Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • edited April 2012
    Hi, I don't have a steam key. Well, I pre-ordered late last night (western europe time), but I would like to have a steam key nonetheless :)
  • edited April 2012
    It would be actually nice to receive what I paid for in timely manner. I guess it would have been too much to ask for but that does no longer matter at the moment, unless next episode(s) also comes very late.

    Also I have not received my Steam key yet.
  • edited April 2012
    I pre-ordered the game over a month ago, but received no Steam key either. :(
  • edited April 2012
    As Weesky pointet out. This is what you agreed to
    Weeksy wrote: »
    Keep on making those accounts......

    Quote from Terms of Use:
    • Telltale reserves the right to terminate your access to the Site or your account for any reason or no reason.
    • If your account is terminated for a breach of this Agreement, no refund for any products or services will be made.
    • If Telltale terminates your account because you have breached this Agreement, you will not be entitled to any refund of any unused subscription fees or any other fee you may have paid in order to use any Telltale product.
    • Except for physical merchandise, which is discussed below, Telltale has a policy of NO REFUNDS for products or services purchased on or through the Site. By ordering merchandise from Telltale, you agree to the terms contained herein.

    ...and the big one for you......
    • If you have ordered any product from our Site, and we expect that there will be a delay in the delivery date of such product to you (or the date by which you may download or use a product from our site), then we reserve the right to notify you by e-mail of any such delay and the anticipated date by which the product will become available.

    Which - on your original account, you acknowledged receiving.

    You should feel free to read the rest: Right Here
  • edited April 2012
    As was said above, they will send another batch of Steam keys tomorrow morning, and if you don't get it by then contact Mike or e-mail Telltale.
  • edited April 2012
    Hey just a heads-up to Telltale in case they are monitoring for this - I preordered on 3/27 but didn't receive a Steam key yet either.
  • edited April 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    They're going out in batches. I'm not able to issue codes manually tonight, sorry.

    I understand the company is trying to fix things...but it is now April 25th all around the world, I preordered March 22 and no Steam key in my email (and I checked my spam folder, yes). I'll send an email to support, but is getting a Steam key the day after the game was due out enough? After this, and the Jurassic Park fiasco (and the fiasco that was Jurassic Park the Game), I think I'm about done from now on.
  • edited April 2012
    I will *never* install Steam on my PC. If I wanted to use Steam, I would have bought the game directly from Steam, not from Telltale! I'll just wait the release on the TT website and I hope the developers won't be slow to fix the server issue relying on the fact they gave away the Steam keys to make whiners shut up.

    What about the savegames, if you play the Steam version, too, once you have your game directly from TT?
  • edited April 2012
    Another one without a Steam key here but I also understand it's now 4:15 am in California and as such it'll probably be at least 5 hours before anyone is available to resolve this for myself and others.
  • edited April 2012
    I also didn't receive a steam key
  • edited April 2012
    So I need a little clarification please.

    The steam keys that are being sent out are just for episode 1 or for the full season?

    I mainly ask because I don't want my time on the steam version wasted since it may not be linked to the TT version (and the rest of the episodes).
  • edited April 2012
    Rampart wrote: »
    So I need a little clarification please.

    The steam keys that are being sent out are just for episode 1 or for the full season?

    I mainly ask because I don't want my time on the steam version wasted since it may not be linked to the TT version (and the rest of the episodes).

    As far as i know, PC players can't buy single episodes as they could in previous games. That would mean the Steam code is for the full season.
  • edited April 2012
    didnt they have all this kind of trouble with the release of BTTF and jurassic park. you think they would of accounted for this by now?

    but i'd rather wait till its up on TT site and download it, well ive waited this long a day or 2 longer wont hurt.
  • edited April 2012
    As far as I am aware Steam keys will continue to be issued until the TT server issue is resolved. So, please be patient if you have not received one. They are being sent out in batches. You will get one. :D
  • edited April 2012
    Still no Steam Key, for the record. (Although I suspect it will be a few more hours before anyone can look into it.

    My preorder was flukey. I didn't get the insider forum until posting to the support thread either.

    Is there any way to confirm that I'm entered into the contest?

    And out of curiosity, did any of the others who didn't get a key use Paypal to pay?
  • edited April 2012
    Watch spam folder.. I found my steam-code there!!
  • edited April 2012
    As soon as it comes out for Telltale's site, we'll let you know. It's out on Steam if you ordered it there.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: Telltale had a last minute internal server issue.

    For those of you who can't wait to play TWD now, check your email. They have sent a STEAM key and you can download it from steam if you purchased it through Telltale's site. They should fix the server issue soon.

    REMEMBER: I am a forum moderator, not staff. My job is to stop fights and get rid of spambots. I know just as much about the ETA on this as you; please don't email me about customer service issues. Thanks.

    I have the same problem but have not get the steam key yet..
    did the others get it already? i contacted the support too, but they seem to have a lot to do at the moment..
  • edited April 2012
    I *have* received a Steam key and pre-ordered the game yesterday evening (GMT) and paid by Paypal so guess I'm lucky...
  • edited April 2012
    Aye, I'm still waiting on a key over here too :( Sucks, I've had it pre-ordered for a while now :/
  • edited April 2012
    Astro Boy wrote: »
    didnt they have all this kind of trouble with the release of BTTF and jurassic park. you think they would of accounted for this by now?

    but i'd rather wait till its up on TT site and download it, well ive waited this long a day or 2 longer wont hurt.

