Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]



  • edited May 2010 bad then. :(
  • edited May 2010
    I doubt the Tales of Monkey Island DVD will ever be available in any retail stores anywhere in the world anytime soon.
    I don't know. Maybe in the future it might be, if it was to be published by Lucas arts. Alot of Monkey island fans still don't know about tales. In the comments section of some of the videos, you can still find comments of people who had just discovered it, on reasonably regular basis. These are people who don't pay attention to gaming blogs, and are casual gamers of sorts. They only pay attention to physical advertising (on TV or in store), and there is alot of market potential still there with them.
  • edited May 2010
    Yes, in the future. That's what I meant by "not anytime soon." Currently only the first two season of Sam & Max are available in retail stores out of all of their current games (and even those took a while to get out, especially Season Two). It'd be nice if TMI does come to retail but I just don't see it happening any time soon.
  • edited May 2010
    Wow... I'd actually forgotten I'd pre-ordered the DVD, since I've been concentrating on my house purchase happening at the end of May - so I haven't been as wound up as other posters. Personally, I'm kinda glad I won't be receiving the DVD till probably the end of June - gives me time to unpack and find my long-stored speakers. TOMI won't be the same if I have to rely on subtitles instead of Dominic's oh so dreamy, dulcet tones!
  • edited May 2010
    It's almost the end of the month and still no news.....

    Doesn't look good....
  • edited May 2010
    I also ordered the DVD last year with shipping supposedly in December. No Dvd. Next time I had news was It was backordered but they were still trying to get people to order it with other perks attached on website.I am discouraged that I will never receive it. I am 75 years old and my patience is wearing thin.
  • edited May 2010
    Ehm, December? Wasn't that the Wallace and Gromit DVD?
  • edited May 2010
    rubyeray wrote: »
    I am 75 years old and my patience is wearing thin.

    I don't see what you being 75 has anything to do with how long the wait is and they never said it be sent out in december they just said sometime after the 5th episode was relesed and now we are getting more info about the relese date. Actuly in december they said it wasnt going to be out for months.
  • edited May 2010
    rubyeray wrote: »
    I also ordered the DVD last year with shipping supposedly in December. No Dvd. Next time I had news was It was backordered but they were still trying to get people to order it with other perks attached on website.

    How in the world did you order it last year?
  • edited May 2010
    They didn't. They bought the downloadable game then and are mistaken about already having paid shipping for the disc before Chapter 5 was even released. [unless a screenshot of the order can be shown to prove otherwise (you might edit out the order # though)] If I could have, I would have bought the disc then also, as would a lot of us.
  • edited May 2010
    Pre-orders started in March, there is no way they bought it in December. They're either talking about a different game or thing buying the digital games would get them the DVD shipped automatically.
  • edited May 2010
    I preordered the day it came out, which was in March.
  • edited May 2010
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    I'ma start counting the days.

    At most 8 7 6 more days for them to start shipping.
  • edited May 2010
    *waits in anticipation*

    I thought buying it automatically meant the DVD would just ship to me. :p But then I haven't bought a game online in a LONG time.
  • edited May 2010
    TTG isn't your average game company regarding software distribution though. They provide downloadable and disc-based versions of their games, which is not the norm and apparently creates confusion.
  • edited May 2010
    I preordered and paid March 17, 2010 now its may 26, and still no answer to when I receive the game. I bought all TellTales games (+other products) and has always been a happy satisfied customer, but now I'm angry, no I am more than angry ! if the game does not arrive soon, I probably never buy anything again, and I will sure as hell never ever pay in advance again. This is not the way to treat loyal customers. So get your finger out and send my game now
  • edited May 2010
    Augh, it's like you people are actively trying to not understand how this works and why it's taken so long. Like you're actively ignoring every post explaining it.

    Whatever. If you decide never to buy from Telltale again, it's your loss.
  • edited May 2010
    Hviid wrote: »
    I preordered and paid March 17, 2010 now its may 26, and still no answer to when I receive the game. I bought all TellTales games (+other products) and has always been a happy satisfied customer, but now I'm angry, no I am more than angry ! if the game does not arrive soon, I probably never buy anything again, and I will sure as hell never ever pay in advance again. This is not the way to treat loyal customers. So get your finger out and send my game now
  • edited May 2010
    How please does one get refunded one's $50 one paid in advance to Telltale months ago for something not delivered?

