Just to follow up on my earlier post, this episode is most definitely my favourite so far (and proabably of all of Part 1)! It's the longest sucker of the whole bunch (picture Chapters 3 and 1 put together, and then some), and highlights some of the best character interactions and best bits of the pilot plot-wise. From Chapters 1-4, you were making choices, but to no real effect. But there is no need to fear, my friends, as every single choice you've made comes into play in Chapter 5 (and that's no exaggeration, I literally mean every one). I'd love to give some specific details or some teasers, but I'm afraid that it would spoil the whole fun of playing it.
Only downside to this is that this Chapter specifically take longer than any other, since there are literally a hundred to two hundred pages for it (even though you'll only get to play maybe 15-20 of them on your initial play through, but I encourage replaying afterwards to see how the choices change the story), and like I said earlier, it's a hell of a beast. Writing the first page alone (which differs for all the branches, totalling to maybe 16 initial pages), as well as creating the following ones (totalling to 64 pages), then linking and labelling took me a full hour on its own. It's even worse considering that playing through this page might take someone 30 or so seconds... But I want it to the best it could be... So yeah... It's heavy stuff.
Anyways, thanks for the continuous support, and I'll try to post more as soon as I can!
Just to follow up on my earlier post, this episode is most definitely my favourite so far (and proabably of all of Part 1)! It's the longest… more sucker of the whole bunch (picture Chapters 3 and 1 put together, and then some), and highlights some of the best character interactions and best bits of the pilot plot-wise. From Chapters 1-4, you were making choices, but to no real effect. But there is no need to fear, my friends, as every single choice you've made comes into play in Chapter 5 (and that's no exaggeration, I literally mean every one). I'd love to give some specific details or some teasers, but I'm afraid that it would spoil the whole fun of playing it.
Only downside to this is that this Chapter specifically take longer than any other, since there are literally a hundred to two hundred pages for it (even though you'll only get to play maybe 15-20 of them on your initial play through, but I encourage replaying afterwards to see how the… [view original content]
You betcha! That's why this stuff takes so long to make! Sure, I could half-ass it and have you make tons of meaningful-looking choices that actually have no influence on the final product cough Telltale cough (and yes, I love Telltale Games, so don't hate me, just poking a bit of fun ), or I could have you make all those choices, and actually have them branch off and let you get a more personal experience! Like I said, heading into Chapter 5, you will experience 1 of 16 branches based on the choices you made so far in the story, and though you pretty much cover the same ground, different events will happen and effect characters differently. So, to answer your question, yes, your choices will branch tremendously.
You betcha! That's why this stuff takes so long to make! Sure, I could half-ass it and have you make tons of meaningful-looking choices that… more actually have no influence on the final product cough Telltale cough (and yes, I love Telltale Games, so don't hate me, just poking a bit of fun ), or I could have you make all those choices, and actually have them branch off and let you get a more personal experience! Like I said, heading into Chapter 5, you will experience 1 of 16 branches based on the choices you made so far in the story, and though you pretty much cover the same ground, different events will happen and effect characters differently. So, to answer your question, yes, your choices will branch tremendously.
Ugh, I wish that I did. To avoid any disappointment, the earliest I'll say for now is around April. But it might come earlier, or possibly later, so it's hard for me to make an official date for release until maybe the week before.
Ugh, I wish that I did. To avoid any disappointment, the earliest I'll say for now is around April. But it might come earlier, or possibly later, so it's hard for me to make an official date for release until maybe the week before.
Just to follow up on my earlier post, this episode is most definitely my favourite so far (and proabably of all of Part 1)! It's the longest… more sucker of the whole bunch (picture Chapters 3 and 1 put together, and then some), and highlights some of the best character interactions and best bits of the pilot plot-wise. From Chapters 1-4, you were making choices, but to no real effect. But there is no need to fear, my friends, as every single choice you've made comes into play in Chapter 5 (and that's no exaggeration, I literally mean every one). I'd love to give some specific details or some teasers, but I'm afraid that it would spoil the whole fun of playing it.
