Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • edited April 2012
    mdkss12 wrote: »
    ted12, seriously chill out, people want their game and are frustrated. let them vent without poking and prodding just to make it worse.

    Eh, you're right. It's the same story every game- release day comes, everyone gets on their accounts, don't see the games, and start whining. This got old riiiiiiight about Sam and max 302.
  • edited April 2012
    Honestly you get a thick skin. Having moderated on a forum for one of the big 3 console makers a long long time ago I can say you have to in order to deal with ...hmmm... certain users.

    Yeah I guess so. I do have a lot of respect for the folks at Telltale 'cos they'll keep coming on the boards (when they have the free time anyway!), posting with us, answering our questions and joining in on the fun sometimes regardless of other things that may have happened in the past or are happening now. 1 up to the guys (and gals?) in red! Oh and the peeps in grey, kudos to you all too.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    I rest my case. NEXT!

    NEXT! this nerdalinger. How's that for a thinly veiled insult.
  • edited April 2012
    So can anyone tell me when Episode 2 comes out? Are there dates on each release? BTW The game rocks \m/:D
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    Yes, actually, it would. The more the devs have to deal with your whining, the longer the game will take.

    It would be nice to know what's going on. If the game is released on Steam, it's a fairly valid assumption that doesn't need to take any longer because it is already ready for deployment unless there's a problem with the Telltale Launcher or some other component that's not present in the Steam version.
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah I guess so. I do have a lot of respect for the folks at Telltale 'cos they'll keep coming on the boards (when they have the free time anyway!), posting with us, answering our questions and joining in on the fun sometimes regardless of other things that may have happened in the past or are happening now. 1 up to the guys (and gals?) in red! Oh and the peeps in grey, kudos to you all too.

    Yeah, I honestly have no idea how the mods do this release after release.
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah I guess so. I do have a lot of respect for the folks at Telltale 'cos they'll keep coming on the boards (when they have the free time anyway!), posting with us, answering our questions and joining in on the fun sometimes regardless of other things that may have happened in the past or are happening now. 1 up to the guys in red!

    Yup. That's one reason I like them. Well that and the awesome games. A lot of companies just put a useless PR guy who doesn't know a damn thing and that is it. At least here you can find a few of the developers hanging around once in awhile.
  • edited April 2012
    To keep us occupied, why don't we start a pool for what time it shows up.
    I'll go first... 5:02pm Pacific
  • edited April 2012
    So can anyone tell me when Episode 2 comes out? Are there dates on each release? BTW The game rocks \m/:D

    They're almost always monthly. I don't know specific dates though.
  • edited April 2012
    sad that latest word from telltale was over 5 hours ago saying the game was coming asap, they need to communicate better with their customers
    The last time I checked, ASAP meant As Soon As Possible. ASAP is interpreted as "We are resolving some issues and are trying our damnedest to get it done as fast as we can." They probably cannot give an exact time for it. If they popped up with "We are still working on it." All that would accomplish is causing tons of whining replies about "When?" So instead, they remain silent. What's so hard to understand?
  • edited April 2012
    Actually that leaves 7 hours and 25 minutes for the game to be posted as promised. (7 hours and 22 minutes now).

    Actually, if they're to be honest to all of the markets they promoted to, there is only -57 minutes.

    If they are counting only the continental US, then they have a little over four hours left, and by that time a lot of the people will have given up and headed to bed, because as much as we want this game, I doubt it's a "wait a whole freaking day then stay up all night playing" worthy one.
  • edited April 2012
    Release the game already.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    They're almost always monthly. I don't know specific dates though.

    Thanks, I am new at this thread stuff lol 47 yr. old mom playing with my son. Just a huge zombie fan :)
  • edited April 2012
    mastone13 wrote: »
    To keep us occupied, why don't we start a pool for what time it shows up.
    I'll go first... 5:02pm Pacific

    As long as it's anytime before midnight Pacific I'm happy. But if I had to wager a bet my money is on around 7pm Pacific.
  • edited April 2012
    It truly would be nice for a dev to come on the forums and let us know what the hell is going on. At least update us, TTG...
  • crofaelcrofael Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    Cheeseness wrote: »
    It would be nice to know what's going on. If the game is released on Steam, it's a fairly valid assumption that doesn't need to take any longer because it is already ready for deployment unless there's a problem with the Telltale Launcher or some other component that's not present in the Steam version.

