When Mira and Sera are talking in episode 5, there's a model that's wearing the exact same clothes as Morgryn. And he looks like Morgryn when he walks past them. From 15:40 - 17:01
Wait, is there a specific time you have to be silent? Or do you have to he silent the entire meeting? Or is it if you choose ANY of the silent options.
After Episode 3, I should have made a note of this. The maggots get one scene and now they're gone. Apparently Gared's wound was disinfected and he had the maggots removed between scenes, during the timeskips, away from prying player eyes. I'm not very happy about this.
Sooo I was looking through the sound flies and it seems like... well EVERYONE had more voice lines at the Wight attack, theres lines of Gared ordering someone to help Sylvi, Gared,Cotter or Finn. Theres also lines of Sylvi yelling at Gared its all his fault. Also a line where Gared yells "Lucky you where here!' anddd theres a line where Sylvi is yelling no for like 5 seconds. As well as Finn yelling for help and to cut the arms off. Also a bunch of weird yelling from Gared where he yells "Burn! Burn!" in a voice of satisfaction. Finn Yelling help and Cotter screaming "WIGHTS!" HMMM POSSIBLE CUT FINN/COTTER/SYLVI CHOICE HMMMM? Lol, tell me if anything like these appear in the actual game.
Rodrik/Asher's death is mentioned. For Asher is says, 'He eventually returned to Westeros but was killed within hours of landing', I'm not sure what it says for Rodrik.
Malcolm's page is updated saying that he stayed in Essos to serve Daenerys Targaryen.
Duncan/Royland's entry is also updated depending on who was the traitor. I think it says the same for both-'But his true legacy will be one of betrayal as he was exposed as a traitor'.
If you sacrificed Rodrik, it says "Rodrik served well as lord of Ironrath, despite injuries he sustained at the Twins. He ultimately sacrificed his life for his family, shortly after his brother Asher's return to Westeros."
Oh nice! I didn't know that was a mean option or I'd have said it. I assumed that it was either playful or genuine. I just stayed quiet because I was displeased with Malcolm. Although now I'll have to replay to say this.
In real life I'd have just called him a cunt and then spat at him, that would've been a nice option.
I found that fitting, given the circumstances. Especially if you remember Malcolm's family fought for the Targaryens during Robert's rebellion, and that they lost all their lands an titles, along with most of their members because of it.
I agree. We finally settle our differences, only for Finn to have doubts, to get over those doubts, to dying. "OTL And since they had to escape those zombies, there was no time for mourning.
I told him knowing full well it would hurt his feelings. Serves him right for ditching us in favor of something that might be vaguely useful 10+ years from now, when our family could be extinct in like a month. Christ, if he had come, he could've held the gate up and everything!
I agree. We finally settle our differences, only for Finn to have doubts, to get over those doubts, to dying. "OTL And since they had to escape those zombies, there was no time for mourning.
(WARNING: I'm gonna use a lot of sarcasam and other various emotions during this comment, so please don't get offended... Also it might be a bit long...)
Check this guy out:
Just a Whitehill soldier... Let's call him Joe... I believe we have seen him before, so we (players) kinda met him already...
I believe he was going to fight Asher but then in the next scene...
...he decided that he had more chance with a giant guy with a spiked bat so he joined his buddy... In case you forgot, in this scene he gets hit by Beast which in my opinion would kill him, but it could knock him out, i dunno... never been hit by a huge dude with a spikey bat...
But wait...
Holy shit, dude! That's some quick recovery! It took even Gryff to recover atleast an episode... Also, how'd you get up there so fast?! So, you gonna shoot Asher or Rodrik in the face now or...
Ah! He ran out of crossbow bolts cuz he shot like 10 of them at the gate, so it seems he'll fight Asher now with his sword...
Awww, thats a shame! Rip Joe!
JOE!!!!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
C'mon Telltale! I guess I understand it would be hard to make so many different characters designs that don't show up as much... But c'mon... I even saw the 2 guys that Gared killed in ep1 reused throught the episodes with like an addition of a helmet or something small like that...
I knew we wouldn't kill Gryff as Asher or Rodrik at the end of this episode, but i dunno...
You could have atleast gave us the option to kill one of the 3 unique soldiers, that actually got some lines and that you made more hateable (for me atleast)...