Only downside to this is that this Chapter specifically take longer than any other, since there are literally a hundred to two hundred pages for it (even though you'll only get to play maybe 15-20 of them on your initial play through, but I encourage replaying afterwards to see how the… [view original content]
UPDATE: Hey all! Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm looking for visual artists of any kind! I'm looking for somebody who can draw characters, scenery or really anything at all! Obviously, I can't really pay anything for your work, but I would be highly grateful and I would most definitely give credit to the artist. I would give either the description of a character or a scene, and I would love to see what you could come up with! If you or anyone you know may have an interest, please let me know!
UPDATE: Hey all! Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm looking for visual artists of any kind! I'm looking for somebody who can draw cha… moreracters, scenery or really anything at all! Obviously, I can't really pay anything for your work, but I would be highly grateful and I would most definitely give credit to the artist. I would give either the description of a character or a scene, and I would love to see what you could come up with! If you or anyone you know may have an interest, please let me know!
Alright, so I came across something funny just now. I compared what I've done for Fate Of Fire Part 1 with The Walking Dead Episode 2, and though FOF isn't even 50% done, it's already longer than TWD. It seems that this thing will be quite the beast XD. Umm... yeah. So that happened
Hey there! Sorry for the lack of updates! Development is slow right now, and I apologize. I've been trying my best to work on it when I can, but it takes an overwhelmingly long time to make progress, so I can only do it for short bursts every few days. I've been thinking to post something, but I just didn't know what to say, so stay patient folks!
Hey there! Sorry for the lack of updates! Development is slow right now, and I apologize. I've been trying my best to work on it when I can,… more but it takes an overwhelmingly long time to make progress, so I can only do it for short bursts every few days. I've been thinking to post something, but I just didn't know what to say, so stay patient folks!
Hey there, I'm back again! Not a huge update, but I've been having more time to work on the story lately, and I can hope to have Chapter 5 done before I leave on vacation for March Break (or Spring Break, for you Americans ;P) by next Tuesday! Expect more info soon!
Hmm, if you write only 5 chapters in 3 months, and all will be 10 chapters and you want to finish one book and another projects about the deads at end of the year.
Honestly, the fact that I completed 5 Chapters in 3 months doesn't serve for much solid proof of anything. Things change for me. Sometimes I go a week without working, and others I work every night. My deadlines were off however, and I don't see myself finishing book 1 of Fate Of Fire by the end of this year.
Once I get back from my trip, however, things will move much quicker. The next 5 chapters won't take me nearly as long (though all the branches are a bit rough to handle).
Hmm, if you write only 5 chapters in 3 months, and all will be 10 chapters and you want to finish one book and another projects about the deads at end of the year.
Think you can do?
Honestly, the fact that I completed 5 Chapters in 3 months doesn't serve for much solid proof of anything. Things change for me. Sometimes I… more go a week without working, and others I work every night. My deadlines were off however, and I don't see myself finishing book 1 of Fate Of Fire by the end of this year.
Once I get back from my trip, however, things will move much quicker. The next 5 chapters won't take me nearly as long (though all the branches are a bit rough to handle).
Anyways, thanks again!
Well then... hasn't it been a while that I've posted anything. So umm... update?
I know, it's the same old story every time. Sadly, it's a true one. Production on this story is super slow, and that's because of school, many auditions and shows in progress. Tonight is the first time that I've opened the file in a month. I know this is probably extremely frustrating, but I just don't get as much time to work on it that I once did.
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not cancelling the story, nor am I delaying it. I'm just warning you all that the story is developing slowly, and it is still going to take some more time then I had anticipated. I'll try posting more updates as I continue ahead. Thanks again, guys.
I wouldn't mind taking a look at seeing what you can do. Just give me until Wednesday, then I can PM some details for some more visual queues, then we'll be all good to roll out!
Well hey, it's Sunday! And if you know me, you know that Sunday is my unofficial Update Day! I'll try to post something every Sunday just so I stay active enough on these forums so you guys can have an idea on the progress of the story.
Not too much to say this week, but I did get some progress done. To re-immerse myself into the universe, I pretty much BETA-tested my own story, and reread all of it (which to the point where I had stopped, took me about 40 minutes, by the way, while taking my time a bit). While doing so, I noticed some slight inconsistencies, as well as some things that could be improved. So I dedicated the last week on tweeking all I've done so far, ad I have to say, I have high hopes that you guys will love this thing as much as I do. I have some serious faith in this project, and I see it going places. I will continue editing some bits, then I'll get back to pushing ahead.