    ...and twice with Monkey Island etc
  • edited April 2012
    CraigRJ wrote: »
    I *have* received a Steam key and pre-ordered the game yesterday evening (GMT) and paid by Paypal so guess I'm lucky...

    I really have to wonder what criteria did they use to send out the Steam keys. I pre-ordered as soon as the option appeared on the website, over a month ago, and didn't receive a thing.

    Again, very disappointing.

    Today is a national holiday here, a rare day where I can just relax in the midst of a period of a lot of work, and I was hoping to be able to play it yesterday night. I wasn't, and I doubt I will today either.

    It's no big deal, video games are a hobby, not certainly an obsession of mine, and I have plenty to keep me busy, but I have to say it certainly doesn't seem "fair" to be doubly penalized regarding the launch of the game by pre-ordering early and directly from Telltale Games:

    -first, by buying directly from the developer to support it (like I did with past games, and I do own all of TTG's titles), I will end up receiving the game after every other retail channel/platform;

    -second, I pre-ordered the game long in advance, as soon as it was up (like past games), and TTG sends out keys to people who ordered yesterday? No offence, but again it doesn't seem fair to prioritize the people who ordered last.

    Things could have certainly been handled a lot better than they were.

    A developer usually tries to captivate their potential customers to order directly from them by offering things cheaper, by offering added extras to their releases, or by having the titles earlier, sometimes all 3.
    In this case, amidst all the efforts to release it on several platforms, and to add things like achievements for other retail channels, they apparently forgot to have things properly in place to launch the game on their own infrastructure. :confused:
  • edited April 2012
    Very disappointed. I've your going to screw us TTG please use a condom!
  • edited April 2012
    joopjuh wrote: »
    Very disappointed. I've your going to screw us TTG please use a condom!

    You nor anyone else has been screwed. They are working to resolve the issue. Please be patient.
  • edited April 2012
    Funktion wrote: »
    I really have to wonder what criteria did they use to send out the Steam keys. I pre-ordered as soon as the option appeared on the website, over a month ago, and didn't receive a thing.

    Same for me here. Well, seems like Telltale forces us to look for the game in those "unofficial" channels. Well done!
  • edited April 2012
    Guys, get a grip! Do you always hate guys who just made ONE f**king mistake? Give them time. We´re getting the walking dead bugfree and we get a disc when all episodes are out.

    Telltale Games is one of the last Team of Videogaming lovin Guys.

    Troika Games is dead, Lucasarts only cares about Star Wars and Bioware sold their souls to EA.

    Telltale Games know they made a mistake, but they are the good guys. Please stop hating the good guys and do something else. Go out, save a tree, burn a book or something ;)
  • edited April 2012
    ugh, this is what i've awoken to? i never assumed i would wake up and everyone would have the non-steam download but it looks like things got out of control. i admit, i am not happy with the steam-code-severance-package as i am not a steam supporter as i boycotted valve looooong ago but it's better than nothing. if they assume this is just going to go away when it finally is released, i hope that they realize that isn't the case. i'm just as irritated waking up to find we are in the same boat as i was yesterday. i even started playing the steam version last night against my better judgement. about 5 minutes in, i couldn't stop yawning since i had waited so long and it was approaching midnight so i never got to play it past the backseat of a cruiser. still disappointed and deciding whether i should open this steam version again.
  • edited April 2012
    paragondoe wrote: »
    Guys, get a grip! Do you always hate guys who just made ONE f**king mistake?

    Well, I don't hate them. But: I paid for the game (several weeks in advance), and so I want them to fulfill their part of the contract. It's simple as that.

    Until now, I received neither an email with apologies nor a steam code from them. Shouldn't be that hard to do, or am I wrong?
  • edited April 2012
    Honestly, I'm just as psyched as everyone and eager to have a crack at it but seriously, chill out peeps. It'll be out when it's out and not before.

    Edit: Wow, was that seriously my first post in 3 years... O_O I should really be more active...
  • edited April 2012
    You're right, this isn't over at all. I refuse to put that Steam POS TOS on my main system. My bro bought the game through steam so I tried it on our work pc yesterday, met all req, and it is buggy as hell. Framerate was fine, but no matter what options were chosen, was having graphics glitches and black bars across the screen. No way I'm putting Steam on my gaming machine just for this game, that is ridiculous to assume giving a 3rd party key is compensation for not releasing your game on time. At least give me a PS3 or xbox key, or sam & max or something, so that I can actually PLAY something while I wait on the TTG version to come out
  • edited April 2012
    Tango wrote: »

    Edit: Wow, was that seriously my first post in 3 years... O_O I should really be more active...

    Or get a prize for being so stealthy...
  • edited April 2012
    Or get a prize for being so stealthy...

