Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]



  • edited June 2010
    The Deluxe edition isn't really feeling as "Deluxe", but honestly at this point the order is entangled with my Sam and Max Season Three order and shipping would make the savings amount to a bit less than $7. Despite some of the disappointments involved in the set, I honestly don't care enough to change it out of principle at this point. From now on, though, I don't think I can take the word of Telltale alone as a sign of the utmost quality, the kind of quality seen in the Sam and Max DVDs and case files. From now on, I'll wait until a customer gets their hands on these things and reveals the flaws in them, because Telltale is apparently going to be shy about them.
  • edited June 2010
    does anyone in TTG know roughly how long till the Dulexe one will ship?
  • edited June 2010
    does anyone in TTG know roughly how long till the Dulexe one will ship?

    Good luck getting them to outright say when.

    Also, I agree with Dashing. It seems that Telltale's word alone regarding the awesomeness of a product is no longer enough evidence to stand on its own. In future, I will not ever buy "deluxe edition"-style sets for fear that they will turn out to be equal to cardboard cutouts on DVD cases and jpegs printed on handkerchiefs.
  • edited June 2010
    I wanted a Purcell slipcover. I got a Purcell slipcover. Maybe if you people weren't so hung up on it and riding on nostalgia you wouldn't have fallen so hard when your expectations didn't live up. Because that's what this slipcover mainly caters to, people riding on nostalgia. I guess I'm riding on it too, but I'm easy to please. Telltale never promised more than what you're going to get, and if you had any more expectations than that you made them up in your head. If you don't like it, live with it or throw it away.
  • edited June 2010
    I wanted a Purcell slipcover. I got a Purcell slipcover. Maybe if you people weren't so hung up on it and riding on nostalgia you wouldn't have fallen so hard when your expectations didn't live up. Because that's what this slipcover mainly caters to, people riding on nostalgia. I guess I'm riding on it too, but I'm easy to please. Telltale never promised more than what you're going to get, and if you had any more expectations than that you made them up in your head. If you don't like it, live with it or throw it away.
    We were promised a Purcell slipcover, and I think Telltale's past DVD artwork might lead a person to append a qualifier to the description as follows:

    "A Purcell slipcover that doesn't look like crap."

    What with the art itself centered in a white void, the logos slapped on a blank template on the side, and instructions on the back amounting to "HEY KIDS! I'm a piece of garbage! Cut me up for a 'fun' activity!"

    I don't like it, so I'll be stashing it away. I'll either make or find an alternate cover to print out and use instead. I'll also not be buying "Deluxe" editions or their equivalents from Telltale without seeing the things first, because obviously they don't live up to the quality I'd come to expect from my past experience with the company.
  • edited June 2010
    Screw it. I'm looking at those pictures just to see what all the fuss is about!
  • edited June 2010
    Im not bothered by the slip cover I just wanted the voodoo cards and the dulex card to complete the set dont wana allways look at them and think someone is smug cos they got one more then me.
  • edited June 2010
    ...and instructions on the back amounting to "HEY KIDS! I'm a piece of garbage! Cut me up for a 'fun' activity!"

    Yes, it does feel as though those dotted lines are mocking and patronizing me a little. I don't think the cutouts were a good idea, I think everyone here outgrew stuff like that a long time ago.
  • edited June 2010
    I prefrere the normal cover to the slip cover. I like most the charecters are together
  • edited June 2010
    Crap is in the eye of the beholder. I still can't believe people are complaining about this add-on when they got other great things like a new fantastic Monkey Island game you know what I don't need to go farther than that.

    The only reason no one wants to throw it away is because the word "collectible" is used, but do you think anyone is really gonna buy it in the future, if anyone is of the same mind as you guys. The MI2 box is a different matter; that's collectible for a reason. Because it's not made anymore. But you can buy prints of the same exact piece of art as this cover; now I wonder which is going to be worth more someday.

    In my opinion, the game should have never had two covers anyway; just the Purcell one for me because it's not badly placed 3D models, but in the end you want to know how I really feel about it?

  • edited June 2010
    That's nice. And it's fine for you not to care. Not everybody has to, after all. Everyone is allowed their own priorities.

    I don't think anybody would say that the execution of this slipcover was "good", or even "not bad". When this thing is an advertised pre-order bonus, and then part of a $15 upgrade package, you can understand why some people might have thought that it wouldn't just be something to decorate the bottom of your rubbish bin. And about that $15 upgrade package, generally you'd expect it to be worth more than the $5 case files done for Sam and Max, especially since they probably expect to sell far more of these than the former. But the execution for the whole thing just feels slipshod. There are logos on everything, the cover sucks, and the map is quite possibly the weakest execution of a real-life version of a game map that I've ever seen.

