UPDATE: In Episode 1, I can say that there are 10 chapters in total (2 for each playable character). I have fully completed the first chapter, in which you play as Peter. I say that it is roughly 10% done however, because chapters will vary in size.
UPDATE: I have released a demo of Episode 1. It's the complete Chapter 1 from Episode 1 (there will be 10 in total, all varying in length). If you could leave some feedback in the thread, or leave a review on the website (that is preferred, as it gives it more attention), that would be great!
UPDATE: Though I will not make any further demos, I have decided that as I progress, I will post the first page for each POV's first chapter.
Catherine Ostel wandered about the large market of Grijam. There was no specific part of the large city designated for its vendors, they spanned the whole interior of Grijam's towering walls.
Grijam's walls were built of tough stone, and circled the whole village. There were many houses, mostly hand-built by its inhabitants, spread across the town. But atop a large hill, stood Worthwood Keep, the home of the Ostel's. Its walls had been built cobble by cobble centuries before by Tomas' ancestors. It stood taller than most of its kind, beaten only by Karthmere Castle, home of the Cotorel's inside of Phego.
Catherine was not old, only aged twelve years. To her mothers' dismay, she looked much like Peter and Tomas. She had long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was not a tall girl, nor did she look very old.
Catherine enjoyed wandering about the market in her spare time, more so than staying inside the castle, listening to the court room arguments that usually took place. Today, she was approaching a plump, mean-looking lady with messy blonde hair and a meaty figure. The lady was laid back in a wooden chair. From the spoiled vegetables on display, it was clear that she doesn't get customers often. She caught sight of the young girl, and growled at her, "piss off, I'm far too busy to have rotten children annoying my customers".
UPDATE: Though I will not make any further demos, I have decided that as I progress, I will post the first page for each POV's first chapter… more.
Catherine Ostel wandered about the large market of Grijam. There was no specific part of the large city designated for its vendors, they spanned the whole interior of Grijam's towering walls.
Grijam's walls were built of tough stone, and circled the whole village. There were many houses, mostly hand-built by its inhabitants, spread across the town. But atop a large hill, stood Worthwood Keep, the home of the Ostel's. Its walls had been built cobble by cobble centuries before by Tomas' ancestors. It stood taller than most of its kind, beaten only by Karthmere Castle, home of the Cotorel's inside of Phego.
Catherine was not old, only aged twelve years. To her mothers' dismay, she looked much like Peter and Tomas. She had long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was not a tall gi… [view original content]
Haha, thank you. As I have previously stated, I will finish Episode 1 of Fate Of Fire, then I will return to The Walking Dead Episode 3. No worries, but don't expect it before March/April of 2015! As for Episode 1, I don't have a release window yet. Christmas break is coming up, however, so I will have plenty of time to work on it. I can see it coming out sometime in January, if I am lucky.
UPDATE: Though I will not make any further demos, I have decided that as I progress, I will post the first page for each POV's first chapter… more.
Catherine Ostel wandered about the large market of Grijam. There was no specific part of the large city designated for its vendors, they spanned the whole interior of Grijam's towering walls.
Grijam's walls were built of tough stone, and circled the whole village. There were many houses, mostly hand-built by its inhabitants, spread across the town. But atop a large hill, stood Worthwood Keep, the home of the Ostel's. Its walls had been built cobble by cobble centuries before by Tomas' ancestors. It stood taller than most of its kind, beaten only by Karthmere Castle, home of the Cotorel's inside of Phego.
Catherine was not old, only aged twelve years. To her mothers' dismay, she looked much like Peter and Tomas. She had long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was not a tall gi… [view original content]
"The Walking Dead" Episode 1: Into The Woods: 4.57/5 Stars
"The Walking Dead" Episode 2: On The Horizon: 5/5 Stars
"Fate Of Fire" Epis… moreode 1: Courage Without Honor DEMO: 4.8/5 Stars
I could have never expected that others would enjoy my work so much. Thank you all!
You can use the public folder of dropbox as well. Right click the relevant file and then copy public link.
Edit: By the way, I'd look at Frostedge's review. But honestly, don't worry too much about it as your story doesn't cost anything. If, eventually, you want to sell your writing, that'd be the time you want to worry about the sort of stuff mentioned in it. So, don't sweat getting everything perfect, though I would recommend looking at the dialog punctuation as it's an easy fix and should take no time (in comparison to more full edits), plus it's a good habit to get into.
You can use the public folder of dropbox as well. Right click the relevant file and then copy public link.
