Hello, I have two questions. First, if you let the timer run out on the kill Dr. Lingard decision, Clementine can decide to kill Lingard or not. Another user told me she can decide to spare him based on your choices, is that true? If she decides to take the deal, he tells her where AJ is then she needlessly kills him anyways, I think that is way too dark for her. So please at least answer this one.
Second, you understand that a quite a few people don't like the prospect of Clementine and Gabe getting together right? I think most people would be satisfied if you just left that choice up to the player.
Other than that I think the episode was great and is a step in the right direction.
Can any telltale staff explain why Clementine is in this episode/series and why we still have flashbacks? It came off as shoehorned fanservice to have Clementine and the flashbacks in general.
I might be a little soon to say this so you don't have to answer but can we expect a May release for episode 5?
Do you think the mystery of missing characters like Christa, Bonnie, Mike, Lilly or Arvo will show up or at least know what happened to them?
I always wondered if there is any kind of possibility that Lee's wife is alive and somewhere did you guys ever make it official that she is dead? I'm probably thinking about this a little to much but I'm kind of curious.
Thanks for doing this it's ok if you can't answer these questions for certain reasons.
First if all. The (wo)man who made the Kenny flashback, really good job, and thanks for fixing the models of Kenny and Jane.
Will there be a chance to see Kenny/Jane again in the final episode? Of course it will be kinda spoilery if you outright say it, so just... Will there be a Chance to see them again?
I would very much like to know why character investment and character development has taken a huge backseat for this series as well as why there's so much reliance on shallow spectacle and shock value.
Why does David have the same feelings toward Clint that he does for Joan? ( If this question has spoilers that would rather not be revealed ). Will the team address his reasonings behind chasing after Clint if players shot Joan in Episode 5?
Thank you to everyone coming to answer fan questions.
Will we ever know what happened between Clem and Christa during the 16 months time skip?
Why did Clem never ever mention Christa in Season 3?
She was Clem's guardian for almost 2 years. So she was important in Clem's life.
She kept Clem alive. Lee was just there for 3 months. I would believe Christa was like a parent to Clem.
Not knowing about the fate of Christa bothers me. She was one of the important peoples in Clem's life.
I would love to see this being explained in a Christa/Clementine miniseries.
Episode 4 has to be my favourite episode of the season. I watched a playthrough of the episode on Youtube before I got the chance to play it myself. (this was the 24th April)
I knew the release date was the 25th April worldwide and when I woke up the next morning I wasn't able to install the episode. (as I had already pre-purchased the whole season)
I'm an IOS user from Australia and the episode is still unable to be downloaded as of this morning (April 27th) as the app just states "Episode 4 Coming Soon".
I remember the same thing happening with episode 3, its release date was March 28th and I wasn't able to actually get the episode until March 31st.
I was just wondering if you guys could comment on why only IOS is having problems with the episodes not being able to be downloaded on its actual release date.
That being said, 'Thicker Than Water' was definitely my favourite episode of the season so far, everything was executed perfectly and I was literally SHOOK by the end of the episode. Massive congratulations to the people who worked on this episode!
Why would anyone think it's a good idea to put Clem and Gabe together? Speaking on behalf of just about every fan, can you make sure that relationship never happens?
On the topic of Gabe, why is he such a screw-up and can we please kill him in Episode 5?
Will Clem's Episode 5 flashback be more than 5 minutes and will we actually get to play as her in the current time?
One last question: Any news on a possible Season 4 or Clementine DLC?
Can any telltale staff explain why Clementine is in this episode/series and why we still have flashbacks? It came off as shoehorned fanservice to have Clementine and the flashbacks in general.
Oookaaaay let's see what we have here...
This one is kinda stupid but is there a chance Tripp can survive? I saw him roll over believing he was dead but he weren't and I've seen a few other video game characters survive much worse. It doesn't look to good for him but I am a very hopeful guy c:
I also kind of expected to hear clem's last name this episode so maybe in the next one?
And what's the deal with clem and javier? Are they good friends, best friends or is it kind of like a new Lee sort of thing?
Last one: I don't exactly want to know the full details but maybe a little hint at a certain scene that plays out like Lee's armed with death moment during the finale? Kinda been on my wishlist for a while now and it would be a sweet throwback. I hope episode 5 goes in the direction of clem taking on a herde of walkers and javi taking on the new frontier.
