Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • edited April 2012
    DrRadon wrote: »
    It just feels terrible when you preorder something weeks before because you are hyped and want the game ASAP and then you end up seeing people on another service play the game 5 times before you even get to download.

    I'm in the same boat. I'm sitting here waiting along with everyone else who bought it from Telltale. Hell I want to play it as bad as anyone. I preordered I think the day they went up. Maybe the day after. Either way almost right away. So I've been waiting for weeks too. I'm not going to say that the waiting is fun. Yes it sucks. Yes I want to play it already but I'm not going to attack them until they have actually missed their deadline.
  • ncbncb
    edited April 2012
    ADavidson wrote: »
    Believe it or not some people work more than 8hrs a day too.

    I don't anymore but I used to work 15-18hr days 6 days a week. I had sunday off, that was it.

    If I had requested today off and had to deal with this release debacle I would be even more furious too.

    Of course, if you knew how TT was you would have requested tomorrow off to start with, but I feel your pain. Having to wait til next sunday to play the game would suck bigtime

    Someone give this man a medal!

    anyway, goodnight peeps.. it's been entertaining while i've been eatting my dinner.. i'm now going to roll over onto my bed, mount my wife, switch the light off and get some sleep before I goto work.

    Enjoy TWD ... eventually.

    r u not entertained?!
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    ncb wrote: »
    Someone give this man a medal!

    anyway, goodnight peeps.. it's been entertaining while i've been eatting my dinner.. i'm now going to roll over onto my bed, mount my wife, switch the light off and get some sleep before I goto work.

    Enjoy TWD ... eventually.

    r u not entertained?!

    I am entertained, you were stupid enough to take a day off when you had the weekend.
  • edited April 2012
    It turns out this manufacturer sent out a lesser product to the retailers to meet deadlines, but everyone who ordered direct ended up with a high quality product that didn't give them a concussion
    So the Steam version is giving people concussions? Wow! Maybe it was a good idea to order direct from TT, sure we have wait indefinitely with no feedback from the publisher / developer, but we're avoiding head trauma! Woo hoo,

    Playing the Steam version and playing the TT version are going to be virtually identical. There's no game breaking bugs in the Steam version, and no concussions either..

    Thanks for sharing your personal story, even if it doesn't relate to video game releases in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.
  • edited April 2012

    We are working on getting the first episode of The Walking Dead released to download through our website asap today. We thank you for your patience in this matter.


    Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:45 PM PST
    Telltale Support"
  • edited April 2012
    I'm gonna have to call it a day too. Sadly I'm missing the climax again... It won't be the same when I wake up and it's there like nothing ever happened.
  • edited April 2012
    It sucks waiting for a game but at least you guys know its probably coming out today whereas xbox players still have nothing official (as far as I know)
  • edited April 2012
    It sucks waiting for a game but at least you guys know its probably coming out today whereas xbox players still have nothing official (as far as I know)

    It has been posted over and over again that the Xbox Live version is coming out tomorrow
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Wompdevil wrote: »
    It has been posted over and over again that the Xbox Live version is coming out tomorrow

    By whom? People actually working on the the game?
  • edited April 2012
    first and last time i buy a game here ...
    all my friends that bought from steam already finished the game , and here i am ... waiting to download ....
    TT SUCKS !!!! ( REVOLT )
  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I am entertained, you were stupid enough to take a day off when you had the weekend.

    Let's not call other members stupid please. :)
  • edited April 2012
    danielbim wrote: »
    first and last time i buy a game here ...
    all my friends that bought from steam already finished the game , and here i am ... waiting to download ....
    TT SUCKS !!!! ( REVOLT )

    Really now? All your friends finished the game? Was it good? Then they don't suck. Valve, a company held in HIGH regard, is almost always late to the point of the invention of "Valve Time" again, no one is forcing you to wait. Go out and have fun, wait for the game to come out and play it when you can. Not rocket science.

