S3 is Plummeting Due to this Recent Interview
Thread: S3 is Plummeting Due to this Recent Interview
After all Melissa said, and how she's even angry with the developers, people of this forum seem to be pissed as hell. I honestly don't even know anymore.
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People were pissed already. The best we can hope is that the interview has made telltale more aware of our frustrations.
Anyone got the link? People keep mentioning it.
Well we can hope this will make a change for the remaining portion of the series but in reality most likely not. From what I've gathered it really seems telltale had no idea or direction when it came to the 3rd installment and still do not know which i see in the writing of ANF.
In case ya'll don't want to listen to the 1 hour and 20 min, I typed it all up.
Speaker: "There's not enough Clementine"
Meli: "I agree"
Meli: (Talking about the alone flashbacks/finger.) "We only saw it get crushed we didn't see it come off....we haven't gotten to that part ye---" Then she gets cut off by the speaker. Another flashback awaiting?
Meli: (Talking about episode length) " I was sad when the first episode ended I was like what the fuck? Really? That was so short! I liked the pace I thought it was a really good pace but I was like... oh. It only took like an hour to play through the first episode. Considering each episode of S2 was about an hour and a half to two hours. So I have to admit I was a little..---
Speaker: "--that's why they released e1 and 2?"
Meli: "*....yeaaahh... they did that, uh, well there was so much rewriting these episodes, where, I didn't know what was going to be left in them and what wasn't. They were going in a totally different direction with episode---"
Speaker: "--What was it?" (the direction)
Meli: "--there was a kind of carver-esk character. And it's kind of a bummer because there were some really awesome recordings of that. Kind of the backstory of me and AJ getting separated, and there was some legitimate, like, awesome emotional scenes which I'm sure got cut." Dammit telltale why do you get rid of the good shit. Also, is this character Ava?
Meli: (About episode 2) "This is not to be all about me, but I'm just... for how much dialogue I recorded I was like, oh... clem in the second episode had some great scenes but she kind of seemed to go... just... it was kind of fast."
Meli: (How you feel about not being the playable character) "well... they didn't tell me I wasn't a playable character because technically I still am a playable character, but a first I was like 'oh okay, this 'javy guy' they better write his story really well or else they're going to piss off - which they still have - they're going to piss off a bunch of people with Clem not being the main focus. But once I got into the recordings and the story developed I thought it was actually.... I think it works out." Funny, when she said that last sentence she sounded really unenthusiastic and unsure.
Meli: (About E3) "I don't know what's gonna happen in the next episode we barely started recording it"
Meli: (About when Clem left TNF) "She (clem) gets to a point were shes like 'this is fucked, I'm out' so she leaves them. So hopefully she hasn't done too much bad with The New Frontier."
Meli: (Talking about recording clementines voice/attitude) "At first it was really dark. Every other word was like 'WELL FUCK YOU' you know. And then the writers were like 'Eh, we need to reel that in a little bit.' But she still cusses which is great." "We went back into the studio to bring back more of the S2 Clem, but then it was too nice. So then we went back in to try AGAIN and it was that definitely low... like, clementines never been overly emotional with her speech unless there is something overly dramatic happening. Ever since Lee/S2 she's been a soft spoken person."
Speaker: So you're saying you just started Episode 3?
Meli: "Yeah I have recorded one scene thus far but we went into the studio and they said "this will probably get totally rewritten, but were gonna go ahead and record this anyways. I wish I could tell you what its about.... (the scene)."
Meli: (about the E3 release date) "*I know with all these big games a deadlines I really don't want that to effect this game. I know there are amazingly talented people writing this game so I'm not afraid. I just don 't want them to, you know, say 'we need to get this episode out!' " She's saying she hopes they don't rush the episodes and that she's okay with long waits in between episodes.
Meli: (They're talking about the weed scene and how Clem would sound had she smoked) "Gabe, man, chill out, try this. Smoke some weed bro." I laughed.
Meli: (About Clem's ethnicity) "She's black and asian. Blasian."
Meli: (Talking about E3 release date) "My guess is it will release in March, at the earliest. Maybe April." Holy shit, I hope so. That way they can fix it.
What are you talking about?
This forum is nothing but complaints. She obviously has some power over this forum if you haven't read the many complaints surrounding her interview.
I guess we will just see.
The problem is that the episodes released three weeks ago, and you know how much word and closure we've gotten from Telltale and their staff since then? None. Nothing. Zilch.
So when we're left in the dark for so long and then suddenly we're given a little something, of course we're going to jump on it like starving animals. It's truly sad that none of Telltale's actually community staff has said a damn word, and it's left to the voice actors to say something. The people who don't even make the story are telling us more about the game.
And you know... I get that all the complaining is annoying, I find it annoying too, but had they not screwed up so bad there wouldn't be any. So, blame the cause rather than the effect is what I'm saying.
Thanks for that.
Do you have the link to the 1 hour, 20 min version? I just like to see things for myself.