Edit: By the way, I'd look at … moreFrostedge's review. But honestly, don't worry too much about it as your story doesn't cost anything. If, eventually, you want to sell your writing, that'd be the time you want to worry about the sort of stuff mentioned in it. So, don't sweat getting everything perfect, though I would recommend looking at the dialog punctuation as it's an easy fix and should take no time (in comparison to more full edits), plus it's a good habit to get into.
They say that chocolate helps to think better. Try to eat my magic chocolate and it will give you new ideas that will make come episode 1 very soon in January 2015
They say that chocolate helps to think better. Try to eat my magic chocolate and it will give you new ideas that will make come episode 1 very soon in January 2015
UPDATE: Instead of saving my revision work until I'm done the whole text adventure, I will do it after each chapter. Consider Chapter 1 typed and revised (fully complete)!
I read through the demo for the first chapter, and I have a few facts to share with you that you might not be aware of. It may just be a problem with your word choice, but the differences are enough to warrant changes.
Westeros' feudal system has only one king, seated in the capital of King's Landing. The rest, though divided by province, are just "lords". Lord Stark, Lord Forrester, Lord Arryn, etc. The King in the North was dubbed when the North declared independence under Robb Stark. All the provinces used to have kings, but for this reason or that they don't anymore. So Peter Ostel of House Ostel(the Ostels, no apostrophe) would be prince Peter of House Ostel, soon-to-be Lord Ostel after his father, who is not a king, but currently Lord of House Ostel. Peter isn't a lord if he doesn't have authority over a seat, fort, stronghold, hold, etc. If he is not, and Christopher is not a lord of something either, then they aren't lords and aren't called to stand on ceremony when meeting each other, such as in the village Watermont. When traveling to meet in person, the lords of the North are more direct, and less likely to set a meeting place and instead visit the House with whom they are responding to.
In case you are wondering if that makes the guests vulnerable, traditionally bread and salt is offered by the host for the guest to eat, thereby rendering the sacred laws of hospitality(under the Old Gods and the New/Seven) in effect for the duration of the visit: neither host, guest, fellow guest or even members of the host can do anything to harm each other lest they commit sacrilege, which everyone would hate them for if they did and make them targets, as the Seven is the official state religion of the Seven Kingdoms, and followers of the Old Gods don't look favorably upon it either. Violate these laws and you are screwed...under most circumstances(shhh, it's a secret). To refuse offering or being offered bread and salt is a bad omen and looked on unfavorably. When someone does, you know something's wrong.
The seven kingdoms/provinces of Westeros are as follows(united under one king as I said): the North, Iron Islands, Riverlands, Vale, the Westerlands, Crownlands, the Reach, Stormlands, and Dorne. House Forrester was a noble House in the North, and Ironrath was their seat, they didn't have their own kingdom. The "kingdom" of Grijam would be one of those I just mentioned, likely the North, if the cloak worn by Peter made from the pelt of a wolf is anything to go by. Consider instead referring to the 'kingdom' of Ostel as lands and holdings. The entire piece has no specific noun attached to it. The "grand house" Cotorel would likely be far lesser than that, or at least not high enough on the nobility scale to be mentioned alongside the Starks, Karstarks and Boltons, which are the big names. Houses Ostel and Ratclif are likely to serve as vassals to one of those. Perhaps House Ostel is a vassal to House Stark, and Ratclif to House Bolton, or Umber?
This site has all of or the most information on the Song of Ice and Fire universe. Be wary of spoilers. http://awoiaf.westeros.org
Thank you for the help. However, as I state in the description, this is not a Game Of a Thrones fan fiction, this is an original story inspired by Game Of Thrones. So there is no Kings Landing, nor Starks, Boltons, etc...
Also, they met on a hill called Watermont, not a village. It was a quick meeting, so neither of them needed to bring bread and salt
Though I will make some edits to make sure that Christopher and Peter will not be titled lords just yet.
Sorry if your comment now seems like a waste of time, but I hope you understand now that this series doesn't take place in Westeros, but in its own universe called Hephus.
I read through the demo for the first chapter, and I have a few facts to share with you that you might not be aware of. It may just be a pro… moreblem with your word choice, but the differences are enough to warrant changes.
Westeros' feudal system has only one king, seated in the capital of King's Landing. The rest, though divided by province, are just "lords". Lord Stark, Lord Forrester, Lord Arryn, etc. The King in the North was dubbed when the North declared independence under Robb Stark. All the provinces used to have kings, but for this reason or that they don't anymore. So Peter Ostel of House Ostel(the Ostels, no apostrophe) would be prince Peter of House Ostel, soon-to-be Lord Ostel after his father, who is not a king, but currently Lord of House Ostel. Peter isn't a lord if he doesn't have authority over a seat, fort, stronghold, hold, etc. If he is not, and Christopher is not a lord of something either, then they aren't lords and aren… [view original content]
PROGRESS: Just finished typing and revising Chapter 2! I will now head onto Chapter 3!
