Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]



  • edited June 2010
    It's just a disappointment from their previous stuff, that's all.
    I'm personally fine, I cancelled the order of stuff I didn't want anymore, and I'm confident the DVD itself is absolutely awesome. Seriously, it took me a while before I cancelled because I loved those guys and it felt like a mean thing to do, but in the end I though, if I don't want it, I shouldn't get it just because I love them, that's just stupid. I'd hate it if someone did that to me.

    I'm sure it's disappointing for them to see we're not thrilled with the merch. I don't think it absolutely sucks, I just think I don't want to pay fifteen bucks for it, so I ordered a Season 2 case file instead.
  • edited June 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Solid metal. It's pretty nice and heavy from what I've heard. Better than originally thought even.

    I still don't understand all the tears. I'm getting what I payed for and the folks at telltale worked hard to put this all together. *shrug*

    Ok. Then the coin officially doesn't bother me. Logo and all. At least there's something OTHER than the logo on it, which is more than you can say for the mug and t-shirt.
  • edited June 2010
    Thespis wrote: »
    Maybe it doesn't bother me because I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised because it's been in the concept picture for the treasure chest the entire time. Go here, click on the "View Larger" link under the treasure chest. Scroll over to the pic of the coin, and it shows the front and the back including the logo.

    That picture has been there since the pre-order started. Those that are surprised that there's a logo apparently didn't look at the pictures before they placed their order. Again, I can see why people don't like the map, but the coin looks exactly the way it was advertised.

    And do you know what else it shows? The pre-order artwork! Note that it is not like the one that they are shipping out, hint, hint. It is better. And the plain ol' original monkey dvd, when you click "view larger", the sky is red!
  • edited June 2010
    Anyone from the UK/Europe got the DVd yet? I got an e-mail on 7th July saying it's been sent, still not here though. I do realise that they can take a while to send from the US to UK but was just wondering if others from that region have got theirs yet
  • edited June 2010
    I didn't even get the email yet :(
  • edited June 2010
    Funny thing about my order, the tracking number didn't work for a few days when I clicked the link. I thought "that's weird", and I somehow had a stroke of genius (or something) and copied the tracking number and pasted it into the right website. The link in my email and in "my games" page inputs the tracking number into Fedex, but my DVD was sent through USPS, apparently. So of course that didn't work very well :D
  • me7me7
    edited June 2010
    eMKayeN wrote: »
    Anyone from the UK/Europe got the DVd yet? I got an e-mail on 7th July saying it's been sent, still not here though. I do realise that they can take a while to send from the US to UK but was just wondering if others from that region have got theirs yet

    I live in continental Europe, my order shipped on June 4th (12 days ago) and I still haven't received it. You're not the only one, but it's not "normal". Last time I ordered something from the US it only took one week (it shipped on Monday and was delivered on Saturday - six days, half of what I've been waiting for ToMI so far).
  • edited June 2010
    me7 wrote: »
    I live in continental Europe, my order shipped on June 4th (12 days ago) and I still haven't received it. You're not the only one, but it's not "normal". Last time I ordered something from the US it only took one week (it shipped on Monday and was delivered on Saturday - six days, half of what I've been waiting for ToMI so far).

    It's fairly normal for USPS. My last major order was at christmas. It was shipped Dec 4th and didn't arrive till the beginning of Jan. But that was during the christmas postal rush too. I think it's been mentioned a few times that postage to the UK will take 6-8 weeks approx.
  • edited June 2010
    Mine shipped 11th June so I'm not really expecting it for a while.
    I remember the poster took about a month to be shipped to the UK.
  • edited June 2010
    Last time I ordered something from TTG (last month) it took 5 days to arrive (Holland). So it would be odd it takes that much longer to arrive in GB.

    Can't confirm or deny about ToMI though, since I got Deluxe and thus have to wait more...
  • edited June 2010
    And do you know what else it shows? The pre-order artwork! Note that it is not like the one that they are shipping out, hint, hint. It is better. And the plain ol' original monkey dvd, when you click "view larger", the sky is red!

    I did acknowledge in another post that the DVD pics and the map were not the same as the actual merchandise, and also said that I understood why people weren't happy about it.
  • edited June 2010
    Mine did not ship until now. Only Tomi (with preorder Slipcase) and The Strong Bad Disc were included.
    The status is still "Your order has been submitted to our warehouse and will ship soon. Please check back later for shipping info."
    *waits a little more*

    Edit: the items finally shipped.
  • edited June 2010
  • edited June 2010
    How did you get them?? They haven't been shipped yet?
  • edited June 2010
    Telltale's Twitter ;)
  • edited June 2010
    Im in awe!!! The only resion I ordered the deluxe was for the extra card cos I cant get enough of thoes cards! I wana use them while playing Voodoo lady theme
  • edited June 2010
    eMKayeN wrote: »
    Anyone from the UK/Europe got the DVd yet? I got an e-mail on 7th July saying it's been sent, still not here though. I do realise that they can take a while to send from the US to UK but was just wondering if others from that region have got theirs yet

    You got an email from the future? :eek:
  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, the Doc was kind enough to let me borrow his car.

