To all those that are demanding refunds because the game is a little late: Get out of here and come back when you have learned about patience. If it's a little late, then it's a little late. It's no big deal.
I've never played a Telltale game, I am here because I like walking dead, but I personally think this whole getting mad because its not out exactly on 4/24 is pretty lame. It will be here, just be excited for it.
Yep. Any true TWD fan is used to having to wait long past the announced day for the latest book - although to be fair it's been much better recent years - and faster with #96
Oh, how I miss the days when waiting for an episode was actually fun! People played forum games in the waiting thread and posted fan art while enjoying the wait... ah, good old times. Now Telltale makes games of big mainstream franchises, with the downside of attracting all possible scum(m) and human waste to the forums...
When a company says on it's website the night before the game comes out that it'll come out the next day, so preorder now... then I expect they will keep their word. It doesn't make me scum to hold people accountable for what they say. If the game is out on steam already, then this is a huge error on TT's part. To ignore that makes you ignorant. Maybe you like businesses to treat you like you don't matter, but I don't and I won't be giving them anymore money.
Right? It was TERRIBLE and I may just love Back to the Future more than I do The Walking Dead.
My point is, so you may have to wait a few hours to play it, god knows I'd love the distraction right now cause it's been a BAAAAAAD day, but would you rather wait a few hours like patient little meatbags or have no studio who was willing to take the time and energy to even attempt making a game based off of a comic that is as WONDERFUL as TWD
Y'all is just impatient children. Also how about (assuming that the most of you just watch the show) you get off your asses and read the damn comics, that's where the games based and it's an AMAZING read I'm sure 96 issues can occupy your time till it comes out.
So, if we buy our games from TT regularly, we'll have low expectations like you? No thanks.
The issue is, a downloadable version of the game is already released and beaten by gamers on Steam, yet those who supported this company directly (my first telltale game ever), are still waiting, with no clear expectations.
I'm not angry about it, but I am a bit surprised by the development, and, as I do buy 95% of my games through Steam, yes, I am still regretting not ordering from Steam. I'm not alone in that either.
I'm just saying, this isn't the first time one of their games has been indefinitely delayed to the end of the day, and it won't be the last.
And heck, it is my understanding that it was MUCH worse back in the Gametap days. Sam and Max would be EXCLUSIVELY available to Gametap subscribers for at least a day before TTG put out their version. IIRC, the first season had a TWO WEEK exclusivity period.
When a company says on it's website the night before the game comes out that it'll come out the next day, so preorder now... then I expect they will keep their word.
They have more than 11 hours left to still keep "their word". But I expect they'll hardly need that much.
Wenn ich anschließend das bezahlte spiel trotzdem noch bekomme, wäre ich schon weg
lass mich doch verwöhnt sein. Jeder fordert doch von mir auch immer alles gleich und direkt.
I that case just stop posting at the forums... it has the same effect as deleting your account AND you get to download your games. And everyone's happy
I don't think there's anything wrong with telling Telltale they've failed here. I've ALWAYS got my games direct from Telltale where possible. Now I'll think twice, not because I'm angry, but because it seems to be a measurably worse choice. That's... not as it should be.
People need to calm down, its not like our lifes are depending on which hour the game releases... But I agree it were good old times with the ToMI releases.
This impatience is getting out of hand. They didn't say a specific time, they just said April 24. They are not late for another 8 hours 15 minutes my time, but 11 hours 12 minutes their time. You can get up in arms when the release date has come and gone, but until then, they are still perfectly on time.
So many people on here who don't know what REALLY waiting for a Telltale game is like...Rise of the Pirate God, anyone? The City That Dares Not Sleep? Puzzle Agent 2?
The game WILL be out today. Telltale hasn't broken any promises...people just need to be a little more patient.
Those who say getting games from Telltale direct is a worse choice need a short lesson in economics:
Buying from the manufacturer (in this case Telltale) provides the manufacturer with a greater income than those who buy from a retailer (in this case Steam) as retailers always take a cut of the profit before sending the rest back at the manufacturer. And it is usually a large cut of the profit.
Thus anyone who wishes to see gaming continue would realise that buying from the manufacturer is better when you have the chance to do so.
Reading this thread is so disheartening...I won't have time to play the game till after finals get over but I used to enjoy reading and looking at the fun games and such people posted on the forums to get ready...this is just sad...its as disheartening as reading comments on news stories about the game getting angry that its not a L4D clone...
