Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • ncbncb
    edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Really now? All your friends finished the game? Was it good? Then they don't suck. Valve, a company held in HIGH regard, is almost always late to the point of the invention of "Valve Time" again, no one is forcing you to wait. Go out and have fun, wait for the game to come out and play it when you can. Not rocket science.

    Sorry. Either way, I'm done with this area of the forums until the game is actually out.

    Nice to see mr. high and mighty is still around. How is it up there on your pedastal?
  • edited April 2012
    Dameon2k wrote: »
    First off you have no idea if TT had any knowledge of when Steam was releasing their version. I don't think this is something Telltale will be pleased with but I can bet you anything they had no idea prior to the release that it would release that early. As far as being Europe friendly, most times I look at video game releases you guys get the games 24 to 72 hours after initial release. I see plenty of games COD, Battlefield 3, and so on where Europe gets a later date. You are having to wait less than 24. How is this worse than most games not of European origin?

    No, I had no idea if TT had any knowledge of when Steam was releasing their version. But they did know the release day, and it seems rather obvious that they should plan to make damned sure to have it absolutely ready so they can release within good time of the Steam version so as not to make the people supporting them directly left feeling like they got a raw deal.

    Secondly, I don't see what your examples which are to do with retailers and deals with publishers have to do with this situation, where Telltale are self-publishing and announced a single digital release date. If they weren't confident that they could get the game released in good time on that date so that both their national and international customers could enjoy it, then perhaps they should have released it later at a time when they were more prepared.

    I'm not saying this is a disaster, or that Telltale are awful, or anything like that. I'm sure they have very good reasons for this: just that I think there are things they could be doing better here, and whatever those reasons are, they need to fix them for next time.
  • edited April 2012
    wtf TT it's almost 7:30 in the evening. pathetic
  • edited April 2012
    i think it is midnight eastern time :P
  • edited April 2012
    Gife game!
  • edited April 2012
    This is honestly ridiculous. The LEAST they could do is issue a god damned statement telling us wtf is going on.
  • edited April 2012
    Whatever may be the case, be it a crisis or not, the smartest thing for a developer to do when not releasing something as planned is inform its customers of the delay, not remain silent.
  • edited April 2012
    0.30 in the UK, hope we get something in the next half an hour cos this is getting crazy.
  • edited April 2012
    xoRAIDERox wrote: »
    It's not about busting my bubble. And..... a little reverse captain obvious back at's general practice for games to release on the beginning of their release date. not towards the end of it. Hence my complaining. If it was typical behavior for games to release at the end of the supposed release day, you wouldn't have heard a peep out of me.

    Hey, there's a handful of other devs that'd like to have a word with you. This isn't a rare practice, look at valve for instance. Look, long story short, complain if you want, but you did buy a literal pile of games with TWD. Go play an ep of Sam and Max.
  • edited April 2012
    Attack wrote: »
    this is honestly ridiculous. The least they could do is issue a god damned statement telling us wtf is going on.
    xoRAIDERox wrote: »
    whatever may be the case, be it a crisis or not, the smartest thing for a developer to do when not releasing something as planned is inform its customers of the delay, not remain silent.

  • edited April 2012
    How about a simple update on the web homepage? Would that be so damn difficult?
  • edited April 2012
    It hasn't been updated for 2 weeks!
  • edited April 2012
    toivohomi wrote: »
    How about a simple update on the web homepage? Would that be so damn difficult?

    Yes, actually, it would. The more the devs have to deal with your whining, the longer the game will take.
  • edited April 2012
    I guess being an official board butler entitles you to being an asshole too
  • edited April 2012
    believe me guys. i've tried to be the voice of moderate reason around here and i'm about at that same point of just going to buy it on steam. had i not spent the extra money i had from my last paycheck on this pre-ordered ttg direct version, i would be handing my money over to steam at this moment. end of day releases are widely intolerable and logic would dictate this is the sort of reaction they should get. this should have been "patched" days ago had the beta testers done their job. i say "patched" because there's no reason to have to patch before a game is even released. for an issue to slip through of a magnitude large enough to push a release off this many hours means that some someone or some group within ttg dropped the ball. no developer would willingly schedule for this sort of backlash knowing full well that it would be 100% guaranteed to happen should they make their loyal fanbase squirm in furious anticipation.

    I can't think of the last game I bought that didn't have a day 1 patch of some sort. Happens all the time.

    Not saying it's great practice, but also best not to pretend it's the first time it's ever happened either.
  • edited April 2012
    ncb wrote: »
    Nice to see mr. high and mighty is still around. How is it up there on your pedastal?

