Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • edited April 2012
    Jason6 wrote: »
    Here you go buddy. Soak on this "said, implied" statement from a RED.

    Saying that the versions are different isn't an implication of inferiority.
  • edited April 2012
    So if we received a Steam code to play TWD, will we still be able to download and play from TTG once released, or is it one or the other?

    Sorry I'm a TTG noob. :D
  • edited April 2012
    Kevin wrote: »
    The content is exactly the same between steam and the ttg version. The only differences are technical (how the game interacts with steam servers vs telltale servers). The game itself is identical in every way.

    Ok Kevin. Thank you for clarifying that. May be hard to translate sincerity through the web, but for my part...I apologize for my misunderstanding, and for transferring that misunderstanding to others.

    It is true I am excited for the game, and disappointed for this release having put aside a whole day and for nothing. And doesnt let you off the hook.

    But I will apologize for my misunderstanding.
  • edited April 2012
    EclecticOC wrote: »
    So if we received a Steam code to play TWD, will we still be able to download and play from TTG once released, or is it one or the other?

    Sorry I'm a TTG noob. :D

    Yep, you will definitely be able to download it from us, as soon as the issue is resolved on our end.
  • edited April 2012
    Checked the forum 12 hours later and I can't believe some people are still finding things to complain about lol
  • edited April 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    Saying that the versions are different isn't an implication of inferiority.

    Stating that... and then allowing the forum to post opinions on the differences, experiences with buggy software and negative reception, without clarifying that implying that. The statement should have been clarified before allowing such inconsistencies of truth until now...well after the fact.

    I apologize again for my misunderstanding, as well as those others that did the same, but it was implied.
  • edited April 2012
    crash665 wrote: »
    Aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddd.................... the Steam version plays like ass. Herky jerky in the woods. Annoying.
    Steam forums said this is resolved by disabling shadows. Less complaining, more reading, it can really work wonders.
  • edited April 2012
    Has it been officially announced that there will be a DVD release that telltale customers can get for the cost of shipping as has been the case with most of telltales releases?
  • edited April 2012
    Moragami wrote: »
    Steam forums said this is resolved by disabling shadows. Less complaining, more reading, it can really work wonders.

    So I guess our version of TT's will require the same? As it has been stated they are the same game here, just different server codecs. Will that be made available here for that info or do we go to Steam's site?
  • edited April 2012
    You guys made a liar out of me by sending those steam codes out. That was a very nice thing to do when you didn't really have to. The game is grand btw. I am very pleased. I am sorry for being a turd on here earlier. I sincerely apologize.

    Thank you TTG.
  • edited April 2012
    sirlummox wrote: »
    You guys made a liar out of me by sending those steam codes out. That was a very nice thing to do when you didn't really have to. The game is grand btw. I am very pleased. I am sorry for being a turd on here earlier. I sincerely apologize.

    Thank you TTG.

    Dear sir
    You are a gentleman for admitting that, you gave me a little bit of faith in humanity again
    but someone will werek that
  • edited April 2012
    sirlummox wrote: »
    You guys made a liar out of me by sending those steam codes out. That was a very nice thing to do when you didn't really have to. The game is grand btw. I am very pleased. I am sorry for being a turd on here earlier. I sincerely apologize.

    Thank you TTG.

    Gimme the TT version for DL on my iMac, a DL for my Macbook Pro, and a DL for my iPad when that version comes out.... with the same provided for each additional story set that comes out in the future when I purchase just one.... and then I may feel pleased. Just might even apologize for being a turd as well. But doubt that will happen.
  • edited April 2012
    So am I the last person to not get the Steam key?
  • edited April 2012
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    So am I the last person to not get the Steam key?

    You want mine? I'll sell it to you for $24.99
    Might take me awhile to send it though after payment, but trust i will be dutifully working on it.
  • edited April 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    Yep, you will definitely be able to download it from us, as soon as the issue is resolved on our end.

    back to a post by bpage, does valve take a % cut of each activation or ....
  • edited April 2012
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    So am I the last person to not get the Steam key?

    i still dont have mine mate
  • edited April 2012
    back to a post by bpage, does valve take a % cut of each activation or ....

    Thanks, I'd very much like to know this... or at least a "no comment".
  • edited April 2012
    Still haven't got my key...
  • edited April 2012
    So, I've been lurking this forum off and on through out the day to keep informed, and I'm just wondering if you guys are still in the process of emailing out steam codes, since I have yet to receive mine.
  • edited April 2012
    No key here either :(
  • edited April 2012
    Just an FYI as well I have not received any keys. Thank you
  • edited April 2012
    Same as the last post. No pressure, though. I guess I'll be playing it tomorrow. Good night guys!
  • edited April 2012
    I received a steam code around 10pm. Downloaded it through steam. Haven't played it yet though. Don't want to have to play all 5 episodes on steam. Waiting to download the TTG version.
  • edited April 2012
    I forgot how crazy people become on the forums during release days. I wish I didn't have to work during it. Skimmed the first 5 or 6 pages and had a good laugh. Hey, anxious people, I've been there...15-20 episode releases ago. Can't wait for the next one. I recall they had a lot of trouble with a previous episode of BttF or S&M3 as well.
  • edited April 2012
    Jedward wrote: »
    I ordered 2 days ago. I got mine 37 minutes ago. USA/Pennsylvania.

