My favorite scan is in The World of Curiosities. There's a dude, when you scan him, it says "Stabbed to death." And it says: Last words, "Whatta'ya gonna do? Stab me?"
It is a possibility lol. I love the lengths Telltale went to ensure it felt just like a Borderlands game. Borderlands is one of my favorite series, and I have to admit, I was a bit nervous going in. But they did it justice. After I read that I couldn't stop laughing for awhile. XP
Damn! I was going to point that out! But you beat me to it here. Ah well, still glad someone pointed it out. Is it possible that the Atlas Silver SMG (Is that what it's called?) could be Legendary? Or would it be considered Pearlescent.
Like I mentioned in another thread, you can see bandits holding Legendary Guns from Borderlands 2.
The person capturing Rhys and Fiona at… more the beginning (and interrogates them) uses a Conference Call (Legendary Hyperion Shotgun)
The bandit sniping another near the start of the game uses a Skullmasher (Legendary Jakobs Sniper from all 3 BL games)
A random psycho at the end dual wields two Unkempt Harolds (Legendary Torgue Pistols. Known as the most OP gun of BL2)
If you want to consider Poker Night 2 canon? Then Steve moves onto that with Claptrap. Doubt it's canon though, that's far fetched. I don't want him to be dead either.
Yeah and if you tell him to go away as Fiona in the vent, later on when you get the option to shoot at August, August shoots Shade not Felix and Shade dies with last words. "You should have let me come with you." or something like that, I don't remember. It was sad though...
I think it was "Oh! Now I wish you'd let me come with you.". It's only made worse because he says it pretty cheerfully... Then his expression changes to horror and he falls to the ground
Yeah and if you tell him to go away as Fiona in the vent, later on when you get the option to shoot at August, August shoots Shade not Felix… more and Shade dies with last words. "You should have let me come with you." or something like that, I don't remember. It was sad though...
I guess nobody died? Just me? Well then.
I died as Fiona during the race and when the game over screen popped up, the interrogator said t… morehat that's not true, that she's still alive. Fiona replied that she wanted to make the story more interesting or something like that. I bet there are more dialogues like that, someone else would need to check it though. :P
I know Rhys's new arm got a mention when him and Fiona are tied up by that guy, but what I did notice was that Rhys's bionic eye is no longer glowing blue, meaning maybe he can't see out of it anymore because it's broken or his eye got replaced too like his arm. Kinda got me curious if that means Handsome Jack isn't there messing with his brain anymore.
Oh and Rhys and Fiona are wearing different clothes, confirming people don't wear the same clothes weeks or years on end like in anime XD
Huh, that's a way to go about it. Thank you for clearing it up, but would you mind me asking what stuff in Wolf Among Us or The Walking Dead was changed in this way?
The most serious example of things changing between episodes is between episodes 1 and 2 of The Wolf Among Us, as there was a severe rewrite. Entire scenes were changed, Lawrence didn't appear at all, either The Woodsman or Dee didn't appear based on an earlier choice, and Bigby didn't turn into a werewolf as the "Next Time" segment implied. You should check them out.
Huh, that's a way to go about it. Thank you for clearing it up, but would you mind me asking what stuff in Wolf Among Us or The Walking Dead was changed in this way?
When you first gain control over Fiona and are walking down the ally just pass the coughing gentlemen and the loot/poster there is graffiti on the wall that reads "Save Doug" I found that to be so cool. Great first episode!
Banang is from the Sam & Max series that Telltale made, they have put Banang in every game they have made since. Here are the locations of Banang in The Walking Dead
The most serious example of things changing between episodes is between episodes 1 and 2 of The Wolf Among Us, as there was a severe rewrite… more. Entire scenes were changed, Lawrence didn't appear at all, either The Woodsman or Dee didn't appear based on an earlier choice, and Bigby didn't turn into a werewolf as the "Next Time" segment implied. You should check them out.
When using the ECHO Eye on the skeletal fish in the World of Curiosities, it was say (paraphrased) "Can be summoned from the depths to perfo… morerm an eleborate dance by shooting coloured barrels in a certain order.
This is a reference to the "Fish Riding Tannis" easter egg which is in every Borderlands game.
I just wonder about the guy in the intro who was shot in the face. Isn't he the same guy stabbed during Fiona's prelude? Then he did survive the stabbing?
this might be due to the obvious reasons but here it goes" In rhys perspective if u notice the exhaust where sasha approaches ( which we later come to know in fiona's perspective) u can never spot fiona there in rhys perspective
I kind of thought this at first as well, but then I realized the Interrogator has five fingers. Zer0 only has four. Also, the mystery person seems much wider than Zer0. Still, they do sound quite a bit alike, but then maybe it's only the voice effect? Shrug.
