Chill, lol... sorry if I offended you, but your 1st comment was (Andos & Lyman = gay couple?) and the 2nd (Lyman + Andros = Gay, or something like that) but you edited it... So it wasn't an internet lag... REKT
annnnd what's your point? That the posts are the same? Ummm.....exactly?
Y did you post 2 same comments?
and to point out that it wasn't an internet lag...
Also i find it funny how you get really mad over nothing.
Actually, you can hold a sword like that without cutting yourself with bare hands.
Back in the day, people sometimes used swords to bash, even. Telltale pays attention to their history lessons
Royland had apparently trained Asher and Roderick and must have been in his 30s or even late 20s when he did, being the combat prodigy that he is he probably picked up more tricks
Wait, so you listened to what she said about her family yet ignored the very important point where she said that Ludd cares a lot for Gryff?
It was such an in your face comment that it was no surprise that it's what would help you call Ludds bluff later
In Episode 4's Mira part, you can eavesdrop and hear one of the ransoms say 'spared no expense' a Jurassic Park reference, not sure if inten… moreded.
Whitehill's other sons:
Karl - dead from I think what Shirren had.
Ebbert - at Citadel
Torren - Under Roose's command
Interesting thing to note. Gwyn says her mother died soon after that picture was painted, and the other sons didn't like him. Is it possible that like Tyrion, Gryff's mom died birthing him?
Highpoint has that shield with the Forrester and Whitehill things united. I think this may have to do with how the Whitehills became Bolton banner man 5 centuries before the game. Highpoint is at least 1000 years old, '1000 years of Whitehill history in these walls'
If you are polite to Ramsay, saying 'Greetings, Lord Ramsay', he is like to Talia 'I see you get your manners from your brother'
Morgryn's first name is Rickard.
Some interesting comparisons:
House Whitehil… [view original content]
Also, if you do nothing when Azzar(?) is threatening Asher by saying if he kills him the lost legion will never stop, then Braska(?) will kill him.
The episode recap shows her killing him as well.
However, in the episode opening it acts as if Asher snapped his neck, Malcolm even states so.
In your battle with Britt in Episode 3, you have the option to deliver the finishing blow to either his torso or his arm. if you choose a no… moren-lethal hit to the arm, the recap at the beginning of Episode 4 appears to show Gared stabbing Britt in the chest regardless of your choice. This is probably because a hit to the arm wouldn't have made Britt quite as dead as the story needed him to be.
It's a very minor thing but I noticed if you 'let Beskha kill her master' and agree to 'rush them' instead of 'stick to Crofts plan' Beskha will stand next to Asher when the invasion begins and say "it's starting" instead of Croft. (I may be wrong about the 'rush them' part but I only noticed when I did it that way)
It's a very minor thing but I noticed if you 'let Beskha kill her master' and agree to 'rush them' instead of 'stick to Crofts plan' Beskha … morewill stand next to Asher when the invasion begins and say "it's starting" instead of Croft. (I may be wrong about the 'rush them' part but I only noticed when I did it that way)
Andros & Lyman = gay couple?
Not to be one of those people who points and shouts romance at the slightest hint but I got the inclinat… moreion that they were lovers. Yes they are business associates but that also seems to be a red herring against their status as lovers: Andros acts protective of Lyman when he catches you talking to him and if you tell Lyman and Andros shared his secret then Lyman seems heartbroken. The fact he shared the secret with Andros to begin with as well.
Yeah, they're lovers, you might get to use this against Andros too, and I doubt that would make Margery happy given she doesn't discriminate.
I lol'ed my ass off pretty hard when Asher gets shot with random arrows that come out of the sky just so the plot doesn't progress when the dude lights the beacon.
Why was Britt's already dead body included? What if he was going to turn into a wight just before he was burned? What if jet fuel can't melt steel beams?
Here are all deaths of ep.4
Valar Morghulis
I lol'ed my ass off pretty hard when Asher gets shot with random arrows that come out of the sky just so the plot doesn't progress when the dude lights the beacon.