As busy as I am lately, I've felt more inspired to continue writing, meaning that I'm getting more done. Who knows? Maybe it'll be done before summer? Thanks again guys, I'm in a good mood!
Well hey, it's Sunday! And if you know me, you know that Sunday is my unofficial Update Day! I'll try to post something every Sunday just so… more I stay active enough on these forums so you guys can have an idea on the progress of the story.
Not too much to say this week, but I did get some progress done. To re-immerse myself into the universe, I pretty much BETA-tested my own story, and reread all of it (which to the point where I had stopped, took me about 40 minutes, by the way, while taking my time a bit). While doing so, I noticed some slight inconsistencies, as well as some things that could be improved. So I dedicated the last week on tweeking all I've done so far, ad I have to say, I have high hopes that you guys will love this thing as much as I do. I have some serious faith in this project, and I see it going places. I will continue editing some bits, then I'll get back to pushing ahead.
As busy as I am lately, I've felt more inspi… [view original content]
Not too much to touch on this week, for I didn't get to work on it all that much. However, I re-played it another time on my iPad, and screenshotted all the misspellings and sentences that could be re-written. Afterwards, I went back on the file and updated everything, upping the quality even more so.
I haven't gotten many new things done this week, since Chapter 5 features another court session like the one in Chapter 3. Sadly, since there are even more branches thanks to all the choices, it takes even longer to write it all out. So this week, all I've done is make new pages and link them together.
Like I said, I'm sorry for not getting much done this week, but I'll keep trying my best to post an update here every Sunday to keep you guys in the know and to keep the thread alive. Have a great week guys!
Well hello again! It's Sunday!
Not too much to touch on this week, for I didn't get to work on it all that much. However, I re-played it … moreanother time on my iPad, and screenshotted all the misspellings and sentences that could be re-written. Afterwards, I went back on the file and updated everything, upping the quality even more so.
I haven't gotten many new things done this week, since Chapter 5 features another court session like the one in Chapter 3. Sadly, since there are even more branches thanks to all the choices, it takes even longer to write it all out. So this week, all I've done is make new pages and link them together.
Like I said, I'm sorry for not getting much done this week, but I'll keep trying my best to post an update here every Sunday to keep you guys in the know and to keep the thread alive. Have a great week guys!
Aha, well sorry for the long wait on that... I apologize. But there will actually be 6 episodes in total of The Walking Dead, and 4 Parts in Book 1 of Fate Of Fire. I'm currently working on only Part 1 of Fate Of Fire, but son after, I will jump back into The Walking Dead.
The amount of time that it has taken for me to make it this far exceeds far past what I had originally thought, so I apologize. In all honesty, if I would have known how long this would have taken to make, I would have pushed it until The Walking Dead was done. But trust me when I say that both projects will be worth their time, with Part 1 hopefully heading out early summer, and Episode 3 of The Walking Dead by the end of it, this will be a fun year for us! Thanks for tagging along on the ride!
Thank you for once again encouraging me and keeping this forum somewhat active! Like I said, I know this is taking way longer than I had originally thought it would, but going back and playing all that I've written so far, while also thinking onto the even bigger moments later on, I'm super excited for when you guys get the chance to get your hands on the damn thing and play it yourself!
Though everyone reads at different speeds, I expect Part 1 to take somewhere close to 70-90 minutes, which (not to toot my own horn) is super impressive for a text adventure with this amount of replayability. So thanks again, and look forward to this Sunday's update!
Aha, well sorry for the long wait on that... I apologize. But there will actually be 6 episodes in total of The Walking Dead, and 4 Parts in… more Book 1 of Fate Of Fire. I'm currently working on only Part 1 of Fate Of Fire, but son after, I will jump back into The Walking Dead.
The amount of time that it has taken for me to make it this far exceeds far past what I had originally thought, so I apologize. In all honesty, if I would have known how long this would have taken to make, I would have pushed it until The Walking Dead was done. But trust me when I say that both projects will be worth their time, with Part 1 hopefully heading out early summer, and Episode 3 of The Walking Dead by the end of it, this will be a fun year for us! Thanks for tagging along on the ride!