    I thought you went to bed?
  • edited April 2012
    toivohomi wrote: »
    I guess being an official board butler entitles you to being an asshole too

    There's a difference from being an ass and being patient. Surprise.
  • edited April 2012
    last thing they said was the game is coming asap and that was 5 hours ago. The way telltale have handlet the relase of the walking dead have been very disappointing especially considering the earlie steam release farce and lack of communication
  • edited April 2012
    Surprise me and keep your releasing a game on time.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    Hate to be Capain Obvious here, but the release date hasn't passed. It's only 4 in the afternoon in California.
    And now it's 2,5 hours later. We're running out of office hours even if the TTG people are a bunch of workaholics.
  • edited April 2012
    This is seriously getting ridiculous. As of this post, it's 4:35 PM PST. That leaves 25 mins for the game to be posted as promised. In the future instead of giving my money to developers that actually care about keeping their word, perhaps I will find other means to obtain the games.
  • edited April 2012
    toivohomi wrote: »
    Surprise me and keep your releasing a game on time.

    Tell me, did you read the legalese before you ordered? Go back and check it out if you haven't already.


    You see, what you should've noticed was that The game will be released before the end of the day, in TTG's local time. In other words, the game is still on time.
  • edited April 2012
    z0mKi wrote: »
    This is seriously getting ridiculous. As of this post, it's 4:35 PM PST. That leaves 25 mins for the game to be posted as promised. In the future instead of giving my money to developers that actually care about keeping their word, perhaps I will find other means to obtain the games.

    Actually that leaves 7 hours and 25 minutes for the game to be posted as promised. (7 hours and 22 minutes now).
  • edited April 2012
    Yay, 01.37 in Germany...ich hau mich hin Jungs(I´m going to sleep guys).
  • edited April 2012
    Actually that leaves 7 hours and 25 minutes for the game to be posted as promised.

    Math to the rescue!!!!!!!!!
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    Tell me, did you read the legalese before you ordered? Go back and check it out if you haven't already.


    You see, what you should've noticed was that The game will be released before the end of the day, in TTG's local time. In other words, the game is still on time.

    I'm not a board butler so I can't read
  • edited April 2012
    toivohomi wrote: »
    I'm not a board butler so I can't read


    If you can't read, then aren't you a little young to be playing this? By about 12-13 years?? Besides the thinly veiled insults, if you can't be bothered to read the fine print, you can't really blame the company.
  • edited April 2012
    The first zombie i'm going to kill is the board butler zombie
  • edited April 2012
    toivohomi wrote: »
    The first zombie i'm going to kill is the board butler zombie

    I rest my case. NEXT!
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah 01:45am here - maybe tomorrow I can download my copy of The Waking Dead or The Walking Delay or whatever catchy new title this shambles will be called, thank goodness my Guild Wars 2 Beta client is downloading instead.
  • edited April 2012
    MarzAttakz wrote: »
    Yeah 01:45am here - maybe tomorrow I can download my copy of The Waking Dead or The Walking Delay or whatever catchy new title this shambles will be called, thank goodness my Guild Wars 2 Beta client is downloading instead.
    "Shambles"? no pun intended, right? rofl
  • edited April 2012
    MarzAttakz wrote: »
    Yeah 01:45am here - maybe tomorrow I can download my copy of The Waking Dead or The Walking Delay or whatever catchy new title this shambles will be called, thank goodness my Guild Wars 2 Beta client is downloading instead.

    Tell me how that is once you play it. It looked pretty cool at E3.
  • edited April 2012
    LeoMoyses wrote: »
    TT's Timezone: April 24, 2012, 14:51:46 PDT

    im in the timezone...its 4:51pm here...still nothing...with closing hours at 5pm DX
  • edited April 2012
    You know, it's days like these that I wonder why the hell I wanted to get into a business where the average response is at best ignorant and at worse just downright insulting. But that's the 'power' of the internet, giving every mouthbreather a voice.
  • edited April 2012
    sad that latest word from telltale was over 5 hours ago saying the game was coming asap, they need to communicate better with their customers
  • edited April 2012
    OK office hours are 9-5. Its 7:49pm where I am in Ohio. That makes it 4:49 In Cali. If its not out in the next 11 minutes I hope they plan to work late.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12, seriously chill out, people want their game and are frustrated. let them vent without poking and prodding just to make it worse.
  • edited April 2012
    You know, it's days like these that I wonder why the hell I wanted to get into a business where the average response is at best ignorant and at worse just downright insulting. But that's the 'power' of the internet, giving every mouthbreather a voice.

    Honestly you get a thick skin. Having moderated on a forum for one of the big 3 console makers a long long time ago I can say you have to in order to deal with ...hmmm... certain users.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »

    If you can't read, then aren't you a little young to be playing this? By about 12-13 years?? Besides the thinly veiled insults, if you can't be bothered to read the fine print, you can't really blame the company.

    Implying anyone even reads fine print.
  • edited April 2012
    zfan330 wrote: »
    OK office hours are 9-5. Its 7:49pm where I am in Ohio. That makes it 4:49 In Cali. If its not out in the next 11 minutes I hope they plan to work late.

    then I will be will be expecting money back
This discussion has been closed.