirmed as Morgan.
She can play children, teenage girls, teenage boys, and young adult females.
The Cutthroat Bill and Haggis theory is really compelling as well, because of the descriptions but the voice doesn't match up. And, as was pointed out already, Guybrush and the barbers departed eachother on good terms.
"I've been waiting a long time for this!" is the part that gets me. Would a character that has previously been unknown to Guybrush say this? Wouldn't this come from someone who knew him years ago? This makes the Kate theory more plausible.
One more thing that I am stumped on is how did the mysterious character get on the ship? Wouldn't Guybrush or Winslow have noticed a ship approaching? Did she/he stow away before they departed?