Free goodies? I just want my damn game and I want it to work!!! A Steam code is good for nothing. I'm not putting Steam POS TOS software on my machine. Giving me a PS3 code would still be for the same game I already purchased, not "Free goodies", but I would accept a free goodie download like sam & max or BttF or SOMETHING playable to pass the time. As I've stated before, I've seen the Steam version on my bro's machine at our shop. It was almost unplayable, graphics glitches and black bars for the mouse and polygons either missing or floating around. And we tried all the fixes, nothing. And yes it met the requirements.
The game DID have a release date, of the 24TH so don't give your BS excuses for TT. The game is out, it either needs to be here or we need to be compensated. Or have refunds and given the 1st episode free to determine if we want to give TT any more of our money.
You seem to think it is just OK for a company to take your money then not deliver the promised product. It's not ok in the construction business, computer business, fast food business, etc, and it isn't ok here.
If I build a computer for a customer and tell them it will definitely be ready Friday, then on Friday it isn't done, I have to compensate them somehow. I can't just give them an old XP machine or something they didn't pay for and say oh well it's a version of what I said you'd have, take it or leave it. I either give them free software, an extra step up in hardware, or free in-home setup. Whatever they choose to appease them for MY MISTAKE.... That's how business works.
Have you considered that the problems you saw in the Steam version are the reason that the download on this site is not available? It's not running a different engine if you download it from Steam. It doesn't use different assets or have different requirements. It's the same game but with some Steam stuff bolted on, like achievements, that is unlikely to effect the performance of the game.
I wouldn't be surprised if Telltale is aware of these issues and that's why the game is unavailable. On Steam they can push out an update that will automatically download. If they put up a slightly broken version on their site it's more complicated to get a fix to users because they have to manually download it, if they're even aware of it.
They gave you a way to play the game and you refused it. Just wait until it's available. I don't think they're sitting around with their feet up counting money. The XBLA version didn't launch either. I seriously doubt they wanted this to happen. This is the nature of episodic games. You work right up until a deadline.
Guys. It's only 8 AM in California. Please have some patience. As stated before, if you do not see your key in your email in an hour or two (after Telltale's offices have opened), contact Support
For all you idiots telling us to be patient, why don't you take a LONG walk off a short pier!!! "It will be out when it is out" people like you are why the world is the way it is now! TellTale needs to be held responsible, ESPECIALLY since this happens to them all the time! The game has been complete for probably weeks now and they figured out on the day it's suppose to release that they can't get it up on their site!?!?! What a JOKE!!! TellTale has a history of making sub par game, and with another delayed release, unless The Walking Dead is a 10/10 people are going to be even more PISSED!! There wasn't even an official announcement as someone has stated. The most recent news update on the main page is written as if everyone is able to play (again what a JOKE!). TellTale will not be around in the next 3 years if they keep this up, guaranteed!!!!!! Everyone is certainly entitled to mistakes, it's how you handle them that defines the person or company in this case.
For all you idiots telling us to be patient, why don't you take a LONG walk off a short pier!!! "It will be out when it is out" people like you are why the world is the way it is now! TellTale needs to be held responsible, ESPECIALLY since this happens to them all the time! The game has been complete for probably weeks now and they figured out on the day it's suppose to release that they can't get it up on their site!?!?! What a JOKE!!! TellTale has a history of making sub par game, and with another delayed release, unless The Walking Dead is a 10/10 people are going to be even more PISSED!! There wasn't even an official announcement as someone has stated. The most recent news update on the main page is written as if everyone is able to play (again what a JOKE!). TellTale will not be around in the next 3 years if they keep this up, guaranteed!!!!!! Everyone is certainly entitled to mistakes, it's how you handle them that defines the person or company in this case.
Find one of those sites where you can send an email to yourself that won't be delivered for a few days/weeks/months. Use it to send that comment to yourself in a week or two. Once you're reading it as a more calm and collected person think about what you said, how you said it, and how insignificant it seems at that later point.
For all you idiots telling us to be patient, why don't you take a LONG walk off a short pier!!! "It will be out when it is out" people like you are why the world is the way it is now!