Why was Britt's already dead body included? What if he was going to turn into a wight just before he was burned? What if jet fuel can't melt steel beams?
Rodrik's face throughout the episodes.
* Episode 1
* Start of Ep2
* End of Ep2
* Ep3
* Ep3 (beaten by Gryff)
* Ep4
It's worth … morenoting his hair colour changed after Episode 1 (becoming a darker brown) and his eye colour changed from blue to green in Episode 4. His facial hair has been getting more rough as episodes go on, and it looks like his mustache and chinstrap are connecting into a full beard. As for his scars, they'll either be fully healed or have minimal scarring by Ep6.
It's a very minor thing but I noticed if you 'let Beskha kill her master' and agree to 'rush them' instead of 'stick to Crofts plan' Beskha … morewill stand next to Asher when the invasion begins and say "it's starting" instead of Croft. (I may be wrong about the 'rush them' part but I only noticed when I did it that way)
If you ask Malcolm if they should conserve the water or allow Beskha to drink the rest, he'll recommend that they save it for when they need it. Beskha will remark that she needs it and drink it anyway.
If you tell Morgryn how you got rid of the decree (you snuck into Tyrion's office and burned it), Morgryn will looked shock and then say, "Risky. But it worked." A "He will remember that" notification will also appear.
As far as I know, there are only three ways to get a 'He will remember that' sign from Morgryn: Thanking him from saving you from being interrogated by the guard, declining his offer of an alliance, and telling him how you got rid of the decree.
If you stop Beskha from killing her former master, and then later tell her to focus before their mission, she'll get angry and tell Asher that the mission is all he cares about.
How you use Tarwick's information about Lyman's addiction affects how Lyman sees Mira. If you're sympathetic to his shaking and injuries, Lyman will say that Mira's kind and not how Andros described her as being. He'll offer up the information about Andros's plan willingly. He does not do this if you threaten him with exposing his secret (obviously).
Back in episode three, if you chose Malcolm over Beskha back in the dragon cave, Beskha will ask you why. If you argue that Malcolm is your family, Beskha will get sad and say that she thought they were family after sticking together for over four years.
If you keep the Glenmore soldiers back at Ironrath, your conversation with Gwyn will go a lot more smoothly once you arrive at Highpoint. However, if you bring the soldiers with you, Gwyn will be displeased and will take it as you not trusting her and not coming in good faith.
The reason behind Elaena Glenmore's betrothal to Gryff changes depending if you submitted to Gryff or kept getting back up. If you submitted, the reason will be because the Whitehills feel like you are weaker and she is the prize. If you defied Gryff, the reason Elaena will give is that they want to teach you a lesson for disobeying Gryff's authority.
If you told Finn the truth about his knife and didn't tell Cotter, that you're still friends after he revealed your secret he'll still help you get our of the store room. But when you ask why is he doing this he'll say "What you're doing for your family... I can't just let you die here when there is someone out there who needs you".
Has the fact that Tom and Mira seem to have been running back to Mira's room for apparetly two days, after they got the ironwood contract? It switches between day and night several times between you getting the contract and you choosing do burn or keep it.
If you choose to go with Ortengryn's plan to present Ramsey with Ironwood in the courtyard, everything plays out as if you try to show how big your c×ck is and meet him at the gate with your little army. That pissed me off, because that was not at all the proposed plan.
Rodrik is apparently unconcious and laying with open wounds on a cart full of corpses, longer than it took Uncle to travel to the sea, travel across the sea, and track down and find Asher. That would be a long ass time, months probably --unless Uncle knows how to teleport-- and, while I'm not a medicus, a cart full of corpses sound like a place where you'd get deadly ill if you lay between them that long, especially with open wound on your face and leg.
Ironrath's courtyard has been seen at three different times of day; daytime, sunset and night. It's just hard to tell the difference between day and sunset as the sky isn't exactly visible.
* Has the fact that Tom and Mira seem to have been running back to Mira's room for apparetly two days, after they got the ironwood contract?… more It switches between day and night several times between you getting the contract and you choosing do burn or keep it.
