PROGRESS: Just finished typing the long Chapter 3, as well as revising it. Part 1 is now 30% done! The following revisions will take effect on the rest of the teasers uploaded here
Its Sunday, and you know what that means... UPDATES!
Today I will post some news for my work in general, as well as an interesting tease for Fate of Fire.
So I like to get ahead of myself once in a while, as you all may know, and today is of no exception. I'm posting my future development cycle for the next few years! Like Telltale Games, I will only ever work on two games at a time, and possibly one original short. So without any more delay, let's get on to what I have planned.
-The Walking Dead: 5 Episodes in total. First two are already done, and the planification for Episode 3 will commence once Part 1 of Fate Of Fire Book 1 is completed. No plan for Season 2.
-Fate Of Fire Book 1: 4 Parts in total. First part is in development right now, but all parts are done the planification stage. Will lead to following books in the future.
-Un-titled Halloween Short: The upcoming PS4 title Until Dawn inspired me to work on a slasher-styled game of my own. Sadly, I didn't have enough time to finish it before Halloween of 2014, so I'll see if I can do it in 2015. Only one part. Won't interfere with development of The Walking Dead or Fate Of Fire.
-The Walking Dead: If it isn't completed.
-Fate Of Fire Book 1: If it isn't completed.
-The Walking Dead Spin-Off: Will have nothing to do with the main series (as of right now, that is). Will only come out once the main series is completed. Might release in 2017 if I don't have it planned out. Similar to 400 Days. Might have multiple playable protagonists.
-Un-titled Mass Effect series: Will release when Fate Of Fire and The Walking Dead are done. Some of you might remember on me working on this in 2014, but it too got delayed for similar reasons to Borderlands getting delayed. Will be 3 parts in total. No plans for spin off.
-Un-titled Fargo-True Detective-Heavy Rain-Prisoners-Mix Series: That was a mouthful. Will release along Mass Effect similar to how Walking Dead and Fate Of Fire are releasing. Haven't planned much yet, just some cool ideas. Multiple protagonists.
-Un-titled Mass Effect series: Most likely conclude in 2017.
-Un-titled Fargo-True De-AH SCREW IT: Will continue through 2017 if not conclude.
-Fate Of Fire Book 2: Series will continue. Not much planned yet, just minor thoughts.
-Borderlands Gun For Hire: This is another series that got delayed. I'm currently working on it in the form of a forum adventure, but I plan to release it through my original I age of it being a text adventure. 5 Episodes in total. First 2 are planned out.
And that's all I got for now, hope you guys are excited for what's ahead!
Its Sunday, and you know what that means... UPDATES!
Today I will post some news for my work in general, as well as an interesting tease … morefor Fate of Fire.
So I like to get ahead of myself once in a while, as you all may know, and today is of no exception. I'm posting my future development cycle for the next few years! Like Telltale Games, I will only ever work on two games at a time, and possibly one original short. So without any more delay, let's get on to what I have planned.
-The Walking Dead: 5 Episodes in total. First two are already done, and the planification for Episode 3 will commence once Part 1 of Fate Of Fire Book 1 is completed. No plan for Season 2.
-Fate Of Fire Book 1: 4 Parts in total. First part is in development right now, but all parts are done the planification stage. Will lead to following books in the future.
-Un-titled Halloween Short: The upcoming PS4 title Until Dawn inspired me to work on… [view original content]
Like I said, I try not to get too far ahead of myself, so it's not planned or anything just yet. But I think I would have multiple protagonists or something.
Let the accussed speak first
Let the accuser speak first.
Let the accuser speak first
No worries here, we'll get to ask all of these questions, so there's no rush. But which one should we choose first?
"How did you stop him?"
Just choose from the first four
"Can we speak to your wife?"
Can we speak to your wife
If there is something wrong with the merchant, Arthur should check the wifes version of the story and see if it matches with his.
"Can we speak to your wife?"
"Can we speaks on our wife?"
Typo of the day.
Yes, I see the typo. I'll get to revising soon
"How did you stop him?"
Thanks for the reminder!
You are welcome!! :P
"How did you stop him?"
"How did you stop him?"
"When did you notify the guards?"
"When did you notify the guards?"
PROGRESS: Just finished typing the long Chapter 3, as well as revising it. Part 1 is now 30% done! The following revisions will take effect on the rest of the teasers uploaded here
"When did you notify the guards?"
"When did you notify the guards?"
"What is your name?"
"What is your name?"
"What is your name?"
"You say you're innocent. Well do you have an alibi?"
"You say you're innocent. Well do you have an alibi?"
Its Sunday, and you know what that means... UPDATES!
Today I will post some news for my work in general, as well as an interesting tease for Fate of Fire.
So I like to get ahead of myself once in a while, as you all may know, and today is of no exception. I'm posting my future development cycle for the next few years! Like Telltale Games, I will only ever work on two games at a time, and possibly one original short. So without any more delay, let's get on to what I have planned.
-The Walking Dead: 5 Episodes in total. First two are already done, and the planification for Episode 3 will commence once Part 1 of Fate Of Fire Book 1 is completed. No plan for Season 2.
-Fate Of Fire Book 1: 4 Parts in total. First part is in development right now, but all parts are done the planification stage. Will lead to following books in the future.
-Un-titled Halloween Short: The upcoming PS4 title Until Dawn inspired me to work on a slasher-styled game of my own. Sadly, I didn't have enough time to finish it before Halloween of 2014, so I'll see if I can do it in 2015. Only one part. Won't interfere with development of The Walking Dead or Fate Of Fire.
-The Walking Dead: If it isn't completed.
-Fate Of Fire Book 1: If it isn't completed.
-The Walking Dead Spin-Off: Will have nothing to do with the main series (as of right now, that is). Will only come out once the main series is completed. Might release in 2017 if I don't have it planned out. Similar to 400 Days. Might have multiple playable protagonists.
-Un-titled Mass Effect series: Will release when Fate Of Fire and The Walking Dead are done. Some of you might remember on me working on this in 2014, but it too got delayed for similar reasons to Borderlands getting delayed. Will be 3 parts in total. No plans for spin off.
-Un-titled Fargo-True Detective-Heavy Rain-Prisoners-Mix Series: That was a mouthful. Will release along Mass Effect similar to how Walking Dead and Fate Of Fire are releasing. Haven't planned much yet, just some cool ideas. Multiple protagonists.
-Un-titled Mass Effect series: Most likely conclude in 2017.
-Un-titled Fargo-True De-AH SCREW IT: Will continue through 2017 if not conclude.
-Fate Of Fire Book 2: Series will continue. Not much planned yet, just minor thoughts.
-Borderlands Gun For Hire: This is another series that got delayed. I'm currently working on it in the form of a forum adventure, but I plan to release it through my original I age of it being a text adventure. 5 Episodes in total. First 2 are planned out.
And that's all I got for now, hope you guys are excited for what's ahead!
"You say you're innocent. Well do you have an alibi?"
"You say you're innocent. Well do you have an alibi?"
Excellent!!! You need to finish TWD first. Everything sounds cool :P. What would be the spin-off about?.
Like I said, I try not to get too far ahead of myself, so it's not planned or anything just yet. But I think I would have multiple protagonists or something.
"You say you're innocent. Well do you have an alibi?"
Just like last time, choose from the first 3
I'll post the next part when I get home from school tomorrow.