    So you're free to not care about it, but I think it's also fine for people to very much care about it and think that they got somewhat less than they had been lead to believe they'd get.
  • edited June 2010
    Crap is in the eye of the beholder. I still can't believe people are complaining about this add-on when they got other great things like a new fantastic Monkey Island game you know what I don't need to go farther than that.

    The only reason no one wants to throw it away is because the word "collectible" is used, but do you think anyone is really gonna buy it in the future, if anyone is of the same mind as you guys. The MI2 box is a different matter; that's collectible for a reason. Because it's not made anymore. But you can buy prints of the same exact piece of art as this cover; now I wonder which is going to be worth more someday.

    In my opinion, the game should have never had two covers anyway; just the Purcell one for me because it's not badly placed 3D models, but in the end you want to know how I really feel about it?


    This. People should just get over the cutouts.
  • edited June 2010
    My voodoo cards have been submitted to the warehouse for shipping, so they're probably shipping either today or tomorrow. They're definitely printed, so, again, the deluxe edition wait can't be too long.
  • edited June 2010
    That's nice. And it's fine for you not to care. Not everybody has to, after all. Everyone is allowed their own priorities.

    I don't think anybody would say that the execution of this slipcover was "good", or even "not bad". When this thing is an advertised pre-order bonus, and then part of a $15 upgrade package, you can understand why some people might have thought that it wouldn't just be something to decorate the bottom of your rubbish bin. And about that $15 upgrade package, generally you'd expect it to be worth more than the $5 case files done for Sam and Max, especially since they probably expect to sell far more of these than the former. But the execution for the whole thing just feels slipshod. There are logos on everything, the cover sucks, and the map is quite possibly the weakest execution of a real-life version of a game map that I've ever seen.

    So you're free to not care about it, but I think it's also fine for people to very much care about it and think that they got somewhat less than they had been lead to believe they'd get.

    Fair enough.
  • edited June 2010
    My voodoo cards have been submitted to the warehouse for shipping, so they're probably shipping either today or tomorrow. They're definitely printed, so, again, the deluxe edition wait can't be too long.

    I hope its soon soon not 2 or 3 weeks soon
  • edited June 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    This. People should just get over the cutouts.

    I third this. We have the games, they're awesome, they have awesome special features on the DVD (or so I've read), so in the end, who gives a damn about the cover, for goodness sake? This is why I don't get the point of the Guybrush's hair in MISE nitpick.
  • edited June 2010
    I third this. We have the games, they're awesome, they have awesome special features on the DVD (or so I've read), so in the end, who gives a damn about the cover, for goodness sake? This is why I don't get the point of the Guybrush's hair in MISE nitpick.

    Well both the standard edition and deluxe edition owners have the games. They both have the dvd. It's just the deluxe edition owners paid $15 extra for something extra that they were incredibly dissatisfied with. It happens, but wouldn't you complain too if you were in that situation? They have a right to voice these complaints, I think. It helps Telltale ensure future products meet customer's standards.
  • edited June 2010
    Nagaoka wrote: »
    Well both the standard edition and deluxe edition owners have the games. They both have the dvd. It's just the deluxe edition owners paid $15 extra for something extra that they were incredibly dissatisfied with. It happens, but wouldn't you complain too if you were in that situation? They have a right to voice these complaints, I think. It helps Telltale ensure future products meet customer's standards.

    Oh, I didn't realise people were dissatisfied with the items in the deluxe package. From the pics, I see nothing wrong with the stuff, and I also bought extra stuff like the buttons and drinking vessel, and they seem fine to me. Maybe I'm not that picky. Yes, of course people have the right to voice their complaints, no ifs or buts. And I did purchase the deluxe edition, so I am in that situation, but as mentioned before, I think the bonuses look great.

    Also, to all people who want to know when the deluxe ships, Bonnie posted on a thread that it is being assembled now and could ship as early as this week!
  • edited June 2010
    Nagaoka wrote: »
    wouldn't you complain too if you were in that situation? They have a right to voice these complaints, I think. It helps Telltale ensure future products meet customer's standards.

    Thank you.