I see. It just saddens me to see a game I've been anticipating for so long come out like junk.
Melissa is giving me a sassy "I don't give a f*ck" vibe from this whole thing (pretty attractive actually). Usually VAs would just keep their mouths shut and say "You'll have to wait and see. Wink wink." But she's expressing what seems like genuine built up frustration. It's quite interesting.
Fans are disappointed and pissed. Meli shares and validates all of our concerns about the new season thus far. I am so disappointed in Telltale in nearly every aspect.
I would be worried of getting fired honestly; she's slandering their name, but they can't get rid of Clem.
I'm honestly surprised she's come out and said all this. Kinda risky doing that if you want to keep your job.
I wouldn't go as far as to say slandering but she's definitely shit talking Telltale pretty fearlessly. I'm guessing she thinks there won't be a season 4 and they'd be stupid to kill Clem off so she's not too worried. But even still...

If they give Melissa flak for this interview, I'm basically done with TellTale. It's not enough to decrease the quality of their products but also to chastise people for speaking out?
Surely not, please no.
Direct link to the mp3 file.
Three different links in case one doesn't work for you. Thanks OzzyUK for the last two.
At the rate the writers are going, Clem will be killed off during this season anyways.
I'm actually glad she came out and said this and that it seems we're getting it around March because this gives me a glimmer of hope that they're delaying it to take our suggestions and criticisms into account.
Maybe I'm optimistic but here's hoping.
She's sorta got Telltale by the throat though. Voice actress for the main character so she isn't exactly disposable.
You're a star. Thank you.
I'd love to hear Gavin's thoughts on Kenny's death lol. Or even Christine Lakin's for that matter. Even though Gavin kind of roasted them during the S2E5 stream.
I'm gonna break down if episode 3 isn't at least 2 hours. Which I know it won't be. My guess is one hour and twenty seven minutes.
There will be a rampage on this forum if they fire the voice actor for Clementine.
And that's exactly why I, or we, are so angry by this. It had so much strength, I cared for the story so much, it had so much opportunity and passion. That's why I am so upset and saddened by the way it is being treated. I only give criticism because I care deeply for this game and its story. Had I not cared I wouldn't even be on here. I think this speaks for most, too.
We need you as a mod. (Thank you again)
From what I have seen, most people are already disliking it alot, albeit for different reasons, but theyre all valid, alot of people including myself dont like that Clem is a (not minor) side character, others dont like the action focus (I agree) others dont like the short episodes (I also agree).
I just hope after all this, and through A New Frontier and beyond, that we will all have a game to come back to, that there will be something good at the end of the tunnel, and that we can look forward to a season 4 that keeps all these things in mind, but as of right now, I dont know if that is gonna happen
That's one last problem they don't need to worry about.
Main character? Last I checked, we're not playing as Clementine anymore. I doubt they'd kill her off, but she's certainly killable.
Wait, I thought this was gonna be a monthly release season like Batman?
Amen to that.
It was going to, and it still might had Melissa said the wrong date. I do hope there will be a longer date though so they have time to work on the season's concerns.
They aren't that fucking stupid to do that.
Hmmm... Voice actress for the character many people mainly returned to see? Lol
People loved lee. Didn't stop them killing him off. Point?
Remember when we waited 119 days for an episode? And then it came out great? And remember when we waited 2 weeks for an episode, and it turned out terrible? Wonder if that's somehow related...
I just wished that New Frontier was more fluid. It pisses me off that I still look at this season as rushed. Why did Clem have to leave The New Frontier ? So again we see missed potential and we don't see the main bad guy's personality and beliefs. Rick's group sees Negan in the comics and the show for awhile and that's how they get to know him.
I would have wrote David to have reasons for what he does. He's not necessarily a bad guy completely like Carver was and he'd be as interesting as Negan by how I'd write him. I would have wrote him with his reasoning for the New Frontier would be the idea that to rebuild, you have to unite. David's reasoning would be that he would want to create a unified empire like Rome was and that's what he wanted to show Clementine. He would believe this due to his military background. He would have something called attack dogs, which would be walkers on chains.
TT keeps rushing this stuff and I'm sick of it, you're sick of it, we all are. Mellisa says "We had a Carver type guy at first" Thank goodness he never was put in the game.
Geez, sounds like Telltale barely had enough money to get the premiere out, possibly explaining why they charged us for 2 one-hour episodes.
Also sounds like they haven't done much work on episode 3 at all and are rewriting and cutting content left and right.
Meli sounds really frustrated and unenthusiastic.
I'm honestly SO grateful that she would do the right thing and speak the truth for the sake of the fans, who are being bullshitted left and right by Telltale.
She's the main character. Disregarding their little Javier Pet Project they're trying out, the reason they even made a season 3 is because of Clementine. And the reason so many people are playing is for Clementine. She is the main character, playable or not.
Good! I'm glad Melissa is being real and speaking out.
Exactly. Some people treat criticism like it comes out of hatred, it's really the opposite.