Is there somewhere where I could purchase official posters for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier or previous seasons? I'm kind of a poster guy and would definitely give you guys my money for something like that to display, and I'm sure others would too. Thanks so much!
Why clem acting way toward javi or the ppl in TNF doesn't change Depending on our choices with her or against her or even as her from TWD S2 or the flashbacks isn't this make clem the worst character in this game she had no role in the story and the game doesn't feel like its a continuation to clem story?
Why there is no puzzles in this game as good as TWD S1 like the train puzzle or crowford puzzles you can Merge so much in the game, the S1 is a playable game you have so much Control in it with so much hubs and extra Dialogues with the characters within the hubs that one of a lot stuff that made the game great and that was in GOTG why it was not in TNF?
Why Elenore had no good character development all characters we met in this game?
Do you Believe in TNF as S3?
You have the right to ignore the last Q but if did
(!) I will remember that
And one thing i liked ep4 it was good was the closest EP in this game The closest in its specifications how TNF should have been from the start it had hubs and more clem playable time
So thank you.
but why gabe bring what happing back with conrad out like that it was totaly wrong even if you treated gabe nice he will back stap you?
and ELenore how she still betray you even if you didn't shoot conrad?
Does clem actions in the upcoming EP5 will change Depending on our choices or not ? Plz i need to know that
I wouldn't say the sooner the better, honestly. I'd rather have a polished, outstanding final episode be released when it's top notch, instead of trying to push a deadline.
If there were to be another season following A New Frontier, for the sake of marketing would the title of "Season" like in "The Walking Dead: Season 2" be abandoned for another season with a colon title, similar to "The Walking Dead: A New Frontier"?
Have you guys got any indication for us as to whether there will be a post credits scene after From The Gallows? Season One had an after credit scene but Season Two did not.
Are there any plans to end this series soon? The Walking Dead is Telltale's flagship game. It put you on the map, how far in the future can we expect confirmation on whether or not there will be a season four?
Can you guys do very bad things to whoever came up with the bait and switch choice at the end of episode 3 pretty please? That was savage!
* Have you guys got any indication for us as to whether there will be a post credits scene after From The Gallows? Season One had an after c… moreredit scene but Season Two did not.
* Are there any plans to end this series soon? The Walking Dead is Telltale's flagship game. It put you on the map, how far in the future can we expect confirmation on whether or not there will be a season four?
* Can you guys do very bad things to whoever came up with the bait and switch choice at the end of episode 3 pretty please? That was savage!
For the past 2 episodes there was zero reason for her to be there. She appears and disappears at random with trivial 1 minute flashbacks. She contributes little to nothing to the plot and primarily appears for the flashbacks which are pointless. What's the point of having her if she's just there as another character who serves no purposes to the story or plot and only relevance is shoehorned fan appeal. I'd just like to know from telltale exactly why they decided to keep her.
And why not, most of the people including me like her and wouldnt play it without her.
And she is the best fictional character ever, can'… moret name one different character I care about but her.
They can't just kill her, you can't imagine how much sorrow would that cause
So I Want to thank you telltale for still having Clem around
I wouldn't say the sooner the better, honestly. I'd rather have a polished, outstanding final episode be released when it's top notch, instead of trying to push a deadline.
* How did you come up with the idea of killing the person you chose to save?
* Why David chases Clint at the end of the episode, when clear… morely he wanted to step up and be the good guy?
* Will we ever see again recognizable characters in non-flashbacks?
* What is the stage of developing of ep 5 (nearly finished and whatever..)?
* What happened to Max if you decide to spare him in ep3?
Episode 5 is rumoured to come out in May. Should all things go smoothly with the finalisation and completion of the episode. Whether this is accurate or not is something I can't answer.
I wouldn't say the sooner the better, honestly. I'd rather have a polished, outstanding final episode be released when it's top notch, instead of trying to push a deadline.
Following the continuity of most of the flashbacks, is it possible for Clementine to end up in Prescott in a final flashback in Episode 5? That location and group has a lot of potential and character development to be explored, and not much of that really happened before it was destroyed. It would be great to see Clementine find herself over there and introduce herself to Tripp and Conrad and the rest of the folks.