Look, if they were MONTHS late sure, you've got a right to be annoyed; but it's only a day (in some cases depending on time zone a matter of hours). Take a look at Cliffs of Dover, or even Duke Nukem Forever they made people wait YEARS and DNF was an absolute cavalcade of mediocrity.
I'm more mad that they're trying to force Steam on me than I am about not having the game! If they need to fix the game that's fine, they should be telling us as paying clients what the exact problem is and where they are at with the problem. Instead they just say oh we're having a server issue and we'll see yall tomorrow.
If the game wasn't ready, they shouldn't have posted a release date to start with. That's where the problem is. Once you commit to something, stick to it or you're going to lose customers. Simple as that
I'm more mad that they're trying to force Steam on me than I am about not having the game! If they need to fix the game that's fine, they should be telling us as paying clients what the exact problem is and where they are at with the problem. Instead they just say oh we're having a server issue and we'll see yall tomorrow.
If the game wasn't ready, they shouldn't have posted a release date to start with. That's where the problem is. Once you commit to something, stick to it or you're going to lose customers. Simple as that
The game IS ready. They are having a server issue. They're not trying to force you to use STEAM either.
Once their servers are fixed, you can download it directly from Telltale. The keys are simply a means of giving those who preordered a way to play on release day.
I hear ya man. I for one am not SUPER pissed like a lot of other people here. I'm just sticking up for the ones who are and people telling them to calm down. No one wants to hear that when they are upset. Also, TellTale should have and needs to handle this with professionalism in the future.
I can't believe the anger and over-entitlement people on these boards are feeling, including the demands for compensation. Is it really that big a thing that the game is a little bit late being released?! Things being late happen all the time (and not just in the games industry). Telltale have not taken your money and run off with it. As you've seen on STEAM, the game exists, but can't be released here just yet, probably because they have issues they need to address.
As for demanding compensation, for what? How have you been wronged in any way? You've purchased a game and, when possible, will be receiving a game. Yes it's delayed but has that REALLY inconvenienced you? I'm sure TTG are working REALLY hard to get the game sorted for download as quick as they can.
I'm more mad that they're trying to force Steam on me than I am about not having the game! If they need to fix the game that's fine, they should be telling us as paying clients what the exact problem is and where they are at with the problem. Instead they just say oh we're having a server issue and we'll see yall tomorrow.
If the game wasn't ready, they shouldn't have posted a release date to start with. That's where the problem is. Once you commit to something, stick to it or you're going to lose customers. Simple as that
They are not trying force Steam on anyone. The Steam keys are being offered as an alternative for those who simply can't wait for the TT server issue to be resolved. As I've said before, for those who are not interested in the Steam version; please PM all unwanted Steam keys to me. Thanks!
Seriously, these things do happen. You can rest assured they are working to resolve the issue so that everyone that pre-ordered will finally be able to play The Walking Dead.
Thank you for the Steam key (made me very happy).
Additionally thank you for the great game. My favorite TellTale game to date. For myself the way the game mechanics are done in this one is the way to do it.
I can't believe the anger and over-entitlement people on these boards are feeling, including the demands for compensation. Is it really that big a thing that the game is a little bit late being released?! Things being late happen all the time (and not just in the games industry). Telltale have not taken your money and run off with it. As you've seen on STEAM, the game exists, but can't be released here just yet, probably because they have issues they need to address.
As for demanding compensation, for what? How have you been wronged in any way? You've purchased a game and, when possible, will be receiving a game. Yes it's delayed but has that REALLY inconvenienced you? I'm sure TTG are working REALLY hard to get the game sorted for download as quick as they can.
You're right, it happens in other industries as well. I own a computer business, and guess what? If I tell a customer I'll have their new computer built on Friday, then Friday they come in and it isn't ready, well.... A)They want their money back, no matter what I say B)I have to give them free in-home setup, extra software, extra hardware, or some other compensation so I KEEP THEM AS A CUSTOMER!!! Oh and I can't just say "Here take this Win XP machine in the meantime, I'll get your computer done sometime in the near future. Leave me alone until then"
That's a lawsuit waiting to happen in my business, and many others.