* If you choose to go with Ortengryn's plan to present Ramsey with Ironwood in the courtyard, everything plays out as if you try to show how big your c×ck is and meet him at the gate with your little army. That pissed me off, because that was not at all the proposed plan.
* Rodrik is apparently unconcious and laying with open wounds on a cart full of corpses, longer than it took Uncle to travel to the sea, travel across the sea, and track down and find Asher. That would be a long ass time, months probably --unless Uncle knows how to teleport-- and, while I'm not a medicus, a cart full of corpses sound like a place where you'd get deadly ill if you lay between them that long, especially with open wound on your face and leg.
Has the fact that Tom and Mira seem to have been running back to Mira's room for apparetly two days, after they got the ironwood contract? It switches between day and night several times between you getting the contract and you choosing do burn or keep it.
The scenes don't happen one after another. Just because you play a scene from Asher's POV after a scene from Gared's, it doesn't mean they happen one after another.
* Has the fact that Tom and Mira seem to have been running back to Mira's room for apparetly two days, after they got the ironwood contract?… more It switches between day and night several times between you getting the contract and you choosing do burn or keep it.
* If you choose to go with Ortengryn's plan to present Ramsey with Ironwood in the courtyard, everything plays out as if you try to show how big your c×ck is and meet him at the gate with your little army. That pissed me off, because that was not at all the proposed plan.
* Rodrik is apparently unconcious and laying with open wounds on a cart full of corpses, longer than it took Uncle to travel to the sea, travel across the sea, and track down and find Asher. That would be a long ass time, months probably --unless Uncle knows how to teleport-- and, while I'm not a medicus, a cart full of corpses sound like a place where you'd get deadly ill if you lay between them that long, especially with open wound on your face and leg.
Has the fact that Tom and Mira seem to have been running back to Mira's room for apparetly two days, after they got the ironwood contract? I… moret switches between day and night several times between you getting the contract and you choosing do burn or keep it.
The scenes don't happen one after another. Just because you play a scene from Asher's POV after a scene from Gared's, it doesn't mean they happen one after another.
annnnd what's your point? That the posts are the same? Ummm.....exactly?
Give a moment for those cogs to process in that noggin of yours
Me too, though there is that dialogue option where Rodrick says they will heal
and to point out that it wasn't an internet lag...
Also i find it funny how you get really mad over nothing.
Hey everyone, fun fact about life: when you get out of bed you will either get out the left side...or the right! Wow!!
Yeh...but......that's like eating with a knife and fork backwards simply because we can
Guys, let's not forget that our medieval ancestors were kinda....****ing uneducated and pretty dumb...
After killing her master, there is no blood on Beskha's swords

Royland had apparently trained Asher and Roderick and must have been in his 30s or even late 20s when he did, being the combat prodigy that he is he probably picked up more tricks
Wait, so you listened to what she said about her family yet ignored the very important point where she said that Ludd cares a lot for Gryff?
It was such an in your face comment that it was no surprise that it's what would help you call Ludds bluff later
??? Can you explain?
If you 'attack her' without drawing your sword first she will disarm you in a split second, Gared (& Finn) are shocked by this
Also, if you do nothing when Azzar(?) is threatening Asher by saying if he kills him the lost legion will never stop, then Braska(?) will kill him.
The episode recap shows her killing him as well.
However, in the episode opening it acts as if Asher snapped his neck, Malcolm even states so.
It's a very minor thing but I noticed if you 'let Beskha kill her master' and agree to 'rush them' instead of 'stick to Crofts plan' Beskha will stand next to Asher when the invasion begins and say "it's starting" instead of Croft. (I may be wrong about the 'rush them' part but I only noticed when I did it that way)
I've only had Beshka there, didn't realise it could be different. I chose those two options too, will also add I let her arm get burnt
Don't know how convinced I am that they're lovers, but an addition to your theory is that Tarwick implied that Andros is gay.
Here are all deaths of ep.4
Valar Morghulis
I lol'ed my ass off pretty hard when Asher gets shot with random arrows that come out of the sky just so the plot doesn't progress when the dude lights the beacon.
