TWD The Final Season Ep 1 Waiting Thread - Releases Aug 14th, Switch EU Aug 28th



  • I’m pissed about that as well — the people who made that decision actually care about it, Telltale!

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i hope the story builder is the same one that'll be included in the game. or at least have a chance to download it. it's a nice little recap. except how they left out the part where i let jane die then shot kenny in his stupid face.

  • edited August 2018

    But the thing is it eventually ends up resulting in the alone ending... I'm 99% sure the final season would never actually let Clem reference how she let Jane die and then shot Kenny. What matters is that for all intents and purposes the story generator lets her get the alone ending.

    The people who actually have a right to be upset are the people who stayed with Kenny but aren't given the option to stay in Wellington or leave with Kenny... I'm literally having to replay s2 and ANF just to make sure I have the correct Kenny ending.

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    I’m pissed about that as well — the people who made that decision actually care about it, Telltale!

  • No way, that how I got to my alone ending not being represented is just as egregious as the Wellington/stay with Kenny choice getting wiped out, same with the let family in or tell them to leave choice. No matter what you end up alone, so the only thing that actually matters is how we got there.

    But the thing is it eventually ends up resulting in the alone ending... I'm 99% sure the final season would never actually let Clem referenc

  • For all intents and purposes it doesnt matter how Clem ended up alone. Whether she ditched Jane, ditched Kenny, or let them both die, she ends up alone and gets the alone flashback and missing finger in ANF. Nobody was complaining that they didn't get to talk about how they ended up in ANF, why should they expect it to matter a season later?

    Completely neglecting two distinct endings and their determinant scars in the story generator is completely unacceptable. Telltale literally shafted 2 out of the 4 s2 endings and their scars for no reason. Story generator is not a viable option for players with these endings whereas it still does the job for alone enders.

    Plan_R posted: »

    No way, that how I got to my alone ending not being represented is just as egregious as the Wellington/stay with Kenny choice getting wiped

  • I'll give it to you on the scars point, that's a physical change. But on a personal level it sucks across the board.

    For all intents and purposes it doesnt matter how Clem ended up alone. Whether she ditched Jane, ditched Kenny, or let them both die, she en

  • It does but then again, it's a fourth season of the series. It'd be a very hard task to include every choice from every episode ever released.Okay, even if we focus on the major ones only, it's still a long list of choices and their potential consequences.

    Plan_R posted: »

    I'll give it to you on the scars point, that's a physical change. But on a personal level it sucks across the board.

  • Personal level I can agree on, it sucks there isn't more nuance to the generator. The generator was cinematic and cool but I wish they just used a simple checklist to get ALL of our choices across.

    And yeah, no scars for Wellington and maybe the Kenny ending. Having to replay ANF so i have a save file to use..

    Plan_R posted: »

    I'll give it to you on the scars point, that's a physical change. But on a personal level it sucks across the board.

  • I wonder if there will be credits songs like in s1 and 2

  • We are now officially 7 Days away from The Premiere of The Walking Dead: The Final Season :smile: :heart:

  • Ehh… Positive and negative biases set aside, the story generator in ANF wasn't all that great either. However, those of us that played the previous games were able to import our saves to get a more varying Clem. This may be why TTG says we will be able to choose between our previous saves and the story generator. The generator probably covers the very minimum backstory needed for TFS, while all the nuance stuff will either be randomly generated in game or funned to one or a few select Clem stories. Those of us that have played the previous games probably will have any our previous stories shape the details of our ANF Clem.

    Thinking about it more, that would be a slick way to get people who are jumping in at the end to want to play the previous seasons. If people who use the story generator are only funneled to one or a few Clem variants, they may want to play previous season to get some of the other Clem variants that are only accessible through data from the previous save files. This is all assuming that:

    • The story generator TTG released for TFS only covers the bare minimum previous choices for game
    • The story generator is limited to only a few Clem stories
    • Previous saves from the past 3 seasons unlock more varied Clem stories

    But again, this is only my speculation. I'm just a fan with an opinion.

    For all intents and purposes it doesnt matter how Clem ended up alone. Whether she ditched Jane, ditched Kenny, or let them both die, she en

  • edited August 2018

    Preach! I'll be so disappointed if all of those "we didn't forget about the hat guys" lines are just like George R. R. Martin's "the dragons are coming" bit from South Park. I'm hoping this whole story generator thing is handled like Mass Effect. Like you can choose the path you want and everything but if you want the more intricate references and cameos you'll need to have a save file where you finished the previous installments.

    But the thing is it eventually ends up resulting in the alone ending... I'm 99% sure the final season would never actually let Clem referenc

  • Dwayne N Jazz are good people, so agreed.

