Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]



  • edited May 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    we didn't cough up $200 for a sequel that didn't come for ten years mind you, we've already paid for this.

    The price doesn't justify the wait.


  • edited May 2010
    you know, i don't mind about ToMI and W&G from my order not coming. Sure, i am waiting for the DVDs to play it, but i don't really have the time either and i COULD play it if i wanted.
    No, i'm more bothered about the stuff that i DON'T have yet, meaning the ToMI deluxe stuff and the S&M season 2 case file so i'm slightly annoyed
  • edited May 2010


    Total Cost: $204.05

    The stuff in your order includes:

    • Tales of Monkey Island Poster Print (Signed)
    • Tales of Monkey Island Voodoo Card Set (You bought: 2)
    • Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
    • Tales of Monkey Island Art Portfolio
    • Tales of Monkey Island T-Shirt - Men's XL (You bought: 2)
    • Tales of Monkey Island Drinking Vessel
    • Tales of Monkey Island T-Shirt - Women's Medium

    Postage was like $45 bucks because it didn't include the art portfolio or the poster print. Splitting it didn't save much, it still cost that much for the poster to ship with the portfolio.
  • edited May 2010
    I was just wondering why I have such an absurd amount of patience about this whole thing, and I think that's probably a big part of my answer. I'd probably be pissed if I was waiting for a game I hadn't played yet, but I have played it and it's available for me to play again whenever I want. What I'm really waiting on is a disc to put on my shelf, bonus content, and a bunch of feelies, and to me, none of that is worth getting angry over. As long as we're not still having this discussion on Halloween, I think I'll be okay waiting.

    Regardless of your patience, the stuff should have shipped on the 10th of April.

    The wait is ridiculous. It's getting harder and harder to justify.
  • edited May 2010
    I personally don't care about the wait itself, but I would have felt better if instead of "Spring" they had said "ships on June 21st".

    The latter causes you to put it on the side of your mind and possibly count the days. The former causes you, starting on the first day of Spring, to come back everyday to check if it has shipped yet, then think "okay, maybe later today" and come back later, then again the next day, and so on, until you've been doing that for months and you feel really pissed, because every day you're as disappointed as if an actual deadline had been missed.

    I remember when I sent the package to telltale. I didn't know when it would get there. I only had a loose timeline and I kept wondering "did they get it yet?" and when hearing nothing, worrying that it got lost, damaged, stolen and so on. Every day.
    Then the day it arrived Will told me so and I was so relieved. I knew it was there, plus it was a Friday, so otherwise I would have driven myself mad all weekend. I was reaching a point when I was convinced I was going to have to start over and remake everything. Maybe I would have started during that weekend.
    I was very happy about the blog post that was made on the following Monday, but I'm very, very, very, very happy that I didn't have to wait until then to know it had got there in one piece.

    Next time I send one though, well now I have an idea of how long it takes, so I'm not going to really worry until it has taken the same amount of time and I haven't heard anything yet.

    I guess my point is that not knowing if it will be shipped today/tomorrow or not is much worse than knowing it won't. In my opinion, of course.
    Maybe I'm too optimistic. If I don't know, I assume it will, so when it doesn't I'm crushed. If I was pessimistic, I'd assume it won't, so if it did I'd be happily surprised. Maybe that's the main difference here.
  • edited May 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    Total Cost: $204.05

    The stuff in your order includes:

    • Tales of Monkey Island Poster Print (Signed)
    • Tales of Monkey Island Voodoo Card Set (You bought: 2)
    • Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
    • Tales of Monkey Island Art Portfolio
    • Tales of Monkey Island T-Shirt - Men's XL (You bought: 2)
    • Tales of Monkey Island Drinking Vessel
    • Tales of Monkey Island T-Shirt - Women's Medium

    Postage was like $45 bucks because it didn't include the art portfolio or the poster print. Splitting it didn't save much, it still cost that much for the poster to ship with the portfolio.