    Let's not call other members stupid please. :)
    Sorry. Either way, I'm done with this area of the forums until the game is actually out.
  • edited April 2012
    By whom? People actually working on the the game?

    Well the community moderator for one

    Plus the fact XBLA updates on Wednesdays. Guess you will have to wait tomorrow after the update and check
  • edited April 2012
    danielbim wrote: »
    first and last time i buy a game here ...
    all my friends that bought from steam already finished the game , and here i am ... waiting to download ....
    TT SUCKS !!!! ( REVOLT )
    I think of it this way, people that have already finished the game have blown their wad and are smokin' a cig... While I am still enjoying the anticipation :D
  • edited April 2012
    Its pretty simple..

    the Banner says "Available April 24th" AND its still April 24th in the US.
    TTG is an American company.. they have their own business hours.
    Its their product they will release it when they feel its ready.
    Steam is probably working with a version they got a week earlier.
    EVERYONE.. no matter what flag flies in your backyard WILL have the opportunity to download the game as soon as its released.. they are NOT playing favorites.. all they are doing is releasing their game during their timezones business hours.. If someone told you you had to go to work to suit someone else's time schedule you would tell them to get bent...

    I am looking forward to playing the game too... But there is NO reason to be rude and make ridiculous accusations or claim false entitlements
  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Really now? All your friends finished the game? Was it good? Then they don't suck. Valve, a company held in HIGH regard, is almost always late to the point of the invention of "Valve Time" again, no one is forcing you to wait. Go out and have fun, wait for the game to come out and play it when you can. Not rocket science.

    Ahh Gman beat me to the punch; but seriously. Valve made you have to play 10 something indie games to earn theoretical "potatos" which helped make the time for the Portal 2 release to go faster, talk about capitalisim. I didn't nesecarrily HATE the idea, but it something people often miss. Cuz you know, it's Valve, and their perfect, right?[/Sarcasm]
  • edited April 2012
    this is the perfect example of how not to treat your loyal customers, or new customers. i even went and ordered this in march well before i had an idea steam would be releasing it. i would rather get a refund and give my money to steam, where i never have been let down in YEARS.
  • edited April 2012
    Wompdevil wrote: »
    Well the community moderator for one

    Plus the fact XBLA updates on Wednesdays. Guess you will have to wait tomorrow after the update and check

    I didn't know forum moderators knew that kind of stuff for sure. It would have been nice to have some sort of announcement. Ah well I was mostly just commenting about the fact that xbox users have to wait but a ton of you Pc players are about to have a conniption.
  • edited April 2012
    I didn't know forum moderators knew that kind of stuff for sure. It would have been nice to have some sort of announcement. Ah well I was mostly just commenting about the fact that xbox users have to wait but a ton of you Pc players are about to have a conniption.

    That's the smallest form of PC gamer rage, too.
  • edited April 2012
    So while we wait...who's donated money to the Leisure Suit Larry remake kick starter page? I really miss the old Sierra adventure games so I donated a couple bucks to make it happen, hope they hit their goal! I'd love for them to do a remake of the first police quest and space quest too, but one step at a time :D
  • edited April 2012
    believe me guys. i've tried to be the voice of moderate reason around here and i'm about at that same point of just going to buy it on steam. had i not spent the extra money i had from my last paycheck on this pre-ordered ttg direct version, i would be handing my money over to steam at this moment. end of day releases are widely intolerable and logic would dictate this is the sort of reaction they should get. this should have been "patched" days ago had the beta testers done their job. i say "patched" because there's no reason to have to patch before a game is even released. for an issue to slip through of a magnitude large enough to push a release off this many hours means that some someone or some group within ttg dropped the ball. no developer would willingly schedule for this sort of backlash knowing full well that it would be 100% guaranteed to happen should they make their loyal fanbase squirm in furious anticipation.
  • edited April 2012
    So while we wait...who's donated money to the Leisure Suit Larry remake kick starter page? I really miss the old Sierra adventure games so I donated a couple bucks to make it happen, hope they hit their goal! I'd love for them to do a remake of the first police quest and space quest too, but one step at a time :D