    I've already forked out about £25 UK to download/play TOMI last year in 5 months on 'Steam' ...

    Seems to me this internet-thing is a scam - in the good old days of e.g. Amiga Monkey Island I and II gaming, I went into a shop/gave them money/they gave me the game/we were all happy ...

    Sorry to upset you wide-eyed accept-alls who are happy to spend too much in advance for nothing (sounds like sub-prime mortgage scam). Oh, I am a pay-too-much-in-advance-for zilch chappie, but I did pay off my mortgage 6 years ago (and am in real purchase/not awaiting vapour ware)...
  • edited May 2010
    Yes, because clearly when Telltale was started in 2004, their entire plan was to first get the trust of consumers by making great games for six years, and then steal their money. That is obviously what has happened here, and it has nothing to do with the link in the post just above yours.

    Also, if you really want a refund, even though the items will probably be send some time this or next week, you should email
  • edited May 2010
    Hviid wrote: »
    I preordered and paid March 17, 2010 now its may 26, and still no answer to when I receive the game. I bought all TellTales games (+other products) and has always been a happy satisfied customer, but now I'm angry, no I am more than angry ! if the game does not arrive soon, I probably never buy anything again, and I will sure as hell never ever pay in advance again. This is not the way to treat loyal customers. So get your finger out and send my game now

    I have to say, you're a moron. You are getting angry about PREordering something 9 days ago and not having it already. I encourage other sane people in this thread to use this size text or else it seems these people don't get the message.
  • edited May 2010
    Thankyou for helpful reply about how to reclaim ones money for what one has already paid/played last year.

    One day, TOMI DVD(s) will be on sale in real shop for real money.

    Perhaps unlike many junior fanboys, I made the mistake of buying/owning/playing/enjoying the previous 4 Monkey Island games before coughing up in my ignorance to Steam £24.99 last year/fiddling about with settings on my 2 PCs/gullibly shelling out $50 for no delivery yet ...
  • edited May 2010
    Seems to me this internet-thing is a scam - in the good old days of e.g. Amiga Monkey Island I and II gaming, I went into a shop/gave them money/they gave me the game/we were all happy ...

    That must have been nice. In the bad old days I went into a shop, asked them about Infocom adventure games and was basically told that "those games are boring; you should try [insert other games] instead". I eventually ordered them from the US (I live in Sweden). Back then that meant having to find their address in a computer magazine, write a letter to them asking for a catalogue, wait a month for the catalogue to arrive, write down my order (praying I got the shipping cost right because there was no one on this earth I could ask for help), go to the bank and ask them to write me a cheque in dollars (for a surprisingly large fee), mail it along with the order form, wait another month (longer if you got the shipping wrong and they sent them by surface mail) for the games to arrive, and then we were all happy.

    And that was for a standard order. I don't dare to speculate what it would have been like to pre-order. :)
  • edited May 2010
    Why don't you go down to GameStop and put down a pre-order on Kane & Lynch 2, a game that won't be released until August but is currently available for pre-order? Then when you don't have it in two months because it's not available yet because it was a damn pre-order, you can start bitching about how retail stores are out to steal your money by not delivering products that you paid for.

    Seriously, if you're too stupid to understand the concept of a pre-order, wait until the item has been released before you buy it.
  • edited May 2010
    Have shelves full of classic Amiga-PC games (including Monkey Island I-IV) which I still play/which I loan to friends for them to play so they can then buy real disk games ...

    ... How the Sony PSP sells massively so people can download-only games ...

    Before this TOMI scam, I went into shop/gave them money-they gave me game.

    Nest thing, people will be talking on web/portable 'phone to non-real people ...
  • edited May 2010
    Oh wow, we're talking about scams now? Brilliant.
  • edited May 2010
    I have contacted the above-link and politely requested a refund for something I paid $49.50 for on 18th March on basis it was to be delivered in April (this year).
  • edited May 2010
    Have shelves full of classic Amiga-PC games (including Monkey Island I-IV) which I still play/which I loan to friends for them to play so they can then buy real disk games ...

    ... How the Sony PSP sells massively so people can download-only games ...

    Before this TOMI scam, I went into shop/gave them money-they gave me game.

    Nest thing, people will be talking on web/portable 'phone to non-real people ...