And inconvenienced??? A LOT of people took a day off work yesterday to get this game and play it. Some probably did so today as well. And if they don't want Steam installed on their machines, too bad? The TTG version was slated for yesterday, they committed to the date. Now the banner at the top of the screen doesn't even have the date on it!
If they're working on the game, OK. Tell us what the problem is and keep us posted. Or IF it is only the server, what kind of server issue are you having???
USE THE DAMN BACKUP SERVER!!!!! Not that hard people. You're a game company with a storefront online. You make enough money to stay open in these times, there is no excuse for not having backup servers... SHEESH
I can't help wondering what all your poor customers you seem to care about so much are doing while you spend all day (again) in a game forum complaining that your game isn't ready.
I think your mum should revoke your internet rights and make you get on with that school work you so obviously need to be doing.
I can't help wondering what all your poor customers you seem to care about so much are doing while you spend all day (again) in a game forum complaining that your game isn't ready.
I think your mum should revoke your internet rights and make you get on with that school work you so obviously need to be doing.
You talking to me??? I'm 26 years old with my own house and my own business. I have 3 computers and a laptop sitting in front of me. I'm working on 3 at once and watching these forums inbetween.
I also play games in my downtime, among other more productive things.
Who are you and what have you done with your life to judge me?
I agree. It's understandable that people are upset, but there is no reason to take things overboard.
@ADavidson After reading what you have written here and working in a similar field myself; you should be more understanding. I'm sure you've had to deal with customers yourself that were behaving the way you yourself are now. And you should know that it doesn't help resolve issues anymore quickly.
I'm never going to grow up lol That would mean I'd have to stop playing games ;op And driving fast cars and be boring like you must be.
See that's exactly what I'm talking about. Growing up does not preclude playing games or driving fast cars as you seem to think. Growing up means you handle yourself like an adult with maturity and respect. you do not, therefore you have not grown up.
I agree. It's understandable that people are upset, but there is no reason to take things overboard.
@ADavidson After reading what you have written here and working in a similar field myself; you should be more understanding. I'm sure you've had to deal with customers yourself that were behaving the way you yourself are now. And you should know that it doesn't help resolve issues anymore quickly.
Yeah I do understand running into problems. And I explain fully the problem I am having and compensate them for it, whether that be $50 off, free software or hardware or free install. I don't just say sorry and expect them to get over it.
The way TTG is handling this is far from professional. I am not hating on them for working on the game, just for the way they are handling the whole situation.
And customers have every right to behave this way, both with me and any other business that has these issues
Personal insults are not tolerated on this forum. Complaints are fine, but a personal attack on another forum member will result in a warning (which shows up in your profile) and then a 24hr cool off ban.
does telltale suck all your dicks or somethin'?? There is a history of them doing this....why is everyone sticking up for this crappy company??? WHY!?!?!?!?!
No, it's not that. Though that would be a nice gesture. Sometimes unfortunately things like this happen.
I don't need to be mature all the time, that isn't what being an "adult" is all about either.
I've also been in boxing and fighting matches before too, do you consider that "childish"?
The wars being fought by America are far from mature also. There's a lot of things a lot of people consider childish or immature. Cmon and I both consider you childish as well. You're entitled to your opinion
No matter how you think I'm acting, the facts I've stated and my viewpoint on the matters at hand are solid
You're right, it happens in other industries as well. I own a computer business, and guess what? If I tell a customer I'll have their new computer built on Friday, then Friday they come in and it isn't ready, well.... A)They want their money back, no matter what I say B)I have to give them free in-home setup, extra software, extra hardware, or some other compensation so I KEEP THEM AS A CUSTOMER!!! Oh and I can't just say "Here take this Win XP machine in the meantime, I'll get your computer done sometime in the near future. Leave me alone until then"
That's a lawsuit waiting to happen in my business, and many others.
And inconvenienced??? A LOT of people took a day off work yesterday to get this game and play it. Some probably did so today as well. And if they don't want Steam installed on their machines, too bad? The TTG version was slated for yesterday, they committed to the date. Now the banner at the top of the screen doesn't even have the date on it!