    Please don't go off topic, there's already a thread for that here:
  • edited April 2012
    So while we wait...who's donated money to the Leisure Suit Larry remake kick starter page? I really miss the old Sierra adventure games so I donated a couple bucks to make it happen, hope they hit their goal! I'd love for them to do a remake of the first police quest and space quest too, but one step at a time :D

    Of course I supported Al Lowe and the resurrection of the REAL Larry, and not those crappy Magna Cum Laude and Box Office Bust games.

    I also supported Jane Jensen (creator of Gabriel Knight) and her new adventure game. Can't wait to play it!

    Now, I REALLY want to play Walking Dead!
  • edited April 2012
    Please don't go off topic, there's already a thread for that here:

    Cool, thanks for the link. Sorry bout that.
  • edited April 2012
    this is the perfect example of how not to treat your loyal customers, or new customers. i even went and ordered this in march well before i had an idea steam would be releasing it. i would rather get a refund and give my money to steam, where i never have been let down in YEARS.
    Kudos for steam releasing a buggy version. It's obviously they had an old build, just so they could have an early release. We will get the latest one. I'm a loyal customer and don't feel shafted. It is normal for games to be released this late. Telltale are 8 hours behind the UK, and it gets uploaded when it is ready to go, as they work on it till the last minute.
  • edited April 2012
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Its pretty simple..

    the Banner says "Available April 24th" AND its still April 24th in the US.
    TTG is an American company.. they have their own business hours.
    Its their product they will release it when they feel its ready.
    Steam is probably working with a version they got a week earlier.
    EVERYONE.. no matter what flag flies in your backyard WILL have the opportunity to download the game as soon as its released.. they are NOT playing favorites.. all they are doing is releasing their game during their timezones business hours.. If someone told you you had to go to work to suit someone else's time schedule you would tell them to get bent...

    I am looking forward to playing the game too... But there is NO reason to be rude and make ridiculous accusations or claim false entitlements

    I've seen this argument over and over again, but

    1) That doesn't help with the fact that the Steam version has been up for hours now, and European users could have chosen that version if they had known this disparity between release times was likely to be an issue. (and no, the fact that the Steam version has issues doesn't help - it just makes the handling of this release look even MORE sloppy)

    2) One wonders why a company like Telltale wouldn't choose to release their games on a slightly more Europe-friendly schedule, given that Europeans make up such a large percentage of the adventure game fanbase. They could still release in work hours AND at a time that's good for Europe.

    This isn't about entitlement, this is about pointing out there's a problem here, and hoping that TTG might learn from it.
  • edited April 2012
    Cool, thanks for the link. Sorry bout that.

    No prob man, just keeping the forums clean and making the Mod's and Telltale's job easier for them.
  • edited April 2012
    The game has to be available in the next 2 hours because I'm sure that they close at 6PM and to make their deadline for the day it would have to be out by then so anytime now.
  • edited April 2012
    I've been excited about getting this game. The only reason I purchased this here as well as the almost everything pack because my wife wanted to actually play this game too. I generally play all of my games on the xbox. My wife would play it on the Mac. Your website clearly lists this game as available right now and it's not. I just shelled out $42 wanting to get the Walking Dead mainly and here I am downloading everything but The Walking Dead because it's not available yet. I'm beyond angry and disappointed. Why does the creator of this game not have it available on its release date? Not good Telltale....I've never purchased anything from you before and my first experience is not going well.
  • edited April 2012
    There is no real way to win.. if they released it earlier for the European market the Americas.. would complain that the game is being released earlier for some.. or that its released at strange hours.... Its best they just work during their own business hours...
  • edited April 2012
    xoRAIDERox wrote: »
    I've been excited about getting this game. The only reason I purchased this here as well as the almost everything pack because my wife wanted to actually play this game too. I generally play all of my games on the xbox. My wife would play it on the Mac. Your website clearly lists this game as available right now and it's not. I just shelled out $42 wanting to get the Walking Dead mainly and here I am downloading everything but The Walking Dead because it's not available yet. I'm beyond angry and disappointed. Why does the creator of this game not have it available on its release date? Not good Telltale....I've never purchased anything from you before and my first experience is not going well.