I wonder if they got the idea for that quote from this :P
Immediatley came to mind
It is a possibility lol. I love the lengths Telltale went to ensure it felt just like a Borderlands game. Borderlands is one of my favorite series, and I have to admit, I was a bit nervous going in. But they did it justice. After I read that I couldn't stop laughing for awhile. XP
If you call Shade an asshole with Rhys, and later also call him an asshole with Fiona, he will say:
'You're the second person to call me that today!'
Damn! I was going to point that out! But you beat me to it here. Ah well, still glad someone pointed it out. Is it possible that the Atlas Silver SMG (Is that what it's called?) could be Legendary? Or would it be considered Pearlescent.
I played on Xbone but it said (?) Good Choice instead
If you want to consider Poker Night 2 canon? Then Steve moves onto that with Claptrap. Doubt it's canon though, that's far fetched. I don't want him to be dead either.
Yeah and if you tell him to go away as Fiona in the vent, later on when you get the option to shoot at August, August shoots Shade not Felix and Shade dies with last words. "You should have let me come with you." or something like that, I don't remember. It was sad though...
It's me again, but did you know you can turn of the selectables by pressing 'T'?
The circles usually showing you what you can look at then disappear. If you go over the options with the mouse, everything will be like always.
Just a neat little detail I overlooked so far.
I think it was "Oh! Now I wish you'd let me come with you.". It's only made worse because he says it pretty cheerfully... Then his expression changes to horror and he falls to the ground
Yeah, that's how the game over screens work. It really reminds me of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. I really love it.
All you got was Zer0 speaking out loud of what the note said.
It's near the end of this video, and all he says is...
To Zer0: One.
Well that's irritatingly cryptic.
Did anyone notice Janey in the "Next Time" trailer for episode 2? Fiona pushed her up against a wall.
Sasha was the one who pushed her against a wall actually.
Right, it was Sasha. I'm just excited we're getting her in the next episode.
Although the 'Next Time' trailers aren't always that accurate, let's keep in mind.
I know Rhys's new arm got a mention when him and Fiona are tied up by that guy, but what I did notice was that Rhys's bionic eye is no longer glowing blue, meaning maybe he can't see out of it anymore because it's broken or his eye got replaced too like his arm. Kinda got me curious if that means Handsome Jack isn't there messing with his brain anymore.
Oh and Rhys and Fiona are wearing different clothes, confirming people don't wear the same clothes weeks or years on end like in anime XD
How have they not been accurate? This is my first Telltale game...
Telltale changes various things in their plot based on user reactions, so things will change.
Huh, that's a way to go about it. Thank you for clearing it up, but would you mind me asking what stuff in Wolf Among Us or The Walking Dead was changed in this way?
The most serious example of things changing between episodes is between episodes 1 and 2 of The Wolf Among Us, as there was a severe rewrite. Entire scenes were changed, Lawrence didn't appear at all, either The Woodsman or Dee didn't appear based on an earlier choice, and Bigby didn't turn into a werewolf as the "Next Time" segment implied. You should check them out.
When you first gain control over Fiona and are walking down the ally just pass the coughing gentlemen and the loot/poster there is graffiti on the wall that reads "Save Doug" I found that to be so cool. Great first episode!
wait whaat? Banang in the walking dead? Why havn't I heard about this... thing?
well anyway. it hasn't any significance of importance.
I hope they will add the skip feature for the walking dead aswel.
... on seconds thoughts, it might not be such a good idea.
Banang is from the Sam & Max series that Telltale made, they have put Banang in every game they have made since. Here are the locations of Banang in The Walking Dead
Not a big fan of The Walking Dead, but I really need to check out The Wolf Among Us, thanks!
I'd still check out a playthrough of The Walking Dead, it's probably one of my favorite narratives in any video game or even any movie.
Damn you beat me to it
I noticed that in BL2 a lot of pedestrians look like him too
this might be due to the obvious reasons but here it goes" In rhys perspective if u notice the exhaust where sasha approaches ( which we later come to know in fiona's perspective) u can never spot fiona there in rhys perspective
I kind of thought this at first as well, but then I realized the Interrogator has five fingers. Zer0 only has four.
Also, the mystery person seems much wider than Zer0. Still, they do sound quite a bit alike, but then maybe it's only the voice effect? Shrug.
Ah, so clever. XD
So Shade killed his grandpa and later said he was still alive.
...makes sense. In that crazy Pandoran kind of way.
You know how crazy those Pandorans are... Especially Shade.
FYI - a hole in your hand means the nerves for your fingers are all fucked.
Dunno why this bothers me, considering how cartoonish this series is. Probably Post-Clem-Shooting-Disorder. (PCSD)
Rhys' eye is yellow in the future/present scenes.
Jack's favorite color (at least as stated by TvTropes)? Yellow.
He should really be introduced as Walter
lol I noticed that too and laughed so hard xD though at the same time I felt kind of guilty
At the end of E1 the kidnapper has Fiona and Rhys at the same location that the deal for the key was made.
Holy sheeeet, how did I miss that?
Shhhhhh, against all odds of natural selection Face McShooty has a large bloodline of psycho bandits wanting to be shot in places.