I can't believe my Clem she just called the title of Louis's, "Super Fun Times Friend Song", really dumb. I hate her now ??. Drunk me agrees with all of Louis's ideas
I can't believe my Clem she just called the title of Louis's, "Super Fun Times Friend Song", really dumb. I hate her now ??. Drunk me agrees with all of Louis's ideas
Don't jump to conclusions, unless of course, you've already played the episode. So what if it's not in the choice generator? The generator d… moreidn't give us all of our choices, but it clearly took mine into consideration because it automatically selected the choices for me -- I didn't click on what I originally chose, the game already knew those things. So have faith that it'll take the sweatshirt into consideration, and if not, it is a Telltale game after all.
I'm in a weird spot somewhere between "ecstatic to get the final two episodes" and "not at all ready to face the reality of Telltale/TWDG being over forever". These last few months have been a rollercoaster. We're incredibly lucky that Telltale managed to start TFS before they shut down, and that Skybound Games was around to pick up the pieces. If Telltale had started TWAU s2 first, or started TFS just a couple weeks later, then we would most likely never see the end of Clem's story.
It's a pretty great time to be a fan though. Everyone is super passionate about the final two episodes, a lot of the staff has been communicating with the fans, and I know for a fact that Skybound has some cool things in store for everybody. I'd also say that additional TWDG content is more likely with Skybound in charge than if Telltale were still around. Either way it's been a hell of ride so far and I'm glad that Clementine, the fanbase, and the ex-devs are getting the closure that they deserve.
I think it could return eventually, I heard that some games are Epic Game Store Exclusives for up to 12 months, then the exclusivity deal runs out. It could be completely bogus, and I don't really have anything to prove it, but I recall hearing it on a YouTube video
Well, just finished my shipless playthrough of ep 2. I added a twist where I became close friends with Louis and then saved Violet instead. I hope he still calls her Queen Clem when she goes to save him.
I have played the game, but I have pledged myself to a promise that I will never do anything to hurt Vi.
Even if the opposite choice is better, I just can't bring myself to it!
I can't believe my Clem she just called the title of Louis's, "Super Fun Times Friend Song", really dumb. I hate her now ??. Drunk me agrees with all of Louis's ideas

??? This isn't me right now. This is someone else. Why do you always have to question everything? Can't you just come up with it yourself?
Well, you put it in the Waiting thread of all things, so....

Just replayed season 2.... fuck, I love this game.
Me too! I freaking loved season 2.
Just got the same feeling
Season Pass returned to the Polish PlayStation Store.
I'm in a weird spot somewhere between "ecstatic to get the final two episodes" and "not at all ready to face the reality of Telltale/TWDG being over forever". These last few months have been a rollercoaster. We're incredibly lucky that Telltale managed to start TFS before they shut down, and that Skybound Games was around to pick up the pieces. If Telltale had started TWAU s2 first, or started TFS just a couple weeks later, then we would most likely never see the end of Clem's story.
It's a pretty great time to be a fan though. Everyone is super passionate about the final two episodes, a lot of the staff has been communicating with the fans, and I know for a fact that Skybound has some cool things in store for everybody. I'd also say that additional TWDG content is more likely with Skybound in charge than if Telltale were still around. Either way it's been a hell of ride so far and I'm glad that Clementine, the fanbase, and the ex-devs are getting the closure that they deserve.
I just want to guess preemptively but I have a feeling Episode 4 will be ready to go by early March.
I would totally be fine with that. Give them time to polish this puppy until they bore a smooth glistening hole in our damned hearts.
Walking dead final season pass back on UK playstation store https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/product/EP2026-CUSA12026_00-TWDS40000000LSPB
Episode 3 was added to the Steam database a few hours ago
Hmph. They're certainly ready to go.
Only five days away.
Careful of leaks for episode 3.
Episode 4 release date leaked (March 26th)
My body is not ready.
Is it just me or am I the only one who gets spoiled for literally everything aside from twd?
Whaddya mean?
In which sense, though?
That you never see spoilers of it floating around or that's its the only thing you refuse to be spoiled on?
I hardly ever see spoilers on the walking dead, but always manage to have something else spoiled for me, like the last Jedi and red dead 2
That's sorta interesting. Though a little easy.
Beware the leaks my dudes. Some people on steam received episode 3 early.
Does that mean there are commentary free walk/playthroughs up?
No, mainly plot details and shit. I wouldn’t be surprised if screenshots start gettting out in the next few days.
will go die now
People shouldn’t be allowed to get games early, at the very most it should be one day early so not everyone gets spoiled
Alright, this means it's time for me to let go of youtube, the subreddit, and maybe this forum too until the 15th.
Not gonna be a victim of spoilers.
But will it be purchasable again on Steam? I didn't have money for it when it came out. Now I'm fearing I won't ever be able to put in my library.
I think it could return eventually, I heard that some games are Epic Game Store Exclusives for up to 12 months, then the exclusivity deal runs out. It could be completely bogus, and I don't really have anything to prove it, but I recall hearing it on a YouTube video
Well, just finished my shipless playthrough of ep 2. I added a twist where I became close friends with Louis and then saved Violet instead. I hope he still calls her Queen Clem when she goes to save him.
Forgot to say: good-ish to know letting Violet get captured is the best scenario.
Ain't happening in my playthrough
What, you haven't played the game yet either?
I have played the game, but I have pledged myself to a promise that I will never do anything to hurt Vi.
Even if the opposite choice is better, I just can't bring myself to it!