UPDATE: It's Christmas break (a little late, I know...)! This gives me more time to work on the story, so I hope that I'll have at least Chapter 3 done by the end of the break!
Arthur Ostel was walking in the corridors of Karthmere Keep. He passed by servants and hand maidens who all bowed their heads as he walked past. The hallways were lit by the dark sky from outside the windows, and the ground was layered with rich carpet.
Arthur was moving to the throne room, where most sessions of the court took place. While his father and brother were away, Arthur took the responsibility of handling the sessions. Though while Tomas and Peter rued having the task of handing out justice, Arthur welcomed it with open arms. He loved to show off his superior intellect, and he knew just how to manipulate the worried minds of Grijam.
His mind was clear of thought until he bumped into one of the nurses: Anne Yate, knocking her books out of her hands.
Thank you for the help. However, as I state in the description, this is not a Game Of a Thrones fan fiction, this is an original story inspi… morered by Game Of Thrones. So there is no Kings Landing, nor Starks, Boltons, etc...
Also, they met on a hill called Watermont, not a village. It was a quick meeting, so neither of them needed to bring bread and salt
Though I will make some edits to make sure that Christopher and Peter will not be titled lords just yet.
Sorry if your comment now seems like a waste of time, but I hope you understand now that this series doesn't take place in Westeros, but in its own universe called Hephus.
Arthur Ostel was walking in the corridors of Karthmere Keep. He passed by servants and hand maidens who all bowed their heads as h… moree walked past. The hallways were lit by the dark sky from outside the windows, and the ground was layered with rich carpet.
Arthur was moving to the throne room, where most sessions of the court took place. While his father and brother were away, Arthur took the responsibility of handling the sessions. Though while Tomas and Peter rued having the task of handing out justice, Arthur welcomed it with open arms. He loved to show off his superior intellect, and he knew just how to manipulate the worried minds of Grijam.
His mind was clear of thought until he bumped into one of the nurses: Anne Yate, knocking her books out of her hands.
Help her pick them up.
Watch her.
Remember, this is just a preview. This isn't like SuperChocoLatte's games, this is a full game that I will release online and then post a link on the forum. Expect it in January/February!
Remember, this is just a preview. This isn't like SuperChocoLatte's games, this is a full game that I will release online and then post a link on the forum. Expect it in January/February!
Well as you might have read from the updates above, I will be doing another BETA in the form of a Forum Adventure (similar to the works of SuperChocoLatte, LiquidChicagoTed, etc...)!
Together, we will play through the first five chapters (half of episode 1)! Now, you may wonder "why would he do this? There could be some crazy spoilers here!". To retort, I'll say that even though we will go through a whole arc of Episode 1's story, it is mostly setup for the rest of said Episode and the series in general, so unless you want nothing spoiled, let us have fun!
Now keep in mind that this will include us playing all of Chapter 1 (the DEMO), since its' choices have an impact later on in our adventure! You should also note that I am in the middle of typing Chapter 3, so it is possible that we might catch up (though I find it unlikely).
Finally, I would just like to point out that I will be posting a new section after every 3 comment votes (at the minimum). If I can't reach that fast enough, then I guess that I will just take what I get XD
We will start tonight when I return from seeing the final Hobbit!
UPDATE: In Episode 1, I can say that there are 10 chapters in total (2 for each playable character). I have fully completed the first chapter, in which you play as Peter. I say that it is roughly 10% done however, because chapters will vary in size.
UPDATE: I have released a demo of Episode 1. It's the complete Chapter 1 from Episode 1 (there will be 10 in total, all varying in length). If you could leave some feedback in the thread, or leave a review on the website (that is preferred, as it gives it more attention), that would be great!
Check it out here: http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/poxqvcgt8kyu4jxxjkspja/fate-of-fire-episode-1-courage-without-honor-demo
UPDATE: Though I will not make any further demos, I have decided that as I progress, I will post the first page for each POV's first chapter.
Catherine Ostel wandered about the large market of Grijam. There was no specific part of the large city designated for its vendors, they spanned the whole interior of Grijam's towering walls.
