Nobody's talking about Steve's mask?... The ''HEYOO'' guy... at the race we can take his mask but how would Steve lost it because he surely isn't dead and if he is..
When using the ECHO Eye on the skeletal fish in the World of Curiosities, it was say (paraphrased) "Can be summoned from the depths to perfo… morerm an eleborate dance by shooting coloured barrels in a certain order.
This is a reference to the "Fish Riding Tannis" easter egg which is in every Borderlands game.
Loader Bot can actually have different dialogue depending on the weapons given to him.
If you chose the riot shield, he wonders what war is good for, and Rhys claims all the loaders seemed to get smarter with Jack gone. Vaughn remarked with "Yeah, I think we all have."
That same thing on Carlos, the animation of beating that guy up is the same as Jane beating up Kenny in the reststop. Also there's a reused zombie crawl near the end of the episode that's the same as the one used with the walker at the bridge in TWDG Episode 2.
i know but we have mentioned reused stuff before but i made a video with some of the ones i noticed plus the one mentioned above with nick's… more movement being reused in case anyone missed them and wanted to see for themselves and no i am not trying to bash telltale with the title
0:00-0:29-reused menu sounds
0:30-0:52-reused sound effect/music from amid the ruins
0:53-1:02-reused carlos model? for me at least it looked like him from behind
1:03-1:27-reused walter scene the resemblance is actually crazy
1:28-2:32-reused ak47 gunshot sounds
the last part of it is the nick animation that was posted earlier
I just wonder about the guy in the intro who was shot in the face. Isn't he the same guy stabbed during Fiona's prelude? Then he did survive the stabbing?
On the right side of the wall, there are the words 'SAVE DOUG' written on them. It's a little nod to the 'Save Doug' campaign back in TWDG Season 1 that started up after most players saved Carley.
I just wonder about the guy in the intro who was shot in the face. Isn't he the same guy stabbed during Fiona's prelude? Then he did survive the stabbing?
I just wonder about the guy in the intro who was shot in the face. Isn't he the same guy stabbed during Fiona's prelude? Then he did survive the stabbing?
You can see an ad for ENGORGE when you are shown the first shot of Hollowpoint.
ENGORGE is an Atlas male-enhancement supplement that is advertised. Athena uses these ads to mask the signal of the frequency she uses to help the Borderlands 1 Vault Hunters in the General Knoxx DLC.
You can see an ad for ENGORGE when you are shown the first shot of Hollowpoint.
ENGORGE is an Atlas male-enhancement supplement that is a… moredvertised. Athena uses these ads to mask the signal of the frequency she uses to help the Borderlands 1 Vault Hunters in the General Knoxx DLC.
The "stranger" dragging you through the desert and forcing you to tell your story is probably Zer0. The voice-actor sounds the same, the mask with the one eye theme matches some of Zer0's head customizations in that way, and most importantly... he speaks in haiku.
Holy shiet! "Don't be a smart-ass / I'm not a patient person / So just start talking"
The bastard is right, he speaks in Haiku! Perhaps he could be One. Zer0 doesn't seem to be that person, but in a twist he could be, my moneys on no though.
What my moneys on(theoretical money, if that's even a thing), is that he is One. One from the note left to Zer0 in the Son of Crawmerax DLC.
Holy shiet! "Don't be a smart-ass / I'm not a patient person / So just start talking"
The bastard is right, he speaks in Haiku! Perhaps he … morecould be One. Zer0 doesn't seem to be that person, but in a twist he could be, my moneys on no though.
What my moneys on(theoretical money, if that's even a thing), is that he is One. One from the note left to Zer0 in the Son of Crawmerax DLC.
TongariDan, I love you man! That's insane!
My favorite scan is in The World of Curiosities. There's a dude, when you scan him, it says "Stabbed to death." And it says: Last words, "Whatta'ya gonna do? Stab me?"
yea i never got that was it when she wanted to see the stun stick? because i didn't let her hold it
Yeah, you can make her pinky promise to give it back.
Like I mentioned in another thread, you can see bandits holding Legendary Guns from Borderlands 2.
The person capturing Rhys and Fiona at the beginning (and interrogates them) uses a Conference Call (Legendary Hyperion Shotgun)
The bandit sniping another near the start of the game uses a Skullmasher (Legendary Jakobs Sniper from all 3 BL games)
A random psycho at the end dual wields two Unkempt Harolds (Legendary Torgue Pistols. Known as the most OP gun of BL2)
rhys has a new shiney chrome arm in the beginning/future scenes, so we will probably get a new arm in later episodes
We already kill him in borderlands 2 anyway...
