No. I took nobody's money. Read my signature. But a little spellcheck before posting don't hurt nobody, "realy". Das kriegst sogar du hin.
You have to realize that you are a representative of authority in this situation and will be attacked as such being that since you have the moderator tag, you are singled out from the masses.
When you set a release date, that date should be recognized. The game should have been ready to go. This won't put telltale in higher gaming recognition. I sorta hope it slaps them down. This is what happens when you try to be different. You're getting close to fail whale status.
It's still being worked on and the TTG release will be up ASAP. I know you all want a concrete timeframe, but I don't have one to offer at the moment. I do apologize for the delay.
With that said, there will be NO discussion of software piracy in this or any other thread. Don't do it. This is a zero tolerance policy here.
Why are still arguing about the math? Who cares about that, really? Everyone should just calm down, watch or read some Walking Dead like I am to kill some time. The game will be out soon enough, Telltale is doing everything they can.
Our build of the game is coming VERY SOON. I know the short delay sucks, but it's a slightly different build and it needs to be fully uploaded to our CDN before you can download it. We definitely appreciate your patience.
No worries Mike we are just excited I always buy your games straight through your site.
I too am one of the many that fell victim to pre-ordering from TTG. However, I don't mind waiting because I was taught patience. Also, like many have said before, what does it matter who downloads the first episode of the game first? A day is 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds long. The release date was announced to be on April 24th. The lot of you sound like whiny children. Please, be patient and grow up a little.
It's still being worked on and the TTG release will be up ASAP. I know you all want a concrete timeframe, but I don't have one to offer at the moment. I do apologize for the delay.
With that said, there will be NO discussion of software piracy in this or any other thread. Don't do it. This is a zero tolerance policy here.
Wow...I have why is everyone so upset. It will be up today guys. Give the TT group some time. Nerd rage won't make it come faster. They are building it now and then have to upload it. This all takes time. It shows they have been smashing bugs up until release.
I love your games guys and keep up..some of us aren't just refreshing and venting anger over something that doesn't even matter.
You can round it any way you want. it's close enough to a third that you can call it that.
It's like berating someone for telling you it's a quarter past ten when it's 13 minutes and 41 seconds past ten. It's pedantic and not what is generally expected, us Humans aren't Commander Data or Mister Spock.
Hey, I'm not the one posting links to math rules, Mr. Spock
It's still being worked on and the TTG release will be up ASAP. I know you all want a concrete timeframe, but I don't have one to offer at the moment. I do apologize for the delay.
With that said, there will be NO discussion of software piracy in this or any other thread. Don't do it. This is a zero tolerance policy here.
Is it even piracy if you payed for the game 4 weeks ago? >_>
The wait is silly, who is up for a 4v4 monobattle on SC2? EU Servers!
You have to realize that you are a representative of authority in this situation and will be attacked as such being that since you have the moderator tag, you are singled out from the masses.
Must be one of these days. Actually, judging from the present course of the discussion, I'd really rather want to remain a moderator than become a mathematician in here.
It's still being worked on and the TTG release will be up ASAP. I know you all want a concrete timeframe, but I don't have one to offer at the moment. I do apologize for the delay.
Don't worry, Mike and Telltale Team. We keep waiting.
To everyone saying that they should go watch The Walking Dead while they wait, don't. Read the comics. They're better. The acting in the show is terrible.
Wow... why is everyone so upset. It will be up today guys. Give the TT group some time. Nerd rage won't make it come faster. They are building it now and then have to upload it. This all takes time. It shows they have been smashing bugs up until release.
I love your games guys and keep up..some of us aren't just refreshing and venting anger over something that doesn't even matter.
Wow...I have why is everyone so upset. It will be up today guys. Give the TT group some time. Nerd rage won't make it come faster. They are building it now and then have to upload it. This all takes time. It shows they have been smashing bugs up until release.
I love your games guys and keep up..some of us aren't just refreshing and venting anger over something that doesn't even matter.
Posting same message to long threads over and over again is a bad habit. Please drop it.
I've noticed that the only people who are complaining are new users who made accounts solely to complain. People who HAVE bought a Telltale Game before know that this sort of thing happens all the time.
To everyone saying that they should go watch The Walking Dead while they wait, don't. Read the comics. They're better. The acting in the show is terrible.
We can argue over that instead of math.
*commences arguement* Daryl is a better actor than any comic book!
Hey, I'm not the one posting links to math rules, Mr. Spock
I'm not the one who doesnt understand how to convey basic concepts. it's close enough to a third to be called a third without going into the exacting percentage and all the equations. don't like it? too bad, people aren't going to change to suit your pedantic needs.
Enjoy getting people to tell you the time to the exact millisecond.
It's still being worked on and the TTG release will be up ASAP. I know you all want a concrete timeframe, but I don't have one to offer at the moment. I do apologize for the delay.