    Well, with an order of that size, your irritation over this whole thing is certainly explained a bit more. Not that I'd have any trouble understanding if you were annoyed even with a smaller order, but with you waiting on that much stuff, you certainly have even more reason to be upset.

    Yeah, that's right everyone. I just sympathized with Fury. Either the 40 straight hours of consciousness is getting to me or the end times are upon us.
  • edited May 2010
    Well, with an order of that size, your irritation over this whole thing is certainly explained a bit more. Not that I'd have any trouble understanding if you were annoyed even with a smaller order, but with you waiting on that much stuff, you certainly have even more reason to be upset.

    Yeah, that's right everyone. I just sympathized with Fury. Either the 40 straight hours of consciousness is getting to me or the end times are upon us.

    It said backordered! Even with all that stuff, I thought early may at latest!

    You're only sympathizing because deep down, you also think it's taking too long.

    That's right. We're all thinking it.
  • edited May 2010
    I'm honestly indifferent about the issue at this point, and I don't take kindly to folks putting words in my mouth.
  • edited May 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I'm honestly indifferent about the issue at this point, and I don't take kindly to folks putting words in my mouth.

    You're just being a telltale loyalist. I used to be, but this has driven me nuts.

    I could have bought two $100 new release games for the amount I spend on telltale swag. And the reward for purchasing it early? People who purchase it after me can get it for $100 instead of $200.

    When it comes to treating loyal fans fairly, telltale is shite. When it comes to releasing things on time, they're just fucking awful.
  • edited May 2010
    um what? you're putting words in my mouth. again.

    and you're very welcome to just cancel your order at anytime, you know?
  • edited May 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    um what? you're putting words in my mouth. again.

    and you're very welcome to just cancel your order at anytime, you know?

    I want the stuff, it's just taking WAAAAAAAY too long.
  • edited May 2010
    Love the tags for this thread:D
    First there's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah then there's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
  • edited May 2010
    tana wrote: »
    Love the tags for this thread:D
    First there's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah then there's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
    and there's "everyone is gonna die", "telltale eats babies", "telltale eats dvds" and "stagnant pool of suck", to name a few
  • edited May 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    I want the stuff, it's just taking WAAAAAAAY too long.

    Giant Tope has a point though. Cancel your order and re-order it all with Puzzle Angent. You'll save 100 bucks.
    You're free not to do it, but then you'll have to admit that you refused to take advantage of this offer. That you could take advantage of, because your order hasn't shipped yet.
  • edited June 2010
    save 100 bucks? why, because of free shipping? he said shipping was $45, how does he save $100?
  • edited June 2010
    Because of the 50% off order with Puzzle Agent.

    Which reminds me, I've got one week left to try and swing getting that and Surfin' the Highway.
  • edited June 2010
    I don't think I can cancel my order because all the stuff I ordered included the pre-order of Devil's Playhouse. Would be nice to get the 50% off.
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Giant Tope has a point though. Cancel your order and re-order it all with Puzzle Angent. You'll save 100 bucks.
    You're free not to do it, but then you'll have to admit that you refused to take advantage of this offer. That you could take advantage of, because your order hasn't shipped yet.

    I've already bought Puzzle Agent.

    I don't really want to rip of Telltale, I buy all their stuff through their store so they get more money, because I want to see more games from them (to be honest, I just want to see more monkey island, i couldn't care too much about the other franchises), and if I was to change my order, I would have to deal with support. Which would take weeks, because they don't respond to their support emails.
  • edited June 2010
    Maybe they'd be okay with the 100 dollars less if it shut you up :p

    Although, it seems you can't refund orders over 60 days of age, although you can get store credit instead. In case other people wondered.
    And you probably can't get an order canceled if it included stuff you've already used, like the Devil's Playhouse.
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Maybe they'd be okay with the 100 dollars less if it shut you up :p

    Although, it seems you can't refund orders over 60 days of age, although you can get store credit instead. In case other people wondered.
    And you probably can't get an order canceled if it included stuff you've already used, like the Devil's Playhouse.