Why was Britt's already dead body included? What if he was going to turn into a wight just before he was burned? What if jet fuel can't melt steel beams?
the second one worries me a lot tho.
If you don't bring the Glenmore soldiers at Highpoint when you attack Ludd a random bow will appear.

Even Elissa is impressed.
Damn, that's a great detail. Never noticed it. Awesome finding
Its possesed!
Watch Duncan teleport back into the room at 9:30
Click here
Duncan is a wizard!
This scene is full of bugs XD
If you ask Malcolm if they should conserve the water or allow Beskha to drink the rest, he'll recommend that they save it for when they need it. Beskha will remark that she needs it and drink it anyway.
If you tell Morgryn how you got rid of the decree (you snuck into Tyrion's office and burned it), Morgryn will looked shock and then say, "Risky. But it worked." A "He will remember that" notification will also appear.
As far as I know, there are only three ways to get a 'He will remember that' sign from Morgryn: Thanking him from saving you from being interrogated by the guard, declining his offer of an alliance, and telling him how you got rid of the decree.
If you stop Beskha from killing her former master, and then later tell her to focus before their mission, she'll get angry and tell Asher that the mission is all he cares about.
How you use Tarwick's information about Lyman's addiction affects how Lyman sees Mira. If you're sympathetic to his shaking and injuries, Lyman will say that Mira's kind and not how Andros described her as being. He'll offer up the information about Andros's plan willingly. He does not do this if you threaten him with exposing his secret (obviously).
Back in episode three, if you chose Malcolm over Beskha back in the dragon cave, Beskha will ask you why. If you argue that Malcolm is your family, Beskha will get sad and say that she thought they were family after sticking together for over four years.
If you keep the Glenmore soldiers back at Ironrath, your conversation with Gwyn will go a lot more smoothly once you arrive at Highpoint. However, if you bring the soldiers with you, Gwyn will be displeased and will take it as you not trusting her and not coming in good faith.
The reason behind Elaena Glenmore's betrothal to Gryff changes depending if you submitted to Gryff or kept getting back up. If you submitted, the reason will be because the Whitehills feel like you are weaker and she is the prize. If you defied Gryff, the reason Elaena will give is that they want to teach you a lesson for disobeying Gryff's authority.
Dude can't you see? Elissa clearly warged into that bow.
If you told Finn the truth about his knife and didn't tell Cotter, that you're still friends after he revealed your secret he'll still help you get our of the store room. But when you ask why is he doing this he'll say "What you're doing for your family... I can't just let you die here when there is someone out there who needs you".
Has the fact that Tom and Mira seem to have been running back to Mira's room for apparetly two days, after they got the ironwood contract? It switches between day and night several times between you getting the contract and you choosing do burn or keep it.
If you choose to go with Ortengryn's plan to present Ramsey with Ironwood in the courtyard, everything plays out as if you try to show how big your c×ck is and meet him at the gate with your little army. That pissed me off, because that was not at all the proposed plan.
Rodrik is apparently unconcious and laying with open wounds on a cart full of corpses, longer than it took Uncle to travel to the sea, travel across the sea, and track down and find Asher. That would be a long ass time, months probably --unless Uncle knows how to teleport-- and, while I'm not a medicus, a cart full of corpses sound like a place where you'd get deadly ill if you lay between them that long, especially with open wound on your face and leg.
Ironrath's courtyard has been seen at three different times of day; daytime, sunset and night. It's just hard to tell the difference between day and sunset as the sky isn't exactly visible.
These seem to just be complaints.
Overlooked details involving bad writing --therefore also complaints. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
The scenes don't happen one after another. Just because you play a scene from Asher's POV after a scene from Gared's, it doesn't mean they happen one after another.
Yes, f#&k logic and structure.
Well...maybe it makes sense since it's in the show universe, where characters seem to teleport all over the place as well.
Is there any chance to kill wildlings with your food in the episode 4?
What, you mean like throwing onions at her until she dies? :-D
Jokes aside, yes you can kill her.