Grijam's walls were built of tough stone, and circled the whole village. There were many houses, mostly hand-built by its inhabitants, spread across the town. But atop a large hill, stood Worthwood Keep, the home of the Ostel's. Its walls had been built cobble by cobble centuries before by Tomas' ancestors. It stood taller than most of its kind, beaten only by Karthmere Castle, home of the Cotorel's inside of Phego.
Catherine was not old, only aged twelve years. To her mothers' dismay, she looked much like Peter and Tomas. She had long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was not a tall girl, nor did she look very old.
Catherine enjoyed wandering about the market in her spare time, more so than staying inside the castle, listening to the court room arguments that usually took place. Today, she was approaching a plump, mean-looking lady with messy blonde hair and a meaty figure. The lady was laid back in a wooden chair. From the spoiled vegetables on display, it was clear that she doesn't get customers often. She caught sight of the young girl, and growled at her, "piss off, I'm far too busy to have rotten children annoying my customers".
"You have no customers for me to annoy!"
"Do you know who you are speaking to?"
Steal from the lady.
Steal from the bitch XD THIS IS STILL AWESOME!!!!!!!
Your kind words mean much to me.
May I ask what you thought of the demo?
It´s great for a beggining :P And really need TWD EP 3. I REALLY NEED IT XD
Haha, thank you. As I have previously stated, I will finish Episode 1 of Fate Of Fire, then I will return to The Walking Dead Episode 3. No worries, but don't expect it before March/April of 2015! As for Episode 1, I don't have a release window yet. Christmas break is coming up, however, so I will have plenty of time to work on it. I can see it coming out sometime in January, if I am lucky.
Hm. Interesting. I'd chose ''DO YA KNOW WHO YOUR SPEAKIN' TO?''
I mean, if you're from a greater family, you can do and say greater things.
Mind if I ask what you thought of the demo?
I did like it. I was able to feel that GoT, medieval feel. I can't wait for the first war
Though there are many scenes of action within every episode, you'll have to wait until Episode 4 before a war actually takes place
"The Walking Dead" Episode 1: Into The Woods: 4.57/5 Stars
"The Walking Dead" Episode 2: On The Horizon: 5/5 Stars
"Fate Of Fire" Episode 1: Courage Without Honor DEMO: 4.8/5 Stars
I could have never expected that others would enjoy my work so much. Thank you all!
I think I will do a Let's Play on this to support a fellow community content creator I will do a Live stream of it and see what my fans think.
Holy shit! This sounds great! Thank you so much, this really means a lot coming from you!
Heres the Demo playthrough
You can use the public folder of dropbox as well. Right click the relevant file and then copy public link.
Edit: By the way, I'd look at Frostedge's review. But honestly, don't worry too much about it as your story doesn't cost anything. If, eventually, you want to sell your writing, that'd be the time you want to worry about the sort of stuff mentioned in it. So, don't sweat getting everything perfect, though I would recommend looking at the dialog punctuation as it's an easy fix and should take no time (in comparison to more full edits), plus it's a good habit to get into.
it's rly good! when will it be fully out? can't wait to play it!
No date is confirmed just yet, but I hope it will release in January.
No worries, I've already altered the final version of the game to welcome this form of grammatical correction.
They say that chocolate helps to think better. Try to eat my magic chocolate and it will give you new ideas that will make come episode 1 very soon in January 2015
Haha, I appreciate it. Though I've already planned out the first four episodes, it's just writing them all out and revising them
Fate of fire.
UPDATE: Instead of saving my revision work until I'm done the whole text adventure, I will do it after each chapter. Consider Chapter 1 typed and revised (fully complete)!
PROGRESS: Just finished typing Chapter 2! I will revise it tomorrow night, then start Chapter 3! Episode 1 is officially 15% done!
great to hear
I read through the demo for the first chapter, and I have a few facts to share with you that you might not be aware of. It may just be a problem with your word choice, but the differences are enough to warrant changes.
Westeros' feudal system has only one king, seated in the capital of King's Landing. The rest, though divided by province, are just "lords". Lord Stark, Lord Forrester, Lord Arryn, etc. The King in the North was dubbed when the North declared independence under Robb Stark. All the provinces used to have kings, but for this reason or that they don't anymore. So Peter Ostel of House Ostel(the Ostels, no apostrophe) would be prince Peter of House Ostel, soon-to-be Lord Ostel after his father, who is not a king, but currently Lord of House Ostel. Peter isn't a lord if he doesn't have authority over a seat, fort, stronghold, hold, etc. If he is not, and Christopher is not a lord of something either, then they aren't lords and aren't called to stand on ceremony when meeting each other, such as in the village Watermont. When traveling to meet in person, the lords of the North are more direct, and less likely to set a meeting place and instead visit the House with whom they are responding to.