    I don't know what kind of calendar they use where you live, but on the one I use it's still May.
  • edited May 2010
    I can't believe how stupid these people are
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, it's sad watching a troll spiral down from pissed off to totally inane. Sort of destroys what little faith in humanity you have left.

    Now that Fury's (mostly) calmed down, I take back what I said before. This thread no longer serves any purpose and needs to be locked.
  • edited May 2010
    Before this TOMI scam, I went into shop/gave them money-they gave me game.

    Your ignorance makes me want to vomit. Do you really think that this is a scam? If you do, then you obviously don't know Telltale very well.

    Telltale Games are an independent company with integrity, they put their fans first. You would know that if you'd have spent more time on the forums, and you'd know that if you took the time to think of all of the free episodes they've given away as prizes for competitions, and sometimes just as complimentary gifts. The company is filled with professional employees, many of which have worked for other big-name adventure developing companies such as LucasArts.

    Working at Telltale is their job. Telltale's success is what creates their income. Why would this independent company jeopardize their future by scamming people? I promise you, this is not a scam. If it is a scam, I will cut off my right hand.
  • edited May 2010
    And I will cut off Haydens left hand if it's not a scam! Now what're you gonna do, Hayden? :p
  • edited May 2010
    I can't believe how stupid these people are
    Yeah, it's sad watching a troll spiral down from pissed off to totally inane. Sort of destroys what little faith in humanity you have left.

    Now that Fury's (mostly) calmed down, I take back what I said before. This thread no longer serves any purpose and needs to be locked.

    It truly is frustrating. You think these morons would listen to the people with over 1000 posts, but no, they're convinced that they're right; that they know better than us. I think I'm done caring about these people's feelings. They're just plain, ignorant idiots and don't deserve to even play the games that Telltale produce.
  • edited May 2010
    And I will cut off Haydens left hand if it's not a scam! Now what're you gonna do, Hayden? :p

    Testify against you when your charged for grievous bodily harm...

    Now what're you gonna do Highway? :D
  • edited May 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I think I'm done caring about these people's feelings. They're just plain, ignorant idiots and don't deserve to even play the games that Telltale produce.

    I reached this point long ago. At this point, I'm struggling to keep my language decent. This has gotten so bad, I think by now I'm actually more anxious for the DVDs to ship just so all this will stop than I am to actually get my stuff.
  • edited May 2010
    Seems to me this internet-thing is a scam - in the good old days of e.g. Amiga Monkey Island I and II gaming, I went into a shop/gave them money/they gave me the game/we were all happy ...

    Ah, the good old days when the financial overhead required to produce and publish games were low enough for small and independent developers like Telltale Games and Amanita Design to create high quality games. Luckily large companies like Lucasarts are still rolling out new adventure games to satisfy our adventuring needs.
  • edited May 2010
    Bamse wrote: »
    Ah, the good old days when the financial overhead required to produce and publish games were low enough for small and independent developers like Telltale Games and Amanita Design to create high quality games. Luckily large companies like Lucasarts are still rolling out new adventure games to satisfy our adventuring needs.

    Huh? I'm really confused now, unless you count remakes as new games.
  • edited May 2010
    Bamse wrote: »
    Ah, the good old days when the financial overhead required to produce and publish games were low enough for small and independent developers like Telltale Games and Amanita Design to create high quality games. Luckily large companies like Lucasarts are still rolling out new adventure games to satisfy our adventuring needs.
    Bamse wrote: »
    Huh? I'm really confused now, unless you count remakes as new games.

    What? Are you asking a direct, non-rhetorical to yourself?
  • edited May 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Testify against you when your charged for grievous bodily harm...

    Now what're you gonna do Highway? :D

    Cut off your head instead, so you can't testify...

    Now what're you gonna do Hayden?
  • edited May 2010
    I reached this point long ago. At this point, I'm struggling to keep my language decent. This has gotten so bad, I think by now I'm actually more anxious for the DVDs to ship just so all this will stop than I am to actually get my stuff.

    I know, sometimes you just really want to lash out and just fire direct insults at people... but then you think better of it. I think I feel the same way as you do about the delivery; wanting it to arrive just to shut up the stupid/impatient ones. Some people just lack the ability to wait, and when they are forced to wait they try to blame and point the finger at whoever they can.
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