If they're working on the game, OK. Tell us what the problem is and keep us posted. Or IF it is only the server, what kind of server issue are you having???
USE THE DAMN BACKUP SERVER!!!!! Not that hard people. You're a game company with a storefront online. You make enough money to stay open in these times, there is no excuse for not having backup servers... SHEESH
Are you comparing a Hardware system with a software program? Really? Do you think it's the same kind of support?
If you have any problem with a software program what's the problem on using it when the developers provide you a valid and alternative solution?
I mean... If you don't want to install a client to download and play the game... well... IT'S YOUR PROBLEM. The game it's there, ready to download through a download client.
And another thing:
Do you know what kind of problem have the Telltale guys to tell them that they have to use a backup from their servers? Not all server technical issues solved by restoring backups, you know? You should know this.
Are people still getting steam codes? I looking forward to playing but have yet to see a steam key. (and yes i have posted in the other thread about not yet having my key)
Are people still getting steam codes? I looking forward to playing but have yet to see a steam key. (and yes i have posted in the other thread about not yet having my key)
Sigh guess I will go to class today...
Yep, came through automatically for me.
You may want to check your payment has gone through and/or TT have completed your order.
I don't need to be mature all the time, that isn't what being an "adult" is all about either.
I've also been in boxing and fighting matches before too, do you consider that "childish"?
The wars being fought by America are far from mature also. There's a lot of things a lot of people consider childish or immature. Cmon and I both consider you childish as well. You're entitled to your opinion
No matter how you think I'm acting, the facts I've stated and my viewpoint on the matters at hand are solid
Have you considered that the problems you saw in the Steam version are the reason that the download on this site is not available? It's not running a different engine if you download it from Steam. It doesn't use different assets or have different requirements. It's the same game but with some Steam stuff bolted on, like achievements, that is unlikely to effect the performance of the game.
I wouldn't be surprised if Telltale is aware of these issues and that's why the game is unavailable. On Steam they can push out an update that will automatically download. If they put up a slightly broken version on their site it's more complicated to get a fix to users because they have to manually download it, if they're even aware of it.
They gave you a way to play the game and you refused it. Just wait until it's available. I don't think they're sitting around with their feet up counting money. The XBLA version didn't launch either. I seriously doubt they wanted this to happen. This is the nature of episodic games. You work right up until a deadline.
They should have someone come in a bit early at least to get the coffee ready for the rest so they can start fixing this disaster right away.
Are Steam Keys still being sent out?
I preorderd on the 5th.
Looking forward to playing!
Thanks, Telltale!
-Friendly Moderator Staff
Find one of those sites where you can send an email to yourself that won't be delivered for a few days/weeks/months. Use it to send that comment to yourself in a week or two. Once you're reading it as a more calm and collected person think about what you said, how you said it, and how insignificant it seems at that later point.
Look, if they were MONTHS late sure, you've got a right to be annoyed; but it's only a day (in some cases depending on time zone a matter of hours). Take a look at Cliffs of Dover, or even Duke Nukem Forever they made people wait YEARS and DNF was an absolute cavalcade of mediocrity.
If the game wasn't ready, they shouldn't have posted a release date to start with. That's where the problem is. Once you commit to something, stick to it or you're going to lose customers. Simple as that
The game IS ready. They are having a server issue. They're not trying to force you to use STEAM either.
Once their servers are fixed, you can download it directly from Telltale. The keys are simply a means of giving those who preordered a way to play on release day.
I hear ya man. I for one am not SUPER pissed like a lot of other people here. I'm just sticking up for the ones who are and people telling them to calm down. No one wants to hear that when they are upset. Also, TellTale should have and needs to handle this with professionalism in the future.
Your right
I own a business and just think this is incredibly unprofessional
As for demanding compensation, for what? How have you been wronged in any way? You've purchased a game and, when possible, will be receiving a game. Yes it's delayed but has that REALLY inconvenienced you? I'm sure TTG are working REALLY hard to get the game sorted for download as quick as they can.