One of these two:
Or the sideburns guy that was mean to Rodrik and Ethan (Rip)...
I actually said that but I thought it was going to be in a funny humorous way not in the serious back stabbing way that was implied. Once I saw Malcolm's face, I was like DAMM IT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!
Sooo I was looking through the sound flies and it seems like... well EVERYONE had more voice lines at the Wight attack, theres lines of Gare… mored ordering someone to help Sylvi, Gared,Cotter or Finn. Theres also lines of Sylvi yelling at Gared its all his fault. Also a line where Gared yells "Lucky you where here!' anddd theres a line where Sylvi is yelling no for like 5 seconds. As well as Finn yelling for help and to cut the arms off. Also a bunch of weird yelling from Gared where he yells "Burn! Burn!" in a voice of satisfaction. Finn Yelling help and Cotter screaming "WIGHTS!" HMMM POSSIBLE CUT FINN/COTTER/SYLVI CHOICE HMMMM? Lol, tell me if anything like these appear in the actual game.
The Forresters - Limited Edition (Explicit Content)
Contains 19 Tracks (Including 5 X-tra Tracks)
7 Music Videos
5 Different Mixes on s… moreelected tracks
And a Forrester Family Portrait Poster INSIDE
* Can't Hold Us - Kid Ryon feat. The Pit Fighters
* The Ironwood - Urban Version
* F*ck Tha Whitehills [Music Video]
* The Glenmore Booty °GREATEST HIT°- LIVE - Suggested by @Yaya1314
* Boom Boom Boom Boom!! - The ForrestBoys
* Asher's Rap (Interlude) [Music Video]
* Getting Real HIIIII - Dubstep Mix
* T.H.U.G. Life in Westeros [Music Video]
* I Got Plenty Gold - Remix
* Drink Wine Everyday - feat. Snoop Arthur Glenmore [Music Video]
* Ballad of the Forresters °GREATEST HIT° [As Well] (Music Video and Urban Version)
* Big Poppa - feat. The Notorious T.Y.R.I.O.N.
* I Don't F$ck With You - feat. Big Jon Snow - Remix
* Busy Dying (X-Tra Track)
* My Homie - feat. J.L. (Jaime Lannister) [X-Tra Track]
* Old and Ugly - feat. Daene… [view original content]
When Mira and Sera are talking in episode 5, there's a model that's wearing the exact same clothes as Morgryn. And he looks like Morgryn when he walks past them. From 15:40 - 17:01
This made me laugh so hard!
Wait, is there a specific time you have to be silent? Or do you have to he silent the entire meeting? Or is it if you choose ANY of the silent options.
"Silence is a vaild option"
No its complete black, everyone pretty much has that on their necks and stuff because those parts don't show in game
After Episode 3, I should have made a note of this. The maggots get one scene and now they're gone. Apparently Gared's wound was disinfected and he had the maggots removed between scenes, during the timeskips, away from prying player eyes. I'm not very happy about this.
If you wanna be mean to Malcolm:
awwwww ;( that was harsh Asher...
I clicked that thinking he was gonna say it sarcastically. Sorry Malcom.
I did. Figured it'd be funny, and it was. Thanks for biting that bullet, Sansa. Though I didn't try to kill him. My Rodrik is brave, but not stupid.
Unfortunately there probably isn't one
Sooo I was looking through the sound flies and it seems like... well EVERYONE had more voice lines at the Wight attack, theres lines of Gared ordering someone to help Sylvi, Gared,Cotter or Finn. Theres also lines of Sylvi yelling at Gared its all his fault. Also a line where Gared yells "Lucky you where here!' anddd theres a line where Sylvi is yelling no for like 5 seconds. As well as Finn yelling for help and to cut the arms off. Also a bunch of weird yelling from Gared where he yells "Burn! Burn!" in a voice of satisfaction. Finn Yelling help and Cotter screaming "WIGHTS!" HMMM POSSIBLE CUT FINN/COTTER/SYLVI CHOICE HMMMM? Lol, tell me if anything like these appear in the actual game.
That's scary.
The codex is updated after episode 5.
Rodrik/Asher's death is mentioned. For Asher is says, 'He eventually returned to Westeros but was killed within hours of landing', I'm not sure what it says for Rodrik.