Feels really good to see you guys interacting with the forums regularly
I was thoroughly enjoying Thicker Than Water, I loved the feel of urgency in the plot, the Clementine interactions this episode were 10/10, the flashback with Jane (and Kenny... I guess) was also 10/10 (particularly liked that S2 choices like having AJ puke on Jane and watching Carver die came into effect, kinda sad that we didn't see Sarita, Carlos, Alvin and maybe even Sarah's body in the pile, but that's alright), the choice handling has been exceptional, I am feeling particularly rewarded for not having killed Conrad and watching players who did get told off by Tripp and Eleanor was extremely satisfying (probably one of the best scenes of this season).
(Obviously, this does not erase the excruciating first two episodes (which are among the worst pieces of fiction I've - ever - consumed), the killing off of Kenny and Jane and the overall unoriginality of the antagonist group - The New Frontier).
So, the episode was going pretty good. Until its last scene. I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around a certain key character to that scene: our antagonist Joan. She was presented to us as a calculative, smart leader, willing to do anything (emphasis on "anything") for her people, even raiding other settlements. I didn't catch a glimpse of sadism in her character, or any thirst for revenge (and if there were hints of such things in her character, please enlighten me). Same can be said for her first scene in quarantine in episode 4.
But then in the last scene, we see her gathering her community in one place, preparing to pin various murders on David. And that's fine, even smart - until Javier joins the party. She brings out two of our "friends" (I actively hate Tripp so kinda weird calling him a friend), tells us to chose one (paints it as an act of mercy, sure) and then kills the one we chose to save. Why? Is she trying to teach us a lesson? Is she just being a sadist? And after she kills Ava/Tripp, what was the end goal with everyone she had just angered? Was she planning on killing us too? Was she going to jail us all for the rest of our lives? Exile (doubtful since she is against Clint's idea of exile)? What was the end goal here, exactly?
There's also some other (smaller) things I need to wrap my head around:
How many time passed since Ava's flashback in episode 4 and Clem taking that tree down to stop the truck?
Was Wellington raided by The New Frontier?
And finally:
I miss the rewind feature .
Is there ANY chance we are seeing Lilly again? She is a great character which I miss a lot! Is there any hope for maybe her inclusion in a DLC or maybe even in the main story?
Any plans for after A New Frontier ends?
Thank you.
(PS: can we expect a forum update anytime soon? I feel like this new version is a big downgrade from the previous layout. Not being able to tell read notification from unread is maddening).
How is Clem able to read and spell the meds in Episode 3, with a first grade education?
Question 2
Is the New Frontier Clem a image of Christa? She hates groups, closed, and attitude. Also what is with Clem's disrespect towards Christa? She travels with her for two years and never mentions her. Does Christa abuse Clem during the timeskip because of the resentment towards Omids death?
I think Clem and Gabe make a really cute couple. It's nice to see a ray of hope in the bleak, desolate mess that is otherwise the apocalypse.
This isn't really a question, but I just wanted to make sure that nothing happens to Gabe in Ep 5 so that he and Clem can be a thing in Ep 5 and beyond. Please don't be cruel and pull a Carley like you guys did in Season 1
Thanks so much! We appreciate you guys for being here for us.
I don't want to spoil anything, but I can honestly say that the endings of the previous two seasons made ME cry, and I hope dearly that the S3 ending lives up to that legacy.
And thank you -- Conrad's one of my favorite things about the season, and I'm really glad to see he has his fans.
Ep 4 was such a good episode I really appreciate you guys listening to fans feedback
But I have to ask this....will ep 5 make ma cry like a baby
EDIT: I really liked what you guys did with Conrad I was impressed
That finale scene was one of the hardest parts of Episode 4 -- it definitely took the longest time to get right, and we went through a BUNCH of different iterations of the scene before we landed on the one that shipped. When the season is over, it'd be fun to go into some of those paths not taken in more detail.
We always knew that the episode needed to end at the Town Meeting, but exactly what would go down there and how changed a lot -- and it all was based on putting something on screen, getting feedback, and trying again.
We frequently think and talk about Carley and Doug; that choice was a good one and we're always trying to find ways to give those good, hard choices to the player.
Ooh, this looks fun. Alright, I think I've got one:
How did you come up with the choice between Ava and Tripp? It seemed to be a twist on… more the Carley and Doug situation way back when, and made things look so bleak and intense when the person I wanted to save was killed, but why did you guys choose to go this route?
