The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • Okay I just realized that I have posted 2 other drawings here so you might have seen those! :P

    I think my art block is over now and I'm finally able to post here more often.. :)

    No problem! I don't go on the ship forums/threads though so it can't be that but I'll be looking forward to see more of your art in the future. Art block can be a pain in the ass sometimes good luck!

  • Just a little poster I made.

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  • This is incredible. Art by: julessia

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  • God, I love this!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    This is incredible. Art by: julessia

  • If you decide to start selling these, I will buy them!

    dfh15 posted: »

    Made a series of posters for the BL2 Vault Hunters. I get to print these for a project My Tumblr


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    God, is it bad how much I need things to get dark with the whole Jack/Rhys dynamic? Like, Jack completely taking over and straight up murdering someone we love, as Rhys?

    What the hell is wrong with me...

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    This is incredible. Art by: julessia

  • Uhmmm... pftttt who would want something like that? Ahaha... not me... um...

    HOLY FRICKIN' FRICK - THAT IS FREAKIN' AMAZING!!! God, is it bad how much I need things to get dark with the whole Jack/Rhys dynamic?

  • Please. Give in to the Dark side.

    We wait so long for another brethren to find their way to us.

    Walk away from the light and join us.

    HOLY FRICKIN' FRICK - THAT IS FREAKIN' AMAZING!!! God, is it bad how much I need things to get dark with the whole Jack/Rhys dynamic?

  • Just gonna leave it here.

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  • I said it on Rhyona thread, but...

    Holy crap.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just gonna leave it here.

  • i can't stop staring

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just gonna leave it here.

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    I just love your art style so much

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just gonna leave it here.

  • wow, is that your art?

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just gonna leave it here.

  • Yup.

    wow, is that your art?

  • Yaaas, more badass Rhys + Fiona!

    Your style is just gorgeous, so much movement - I feel like I can actually see the Pandoran sandstorm swirling around them.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just gonna leave it here.

  • Thank you so much!

    I guess I love how movement looks, it's more expressive. And also I adore drawing hair. (:

    Yaaas, more badass Rhys + Fiona! Your style is just gorgeous, so much movement - I feel like I can actually see the Pandoran sandstorm swirling around them.

  • I posted this on Tumblr today (yeas I have a tumblr account now, I don't know how to use it though xD)

    Anyway here's that blue jerk you might know..

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  • He looks so sinister with that smile and glowing eyes. I really like it!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I posted this on Tumblr today (yeas I have a tumblr account now, I don't know how to use it though xD) Anyway here's that blue jerk you might know..

  • Thanks! I really wanted to draw Jack and it took some time to get him look right. ;D

    buntingsir posted: »

    He looks so sinister with that smile and glowing eyes. I really like it!

  • Yep I saw this already but I still love it.

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    buntingsir posted: »

    Just gonna leave it here.

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    Thanks again! c:

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yep I saw this already but I still love it.

  • you are welcome!

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    buntingsir posted: »

    Thanks again! c:

  • Yayy more nuhuhhuh fanart!! <3Love his expression <3 we ARE talking about H Jack after all ;D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I posted this on Tumblr today (yeas I have a tumblr account now, I don't know how to use it though xD) Anyway here's that blue jerk you might know..

  • Jaaay thanks a lot! :3 It's really fun to draw him!

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Yayy more nuhuhhuh fanart!! <3Love his expression we ARE talking about H Jack after all ;D

  • edited June 2015

    Timmy, NO!


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  • My favourite blue jerk in the world!

    And so artfully rendered, that maniacal smile is terrifyingly gorgeous. ^_^

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I posted this on Tumblr today (yeas I have a tumblr account now, I don't know how to use it though xD) Anyway here's that blue jerk you might know..

  • He'll explode from joy after finally releasing himself from a HJ mask!

    ...(I'm sorry, I really shouldn't make horrible puns about Timothy. #SaveTimothy XD)

    Timmy, NO! THERE'S A BOMB UNDER THERE! Source #SaveTimothyFromHimself

  • I..I appreciate that! ;-------; I'm definitely gonna draw him more (like I didn't have millions of projects already..oh well, there's always time for H Jack ;]

    My favourite blue jerk in the world! And so artfully rendered, that maniacal smile is terrifyingly gorgeous. ^_^

  • edited June 2015

    Omg This looks so awesome! more fanart!!

    what's your tumblr tho? I would like to follow you :3


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I posted this on Tumblr today (yeas I have a tumblr account now, I don't know how to use it though xD) Anyway here's that blue jerk you might know..

  • Thank youu! (Now I want to know your tumblr too. :3)

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Omg This looks so awesome! more fanart!! what's your tumblr tho? I would like to follow you Edit: NEVERMIND I FOUND YOU

  • Okay so I really like August? Like, the Nolan North in him is really adorable, I can't wait to see more of him eventually.
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    He's just so cute. And I guess here's some Jack for good measure.

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  • best gaige pic i've seen yet ;D i give you a 12/10 keep it up

  • yeah, i found this on tumblr

    and btw i'm not the artist of this artwork ^u^

    Haha, I just commented above that we need more pictures of Rhys and Fiona in their badass outfits and I scroll down and see this! Gorgeous work, not-so-lazy Lewis! ^_^

  • Oh I just assumed because you were both Lewis's - haha!

    Zuka-Lewis posted: »

    yeah, i found this on tumblr and btw i'm not the artist of this artwork ^u^

  • am in love

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I posted this on Tumblr today (yeas I have a tumblr account now, I don't know how to use it though xD) Anyway here's that blue jerk you might know..

  • Aww thanks! I'm actually drawing now some "possessed Rhys" (Or Handsome Rhys) sketches and I will probably post them tomorrow :3

    am in love

  • edited June 2015

    Someone made a beautiful video of Rhys on tumblr, and I'm going to be watching it on loop until episode 3 comes out.

    I don't know if it's appropriate to link here, but I wanted to show the forum and I don't know how else to do so, so: Mmmmm Whatcha Saayyyy~ ♫

    (you might want to put it in fullscreen or something, it's tiny)

    EDIT: (actually reads tumblr user's bio)Wait, Nukey-Pookie, that's who ya are here!? Okay, I just love this, and I wanted everyone to see it. ;w;

  • Oh my God, I'm actually crying. I never knew how much I needed this in my life until now.

    The rakk one made me laugh so hard!

    (Also, I know some of them are determinant, but the amount of times Vasquez can hit you is just ridiculous - "but I'm just trying to show you how much I love and respect you like Jack did to me!" - girl, please.)

    mirashade posted: »

    Someone made a beautiful video of Rhys on tumblr, and I'm going to be watching it on loop until episode 3 comes out. I don't know if it's

  • This is so great! Poor precious Rhysie, I feel kinda bad for him now.

    Seriously, I've never realised he could be punched so many times. I mean, when you put it all in perspective, it doesn't look like a lot. But when it's all together... ouch.

    mirashade posted: »

    Someone made a beautiful video of Rhys on tumblr, and I'm going to be watching it on loop until episode 3 comes out. I don't know if it's

  • It had me at Vasquez, but the slow-motion rag-dolling across the desert... Oh man.

    And that man just has some issues. I think he needs to have a long talking-to about kindness and not hitting people, and maybe he just needs to be hugged more. Although if Rhys tried to hug him I have no doubt that he'd just end up getting punched again.

    Oh my God, I'm actually crying. I never knew how much I needed this in my life until now. The rakk one made me laugh so hard! (Also, I

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