Nobody's talking about Steve's mask?... The ''HEYOO'' guy... at the race we can take his mask but how would Steve lost it because he surely isn't dead and if he is..
I've heard about people rewinding their saves when Clementine made them feel too guilty, but forsaking Loader Bot is a whole new level!
I missed that... hehehe... how awesome. ^^
Loader Bot can actually have different dialogue depending on the weapons given to him.
If you chose the riot shield, he wonders what war is good for, and Rhys claims all the loaders seemed to get smarter with Jack gone. Vaughn remarked with "Yeah, I think we all have."
That same thing on Carlos, the animation of beating that guy up is the same as Jane beating up Kenny in the reststop. Also there's a reused zombie crawl near the end of the episode that's the same as the one used with the walker at the bridge in TWDG Episode 2.
I just wonder about the guy in the intro who was shot in the face. Isn't he the same guy stabbed during Fiona's prelude? Then he did survive the stabbing?
I take no credit for this one, but:
On the right side of the wall, there are the words 'SAVE DOUG' written on them. It's a little nod to the 'Save Doug' campaign back in TWDG Season 1 that started up after most players saved Carley.
In the Episode 2 preview, you can catch a glimpse of Jimbo on Tector's back.
This means either those 3 missions in BL2 never happened, or it is canon for the Zaffords to be eliminated.
Most likely Telltale reusing models again.
It's too bad some of these jokes will never be seen by people like me who choose to play in minimal style. We should have our own jokes!
I actually thought it wasn't going to survive, so I thought I'd made the decent choice... but I've actually seen that it COULD survive. So I felt bad.
It's a shame, really. The Zafords were my favorite.
Plus, they had Steve on their side!
Good thing Steve got away in time, right? Right.
Well, what if there are no male sirens YET...
Nah, talking out my ... now
When Rhys gets out of the van... caravan or whatever - you can scan the rest of the characters. Not much information, still thought it was cool
Even though the weapons crate in Fiona's caravan isn't colored yellow when looking through Rhys' eye, you can still scan it.
He's a gang member from the Irish family I believe. (Borderlands 2)
His model is most likely reused, like most of the psycho's.
Who knows?
Brothers then, maybe. Not like it matters anyway since they're both dead.
Oh my ... that was such a lovely scene. I was glad I made them bond... kinda. And then later Sasha noticed my loyalty to Vaughn.
I think it has something to do with him being part robo-ish, because of an operation or an accident I suppose.
You can see an ad for ENGORGE when you are shown the first shot of Hollowpoint.
ENGORGE is an Atlas male-enhancement supplement that is advertised. Athena uses these ads to mask the signal of the frequency she uses to help the Borderlands 1 Vault Hunters in the General Knoxx DLC.
Yeah, he's one of the Zaford clan (BL2).
Steve is the reason we are on the Zaford's side... still Jimbo is so hilarious... >v<
But... HEYOOO!
In the preview for Episode 2 August has a hole in his hand even if you don't shoot at him.
What? I really need to pay attention, thx for mentioning that.
I just noticed Marcus the fourth xD
Since no one's pointed it out yet...
The "stranger" dragging you through the desert and forcing you to tell your story is probably Zer0. The voice-actor sounds the same, the mask with the one eye theme matches some of Zer0's head customizations in that way, and most importantly... he speaks in haiku.
Holy shiet! "Don't be a smart-ass / I'm not a patient person / So just start talking"
The bastard is right, he speaks in Haiku! Perhaps he could be One. Zer0 doesn't seem to be that person, but in a twist he could be, my moneys on no though.
What my moneys on(theoretical money, if that's even a thing), is that he is One. One from the note left to Zer0 in the Son of Crawmerax DLC.
TongariDan, I love you man! That's insane!
This isn't something to do with the game, but if you go onto the TFTBL page, the Telltale Games logo changes.
He got away in time to go to poker night with Claptrap.
Can you post an image of the note? That was the one DLC in BL2 I didn't play.
So I never saw the note.
My favorite scan is in The World of Curiosities. There's a dude, when you scan him, it says "Stabbed to death." And it says: Last words, "Whatta'ya gonna do? Stab me?"