Will we ever know what happened between Clem and Christa during the 16 months time skip?
Why did Clem never ever mention Christa in Season … more3?
She was Clem's guardian for almost 2 years. So she was important in Clem's life.
She kept Clem alive. Lee was just there for 3 months. I would believe Christa was like a parent to Clem.
Not knowing about the fate of Christa bothers me. She was one of the important peoples in Clem's life.
I would love to see this being explained in a Christa/Clementine miniseries.
I think Clem and Gabe make a really cute couple. It's nice to see a ray of hope in the bleak, desolate mess that is otherwise the apocalypse… more.
This isn't really a question, but I just wanted to make sure that nothing happens to Gabe in Ep 5 so that he and Clem can be a thing in Ep 5 and beyond. Please don't be cruel and pull a Carley like you guys did in Season 1
Hello, I have two questions. First, if you let the timer run out on the kill Dr. Lingard decision, Clementine can decide to kill Lingard or not. Another user told me she can decide to spare him based on your choices, is that true? If she decides to take the deal, he tells her where AJ is then she needlessly kills him anyways, I think that is way too dark for her. So please at least answer this one.
Second, you understand that a quite a few people don't like the prospect of Clementine and Gabe getting together right? I think most people would be satisfied if you just left that choice up to the player.
Other than that I think the episode was great and is a step in the right direction.
Can any telltale staff explain why Clementine is in this episode/series and why we still have flashbacks? It came off as shoehorned fanservice to have Clementine and the flashbacks in general.
Thanks for doing this it's ok if you can't answer these questions for certain reasons.
First if all. The (wo)man who made the Kenny flashback, really good job, and thanks for fixing the models of Kenny and Jane.
Will there be a chance to see Kenny/Jane again in the final episode? Of course it will be kinda spoilery if you outright say it, so just... Will there be a Chance to see them again?
I would very much like to know why character investment and character development has taken a huge backseat for this series as well as why there's so much reliance on shallow spectacle and shock value.
Will Eleanor have more screen time in Episode 5?
Why does David have the same feelings toward Clint that he does for Joan? ( If this question has spoilers that would rather not be revealed ). Will the team address his reasonings behind chasing after Clint if players shot Joan in Episode 5?
Thank you to everyone coming to answer fan questions.
Will we ever know what happened between Clem and Christa during the 16 months time skip?
Why did Clem never ever mention Christa in Season 3?
She was Clem's guardian for almost 2 years. So she was important in Clem's life.
She kept Clem alive. Lee was just there for 3 months. I would believe Christa was like a parent to Clem.
Not knowing about the fate of Christa bothers me. She was one of the important peoples in Clem's life.
I would love to see this being explained in a Christa/Clementine miniseries.
Also, how soon can we expect episode 5? (The sooner the better)
Will there be more Clementine x Gabe scenes in episode 5?
Ship them so well and it would be tragic if Gabe died.
Can you kill off Gabe?
Or at least give us that option.
Episode 4 has to be my favourite episode of the season. I watched a playthrough of the episode on Youtube before I got the chance to play it myself. (this was the 24th April)
I knew the release date was the 25th April worldwide and when I woke up the next morning I wasn't able to install the episode. (as I had already pre-purchased the whole season)
I'm an IOS user from Australia and the episode is still unable to be downloaded as of this morning (April 27th) as the app just states "Episode 4 Coming Soon".
I remember the same thing happening with episode 3, its release date was March 28th and I wasn't able to actually get the episode until March 31st.
I was just wondering if you guys could comment on why only IOS is having problems with the episodes not being able to be downloaded on its actual release date.
That being said, 'Thicker Than Water' was definitely my favourite episode of the season so far, everything was executed perfectly and I was literally SHOOK by the end of the episode. Massive congratulations to the people who worked on this episode!
Why would anyone think it's a good idea to put Clem and Gabe together? Speaking on behalf of just about every fan, can you make sure that relationship never happens?
On the topic of Gabe, why is he such a screw-up and can we please kill him in Episode 5?
Will Clem's Episode 5 flashback be more than 5 minutes and will we actually get to play as her in the current time?
One last question: Any news on a possible Season 4 or Clementine DLC?
And why not, most of the people including me like her and wouldnt play it without her.
And she is the best fictional character ever, can't name one different character I care about but her.