    Edit, installing now, but since it's still not what I paid for which they failed to provide, I'm doing a chargeback.

    PS: Comments hidden away in the forum is not an 'official' statement. An email is not an official statement. You need at minimum a sticky at the top of this forum, locked, just for this news and subsequent updates.

    Thanks FailTale!
    Jedward wrote: »
    lol... FailTale revoked all my purchased games from their site.

    I can't check my bank right now, but I hope you automatically refunded it as well. I can tell you that I enjoyed Jurassic Park and Law & Order... BTTF.. meh.. not so much.

    And I am playing your steam key right now! But sadly, it's not what I paid for... and why is the config an xbox controller rather than a keyboard?

    You are all kinds of failsauce.

    PS: sent a CS question... but you don't get points for partial delivery, nor alternative delivery. You are in breach!

    Since you've revoked my access to the preorder and almost everything, I expect a refund is forthcoming if it's not already been processed.

    PS: The game plays like crap.

    Best news I've seen in this thread.

    Also just highlighting again that you've admitted using services provided by Telltale so your chargeback can be disputed (Don't worry, I've flagged your post to the TT staff as well) - you should also feel free to look through Telltale's Terms & Conditions of sale before you continue to shout "Breach" constantly as well. You're in for a big surprise.....
  • edited April 2012
    I'll just keep quietly refreshing my email hoping for a Steam key to pop up in there.
    Maybe this time, maybe this time, maybe now...
  • edited April 2012
    Mimness wrote: »
    i'll just keep quietly refreshing my email hoping for a steam key to pop up in there.
    Maybe this time, maybe this time, maybe now...

    ^^^this. :D
  • edited April 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    Can you point out to me where a Telltale employee said that, please?

    I get that you're upset and it's a crappy situation, but we resolved it for today in the best way we could. It's not like you won't have a download available through us if it was ordered from our store once the issue is resolved. Delaying it in the first place was not a decision that was made lightly. The Steam version is in no way inferior, and nobody here said, or implied, that it was.

    Damn right it's not. I just got done with it and other then a couple times the sound acted up it was perfect. Course I know to always play with the shadows off cause my graphics card hates those. Other then that running it maxed out and it was buttah. Damn good buttah too. Can't wait for Episode 2.
  • edited April 2012
    Just finished the episode and I really enjoyed it, thanks TT for making sure I would be able to play it tonight. For those worried about the Steam version being "buggy," don't. It runs just fine. I'm not using the most powerful GPU out there and was still able to play with max details @ 1920x1080 without issue. Can't wait for Episode 2!
  • edited April 2012
    I've been passively reading this topic throughout the night. I too have yet to receive a Steam key. This whole issue is unusual for Telltale. Aside from Poker Night at the Inventory, all of my prevous preorders were available from this website first. I hope that this is just a fluke that will not be repeated with epsiode 2 and beyond.
  • edited April 2012
    Just found my steam key ^_^

    Let us take a moment (especially those of us who 'can't wait for episode 2') to remember those among us who are still waiting to play episode 1. Our thoughts and sympathies are with you, ladies and gentlemen. Hang in there.
  • edited April 2012
    It is a fluke. It was an issue that popped up last minute, and one that we couldn't have foreseen. I still don't have an ETA on the fix, but it's still being worked on.
  • edited April 2012
    Just wanted to say Thanks to everyone at TTG for making awesome games! I'm sorry that people can get quite crazy and rage-y, and be just plan jerks sometimes.

    I really appreciate the Steam key, and I'm about to start playing right now! Good luck getting those nasty bugs squashed!

    Keep up the great work!
  • edited April 2012
    Interestingly, my girlfriend (who preordered a couple of days after me) has received a Steam key, but I haven't.

    (and I have, of course, checked my spam folders)
  • edited April 2012
    Well it's time to turn in. With luck, I"ll have a key waiting for me in the morning.

    I still love you, Telltale Games! Keep on entertaining me, and I'll even wait TWO days for my games! :^)
  • edited April 2012
    Pak-Man, have you checked your spam folder?
  • edited April 2012
    i got my steam key and downloaded the game but i cant play it can some one help me please
  • edited April 2012
    i still dont have mine either :S
  • edited April 2012
    I want to thank you Telltale for making these awesome games! And when you can't release it one your homepage with ones, you are warm-hearted enough to give us a Steam code. Thank you!
  • edited April 2012
    I bought the 'almost everything' pack just recently and then saw it was released on steam. Then came to site to check to see if it was available, checked forums read all this.

    I am in no rush as I was still expecting it to be a fortnight away.

    Reading some responses here induces a fair amount of facepalm but seeing TTG's response and moves to rectify the access to the games is commendable.

    GG TTG, happy with my purchase and waiting on the key (but I have a few other games in the pack to keep me occupied for now :) )
This discussion has been closed.