Hello again! Sunday has arrived! Update on its way!
So what could have been the mysteriously big update that I had teased on Thursday? Well I'm glad that I asked! This week, I made a special effort to progress as far as I could so I would have something better to talk about today. So let's get right to it.
Not only have I gone through the whole story, and remastered it (for the THIRD time!), but I also sped my way through Chapter 5, linking and writing away to the point that I can now proudly say that Chapter 5 is now completed as well as revised. So consider Fate Of Fire: Book 1: Tinder 50% done!
Though 50% done may make it seem that we still have a long way to go, especially considering how long it's taken for us to get us where we are now, I can safely say that the second half of the story will be much faster to write than its former half. I can also say that the second half is where the story really picks up the pace, lets the simple character introductions go, and sets events that will affect the whole Book into motion.
In my personal life, I'm currently juggling two stage shows (one of which I'm the lead, and it is premiering a month from now) which each have two rehearsals a week. I also have a singing competition where I will be singing in front of my High School on Tuesday afternoon. After over 500 teens have voted, I will see if I will make it to the even bigger competition on Friday night for the final round. This means that I may not get as much work done this week, at least until Wednesday, so I'm not sure if next weeks' update will be as big as this one, so apologies in advance. I'll let you guys know how I did next Sunday
Well I'm glad that I warned you all in advance that not much was getting to get done this week, or else this would be a lot harder to write. So yes, I didn't even get the chance to open the file once this week. However, if you're a fan of all my work, and not just new to this because of this project, I can say that I did spend some time continuing writing out my plan of Episode 3 of The Walking Dead this afternoon. If you are interested in that series, I will be posting a detailed update shortly.
As far as my personal life goes, as interesting as it is, I won the singing competition in front of my high school by 100 votes above the second place. However, on Friday, I went up against two Grade 12's, who both beat me, with me coming in 3rd overall for my school board.
Got some busy nights ahead, but I feel like I will get much more work done this week than I did last week (then again, that won't be hard). So have a great week, and I'll get back to you next Sunday!
I ask you the same.
It seems that I forgot to post this last night... Sorry for that. Also, I don't know why the format is different, it did that by itself.
Ummm, looks like I stopped myself there XD But nonetheless, just wanted to let you all know that development on Chapter 5 begins now!
Just to follow up on my earlier post, this episode is most definitely my favourite so far (and proabably of all of Part 1)! It's the longest sucker of the whole bunch (picture Chapters 3 and 1 put together, and then some), and highlights some of the best character interactions and best bits of the pilot plot-wise. From Chapters 1-4, you were making choices, but to no real effect. But there is no need to fear, my friends, as every single choice you've made comes into play in Chapter 5 (and that's no exaggeration, I literally mean every one). I'd love to give some specific details or some teasers, but I'm afraid that it would spoil the whole fun of playing it.
Only downside to this is that this Chapter specifically take longer than any other, since there are literally a hundred to two hundred pages for it (even though you'll only get to play maybe 15-20 of them on your initial play through, but I encourage replaying afterwards to see how the choices change the story), and like I said earlier, it's a hell of a beast. Writing the first page alone (which differs for all the branches, totalling to maybe 16 initial pages), as well as creating the following ones (totalling to 64 pages), then linking and labelling took me a full hour on its own. It's even worse considering that playing through this page might take someone 30 or so seconds... But I want it to the best it could be... So yeah... It's heavy stuff.
Anyways, thanks for the continuous support, and I'll try to post more as soon as I can!
So the choices are going to branch tremendously?
You betcha! That's why this stuff takes so long to make! Sure, I could half-ass it and have you make tons of meaningful-looking choices that actually have no influence on the final product cough Telltale cough (and yes, I love Telltale Games, so don't hate me, just poking a bit of fun
), or I could have you make all those choices, and actually have them branch off and let you get a more personal experience! Like I said, heading into Chapter 5, you will experience 1 of 16 branches based on the choices you made so far in the story, and though you pretty much cover the same ground, different events will happen and effect characters differently. So, to answer your question, yes, your choices will branch tremendously. 