They can't just kill her, you can't imagine how much sorrow would that cause
So I Want to thank you telltale for still having Clem around
Oookaaaay let's see what we have here...
This one is kinda stupid but is there a chance Tripp can survive? I saw him roll over believing he was dead but he weren't and I've seen a few other video game characters survive much worse. It doesn't look to good for him but I am a very hopeful guy c:
I also kind of expected to hear clem's last name this episode so maybe in the next one?
And what's the deal with clem and javier? Are they good friends, best friends or is it kind of like a new Lee sort of thing?
Last one: I don't exactly want to know the full details but maybe a little hint at a certain scene that plays out like Lee's armed with death moment during the finale? Kinda been on my wishlist for a while now and it would be a sweet throwback. I hope episode 5 goes in the direction of clem taking on a herde of walkers and javi taking on the new frontier.
Is there somewhere where I could purchase official posters for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier or previous seasons? I'm kind of a poster guy and would definitely give you guys my money for something like that to display, and I'm sure others would too. Thanks so much!
Why clem acting way toward javi or the ppl in TNF doesn't change Depending on our choices with her or against her or even as her from TWD S2 or the flashbacks isn't this make clem the worst character in this game she had no role in the story and the game doesn't feel like its a continuation to clem story?
Why there is no puzzles in this game as good as TWD S1 like the train puzzle or crowford puzzles you can Merge so much in the game, the S1 is a playable game you have so much Control in it with so much hubs and extra Dialogues with the characters within the hubs that one of a lot stuff that made the game great and that was in GOTG why it was not in TNF?
Why Elenore had no good character development all characters we met in this game?
Do you Believe in TNF as S3?
You have the right to ignore the last Q but if did
(!) I will remember that
And one thing i liked ep4 it was good was the closest EP in this game The closest in its specifications how TNF should have been from the start it had hubs and more clem playable time
So thank you.
but why gabe bring what happing back with conrad out like that it was totaly wrong even if you treated gabe nice he will back stap you?
and ELenore how she still betray you even if you didn't shoot conrad?
Does clem actions in the upcoming EP5 will change Depending on our choices or not ? Plz i need to know that
I wouldn't say the sooner the better, honestly. I'd rather have a polished, outstanding final episode be released when it's top notch, instead of trying to push a deadline.
Are we ever going to see returning characters?
If there were to be another season following A New Frontier, for the sake of marketing would the title of "Season" like in "The Walking Dead: Season 2" be abandoned for another season with a colon title, similar to "The Walking Dead: A New Frontier"?
Have you guys got any indication for us as to whether there will be a post credits scene after From The Gallows? Season One had an after credit scene but Season Two did not.
Are there any plans to end this series soon? The Walking Dead is Telltale's flagship game. It put you on the map, how far in the future can we expect confirmation on whether or not there will be a season four?
Can you guys do very bad things to whoever came up with the bait and switch choice at the end of episode 3 pretty please? That was savage!
I mean episode 4*
For the past 2 episodes there was zero reason for her to be there. She appears and disappears at random with trivial 1 minute flashbacks. She contributes little to nothing to the plot and primarily appears for the flashbacks which are pointless. What's the point of having her if she's just there as another character who serves no purposes to the story or plot and only relevance is shoehorned fan appeal. I'd just like to know from telltale exactly why they decided to keep her.
Well they are wanting this season wrapped up by the end of may and I've heard they've already finished most of EP5.
To your question of EP5 I'd say it's pretty close since they are working hard to get it released in May.
Episode 5 is rumoured to come out in May. Should all things go smoothly with the finalisation and completion of the episode. Whether this is accurate or not is something I can't answer.
TWDG WIKI - From the Gallows
Following the continuity of most of the flashbacks, is it possible for Clementine to end up in Prescott in a final flashback in Episode 5? That location and group has a lot of potential and character development to be explored, and not much of that really happened before it was destroyed. It would be great to see Clementine find herself over there and introduce herself to Tripp and Conrad and the rest of the folks.
Why does Eleanor tell Joan the plan when Conrad is alive and the others tell her it'd be stupid?
One question: Are we ever going to find out what happened to Christa?
Go back to Clem baby boiiii
Will we see a Kenny/Jane flashback in Episode 5?
