UPDATE: I guess I should explain the whole "Book 1 - Part 1" situation. Book 1 will contain 4 parts (which were previously titled "episodes"). These four parts will all be back to back "episodes" of sorts that will all follow one plot within the overarching plot. I only have Book 1 fully planned for now, but it is likely that Book 2 will focus more on some other houses (but will still include the Ostels). Book 1 will get its own title, but I haven't decided on one just yet XD . You can check out the titles of each part now.
No need for a vote this time around! I will post the next part at 5:00 PM EST (2:00 PM on the forums). We're all done what was in the demo, prepare for new stuff!
Sorry =(
My English is very bad and I can't translate your fanfic quite well.
I tried to read it and looked through and it's really am… moreazing and one of the best fanfics I have ever seen in my life!
You have a talent, man
And now I'm Your fanboy, really
Votes are in! Catherine will tell the shop owner "Do you know who you are speaking to?". I'll post the final part of the day before I head to bed (so at the latest, 11:00 PM EST or 8:00 Telltale time).
"My greatest apologies."
UPDATE: I guess I should explain the whole "Book 1 - Part 1" situation. Book 1 will contain 4 parts (which were previously titled "episodes"). These four parts will all be back to back "episodes" of sorts that will all follow one plot within the overarching plot. I only have Book 1 fully planned for now, but it is likely that Book 2 will focus more on some other houses (but will still include the Ostels). Book 1 will get its own title, but I haven't decided on one just yet XD . You can check out the titles of each part now.
Part 1: Courage Without Honor
Part 2: A Future Without Glory
Part 3: A Dream Of Death
Part 4: Sins Of The Father
"My greatest apologies"
"If you were a greater house, it would have been a higher priority."
Voting closed! Peter will respond with "My greatest apologies."
"If you are ever in such need , we could help"
"What of the Cotorels? Are they not providing any aid?"
"What of the Cotorels? Are they not providing any aid?"
Votes are in! Peter will reply with "What of the Cotorels? Are they not providing any aid?".
Agree to the Ratclifs´s terms
Comment deleted.
UPDATE: I have decided that the title for Book 1 will be "Tinder". If there were five books in total, the following would be their names
Book 1: Tinder
Book 2: Coals
Book 3: Smoke
Book 4: Flames
Book 5: Inferno
Voting closes at 11:00 AM EST time! (8:00 AM on the forums).
Votes are in! Peter will agree to the Ratclifs' terms. My my, denying father, are we?
No need for a vote this time around! I will post the next part at 5:00 PM EST (2:00 PM on the forums). We're all done what was in the demo, prepare for new stuff!
Oh, and also, just to make it official...
Made the cover art for Courage Without Honor. Some quick feedback would be nice
Steal from the Lady
Why thank you, kind sir! I've noticed that you're not active in the voting, why is that? ;D
Sorry =(
My English is very bad and I can't translate your fanfic quite well.
I tried to read it and looked through and it's really amazing and one of the best fanfics I have ever seen in my life!
You have a talent, man
And now I'm Your fanboy, really
Thank you very much! That means a lot!
"Do you know who you are speaking to?"
"Do you know who you are speaking to?"
Votes are in! Catherine will tell the shop owner "Do you know who you are speaking to?". I'll post the final part of the day before I head to bed (so at the latest, 11:00 PM EST or 8:00 Telltale time).
Sorry! I know I'm a bit late, but here you go! I'll post the next part sometime tomorrow (when I get at least three votes, and I'm awake
*daughter of
Good thing I read these, you can never check your grammar too many times XD
My guess is the butcher is not there anymore and the whistling is smelling like a trap.
[Call out again]
Call out once again
Call out once again.
Votes are in! Catherine will call out once again.
Next part will be posted sometime before 2:00 PM EST (11:00 AM Telltale Time).
Oh damn, she should get the hell out of there...
Believe me, you guys are lucky. It was a lot worse if you went into the back room.
Alright folks! Votes are in! Catherine will GTFO!