    However, I wonder how many people are going to be burned by this and never buy any extra merch from Telltale again unless it's confirmed of respectable quality.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm not all that worried about the cutouts - I'd just rather them not be there. It's no big deal, I actually like the front cover (with the white border).
  • edited June 2010
    I like the cutouts on it I wont cut them out but I think it makes it look like a persnal touch.
  • edited June 2010
    I third this. We have the games, they're awesome, they have awesome special features on the DVD (or so I've read), so in the end, who gives a damn about the cover, for goodness sake? This is why I don't get the point of the Guybrush's hair in MISE nitpick.

    I am extremely obsessive compulsive about the design and consistency of my physical media. If one of them has something that is wrong or doesn't fit, it bothers me to no end. Every time I see it on my shelf, all I can think about is what is wrong with it.

    The CSI cases already bother me greatly in various ways, since there is absolutely no consistency between the 3 games, nothing, from case size, to logo placement, even font, is the same between the 3 cases. This is not Telltale's fault, as they have nothing to do with box design (and Ubisoft would lead you to believe they have little to do with the games' creation, since their name is only in microscopic text on the back of the box).

    I really didn't want to also be bothered by remembering that beyond the spine, the Tales slipcover is worse than I could have possibly imagined, from being impossibly plain in design, to having ridiculous cereal box cutouts, to the hideously large borders on the front. The entire thing is a massive letdown for me, given Telltale's normally stellar case design.
  • edited June 2010
    Also, to all people who want to know when the deluxe ships, Bonnie posted on a thread that it is being assembled now and could ship as early as this week!

    Here's the exact quote:
    bonnie wrote: »
    Yes, 'tis true that the discs (standard and Steve Purcell's slip-disc) are out and shipped as of last week. The Deluxe Edition with the extra goodies including the slip-disc is being assembled as we speak. Putting the piratey Piece of Eight, voodoo card, map, coaster, button, etc. inside the treasure chest box. We should be able to ship as early as this week. There are quite a few to be assembled so if it goes into shipping next week as well, don't be surprised. The coolest piratey booty, in my opinion, is the piece of eight.

    We're very, very close to shipping the Deluxe Edition. Stay tuned...
  • edited June 2010
    That treasure chest box had better be the coolest damn thing ever.
  • edited June 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    I am extremely obsessive compulsive about the design and consistency of my physical media. If one of them has something that is wrong or doesn't fit, it bothers me to no end. Every time I see it on my shelf, all I can think about is what is wrong with it.

    The CSI cases already bother me greatly in various ways, since there is absolutely no consistency between the 3 games, nothing, from case size, to logo placement, even font, is the same between the 3 cases. This is not Telltale's fault, as they have nothing to do with box design (and Ubisoft would lead you to believe they have little to do with the games' creation, since their name is only in microscopic text on the back of the box).

    I really didn't want to also be bothered by remembering that beyond the spine, the Tales slipcover is worse than I could have possibly imagined, from being impossibly plain in design, to having ridiculous cereal box cutouts, to the hideously large borders on the front. The entire thing is a massive letdown for me, given Telltale's normally stellar case design.

    Ok, yes, the cereal thing does bother me, I tried not to let it, but it does. Still, the front cover/s is/are awesome, and the normal back is too (thanks to Secret Fawful for the pics). Still, its one flaw out of pure awesomeness of the items in the chest.
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited June 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    That treasure chest box had better be the coolest damn thing ever.

    Especially since we only just found out about its existence! ;)
  • edited June 2010
    Judging from this webpage, I always assumed everything would be contained in a chest.
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited June 2010
    It sure looked that way, didn't it?
    What I meant to imply was that until Bonnie's post, the treasure chest was still pure speculation on our part (cue the flurry of posts showing me the countless older - than today - confirmations by Telltale employees of the presence of a treasure chest in the Deluxe Edition package... or not!:p)...
  • edited June 2010
    I wonder, though, is it an actual box, or it is just an envelope that looks like a box like they made for the art portfolio?
  • edited June 2010
    Still, its one flaw out of pure awesomeness of the items in the chest.

    That's your opinion. I feel that my Feast for the Senses menu printed with my inkjet printer is better looking than that image of the Gulf of Melange map printed on cloth. This was not something I expected to be saying three months ago when I bought it. Thankfully, the coaster, the coin, and the button look great, and I'm sure the voodoo cards will be good. I just wish that it was all awesome instead of mostly awesome with a couple of enormous letdowns.
  • edited June 2010
    I really didn't like the map and while I liked the coin at first, then I noticed the logo on it and was disappointed. I wanted it to look like a real coin, not be branded. The map doesn't just have a border, it's obviously a print of a map on cloth, if you turn it over I'd bet they wouldn't have printed the other side in the same colour, so it really isn't a cloth map, it's a cloth with a map in the middle of one side.
    The coaster looks fine, so does the button. I'm sure the voodoo card looks fine too. Still, if you include the slipcase, it's half the merch that I'm disappointed with to some extent. Although I probably wouldn't have cared about the coin if it had been just the coin, in all fairness.