With that said, there will be NO discussion of software piracy in this or any other thread. Don't do it. This is a zero tolerance policy here.
so is that a "no" for the telltale zombie mob? i wants an awesome chainsaw death either way, still excited!! (just wish my roommate would take his steam version somewhere else!!) lol
Wow...I have why is everyone so upset. It will be up today guys. Give the TT group some time. Nerd rage won't make it come faster. They are building it now and then have to upload it. This all takes time. It shows they have been smashing bugs up until release.
I love your games guys and keep up..some of us aren't just refreshing and venting anger over something that doesn't even matter.
Yesh, I get this. And i sorta agree. But a lot of people who purchased on the official site came from europe. To remove the $ > Euro scam stuff steam does.
So with that reason in mind, It sucks thinking its about 9PM in most part of europe. Many wanting to play before bed or such and not wait a extra day.
Same for me, I only purchased to get rid of the $ to euro stuff. And i would really like to play before bed. And not planning to stay up till 4am waiting
I can wait though, Just saying why most europe people are raging now.
Must be one of these days. Actually, judging from the present course of the discussion, I'd really rather want to remain a moderator than become a mathematician in here.
We're all going to be mathematicians with all this talk about time and minutes and such... Some people just love to act like impatient, spoiled children because they're on the internet behind a box.
Yesh, I get this. And i sorta agree. But a lot of people who purchased on the official site came from europe. To remove the $ > Euro scam stuff steam does.
So with that reason in mind, It sucks thinking its about 9PM in most part of europe. Many wanting to play before bed or such and not wait a extra day.
Same for me, I only purchased to get rid of the $ to euro stuff. And i would really like to play before bed. And not planning to stay up till 4am waiting
I can wait though, Just saying why most europe people are raging now.
Well gotta /agree with the getting late and before bed part. My girl and I really wanted to play some horror before going to bed to make some sweer you know what.
You have to realize that you are a representative of authority in this situation and will be attacked as such being that since you have the moderator tag, you are singled out from the masses.
So?! How do you round 31,3 up to a solid 33+?! If your going to round it it would be 31.
No you can´t. There are rules in math... acept it already or they will never release the game.
lol im all for that!
i wanna die by toothpick! to the head!
With that said, there will be NO discussion of software piracy in this or any other thread. Don't do it. This is a zero tolerance policy here.
Improper grammar and horrible sentence structures seem to plague even the moderators here.
No worries Mike we are just excited I always buy your games straight through your site.
I am not a big fan of achievments anyway
MmK? Thanks in advance.
I love your games guys and keep up..some of us aren't just refreshing and venting anger over something that doesn't even matter.
Is it even piracy if you payed for the game 4 weeks ago? >_>
The wait is silly, who is up for a 4v4 monobattle on SC2? EU Servers!
Must be one of these days. Actually, judging from the present course of the discussion, I'd really rather want to remain a moderator than become a mathematician in here.
I'd be a fan of TTG getting their ducks in a row because that would be the biggest achievement of all.
Don't worry, Mike and Telltale Team. We keep waiting.
We can argue over that instead of math.
I love your games guys and keep up..some of us aren't just refreshing and venting anger over something that doesn't even matter.
It said during telltales business hours... They could have set the release date to next year if they wanted too...
I can't believe I have to share a forum with these kinds of morons that aren't supporting telltalesgames at their time of need...
Fcked up guys just Fcked up... Go get your refund I will be enjoying my game when it is out.
So you would rather give your money to Valve then? Please dont do that!
Posting same message to long threads over and over again is a bad habit. Please drop it.
*commences arguement* Daryl is a better actor than any comic book!
I'm not the one who doesnt understand how to convey basic concepts. it's close enough to a third to be called a third without going into the exacting percentage and all the equations. don't like it? too bad, people aren't going to change to suit your pedantic needs.
Enjoy getting people to tell you the time to the exact millisecond.
so is that a "no" for the telltale zombie mob? i wants an awesome chainsaw death
Yesh, I get this. And i sorta agree. But a lot of people who purchased on the official site came from europe. To remove the $ > Euro scam stuff steam does.
So with that reason in mind, It sucks thinking its about 9PM in most part of europe. Many wanting to play before bed or such and not wait a extra day.
Same for me, I only purchased to get rid of the $ to euro stuff. And i would really like to play before bed. And not planning to stay up till 4am waiting
I can wait though, Just saying why most europe people are raging now.
Boondock Saints FTW!!!
We're all going to be mathematicians with all this talk about time and minutes and such... Some people just love to act like impatient, spoiled children because they're on the internet behind a box.
Keep up the good work Moderators and Developers!!
Very Excited for this game!
Well gotta /agree with the getting late and before bed part. My girl and I really wanted to play some horror before going to bed to make some sweer you know what.