Malcolm's page is updated saying that he stayed in Essos to serve Daenerys Targaryen.
Duncan/Royland's entry is also updated depending on who was the traitor. I think it says the same for both-'But his true legacy will be one of betrayal as he was exposed as a traitor'.
I said it, I wanted to be hospitable.
If you sacrificed Rodrik, it says "Rodrik served well as lord of Ironrath, despite injuries he sustained at the Twins. He ultimately sacrificed his life for his family, shortly after his brother Asher's return to Westeros."
I clicked it thinking it was a joke, mostly because I didnt know what "Fire and Blood" meant. Then I was just like. Shit.
Whelp, people would find that disappointing
I said Iron from Ice, because that's what families say to one another.
Rodrik gets laid.
Is he blind or are we blind.....?
Being friendly with Finn costs him his life. Pissing him means he his safe back at the Wall.
Did it in my canon playthrough. Not gonna change it. No regrets.
In my opinion, that's the most unfair and heartbreaking thing in the whole game.
Oh nice! I didn't know that was a mean option or I'd have said it. I assumed that it was either playful or genuine. I just stayed quiet because I was displeased with Malcolm. Although now I'll have to replay to say this.
In real life I'd have just called him a cunt and then spat at him, that would've been a nice option.
I found that fitting, given the circumstances. Especially if you remember Malcolm's family fought for the Targaryens during Robert's rebellion, and that they lost all their lands an titles, along with most of their members because of it.
Gladly chose that option, Malcolm is pathetic.
Exactly why Rodrik had to live, must tap again!!!! lol
I agree.
We finally settle our differences, only for Finn to have doubts, to get over those doubts, to dying. "OTL And since they had to escape those zombies, there was no time for mourning.
Goes to show - being friendly in Westeros can be a mistake
I told him knowing full well it would hurt his feelings. Serves him right for ditching us in favor of something that might be vaguely useful 10+ years from now, when our family could be extinct in like a month. Christ, if he had come, he could've held the gate up and everything!
Makes me wonder if we'll be seeing Finn again... Either consciously unfriendly or unconsciously unfriendly...
(WARNING: I'm gonna use a lot of sarcasam and other various emotions during this comment, so please don't get offended... Also it might be a bit long...)
Check this guy out:
Just a Whitehill soldier... Let's call him Joe... I believe we have seen him before, so we (players) kinda met him already...
I believe he was going to fight Asher but then in the next scene...
...he decided that he had more chance with a giant guy with a spiked bat so he joined his buddy... In case you forgot, in this scene he gets hit by Beast which in my opinion would kill him, but it could knock him out, i dunno... never been hit by a huge dude with a spikey bat...
But wait...
Holy shit, dude! That's some quick recovery! It took even Gryff to recover atleast an episode... Also, how'd you get up there so fast?! So, you gonna shoot Asher or Rodrik in the face now or...
Ah! He ran out of crossbow bolts cuz he shot like 10 of them at the gate, so it seems he'll fight Asher now with his sword...
Awww, thats a shame! Rip Joe!
JOE!!!!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
C'mon Telltale! I guess I understand it would be hard to make so many different characters designs that don't show up as much... But c'mon... I even saw the 2 guys that Gared killed in ep1 reused throught the episodes with like an addition of a helmet or something small like that...
I knew we wouldn't kill Gryff as Asher or Rodrik at the end of this episode, but i dunno...
You could have atleast gave us the option to kill one of the 3 unique soldiers, that actually got some lines and that you made more hateable (for me atleast)...
One of these two:
Or the sideburns guy that was mean to Rodrik and Ethan (Rip)...
Okay, i'm done ranting.
I found it unintentionally hilarious that that guy literally showed up in every single scene at the end
It's like a guy playing every single part in a movie, and each scene is him just wearing a new wig or a new shirt
I actually said that but I thought it was going to be in a funny humorous way not in the serious back stabbing way that was implied. Once I saw Malcolm's face, I was like DAMM IT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!
The Finn lines of him calling for help and to cut off the arms are used when he's speared by that wight, I believe
Yeah, 'Fire and Blood' are the Targaryen House words.
Heard the first track is called "Fresh Out The Joint"
Their biggest hit so far is "The Glenmore Booty"
Most likely