Feels really good to see you guys interacting with the forums regularly
I was thoroughly enjoying Thicker Than Water, I loved the feel of urgency in the plot, the Clementine interactions this episode were 10/10, the flashback with Jane (and Kenny... I guess) was also 10/10 (particularly liked that S2 choices like having AJ puke on Jane and watching Carver die came into effect, kinda sad that we didn't see Sarita, Carlos, Alvin and maybe even Sarah's body in the pile, but that's alright), the choice handling has been exceptional, I am feeling particularly rewarded for not having killed Conrad and watching players who did get told off by Tripp and Eleanor was extremely satisfying (probably one of the best scenes of this season).
(Obviously, this does not erase the excruciating first two episodes (which are among the worst pieces of fiction I've - ever - consumed), the killing off of Kenny and Jane and the overall unoriginality of the antagonist group - The New Frontier).
So, the episode was going pretty good. Until its last scene. I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around a certain key character to that scene: our antagonist Joan. She was presented to us as a calculative, smart leader, willing to do anything (emphasis on "anything") for her people, even raiding other settlements. I didn't catch a glimpse of sadism in her character, or any thirst for revenge (and if there were hints of such things in her character, please enlighten me). Same can be said for her first scene in quarantine in episode 4.
But then in the last scene, we see her gathering her community in one place, preparing to pin various murders on David. And that's fine, even smart - until Javier joins the party. She brings out two of our "friends" (I actively hate Tripp so kinda weird calling him a friend), tells us to chose one (paints it as an act of mercy, sure) and then kills the one we chose to save. Why? Is she trying to teach us a lesson? Is she just being a sadist? And after she kills Ava/Tripp, what was the end goal with everyone she had just angered? Was she planning on killing us too? Was she going to jail us all for the rest of our lives? Exile (doubtful since she is against Clint's idea of exile)? What was the end goal here, exactly?
There's also some other (smaller) things I need to wrap my head around:
How many time passed since Ava's flashback in episode 4 and Clem taking that tree down to stop the truck?
Was Wellington raided by The New Frontier?
And finally:
I miss the rewind feature
Is there ANY chance we are seeing Lilly again? She is a great character which I miss a lot! Is there any hope for maybe her inclusion in a DLC or maybe even in the main story?
Any plans for after A New Frontier ends?
Thank you.
(PS: can we expect a forum update anytime soon? I feel like this new version is a big downgrade from the previous layout. Not being able to tell read notification from unread is maddening).
Will we be able to play as Clem during the present time in Episode 5?
Will Episode 5 be emotional?
Are you planning on make a Season 3 of TWD?
Question 1
How is Clem able to read and spell the meds in Episode 3, with a first grade education?
Question 2
Is the New Frontier Clem a image of Christa? She hates groups, closed, and attitude. Also what is with Clem's disrespect towards Christa? She travels with her for two years and never mentions her. Does Christa abuse Clem during the timeskip because of the resentment towards Omids death?
I think Clem and Gabe make a really cute couple. It's nice to see a ray of hope in the bleak, desolate mess that is otherwise the apocalypse.
This isn't really a question, but I just wanted to make sure that nothing happens to Gabe in Ep 5 so that he and Clem can be a thing in Ep 5 and beyond. Please don't be cruel and pull a Carley like you guys did in Season 1
Thanks so much! We appreciate you guys for being here for us.
I don't want to spoil anything, but I can honestly say that the endings of the previous two seasons made ME cry, and I hope dearly that the S3 ending lives up to that legacy.
And thank you -- Conrad's one of my favorite things about the season, and I'm really glad to see he has his fans.
What are your thoughts on your work on Episode 5?
Will the romance between Clem and Gave be optional?
How many characters will survive this season?
That finale scene was one of the hardest parts of Episode 4 -- it definitely took the longest time to get right, and we went through a BUNCH of different iterations of the scene before we landed on the one that shipped. When the season is over, it'd be fun to go into some of those paths not taken in more detail.
We always knew that the episode needed to end at the Town Meeting, but exactly what would go down there and how changed a lot -- and it all was based on putting something on screen, getting feedback, and trying again.
We frequently think and talk about Carley and Doug; that choice was a good one and we're always trying to find ways to give those good, hard choices to the player.
Why did Clem never ever mention Christa in Season 3?
She was Clem's guardian for almost 2 years. So she was important in Clem's life.
I'm wondering the same thing.