    There are some differences between the Steam build and the TTG one. We are currently working our butts off to try and ensure that when everyone who bought the TTG version downloads it, the worst part of the experience was waiting for it to be available.

    Thank you for your continued patience.
  • edited April 2012
    The last time I checked, ASAP meant As Soon As Possible. ASAP is interpreted as "We are resolving some issues and are trying our damnedest to get it done as fast as we can." They probably cannot give an exact time for it. If they popped up with "We are still working on it." All that would accomplish is causing tons of whining replies about "When?" So instead, they remain silent. What's so hard to understand?

    What's hard to understand is how they managed to post to Steam a program they SHOULD have posted to their own site first. Even if this was a last minute patch, it could have been an after-market patch.

    This is their HOME SITE. Meaning that people came here SPECIFICALLY for this game. TellTale half-assing the release on their own site is NOT good for business.
  • edited April 2012
    MrKain wrote: »
    Actually, if they're to be honest to all of the markets they promoted to, there is only -57 minutes.

    If they are counting only the continental US, then they have a little over four hours left, and by that time a lot of the people will have given up and headed to bed, because as much as we want this game, I doubt it's a "wait a whole freaking day then stay up all night playing" worthy one.
    The date is based on their time zone, not the entire continent or the world.
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks, I am new at this thread stuff lol 47 yr. old mom playing with my son. Just a huge zombie fan :)

    Telltale always gives specific release dates on their blog a few weeks before a new episode comes out. If you want release dates as soon as they come out, I suggest bookmarking it.
  • edited April 2012
    I'll put my coin on 12:01AM EST, failing their mission to put it out today in the US.
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    There are some differences between the Steam build and the TTG one. We are currently working our butts off to try and ensure that when everyone who bought the TTG version downloads it, the worst part of the experience was waiting for it to be available.

    Thank you for your continued patience.

  • edited April 2012
    You this thread kept reminding me of something and I couldn't figure out what... until now...

    Watch this video from 10:00 for about 9 seconds.

    Then watch it from the beginning because it's funny. :D
  • edited April 2012
    Can I get it for steam if I ordered here? I would like to play it.
  • edited April 2012
    MarzAttakz wrote: »
    Yeah 01:45am here - maybe tomorrow I can download my copy of The Waking Dead or The Walking Delay or whatever catchy new title this shambles will be called, thank goodness my Guild Wars 2 Beta client is downloading instead.

    Nice, this is pretty much how I'm passing my time as well. I sincerely hope the game doesn't end up shipping on the 27th. Would hate to wait 'til monday to play.
  • edited April 2012
    The date is based on their time zone, not the entire continent or the world.

    That's not necessarily true. It SHOULD be for the entire country they are from. Despite other countries' time zones, releasing late in the US is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT.

    Otherwise they should advertise "By 11:59 PST, April 24."
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    There are some differences between the Steam build and the TTG one. We are currently working our butts off to try and ensure that when everyone who bought the TTG version downloads it, the worst part of the experience was waiting for it to be available.

    Thank you for your continued patience.
    Thanks for the update, crofael :)
  • edited April 2012
    Razer wrote: »
    You this thread kept reminding me of something and I couldn't figure out what... until now...

    Watch this video from 10:00 for about 9 seconds.

    Then watch it from the beginning because it's funny. :D

    I love this guy. (even if I spend more time with AVGN, but whatever.)
  • edited April 2012
    4 hours left .....
  • edited April 2012
    Money back please... I'll go play Resident Evil 2 or Nazi zombies.. Officially lost my business for good..
  • edited April 2012
    Meh. I'm done with complaining for now... this is stupid. Thanks to whomever enlightened me to Project Zomboid. I'm gonna go play that.
  • edited April 2012
    Wow, sorry to see you guys are still waiting for the game.

    I bought it on STEAM today, not knowing it even came out until I logged on. I can't say I've run into any issues. I guess I'll have to look for the problems people are supposedly having, but it's all good over on my end.. Something to think about.

    I'm about finished with the game.. its fun.. not sure if I would have waited all day for it though.. I would definitely go do something else, rather than F5 the forums, in my personal opinion.

    That is, unless somebody comes in and gives you guys an update as to when you're getting the game. That's messed up you had to wait so long.

    It can't be fun for TTG either.
  • edited April 2012
    MrKain wrote: »
    That's not necessarily true. It SHOULD be for the entire country they are from. Despite other countries' time zones, releasing late in the US is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT.