    But yeah I meant June, hopefully everyone was smart enough to realise. OK I guess I'll have to keep waiting.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm not gonna "complain' but man...had I known that all the merchandise would take so long to be ready for shipping. :D
  • edited June 2010
    when(or if) it comes i'm gonna wait until July 7th so i can go on a monkey island marathon
  • edited June 2010
    Well I sent an email to the TT support people... Here's hoping it ships sometime this month... :\ [standard]
  • edited June 2010
    Junaid wrote: »

    i dont see anything
  • edited June 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    Well I sent an email to the TT support people... Here's hoping it ships sometime this month... :\ [standard]

    Good luck with that, I have emailed them 5 times now with no response at all.

    EDIT: Make that 6!
  • edited June 2010
    i dont see anything

    Me neither. If you quote it, you see that he linked to a picture, and if you try to open that picture in your browser, you get a blank page. Not sure why it affects some people and not others. I think this was the image he was trying to embed.
  • edited June 2010
    Me neither. If you quote it, you see that he linked to a picture, and if you try to open that picture in your browser, you get a blank page. Not sure why it affects some people and not others. I think this was the image he was trying to embed.

    :O that means they must be almost ready to ship! and they look so cool!
  • edited June 2010
    They all look excellent! And I swear there's at least two in there that weren't seen in-game.
  • edited June 2010
    Yep, they almost look cool enough to make up for the map.

    ...okay, looking back at that sentence, I'm not sure what would make them cool enough to make up for the map if they're not already cool enough. I mean, looking at the picture, they look about as awesome as they could, so if they're not cool enough already, they'd probably have to really be able to do voodoo to be cool enough, and that sounds a little extreme to me.

    Maybe I shouldn't analyze my own posts.
    Hayden wrote: »
    They all look excellent! And I swear there's at least two in there that weren't seen in-game.

    Eduardo analyzed the image and picked out which ones were new and which two from the game weren't in the picture.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm not sure what would make them cool enough to make up for the map if they're not already cool enough.

    maybe that card in the deluxe edition would do it then
  • edited June 2010
    You guys will have to post pictures of the tarot cards when you get them. I want to know what they look like in action and stuff.
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    You guys will have to post pictures of the tarot cards when you get them. I want to know what they look like in action and stuff.

    I will show you a video of me taking over my cats body and willfully scratching up a couch.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2010
    For those of you having support problems, I know for a fact that the support system is having some trouble recently and that we are working on it. If you've sent an email quite some time ago but never heard back, you might want to post in the shopping and activation support forum.

    That said, if it's just a "where is my dvd" question, all we really have for an answer is that it is coming soon. To say that this is a larger order than our fulfillment company is used to would be a bit of an understatement. We are working with them to help get these orders out as quickly as possible.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2010
    We got one of the treasure chest packs in the office yesterday, and they're cool! As a complete set, everything works together pretty well! I hope you guys like them when they arrive.
  • edited June 2010
    I never thought it was going to be in an actual CHEST!

    Now I wish I'd gotten one :(
  • edited June 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    We got one of the treasure chest packs in the office yesterday, and they're cool! As a complete set, everything works together pretty well! I hope you guys like them when they arrive.

    I know you people have cameras.

    Post a pic!
  • edited June 2010
    Thespis wrote: »
    I know you people have cameras.

    Post a pic!
    They don't want to ruin the magic ;)
  • edited June 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    We got one of the treasure chest packs in the office yesterday, and they're cool! As a complete set, everything works together pretty well! I hope you guys like them when they arrive.

    I can yell arrrg I have me booty now!
  • edited June 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    We got one of the treasure chest packs in the office yesterday, and they're cool! As a complete set, everything works together pretty well! I hope you guys like them when they arrive.

    i hope so too. everyone here seems so disappointed...
    the map does disappoint me, since i expected something akin to the dragon age map (which itself isn't that good), but i'm one of those mellow folk that only get slightly annoyed (as i've been so far about the whole wait)
  • edited June 2010
    I do hope people will be happy with them once they get them :) And it's coming in a chest? Nice, you'll have to post a picture of that when you get it, guys! ^_^
  • edited June 2010
    i received a reply to a support email. They said that deluxe edition and deluxe edition package were the same thing. They also said it will ship soon.
  • edited June 2010
    Finally I feel better knowing that something is happening, It doesnt matter that they couldnt commit to a date but at least they finally answered with something.

    well yeah a date would be nice actually but its more info than what we have had of late, so there we go.

    on a side note I purchased the PS3 version last night and episode one is the updated one with Earl Boens voice acting which is nice.
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