So what it's already on steam...? How does that affect your enjoyment of the game when it comes out? Its not like the game is extremely long(Telltale's been saying its only 2ish hours) so its not like you planned your day around it...
How about instead of whining you go do something productive for a bit and check in until it comes out.
I'm just glad there's folks like Laserschwart and such that still have some patience Love you Telltale, can't wait to play the game when I get done with school in a few weeks!
This impatience is getting out of hand. They didn't say a specific time, they just said April 24. They are not late for another 8 hours 15 minutes my time, but 11 hours 12 minutes their time. You can get up in arms when the release date has come and gone, but until then, they are still perfectly on time.
From my understanding of the forums they are going to release it during office hours which means they have 4 more hours to release.
My problem is that as a student, I can't stay up all night waiting for this. It's about 5 to 9 and it's a bit disappointing that if I'd have bought it on Steam I'd already have played it.
Our build of the game is coming VERY SOON. I know the short delay sucks, but it's a slightly different build and it needs to be fully uploaded to our CDN before you can download it. We definitely appreciate your patience.
That means that probably we will have less problems than the Steam users are having! This worths the wait!
Those who say getting games from Telltale direct is a worse choice need a short lesson in economics:
Buying from the manufacturer (in this case Telltale) provides the manufacturer with a greater income than those who buy from a retailer (in this case Steam) as retailers always take a cut of the profit before sending the rest back at the manufacturer. And it is usually a large cut of the profit.
Thus anyone who wishes to see gaming continue would realise that buying from the manufacturer is better when you have the chance to do so.
Look, as much as I like Telltale and want to see them do well (and yes, thanks for that little 'lesson'), I don't tend to, and indeed shouldn't expect to have to pick an option that gives me worse service in order to support them more.
It's just bad that we have to wait for a game while it's already out there to be downloaded. Hurray for supporting TT by "Pre-Ordering" the game. This is what you get in return
Those who say getting games from Telltale direct is a worse choice need a short lesson in economics:
Buying from the manufacturer (in this case Telltale) provides the manufacturer with a greater income than those who buy from a retailer (in this case Steam) as retailers always take a cut of the profit before sending the rest back at the manufacturer. And it is usually a large cut of the profit.
Thus anyone who wishes to see gaming continue would realise that buying from the manufacturer is better when you have the chance to do so.
No one would want to support a manufacturer making such amateurish mistakes. There are people who release flash games on newgrounds on their release dates. It's a matter of understanding what the customers/fans want and doing your best to deliver on that. The next episode should take an extra day to release just so that everyone could get it at the same time.
But I do have one positive thing to say, at least we got a release date. Remember how Blizzard announced Starcraft 2 and then didn't release any info for two years? I could kill those developers. In fact, they may die indirectly by me in a few hours, as I will be a zombie as stated before.
My problem is that as a student, I can't stay up all night waiting for this. It's about 5 to 9 and it's a bit disappointing that if I'd have bought it on Steam I'd already have played it.
So play it tomorrow. It won't kill ya. Considering we'll probably be waiting at least a month for Episode 2, I don't know why everyone is in such a rush to play it RIGHT NOW. April 24th isn't even close to over yet - they're not even late.
I'm just glad there's folks like Laserschwart and such that still have some patience Love you Telltale, can't wait to play the game when I get done with school in a few weeks!
My problem is that as a student, I can't stay up all night waiting for this. It's about 5 to 9 and it's a bit disappointing that if I'd have bought it on Steam I'd already have played it.
TTG can't possible take into consideration of all of their customers and their own unique personal situations. Their actions are targeted at you. It's not their fault you are a student and can't stay up all night or you live in a timezone that is "less compatible" with their release schedule.
In the end, yes it sucks that not everyone can enjoy the game in the most ideal fashion but that's just life. You don't always get what you want, boo f-ing hoo.
Look, as much as I like Telltale and want to see them do well (and yes, thanks for that little 'lesson'), I don't tend to, and indeed shouldn't expect to have to pick an option that gives me worse service in order to support them more.
I've always preferred Telltale straight up if not just for the option of the DVD at the end of the season, while the steam players may have gotten the game a few hours before we did...they won't have the option of picking up the DVD(if there is one). I think that alone would negate the slight delay. Besides as far as download service and such I'd probably be surprised if Telltale's relatively small team were able to provide a better faster download service/release service than the giant that is Steam...
That means that probably we will have less problems than the Steam users are having! This worths the wait!
Steam build has to be different due to the programming Steam uses as well as how they handle updates and achievements and whatnot.