    Hate to be Capain Obvious here, but the release date hasn't passed. It's only 4 in the afternoon in California.
  • edited April 2012
    Irishmile wrote: »
    There is no real way to win.. if they released it earlier for the European market the Americas.. would complain that the game is being released earlier for some.. or that its released at strange hours.... Its best they just work during their own business hours...

    I never suggested that they should do that, but if they had made sure it would be released by mid-day, then most Europeans would still get a chance to play, many more people would be happy. It just seems that ever so often it seems like they're releasing games by the skin of their teeth, which doesn't give one confidence for their stability.
  • edited April 2012
    I've seen this argument over and over again, but

    1) That doesn't help with the fact that the Steam version has been up for hours now, and European users could have chosen that version if they had known this disparity between release times was likely to be an issue. (and no, the fact that the Steam version has issues doesn't help - it just makes the handling of this release look even MORE sloppy)

    2) One wonders why a company like Telltale wouldn't choose to release their games on a slightly more Europe-friendly schedule, given that Europeans make up such a large percentage of the adventure game fanbase. They could still release in work hours AND at a time that's good for Europe.

    This isn't about entitlement, this is about pointing out there's a problem here, and hoping that TTG might learn from it.

    First off you have no idea if TT had any knowledge of when Steam was releasing their version. I don't think this is something Telltale will be pleased with but I can bet you anything they had no idea prior to the release that it would release that early. As far as being Europe friendly, most times I look at video game releases you guys get the games 24 to 72 hours after initial release. I see plenty of games COD, Battlefield 3, and so on where Europe gets a later date. You are having to wait less than 24. How is this worse than most games not of European origin?
  • crofaelcrofael Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    Dameon2k wrote: »
    The game has to be available in the next 2 hours because I'm sure that they close at 6PM and to make their deadline for the day it would have to be out by then so anytime now.

    I can't remember the last time I left the office by 6. -______________-
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I can't remember the last time I left the office by 6. -______________-

    LOL! Now Now I'm trying to keep the frantic ones hopes up ;)
  • edited April 2012
    At the very least, TTG should offer individual episodes for sale on Steam. Not willing to dump a whole 20 for an extra copy of a game I should already be playing, but I'd buy an individual episode just to get it over with.
  • edited April 2012
    Dameon2k wrote: »
    First off you have no idea if TT had any knowledge of when Steam was releasing their version. I don't think this is something Telltale will be pleased with but I can bet you anything they had no idea prior to the release that it would release that early. As far as being Europe friendly, most times I look at video game releases you guys get the games 24 to 72 hours after initial release. I see plenty of games COD, Battlefield 3, and so on where Europe gets a later date. You are having to wait less than 24. How is this worse than most games not of European origin?

    For typical box marketing, items in Europe traditionally 'drop' on Fridays and in the US, items drop on Tuesdays... that's why there is usually a delay.

    This is my first purchase from Telltale... and my last.

    Oh and I love the TOILET PAPER ICON.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    Hate to be Capain Obvious here, but the release date hasn't passed. It's only 4 in the afternoon in California.

    It's not about busting my bubble. And..... a little reverse captain obvious back at's general practice for games to release on the beginning of their release date. not towards the end of it. Hence my complaining. If it was typical behavior for games to release at the end of the supposed release day, you wouldn't have heard a peep out of me.
This discussion has been closed.