They are not trying force Steam on anyone. The Steam keys are being offered as an alternative for those who simply can't wait for the TT server issue to be resolved. As I've said before, for those who are not interested in the Steam version; please PM all unwanted Steam keys to me. Thanks!
Seriously, these things do happen. You can rest assured they are working to resolve the issue so that everyone that pre-ordered will finally be able to play The Walking Dead.
Additionally thank you for the great game. My favorite TellTale game to date. For myself the way the game mechanics are done in this one is the way to do it.
You're right, it happens in other industries as well. I own a computer business, and guess what? If I tell a customer I'll have their new computer built on Friday, then Friday they come in and it isn't ready, well.... A)They want their money back, no matter what I say B)I have to give them free in-home setup, extra software, extra hardware, or some other compensation so I KEEP THEM AS A CUSTOMER!!! Oh and I can't just say "Here take this Win XP machine in the meantime, I'll get your computer done sometime in the near future. Leave me alone until then"
That's a lawsuit waiting to happen in my business, and many others.
And inconvenienced??? A LOT of people took a day off work yesterday to get this game and play it. Some probably did so today as well. And if they don't want Steam installed on their machines, too bad? The TTG version was slated for yesterday, they committed to the date. Now the banner at the top of the screen doesn't even have the date on it!
If they're working on the game, OK. Tell us what the problem is and keep us posted. Or IF it is only the server, what kind of server issue are you having???
USE THE DAMN BACKUP SERVER!!!!! Not that hard people. You're a game company with a storefront online. You make enough money to stay open in these times, there is no excuse for not having backup servers... SHEESH
I think your mum should revoke your internet rights and make you get on with that school work you so obviously need to be doing.
You talking to me??? I'm 26 years old with my own house and my own business. I have 3 computers and a laptop sitting in front of me. I'm working on 3 at once and watching these forums inbetween.
I also play games in my downtime, among other more productive things.
Who are you and what have you done with your life to judge me?
grow up.
@ADavidson After reading what you have written here and working in a similar field myself; you should be more understanding. I'm sure you've had to deal with customers yourself that were behaving the way you yourself are now. And you should know that it doesn't help resolve issues anymore quickly.
See that's exactly what I'm talking about. Growing up does not preclude playing games or driving fast cars as you seem to think. Growing up means you handle yourself like an adult with maturity and respect. you do not, therefore you have not grown up.
Yeah I do understand running into problems. And I explain fully the problem I am having and compensate them for it, whether that be $50 off, free software or hardware or free install. I don't just say sorry and expect them to get over it.
The way TTG is handling this is far from professional. I am not hating on them for working on the game, just for the way they are handling the whole situation.
And customers have every right to behave this way, both with me and any other business that has these issues
Personal insults are not tolerated on this forum. Complaints are fine, but a personal attack on another forum member will result in a warning (which shows up in your profile) and then a 24hr cool off ban.
Don't do it.
No, it's not that. Though that would be a nice gesture. Sometimes unfortunately things like this happen.
I don't need to be mature all the time, that isn't what being an "adult" is all about either.
I've also been in boxing and fighting matches before too, do you consider that "childish"?
The wars being fought by America are far from mature also. There's a lot of things a lot of people consider childish or immature. Cmon and I both consider you childish as well. You're entitled to your opinion
No matter how you think I'm acting, the facts I've stated and my viewpoint on the matters at hand are solid
Are you comparing a Hardware system with a software program? Really? Do you think it's the same kind of support?
If you have any problem with a software program what's the problem on using it when the developers provide you a valid and alternative solution?
I mean... If you don't want to install a client to download and play the game... well... IT'S YOUR PROBLEM. The game it's there, ready to download through a download client.
And another thing:
Do you know what kind of problem have the Telltale guys to tell them that they have to use a backup from their servers?
I had no hiccups downloading/playing and it runs silky smooth at 1920 x 1200 on my Mac.
Very impressed so far.
Sigh guess I will go to class today...
Yep, came through automatically for me.
You may want to check your payment has gone through and/or TT have completed your order.
Thank you, my work here is done.
Looks like its gone through. I have a charge on my card and I can see the season pass as one my purchases through telltale.