    Otherwise they should advertise "By 11:59 PST, April 24."

    Technically,it was in the legalese when you brought the game, but whatever. What I wish telltale did was say it'd be the next day,and then everyone would applaud them for getting it out a few hours early instead of going here.
  • edited April 2012
    There sure are a lot of people here rationalizing the fact that TTG has made a huge blunder here. No matter how you want to say it. A release date was set. it's the release date. I vote no confidence in TTG.

    They have also tarnished the entire franchise with this less than professional launch.

    Shame on you TTG. You lost a customer. Period.
  • edited April 2012
    Just popped in to see how things are going.
    MrKain wrote: »
    I'll put my coin on 12:01AM EST, failing their mission to put it out today in the US.

    Nope. PDT would still be there. Their timezone in fact.
    MrKain wrote: »
    That's not necessarily true. It SHOULD be for the entire country they are from. Despite other countries' time zones, releasing late in the US is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT.

    Otherwise they should advertise "By 11:59 PST, April 24."

    But they just said April 24th PDT. They aren't late yet. Granted, I would think it would be out by now, but they still have until 11:59 PDT. Again, after that, we have every right to complain and I will be joining you guys.
    sirlummox wrote: »
    There sure are a lot of people here rationalizing the fact that TTG has made a huge blunder here. No matter how you want to say it. A release date was set. it's the release date. I vote no confidence in TTG.

    Notice it is STILL the release date. It is STILL April 24th PDT. They have not blundered yet. They are really close to doing that though.
    They have also tarnished the entire franchise with this less than professional launch.

    No they haven't. Tarnishing the franchise? Really?
    Shame on you TTG. You lost a customer. Period.

    For what? A less than ideal release? They are still on time! Valve do this all the freaking time! Are you against them too?
  • edited April 2012
    MrKain wrote: »
    That's not necessarily true. It SHOULD be for the entire country they are from. Despite other countries' time zones, releasing late in the US is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT.

    Otherwise they should advertise "By 11:59 PST, April 24."
    I disagree. By stating only "April 24" it implies nothing, therefore no false advertisement. So long as it is April 24 somewhere in the world when they release it, they did not lie.
  • edited April 2012
    sirlummox wrote: »
    There sure are a lot of people here rationalizing the fact that TTG has made a huge blunder here. No matter how you want to say it. A release date was set. it's the release date. I vote no confidence in TTG.

    They have also tarnished the entire franchise with this less than professional launch.

    Shame on you TTG. You lost a customer.

    Guess what It is still the 24th they NEVER said at what time on the 24th so stop complaining people.
  • edited April 2012
    sirlummox wrote: »
    There sure are a lot of people here rationalizing the fact that TTG has made a huge blunder here. No matter how you want to say it. A release date was set. it's the release date. I vote no confidence in TTG.

    They have also tarnished the entire franchise with this less than professional launch.

    Shame on you TTG. You lost a customer. Period.

    Really? It's only 8 PM EST here. Where they are its about 5 PM. What is to say they aren't staying up late? And technically the game was released, so if you're really that antsy about a $5 episode, go buy it elsewhere and request a refund here or something.

    Stuff happens. I'm a developer myself, and I can tell you, unforeseen consequences happen. It doesn't mean that it's fun or fair to us players though, but cut them some slack.

    You don't know what TTG is going through to get the game out.

    Then again, an update for those of you guys waiting would probably be nice..
  • edited April 2012
    MrKain wrote: »
    What's hard to understand is how they managed to post to Steam a program they SHOULD have posted to their own site first. Even if this was a last minute patch, it could have been an after-market patch.

    They don't tend to go for the tradition patch route. If there is a problem with a game they tend to make a whole new build of it and release that. So as it looks like a problem has arisen in the build they had for this morning it makes no sense to release that, get slammed for putting out a defective episode and then release a fixed build later in the day.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    Technically,it was in the legalese when you brought the game, but whatever. What I wish telltale did was say it'd be the next day,and then everyone would applaud them for getting it out a few hours early instead of going here.

    thats actually what ive been thinking all day long, wouldve saved everyone a lot of headaches
  • edited April 2012
    I'm fairly patient. Although, I'm hoping Steam keys are forthcoming for those that pre-ordered here. Really looking forward to playing it. I think it's good they're getting issues sorted it out before they release it here. Gonna play Hector while I wait. :D
This discussion has been closed.