    Veeeee posted: »

    I don’t watch let’s play videos that often but the segment of this video I have linked is one of the most entertaining things I have seen in

  • I know it's probably strongly offtopic but when I read this I imagined Clementine picking up phone, randomly calling a group of fans and whispering "7 days" :D

    We are now officially 7 Days away from The Premiere of The Walking Dead: The Final Season

  • I agree, this is Telltale we're talking about, not QuanticDream. Telltale doesn't have 5 years to develop a title that thinks of absolutely every single possible nuance.

    Tewudin posted: »

    It does but then again, it's a fourth season of the series. It'd be a very hard task to include every choice from every episode ever release

  • Shouldn't the trailer be out today? They usually post trailers a week before the release, right?

  • Sometimes they also release them thursday

    GoTRules posted: »

    Shouldn't the trailer be out today? They usually post trailers a week before the release, right?

  • Who else is absolutely not going to watch the trailer? We only have 4 episodes of Clementine left ever... I want to go in as blind as I possibly can at this point.

  • Should be coming soon.

    GoTRules posted: »

    Shouldn't the trailer be out today? They usually post trailers a week before the release, right?

  • Good point. I think the teaser and demo has giving me enough to see. Time to put on the blindfold for the rest.

    Who else is absolutely not going to watch the trailer? We only have 4 episodes of Clementine left ever... I want to go in as blind as I possibly can at this point.

  • Considering this myself honestly since this IS the last time we'll ever see Clem. I also kinda wanna avoid the "Next time on The Walking Dead..." clips too. Fraser Agar from Video Games Awesome GETS MAD when seeing these.

    Who else is absolutely not going to watch the trailer? We only have 4 episodes of Clementine left ever... I want to go in as blind as I possibly can at this point.

  • They have not done these for a long time. Their recent games don`t have next time on segments.

    kikyouchanx posted: »

    Considering this myself honestly since this IS the last time we'll ever see Clem. I also kinda wanna avoid the "Next time on The Walking Dead..." clips too. Fraser Agar from Video Games Awesome GETS MAD when seeing these.

  • edited August 2018

    I guess I never notice! LOL

    Edit: Yep, they stopped doing them. I went back and watched ANF on Video Games Awesome and there was no "Next time" clip.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    They have not done these for a long time. Their recent games don`t have next time on segments.

  • I think the adult faction is the Mccaroll Ranch group. Clementine nicked AJ from there because they wouldn’t allow her to have him so stealing him was a threat to their community. Now the Mccaroll Ranch group is after Clementine and AJ. Also I think Clementine went back to Richmond with AJ. Whilst they were staying there, the Mccaroll Ranch group destroy Richmond, Clementine and AJ escape whilst mostly everyone else dies during the mayhem. This will all unravel in flashbacks during each Episodes.

  • I wish I could see all of Season 3 characters and environments in Season 2 graphics :'(

  • Or Season 4 graphics.

    Hell, i would buy the collection again, if they remade all games with the new mechanics and graphic-style.

    I wish I could see all of Season 3 characters and environments in Season 2 graphics

  • Mee thinks it's the 'pc surprise' releasing later this week.

    GoTRules posted: »

    Shouldn't the trailer be out today? They usually post trailers a week before the release, right?

  • I think we will have The trailer the Thursday


  • Sounds cool but I guess there would be a lot of people saying that this was a cheap move and yet another evidence that ANF was a useless crap that overall wasn't needed. Not my opinion but I can imagine people complaining about that.

    I think the adult faction is the Mccaroll Ranch group. Clementine nicked AJ from there because they wouldn’t allow her to have him so steali

  • You my friend have the strongest of wills... how can you know theirs a trailer, and not watch it?

    Who else is absolutely not going to watch the trailer? We only have 4 episodes of Clementine left ever... I want to go in as blind as I possibly can at this point.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The trailer will be released on Thursday.

  • I know it Im so happy right now

  • Can we get a confirmation the episode is at least 2 hours long?

  • Me thinking about watching a trailer

    The usual end result

  • I wouldn't get your hopes up.

    Can we get a confirmation the episode is at least 2 hours long?

  • I hope this trailer isn't the "PC" surprise they were talking about.

  • The surprise is the demo

    Chibikid posted: »

    I hope this trailer isn't the "PC" surprise they were talking about.

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    It's not!

    Chibikid posted: »

    I hope this trailer isn't the "PC" surprise they were talking about.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited August 2018

    But what about the important stuff? Not this trailer/demo/wallpaper chaff. Is it just Clippy or will all the Microsoft Office Assistants be returning? Also who is the antagonist? Is it Jeeves the butler from Ask Jeeves?

    It's not!

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