Awesome. Any idea when we might be able to play the final product?
Ugh, I wish that I did. To avoid any disappointment, the earliest I'll say for now is around April. But it might come earlier, or possibly later, so it's hard for me to make an official date for release until maybe the week before.
Eh, April isn't very far away
"Catherine is so young"
UPDATE: Hey all! Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm looking for visual artists of any kind! I'm looking for somebody who can draw characters, scenery or really anything at all! Obviously, I can't really pay anything for your work, but I would be highly grateful and I would most definitely give credit to the artist. I would give either the description of a character or a scene, and I would love to see what you could come up with! If you or anyone you know may have an interest, please let me know!
I would help in any way, but I can't draw...
Thanks anyway! If theres anyone you know that you think might be interested, let them know!
Alright, so I came across something funny just now. I compared what I've done for Fate Of Fire Part 1 with The Walking Dead Episode 2, and though FOF isn't even 50% done, it's already longer than TWD. It seems that this thing will be quite the beast XD. Umm... yeah. So that happened
Hey there! Sorry for the lack of updates! Development is slow right now, and I apologize. I've been trying my best to work on it when I can, but it takes an overwhelmingly long time to make progress, so I can only do it for short bursts every few days. I've been thinking to post something, but I just didn't know what to say, so stay patient folks!
Don't worry
We're'll wait - just do your work
Hey there, I'm back again! Not a huge update, but I've been having more time to work on the story lately, and I can hope to have Chapter 5 done before I leave on vacation for March Break (or Spring Break, for you Americans ;P) by next Tuesday! Expect more info soon!
UPDATE: Chapter 5 is done its typing phase. Revision will commence after my vacation.
Hmm, if you write only 5 chapters in 3 months, and all will be 10 chapters and you want to finish one book and another projects about the deads at end of the year.
Think you can do?
Honestly, the fact that I completed 5 Chapters in 3 months doesn't serve for much solid proof of anything. Things change for me. Sometimes I go a week without working, and others I work every night. My deadlines were off however, and I don't see myself finishing book 1 of Fate Of Fire by the end of this year.
Once I get back from my trip, however, things will move much quicker. The next 5 chapters won't take me nearly as long (though all the branches are a bit rough to handle).
Anyways, thanks again!
Oh, then thanks!
And I'm back! Revision will start shortly, after I finish Episode 2 of TFTB!
Well then... hasn't it been a while that I've posted anything. So umm... update?
I know, it's the same old story every time. Sadly, it's a true one. Production on this story is super slow, and that's because of school, many auditions and shows in progress. Tonight is the first time that I've opened the file in a month. I know this is probably extremely frustrating, but I just don't get as much time to work on it that I once did.
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not cancelling the story, nor am I delaying it. I'm just warning you all that the story is developing slowly, and it is still going to take some more time then I had anticipated. I'll try posting more updates as I continue ahead. Thanks again, guys.
Are you still looking for visual artists? I'd love to help out in any way I can, mainly with character art.
I wouldn't mind taking a look at seeing what you can do. Just give me until Wednesday, then I can PM some details for some more visual queues, then we'll be all good to roll out!
Well hey, it's Sunday! And if you know me, you know that Sunday is my unofficial Update Day! I'll try to post something every Sunday just so I stay active enough on these forums so you guys can have an idea on the progress of the story.
Not too much to say this week, but I did get some progress done. To re-immerse myself into the universe, I pretty much BETA-tested my own story, and reread all of it (which to the point where I had stopped, took me about 40 minutes, by the way, while taking my time a bit). While doing so, I noticed some slight inconsistencies, as well as some things that could be improved. So I dedicated the last week on tweeking all I've done so far, ad I have to say, I have high hopes that you guys will love this thing as much as I do. I have some serious faith in this project, and I see it going places. I will continue editing some bits, then I'll get back to pushing ahead.
As busy as I am lately, I've felt more inspired to continue writing, meaning that I'm getting more done. Who knows? Maybe it'll be done before summer? Thanks again guys, I'm in a good mood!
Well hello again! It's Sunday!