I can't believe it has taken their servers all day to upload our build though. They need an upgrade.
They have more than 11 hours left to still keep "their word". But I expect they'll hardly need that much.
How dare you use common sense and things like fact to defend this obviously indefensible lie perpetrated by Telltale. It should have been out at 12:01AM DAMN IT!!!!!!!
TTG can't possible take into consideration of all of their customers and their own unique personal situations. Their actions are targeted at you. It's not their fault you are a student and can't stay up all night or you live in a timezone that is "less compatible" with their release schedule.
In the end, yes it sucks that not everyone can enjoy the game in the most ideal fashion but that's just life. You don't always get what you want, boo f-ing hoo.
I wasn't complaining like everyone else. Just stating my situation. I'm not gonna cancel my order etc. etc.
Steam build has to be different due to the programming Steam uses as well as how they handle updates and achievements and whatnot.
I can't believe it has taken their servers all day to upload our build though. They need an upgrade.
Those who say getting games from Telltale direct is a worse choice need a short lesson in economics:
Buying from the manufacturer (in this case Telltale) provides the manufacturer with a greater income than those who buy from a retailer (in this case Steam) as retailers always take a cut of the profit before sending the rest back at the manufacturer. And it is usually a large cut of the profit.
Thus anyone who wishes to see gaming continue would realise that buying from the manufacturer is better when you have the chance to do so.
I would love nothing more than to agree with you, Razer. The problem here is that the company (in this case, Telltale) put importance with Steam that they didn't put with themselves. They want the extre profit, they should make it worth it.
But instead of making it readily available on all sources (they should have upped this game to a secure offline server DAYS AGO} they gave Steam the go-ahead to push the game out and have since inconvenienced the customers that actually showed them support straight out.
This is including myself, who gave them my money fully believing I'd be getting the game the second it was released because I gave my money straight to the source.
Instead, we are left waiting for something that a retail site got first. Basically this is stating that people who were in direct contact were less important than ones who weren't.
This is NOT the correct outcome of this. We SHOULD have gotten the game first. Hell, if I was the company head, I probably would have given the people who pre-ordered it a pass allowing them to get it a day early...
Not flub and screw it up so that people complain and risk the income.
Now that that is out there...
I'm not one of those asking for a refund, or flinging obscenities at my monitor. I just think that next time this rolls around, I'm NOT giving my money to the company itself, because at least the retailer can get me my product on time.
HEY! I LIVE IN DENMARK, AND IF I HAVE TO WAIT TILL TOMORROW TO PLAY, I SWEAR, I WILL! Sheesh guys, It's a game. Chill out, and stop complaining.
The waiting times of games like Sam & Max and Strong Bad were fun (In some cases I remember them more than the games themselves), cause people didn't take it all so seriously.
HEY! I LIVE IN DENMARK, AND IF I HAVE TO WAIT TILL TOMORROW TO PLAY, I SWEAR, I WILL! Sheesh guys, It's a game. Chill out, and stop complaining.
The waiting times of games like Sam & Max and Strong Bad were fun (In some cases I remember them more than the games themselves), cause people didn't take it all so seriously.
Remember the wait for 305? We got an Alien Swarm game together. Greattimes.
There's one thing I wonder. If they have the game ready and polished and all that, why don't they have the release behind a push of a button. 100m sprinters for example don't start coming out of the locker rooms when the gun goes off, they are on their marks and set to go.
For the more patient:
Found on:
Yep. Any true TWD fan is used to having to wait long past the announced day for the latest book - although to be fair it's been much better recent years - and faster with #96
When a company says on it's website the night before the game comes out that it'll come out the next day, so preorder now... then I expect they will keep their word. It doesn't make me scum to hold people accountable for what they say. If the game is out on steam already, then this is a huge error on TT's part. To ignore that makes you ignorant. Maybe you like businesses to treat you like you don't matter, but I don't and I won't be giving them anymore money.
My point is, so you may have to wait a few hours to play it, god knows I'd love the distraction right now cause it's been a BAAAAAAD day, but would you rather wait a few hours like patient little meatbags or have no studio who was willing to take the time and energy to even attempt making a game based off of a comic that is as WONDERFUL as TWD
Y'all is just impatient children. Also how about (assuming that the most of you just watch the show) you get off your asses and read the damn comics, that's where the games based and it's an AMAZING read I'm sure 96 issues can occupy your time till it comes out.
I'm just saying, this isn't the first time one of their games has been indefinitely delayed to the end of the day, and it won't be the last.