    Yeah right! Stealth posts! I'm FAIRLY sure I posted in the MI forums... Oh well, maybe my memory is going :P
  • edited April 2012
    paragondoe wrote: »
    Guys, get a grip! Do you always hate guys who just made ONE f**king mistake? Give them time. We´re getting the walking dead bugfree and we get a disc when all episodes are out.

    Telltale Games is one of the last Team of Videogaming lovin Guys.

    Troika Games is dead, Lucasarts only cares about Star Wars and Bioware sold their souls to EA.

    Telltale Games know they made a mistake, but they are the good guys. Please stop hating the good guys and do something else. Go out, save a tree, burn a book or something ;)

    I think a lot of the hate is unnecessary, but I understand people's anger and frustration. As good a group as Telltale is, they are also a business who sold a pre-order to a product with the promise of a ship date. And there was a TON of hype to this product, and if people pre-order something, it generally means they are excited, and want to get their hands on it ASAP. I know they are getting frustrated about people whining about it while they do their best (as I'm sure they are), but at the same time they will have to do something to win back the trust of a lot of customers after this. This is the second botched big name release they've had, and their release dates always have delays. It's kind of ridiculous at this point. If Telltale is just going to shovel us Steam codes (which I haven't gotten yet) to try to fix the situation, I'll just save my money for Steam from now on. A DVD (which I don't think has been officially announced from anyone at Telltale) for the cost of shipping doesn't really do it for me anymore. I'd rather have a game release on time, and Steam can handle that.
  • edited April 2012
    Not everyone has a PS3 or Xbox. Everyone who ordered the PC version (Presumably) has a PC. So they gave us the only version that works right now for that system. If you don't want to use it, wait for them to fix their servers and play it then.

    Customers aren't entitled to free goodies just because unforseen circumstances arose. The best thing Telltale can do is focus on fixing it.

    It's also worth noting that the only ship date we had when most of us preordered was "April." It's still April. The street date didn't hit until late last week.
  • edited April 2012
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    Not everyone has a PS3 or Xbox. Everyone who ordered the PC version (Presumably) has a PC. So they gave us the only version that works right now for that system. If you don't want to use it, wait for them to fix their servers and play it then.

    Customers aren't entitled to free goodies just because unforseen circumstances arose. The best thing Telltale can do is focus on fixing it.

    It's also worth noting that the only ship date we had when most of us preordered was "April." It's still April. The street date didn't hit until late last week.

    Free goodies? I just want my damn game and I want it to work!!! A Steam code is good for nothing. I'm not putting Steam POS TOS software on my machine. Giving me a PS3 code would still be for the same game I already purchased, not "Free goodies", but I would accept a free goodie download like sam & max or BttF or SOMETHING playable to pass the time. As I've stated before, I've seen the Steam version on my bro's machine at our shop. It was almost unplayable, graphics glitches and black bars for the mouse and polygons either missing or floating around. And we tried all the fixes, nothing. And yes it met the requirements.

    The game DID have a release date, of the 24TH so don't give your BS excuses for TT. The game is out, it either needs to be here or we need to be compensated. Or have refunds and given the 1st episode free to determine if we want to give TT any more of our money.

    You seem to think it is just OK for a company to take your money then not deliver the promised product. It's not ok in the construction business, computer business, fast food business, etc, and it isn't ok here.

    If I build a computer for a customer and tell them it will definitely be ready Friday, then on Friday it isn't done, I have to compensate them somehow. I can't just give them an old XP machine or something they didn't pay for and say oh well it's a version of what I said you'd have, take it or leave it. I either give them free software, an extra step up in hardware, or free in-home setup. Whatever they choose to appease them for MY MISTAKE.... That's how business works.
  • edited April 2012
    You might offer a loaner computer to use until the unforseen problems can be resolved...
  • edited April 2012
    or end up in small claims court having to pay them back.
  • edited April 2012
    Hey guys, how about a little official statement here?

    I preordered on day one and although I can understand the delay on the game and the fact that I didn't receive a Steam key, what I'm baffled about is the lack of an official response on the site, blog, Twitter, Facebook or whatever channel you guys are in.

    I don't want a contrition act, just let us know whatever happened, how you are resolving it and what will be done to prevent it in the future.

    I still have a high impression of Telltale from when I received the mail acknowledging the fact that Jurassic Park had been delayed and was refunded. So, please, keep it.

  • edited April 2012
    Thank you for the code.
  • edited April 2012
    I think everyone need to calm down and be patient, hell in the past I've wait for year for a MMO to come out, only for it to be scraped and cack shooter come out.

    So little delay while they fix the bugs is cool, I know when it comes out we'll all be playing it, so sit down, chillax, and wait for it to come out.

    This is my first purchase from Telltale games and I'm prepared to wait as the game is what I want to play, and slight delay is much better than no game, (this wont put me off buying a game from Telltale games or any other games company's)

    Not everything runs on time in real life, sometimes in games yes is a soulstone away or teleport away, but this is not game.... this is life.

    So once more Chill and wait.

    The best things comes to those who wait.

    FreejackeR -out.
  • edited April 2012
    I think in the timezone TTG is in the business hours have not yet started
This discussion has been closed.