If you scan Vasquez (voiced by Patrick Warburton) in his office when he's talking to August, it says one of his catchphrases is, "Lock and Load." There's a scene in Family Guy where Joe (also voiced by Warburton) says this. Click here
hes bionic eyes color in the intro is the same color as handsome jacks different color eye (handsome jacks right eye is blue his left eye is yellow-ish) so it could also be a sign that handsome jack is starting to take over
hes bionic eyes color in the intro is the same color as handsome jacks different color eye (handsome jacks right eye is blue his left eye is yellow-ish) so it could also be a sign that handsome jack is starting to take over
I'm not 100% sure, but that black jacket Fiona has on in the beginning when tied up with Rhy's, it's seen hanging up in the caravan when her and Felix are talking...I think o_o
[Edit] yeah it's there, first flashback scene Fiona starts narrating :P
Dammit, Dojo! You beat me to it! :P
On the Prosperity Junctions sign, there's a hanging skeleton. If you look closely, it has … morea psycho mask on. This is after Rhys is captured by the stranger guy. Keeping that in mind, we go to Vaughn and Rhys driving to the deal. You can see the same sign with the same corpse, but there's still skin on the body, and has the same mask. This means there's a decent period of time between Rhys and Fiona getting captured by the stranger, and the deal that goes wrong. And, since this is definitely the same sign, something happens which buries the sign, and presumably the town.
Soon after that scene, when Rhys asks for directions, looking closely at the sign on the side of the port-a-potty reveals that it says, "DOOK HUT No Fapping!"
Before the deal, if you tell August that you were attacked by bandits Fiona makes a grumpy face when she hears it, but if you joke about him being too early she smiles a bit
If you look at the Atlas sign with Rhys' robot eye, before the fight with "Greaseface", it will say that the last person to edit the page is what we can assume is Handsome Jack's username.
Yeah and if you tell him to go away as Fiona in the vent, later on when you get the option to shoot at August, August shoots Shade not Felix… more and Shade dies with last words. "You should have let me come with you." or something like that, I don't remember. It was sad though...
Also, didn't get screen caps because I was so taken by the majesty of the scene - but if you equip Loader Bot with the riot shield and grenades (which apparently only 9.9% of players picked) the final jail-breaked bandit fight is insane!
He picks up Rhys and Vaughn and flies them into the air before electrocuting all the bandits on the ground, then he throws a grenade at Rhys who uses his stun baton as a bat, and effectively delivers a killer home run.
Definitely worth a replay if you didn't make that choice first time round!
Also, didn't get screen caps because I was so taken by the majesty of the scene - but if you equip Loader Bot with the riot shield and grena… moredes (which apparently only 9.9% of players picked) the final jail-breaked bandit fight is insane!
He picks up Rhys and Vaughn and flies them into the air before electrocuting all the bandits on the ground, then he throws a grenade at Rhys who uses his stun baton as a bat, and effectively delivers a killer home run.
Definitely worth a replay if you didn't make that choice first time round!
Before the deal, if you tell August that you were attacked by bandits Fiona makes a grumpy face when she hears it, but if you joke about him being too early she smiles a bit
Interesting is that the choices you get make Rhys look like ''you can't scary me guy'' I can remember there was a thread that said Rhys had a different voice actor that people didn't like. Also this
I'm interested where TT is taking this right now and that hole Jack thing...
I just get a feeling that Rhys got a little different personality when they were working on the script but nothing to worry about.
I think it's random each time (I could be wrong) so I wrote a bunch that probably got missed. There's a King's Quest 6 reference in there somewhere too...
In Felix's box of goodies that Fiona searches through when Sasha is in trouble there are some rather interesting items in there. Two of the … moremost note-worthy items are: A Flux Capacitor (a Back to The Future Easter egg I'm sure) and a Prototype Doomsday Device (always handy to have one of those).
When Rhys tries to plan to get in the old atlas warehouse if you don't do anything it stops and he just nods and goes. "No,no that won't work" then realizes everyone left him already
Maybe they'll use it in the future.
Height comparison:
I knew Jimbo was short, but not that short.
The Loader Bot one should say "Loader Bot, Your future firstborn"
If you scan Vasquez (voiced by Patrick Warburton) in his office when he's talking to August, it says one of his catchphrases is, "Lock and Load." There's a scene in Family Guy where Joe (also voiced by Warburton) says this.
Click here
I said that !
hes bionic eyes color in the intro is the same color as handsome jacks different color eye (handsome jacks right eye is blue his left eye is yellow-ish) so it could also be a sign that handsome jack is starting to take over
That's true, but would that mean they work together?
You should check out Wolf and Walking Dead. They are both extremely good
Vallory is apparently the woman on the Episode 3 slide from what I saw so we should see her.
Also... 'The Quickening' sounds so much funnier then 'Atlas Mugged'.
no not necesaraly but it could mean that when jack took over the eye the color changed
He looked pretty pleased at the start of the game, thats why I thought that
Fiona's pistol is the same make as Carver's one.
The character name Cl4p-tp (Claptrap) is actually slang for a women's uhhh.. southern parts.
I'm not 100% sure, but that black jacket Fiona has on in the beginning when tied up with Rhy's, it's seen hanging up in the caravan when her and Felix are talking...I think o_o
[Edit] yeah it's there, first flashback scene Fiona starts narrating :P
The port-o-potty thing is just a Borderlands joke.
it could be he managed to get a raise in hyprerion since the flash back part which would explane why he seems so pleased and why hes dressed so fancy
It is actually possible to fail Rhys' "dream plan", he realises that it would never work, as seen at 1:28:30
He also wears a vest similar to handsome Jacks (at least it reminded me of him)
i didn't notice that before but now that you mention it...
Before the deal, if you tell August that you were attacked by bandits Fiona makes a grumpy face when she hears it, but if you joke about him being too early she smiles a bit
HA. I rule.
Telltale throws Shade shade...
What happens if you don't close the door on August:
Felix can apparently hack Hyperion's ECHOnet?
Future version Rhys's Echo Eye is still functional.

Also, didn't get screen caps because I was so taken by the majesty of the scene - but if you equip Loader Bot with the riot shield and grenades (which apparently only 9.9% of players picked) the final jail-breaked bandit fight is insane!
He picks up Rhys and Vaughn and flies them into the air before electrocuting all the bandits on the ground, then he throws a grenade at Rhys who uses his stun baton as a bat, and effectively delivers a killer home run.
Definitely worth a replay if you didn't make that choice first time round!
Ha, I picked that on my first playthrough. :-D
TFTBL and GOT heavily reuses animations and textures from TWDGS2.
That's a very nice touch.
I can't remember those choices
Interesting is that the choices you get make Rhys look like ''you can't scary me guy'' I can remember there was a thread that said Rhys had a different voice actor that people didn't like. Also this
I'm interested where TT is taking this right now and that hole Jack thing...
I just get a feeling that Rhys got a little different personality when they were working on the script but nothing to worry about.
i know
I thought i was the only one :P
During the clip shots for episode 2 Springs is the person Sasha pins to the wall.
If you rename a save file to a curse word, the save will be named "J1N will remember that"
I think it's random each time (I could be wrong) so I wrote a bunch that probably got missed. There's a King's Quest 6 reference in there somewhere too...
According to Rhys' Eye, Fiona is 29 years old while Sasha is 24.
When Rhys tries to plan to get in the old atlas warehouse if you don't do anything it stops and he just nods and goes. "No,no that won't work" then realizes everyone left him already