And heck, it is my understanding that it was MUCH worse back in the Gametap days. Sam and Max would be EXCLUSIVELY available to Gametap subscribers for at least a day before TTG put out their version. IIRC, the first season had a TWO WEEK exclusivity period.
They have more than 11 hours left to still keep "their word". But I expect they'll hardly need that much.
The game WILL be out today. Telltale hasn't broken any promises...people just need to be a little more patient.
Buying from the manufacturer (in this case Telltale) provides the manufacturer with a greater income than those who buy from a retailer (in this case Steam) as retailers always take a cut of the profit before sending the rest back at the manufacturer. And it is usually a large cut of the profit.
Thus anyone who wishes to see gaming continue would realise that buying from the manufacturer is better when you have the chance to do so.
So what it's already on steam...? How does that affect your enjoyment of the game when it comes out? Its not like the game is extremely long(Telltale's been saying its only 2ish hours) so its not like you planned your day around it...
How about instead of whining you go do something productive for a bit and check in until it comes out.
I'm just glad there's folks like Laserschwart and such that still have some patience
From my understanding of the forums they are going to release it during office hours which means they have 4 more hours to release.
That means that probably we will have less problems than the Steam users are having! This worths the wait!
Look, as much as I like Telltale and want to see them do well (and yes, thanks for that little 'lesson'), I don't tend to, and indeed shouldn't expect to have to pick an option that gives me worse service in order to support them more.
No one would want to support a manufacturer making such amateurish mistakes. There are people who release flash games on newgrounds on their release dates. It's a matter of understanding what the customers/fans want and doing your best to deliver on that. The next episode should take an extra day to release just so that everyone could get it at the same time.
But I do have one positive thing to say, at least we got a release date. Remember how Blizzard announced Starcraft 2 and then didn't release any info for two years? I could kill those developers. In fact, they may die indirectly by me in a few hours, as I will be a zombie as stated before.
So play it tomorrow. It won't kill ya. Considering we'll probably be waiting at least a month for Episode 2, I don't know why everyone is in such a rush to play it RIGHT NOW. April 24th isn't even close to over yet - they're not even late.
Sheesh, talk about first world problems.
Yeah, that Laserschwart!
In the end, yes it sucks that not everyone can enjoy the game in the most ideal fashion but that's just life. You don't always get what you want, boo f-ing hoo.
I've always preferred Telltale straight up if not just for the option of the DVD at the end of the season, while the steam players may have gotten the game a few hours before we did...they won't have the option of picking up the DVD(if there is one). I think that alone would negate the slight delay. Besides as far as download service and such I'd probably be surprised if Telltale's relatively small team were able to provide a better faster download service/release service than the giant that is Steam...
Steam build has to be different due to the programming Steam uses as well as how they handle updates and achievements and whatnot.
I can't believe it has taken their servers all day to upload our build though. They need an upgrade.
How dare you use common sense and things like fact to defend this obviously indefensible lie perpetrated by Telltale. It should have been out at 12:01AM DAMN IT!!!!!!!
I wasn't complaining like everyone else. Just stating my situation. I'm not gonna cancel my order etc. etc.
It's like this every game. Get used to it.
I would love nothing more than to agree with you, Razer. The problem here is that the company (in this case, Telltale) put importance with Steam that they didn't put with themselves. They want the extre profit, they should make it worth it.
But instead of making it readily available on all sources (they should have upped this game to a secure offline server DAYS AGO} they gave Steam the go-ahead to push the game out and have since inconvenienced the customers that actually showed them support straight out.
This is including myself, who gave them my money fully believing I'd be getting the game the second it was released because I gave my money straight to the source.
Instead, we are left waiting for something that a retail site got first. Basically this is stating that people who were in direct contact were less important than ones who weren't.
This is NOT the correct outcome of this. We SHOULD have gotten the game first. Hell, if I was the company head, I probably would have given the people who pre-ordered it a pass allowing them to get it a day early...
Not flub and screw it up so that people complain and risk the income.
Now that that is out there...
I'm not one of those asking for a refund, or flinging obscenities at my monitor. I just think that next time this rolls around, I'm NOT giving my money to the company itself, because at least the retailer can get me my product on time.
The waiting times of games like Sam & Max and Strong Bad were fun (In some cases I remember them more than the games themselves), cause people didn't take it all so seriously.
Remember the wait for 305? We got an Alien Swarm game together. Greattimes.
Or people will get the exact same problems as those who have the Steam version. Yay?