    I wish I could just get my parents to put store credit on here instead of having me explain to them why I want a map, a card, a coaster, a coin, and a shotglass...
  • edited June 2010
    What I find annoying is that despite some / all of the items I ordered are still backordered, the complete amount of money was deducted from my account the day I placed my order. That was more than two months ago. That doesn't seem particulary fair to me.
  • edited June 2010
    Mermaid wrote: »
    What I find annoying is that despite some / all of the items I ordered are still backordered, the complete amount of money was deducted from my account the day I placed my order. That was more than two months ago. That doesn't seem particulary fair to me.

    It would be more annoying if it was taken out when it shipped though, because you might forget and then be confused when 200 goes missing.

    I've got nothing wrong with the payment method, but I think pre-orders opened up to soon on stuff that was advertised as backordered, which is a very different thing.
  • edited June 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    It would be more annoying if it was taken out when it shipped though, because you might forget and then be confused when 200 goes missing.

    I've got nothing wrong with the payment method, but I think pre-orders opened up to soon on stuff that was advertised as backordered, which is a very different thing.

    It wasn't "advertised" as backordered, it was displayed in the cart as backordered, and all that means is that it is not in stock, it doesn't mean it will be in stock any sooner than "preordered".

    All this entire topic amounts to is "waaah, I'm mad that Telltale is going to ship my items when they're done being made". They don't have dates, you knew that when you ordered, they are not required to give any kind of exact date, they've given numerous estimates and updated them as needed, find something worthwhile to whine about.
  • edited June 2010
    This may be a stupid question but has telltale mentioned how the Tales of Monkey Island Drinking Vessel should be washed?
  • edited June 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    This may be a stupid question but has telltale mentioned how the Tales of Monkey Island Drinking Vessel should be washed?

    What kind of pirate are you? You don't wash it!
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    What kind of pirate are you? You don't wash it!

    Damn thats right, I feel like such an idiot now
  • edited June 2010
    If you like, you could spit in it and wipe it. That's piratey enough.
  • edited June 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    If you like, you could spit in it and wipe it. That's piratey enough.

    Great idea, I think ill start washing all the glasses in my house that way from now on.
  • edited June 2010
    Remind me not to come to your place for a drink. :p
  • edited June 2010
    Oh come on, its clean spit :D
  • edited June 2010
    I am sorry, I prefer my drinks spit free, unless it's my own of course. :p
  • edited June 2010
    I think I've heard that it's dishwasher safe as long as you put it in the top rack, but I think I'd still wash it by hand, just to be safe. If I'd bought one, that is.
  • edited June 2010
    I think I've heard that it's dishwasher safe as long as you put it in the top rack, but I think I'd still wash it by hand, just to be safe. If I'd bought one, that is.

    thanks for that, but I think ill stick to spit washing it after being reminded real pirates dont wash their mugs
  • edited June 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    thanks for that, but I think ill stick to spit washing it after being reminded real pirates dont wash their mugs

    it has to build up a tolerance, so that it can handle that corrosive grog!
  • edited June 2010
    I don't think I'd even use mine if I bought one.
  • edited June 2010
    it has to build up a tolerance, so that it can handle that corrosive grog!

    It's a grog mug. It should be fine for grog right out of the box.
  • edited June 2010
    I dunno. I'm guessing the mugs in the SCUMM bar have been spit-washed countless times, and those still dissolve as if they were made of sugar cubes. No, no container can resist the corrosive properties of Grog for an extended amount of time.
  • edited June 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I don't think I'd even use mine if I bought one.

    yea I was actually thinking about if i should actually use it, I may not drink out of it
  • edited June 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    yea I was actually thinking about if i should actually use it, I may not drink out of it

    That's pointless. I'm using my flaming max shotglass for everything when i get it. tiny amounts of orange juice, a pathetic attempt at a Frappe...
  • edited June 2010
    That's pointless. I'm using my flaming max shotglass for everything when i get it. tiny amounts of orange juice, a pathetic attempt at a Frappe...

    Yeah, but I see it more as a collectible; a piece of MI memorabilia, rather than an actual drinking glass.
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