In case you are wondering if that makes the guests vulnerable, traditionally bread and salt is offered by the host for the guest to eat, thereby rendering the sacred laws of hospitality(under the Old Gods and the New/Seven) in effect for the duration of the visit: neither host, guest, fellow guest or even members of the host can do anything to harm each other lest they commit sacrilege, which everyone would hate them for if they did and make them targets, as the Seven is the official state religion of the Seven Kingdoms, and followers of the Old Gods don't look favorably upon it either. Violate these laws and you are screwed...under most circumstances(shhh, it's a secret). To refuse offering or being offered bread and salt is a bad omen and looked on unfavorably. When someone does, you know something's wrong.
The seven kingdoms/provinces of Westeros are as follows(united under one king as I said): the North, Iron Islands, Riverlands, Vale, the Westerlands, Crownlands, the Reach, Stormlands, and Dorne. House Forrester was a noble House in the North, and Ironrath was their seat, they didn't have their own kingdom. The "kingdom" of Grijam would be one of those I just mentioned, likely the North, if the cloak worn by Peter made from the pelt of a wolf is anything to go by. Consider instead referring to the 'kingdom' of Ostel as lands and holdings. The entire piece has no specific noun attached to it. The "grand house" Cotorel would likely be far lesser than that, or at least not high enough on the nobility scale to be mentioned alongside the Starks, Karstarks and Boltons, which are the big names. Houses Ostel and Ratclif are likely to serve as vassals to one of those. Perhaps House Ostel is a vassal to House Stark, and Ratclif to House Bolton, or Umber?
This site has all of or the most information on the Song of Ice and Fire universe. Be wary of spoilers. http://awoiaf.westeros.org
Thank you for the help. However, as I state in the description, this is not a Game Of a Thrones fan fiction, this is an original story inspired by Game Of Thrones. So there is no Kings Landing, nor Starks, Boltons, etc...
Also, they met on a hill called Watermont, not a village. It was a quick meeting, so neither of them needed to bring bread and salt
Though I will make some edits to make sure that Christopher and Peter will not be titled lords just yet.
Sorry if your comment now seems like a waste of time, but I hope you understand now that this series doesn't take place in Westeros, but in its own universe called Hephus.
Game is now 20% complete!
PROGRESS: Just finished typing and revising Chapter 2! I will now head onto Chapter 3!
UPDATE: It's Christmas break (a little late, I know...)! This gives me more time to work on the story, so I hope that I'll have at least Chapter 3 done by the end of the break!
Arthur Ostel was walking in the corridors of Karthmere Keep. He passed by servants and hand maidens who all bowed their heads as he walked past. The hallways were lit by the dark sky from outside the windows, and the ground was layered with rich carpet.
Arthur was moving to the throne room, where most sessions of the court took place. While his father and brother were away, Arthur took the responsibility of handling the sessions. Though while Tomas and Peter rued having the task of handing out justice, Arthur welcomed it with open arms. He loved to show off his superior intellect, and he knew just how to manipulate the worried minds of Grijam.
His mind was clear of thought until he bumped into one of the nurses: Anne Yate, knocking her books out of her hands.
Help her pick them up.
Watch her.
Aww. Okay then.
Help her pick them up.
Remember, this is just a preview. This isn't like SuperChocoLatte's games, this is a full game that I will release online and then post a link on the forum. Expect it in January/February!
I know , i just to make the choices i would make if i did today
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
stupidest shit ive ever heard since quinn
Stupidest comment since i dunno... the day you joined.
merry christmas
Well as you might have read from the updates above, I will be doing another BETA in the form of a Forum Adventure (similar to the works of SuperChocoLatte, LiquidChicagoTed, etc...)!
Together, we will play through the first five chapters (half of episode 1)! Now, you may wonder "why would he do this? There could be some crazy spoilers here!". To retort, I'll say that even though we will go through a whole arc of Episode 1's story, it is mostly setup for the rest of said Episode and the series in general, so unless you want nothing spoiled, let us have fun!
Now keep in mind that this will include us playing all of Chapter 1 (the DEMO), since its' choices have an impact later on in our adventure! You should also note that I am in the middle of typing Chapter 3, so it is possible that we might catch up (though I find it unlikely).
Finally, I would just like to point out that I will be posting a new section after every 3 comment votes (at the minimum). If I can't reach that fast enough, then I guess that I will just take what I get XD
We will start tonight when I return from seeing the final Hobbit!
So, let the fun begin!
The story will be told through actual screenshots of the final copy!