    EDIT: by "half the merch" I meant "half the content of the Deluxe edition". The T-shirt and mug only have the logo slapped onto them, I didn't even consider buying either.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm not nearly as excited for my deluxe edition as I once was. Ironic that I feel this way just before it's confirmed that it's shipping soon...

    Especially with shipping prices as high as they are now, I'm not sure I'd consider spending so much anymore for that much TTG merch. This was my first TTG merch purchase and it wasn't as great as I thought it'd be...
  • edited June 2010
    Wow, I'm still not sure what to think. Am I being too lenient on the product? Either way, I think we should all just wait for our packages to arrive and then see what we think. We can't get the whole idea of what its like from a photo.
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    The map doesn't just have a border, it's obviously a print of a map on cloth, if you turn it over I'd bet they wouldn't have printed the other side in the same colour, so it really isn't a cloth map, it's a cloth with a map in the middle of one side.

    The T-shirt and mug only have the logo slapped onto them, I didn't even consider buying either.

    Regarding the shirt and mug, I wonder how much it would compare in cost to go down to a t-shirt shop (like the one my university's student organizations used) and pay them to print a Tales logo on a plain black shirt or a white ceramic mug.

    I've seen/owned good cloth maps which were actually usable for playing games like Ultima.


    compare that to this:

    and you have a shoddy piece of fail, indeed.

    edit: I wonder how much it would cost to have a professional tailor trim the white off and then repair the outer edge so that it wouldn't fray.

    more edit: come to think of it, wouldn't it have been cooler/more authentic looking if they had printed the map on parchment? Then the edges could be trimmed no problem without worries of it fraying. Couldn't it also have then been cheaper/simpler for them to make it if it were on parchment instead of cloth?

    I agree that Guru's Feast map does look cooler and more professional than this.
  • edited June 2010
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Regarding the shirt and mug, I wonder how much it would compare in cost to go down to a t-shirt shop (like the one my university's student organizations used) and pay them to print a Tales logo on a plain black shirt or a white ceramic mug.

    I've seen/owned good cloth maps which were actually usable for playing games like Ultima.


    compare that to this:

    and you have a shoddy piece of fail, indeed.

    Yeah, I see what you mean. I guess I'm being more lenient because my expectations weren't as high, and heck, I'm just happy to be getting any Monkey merch at all, since I wasn't around in the glory days of LucasArts, I started playing them after Escape came out.
  • edited June 2010
    Compare Telltale's map to Guru's. Even a fan made map looks better than theirs. -.-


    edit: btw, If I hadn't already said so, good job on that Feast for the Senses map, Guru. It looks fricken awesome. Seriously.
  • edited June 2010
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Compare Telltale's map to Guru's. Even a fan made map looks better than theirs. -.-


    Yeah, I know, I'm just seeing the merch as little tokens, not all-out extremely valuable pieces of art. I think that's how we're meant to see them, I certainly do.
  • edited June 2010
    my order still says its on backorder... :(
    | Placed March 13, 2010
    Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
    Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition Package
    One or more items are backordered. Your order will ship when all items are in stock.
  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, I know, I'm just seeing the merch as little tokens, not all-out extremely valuable pieces of art. I think that's how we're meant to see them, I certainly do.

    If that's true, then I'm not sure Telltale understands who the target market for such items really is. Obviously, the majority of people who would buy such optional merchandise at extra cost aren't parents who are going all out in buying tons of pointless game-related memorabilia for their kids. Rather, it's people who love the series and have been following it for years, so then have jumped at the chance of getting first dibs on new collectible items that are designed to remind them fondly of the games they love.

    If the extra merch automatically came with the game, then sure they could package it however the heck they want, but if people are going out of their way to pay more, then it would make sense that they expect quality.

    It's simple marketing. You have to first know who your target market is for the products/services you sell before you can adjust your strategy accordingly. I don't think they knew exactly who would be buying this stuff and so didn't prepare to make the extras for that market properly.
  • edited June 2010
    ...Chyron not only agrees with me, but is probably more adamant about the subject than I am.

    This is...odd. I don't think things like this are allowed to happen. I think there's a rule somewhere about it.
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