Not too much to touch on this week, for I didn't get to work on it all that much. However, I re-played it another time on my iPad, and screenshotted all the misspellings and sentences that could be re-written. Afterwards, I went back on the file and updated everything, upping the quality even more so.
I haven't gotten many new things done this week, since Chapter 5 features another court session like the one in Chapter 3. Sadly, since there are even more branches thanks to all the choices, it takes even longer to write it all out. So this week, all I've done is make new pages and link them together.
Like I said, I'm sorry for not getting much done this week, but I'll keep trying my best to post an update here every Sunday to keep you guys in the know and to keep the thread alive. Have a great week guys!
What about fan fanfiction about zombies?
Can you better make the last episode 3 and release it?
And then finish "FOF"?
I swear this story is my fav on this forum i hope it'll be fully out soon
Aha, well sorry for the long wait on that... I apologize. But there will actually be 6 episodes in total of The Walking Dead, and 4 Parts in Book 1 of Fate Of Fire. I'm currently working on only Part 1 of Fate Of Fire, but son after, I will jump back into The Walking Dead.
The amount of time that it has taken for me to make it this far exceeds far past what I had originally thought, so I apologize. In all honesty, if I would have known how long this would have taken to make, I would have pushed it until The Walking Dead was done. But trust me when I say that both projects will be worth their time, with Part 1 hopefully heading out early summer, and Episode 3 of The Walking Dead by the end of it, this will be a fun year for us! Thanks for tagging along on the ride!
Thank you for once again encouraging me and keeping this forum somewhat active! Like I said, I know this is taking way longer than I had originally thought it would, but going back and playing all that I've written so far, while also thinking onto the even bigger moments later on, I'm super excited for when you guys get the chance to get your hands on the damn thing and play it yourself!
Though everyone reads at different speeds, I expect Part 1 to take somewhere close to 70-90 minutes, which (not to toot my own horn) is super impressive for a text adventure with this amount of replayability. So thanks again, and look forward to this Sunday's update!
Don't apologize
Main - quality, not speed. We all wait
It's Sunday now
We'll waiting ^^
I'm writing the update now. I apologize, I usually don't have much free time until 9:00 PM EST.
Hello again! Sunday has arrived! Update on its way!
So what could have been the mysteriously big update that I had teased on Thursday? Well I'm glad that I asked! This week, I made a special effort to progress as far as I could so I would have something better to talk about today. So let's get right to it.
Not only have I gone through the whole story, and remastered it (for the THIRD time!), but I also sped my way through Chapter 5, linking and writing away to the point that I can now proudly say that Chapter 5 is now completed as well as revised. So consider Fate Of Fire: Book 1: Tinder 50% done!
Though 50% done may make it seem that we still have a long way to go, especially considering how long it's taken for us to get us where we are now, I can safely say that the second half of the story will be much faster to write than its former half. I can also say that the second half is where the story really picks up the pace, lets the simple character introductions go, and sets events that will affect the whole Book into motion.
In my personal life, I'm currently juggling two stage shows (one of which I'm the lead, and it is premiering a month from now) which each have two rehearsals a week. I also have a singing competition where I will be singing in front of my High School on Tuesday afternoon. After over 500 teens have voted, I will see if I will make it to the even bigger competition on Friday night for the final round. This means that I may not get as much work done this week, at least until Wednesday, so I'm not sure if next weeks' update will be as big as this one, so apologies in advance. I'll let you guys know how I did next Sunday
Anyways, have a great week guys!
Well I'm glad that I warned you all in advance that not much was getting to get done this week, or else this would be a lot harder to write. So yes, I didn't even get the chance to open the file once this week. However, if you're a fan of all my work, and not just new to this because of this project, I can say that I did spend some time continuing writing out my plan of Episode 3 of The Walking Dead this afternoon. If you are interested in that series, I will be posting a detailed update shortly.
As far as my personal life goes, as interesting as it is, I won the singing competition in front of my high school by 100 votes above the second place. However, on Friday, I went up against two Grade 12's, who both beat me, with me coming in 3rd overall for my school board.
Got some busy nights ahead, but I feel like I will get much more work done this week than I did last week (then again, that won't be hard). So have a great week, and I'll get back to you next Sunday!
It's Sunday now.
We all know what it's meaning