No he was 10 according to the math. If he's 14 during the actual game itself, and it's been 4 years since the start (per Kate's "people have… more been stashing all sorts of stuff in all sorts of places the last 4 years" comment at the junkyard in Ep1), then he was 10 at the start but honestly, he doesn't really seem 10 there. Likewise, Mariana seems to be older than 6. Maybe around 8.
No he was 10 according to the math. If he's 14 during the actual game itself, and it's been 4 years since the start (per Kate's "people have… more been stashing all sorts of stuff in all sorts of places the last 4 years" comment at the junkyard in Ep1), then he was 10 at the start but honestly, he doesn't really seem 10 there. Likewise, Mariana seems to be older than 6. Maybe around 8.
No he was 10 according to the math. If he's 14 during the actual game itself, and it's been 4 years since the start (per Kate's "people have… more been stashing all sorts of stuff in all sorts of places the last 4 years" comment at the junkyard in Ep1), then he was 10 at the start but honestly, he doesn't really seem 10 there. Likewise, Mariana seems to be older than 6. Maybe around 8.
Why don't you have the whole story written since the begining?
If Javier was raised by cuban parents, why doesn't he have cuban accent, yet randomly speaks spanish sometimes?
Also why no one pronunces the Garcías' names right? Gabe and David specially. We don't say Gabe, we say Gaby. It's weird. Specially for a child.
Can Javier have a boyfriend please?
Clem's new haircut. Why?
And what happened to the hubs and the pace?
Why so much action?
How do you develop your characters? Not trying to be mean, I'm just really curious. How does the character chart looks like? What is the minimum of pages you dedicate to each character?
Why do your stories last a week or so?
Gabentine. Why?
Why are the episodes so short?
How did the idea of Javier start?
Slaughterhouse. Anything. Please.
What are your inspirations? What music do the writers listen to?
What is the message of the game? I mean, besides family and stuff.
Can you guys go a bit more in depth with regards to Clementine's new look: the inspiration, reasoning, and maybe describe some styles/concepts that were on the table before you reached your conclusion? Thanks in advance and thanks for the new season!
When Clem first meets Ava Ava asks how old Clem is and guesses 13. Clem doesn't correct her so the best we can do is assume she was 13 at that time. We don't know how much time passed between then and when Javi met her though. We know Clem got kicked out of NF pretty quickly because AJ doesn't look any older compared to how he looked when Clem and Ava met and Clem hasn't changed since then either so I'd imagine it's been no more than 6 months from the time she met Ava to the time she met Javi, which means Clem could be 13 or 14. The consensus is that she's 14 but there's no hard evidence of anything.
God I always hate these AMA's. Not because of the responses we get, but because I can never come up with a good question to ask, and any that I can think of have already been asked by someone else. Alright, let's give this a try:
Do you think having somewhere between 7-8 writers on an episode can be detrimental or beneficial to the episode's development and quality?
Why was there no playable Clem segment in Episode 5, especially considering how you had a S1 flashback planned for the episode?
Was there ever a moment where Telltale's upper management struck down some of your creative decisions that may have caused some big changes to the game itself?
Were you expecting the type of backlash that you got from how you handled the S2 endings?
Why appeal to newcomers with your third entry in the series, especially when S2 pretty much required you to play S1?
Many people say that, with ANF, you strayed too far away from your roots and what made S1 so successful, such as longer episodes, more hubs and interaction with characters, and light puzzle solving. What is your response to that?
One of the reasons why I didn't understand the Clem and Gabe romance was because we never saw Clem and Gabe truly interact in a romantic sense, and Clem's sudden shift in behavior towards Gabe to a possible romantic interest seemed out of left field to me. Can you explain to me the thought process and development of Clem and Gabe's relationship, from a writer's standpoint, that would justify Clem developing these feelings for him?
Why is there not a way for Conrad to determinantly die in Episode 5?
Hello there, Mr. Adam and Ms. Alyssa. This is actually my 2nd AMA(What does that even mean?), tho I'm not quite sure what to say. But I'll try to come up with a few things:
What was Kate's life like before marrying David?
What was Tripp's exact job description in Prescott and what did he do before the outbreak?
What happened to Conrad's kid and is she someone we know?
Did Huh-chick(the woman on the bar stairway) have any notable relation to Eli?
Did Dr. Lingard have his own soldiers/underlings like David, Clint, and Joan did?
If you don't mind me asking, how many major rewrites did this Installment undergo before we wrapped up with From the Gallows?
Will the Wellington Kenny timeline get acknowledgement? Like, even if we never see him, do you guys feel you might acknowledge the possibility that he's alive in-game?
Less serious:
Is Luke dead 100%? (I would like this confirmed so I can put away my conspiracy theories)
^ super obvious, like Lee, but would nice to get confirmation like Lee did on twitter.
Can you guys Javier a nice bf in season 4? ( I would love to see Javier as Clem's sidekick in season 4)
Were there some character redesigns for Gabe and Mariana? They look really close in age in flashbacks and even in current times. It seems like there was only supposed to be a year difference, but Javi specifically says Mariana was 10 when she died and Gabe is supposedly 14, which puts Gabe at 10 and Mariana at 6 in the flashbacks. Mariana looks and acts considerably older than 6 in the flashbacks. Idk many 6 year old girls that are barely smaller than their 10 yr old brother. That's a huge growth period for kids.
They were supposed to be cousins (kinda same ages) in the first place, not siblings, and Salvador's kids were supposed to be David (Gabe's dad), Javier and Hector (Mari's dad). But Telltale decided to scrap that idea and made them (Gabe and Mari) as siblings instead and Hector to be Salvador's brother (David's and Javier's uncle). So maybe that's why.
Overall I enjoyed this season. Worth the full price buy. Feel free to answer any or all of these. I'd prefer all lol
* I've heard that … morethe story was rewritten after the first two episodes released. Is this true and if so, why?
* Officially, how many variations of the ending are there?
* You may not be able to answer this one, but regarding Season 4, will Javi and his surviving family suffer the same fate as Kenny and Jane? That is to say, killed off (in less than satisfying ways) for the sake of course correcting the story into a single season starting narrative? (Please don't do that again. Regardless of why, it came across as lazy)
* Why are we pigeonholed into certain situations with no way to avoid them? For example, all the conflict with Badger and Max etc in episodes 1 and 2 and then being made into the bad guy in episode 3 when meeting Joan and Clint. No matter if Javi did everything the best possible way, he's still pain… [view original content]
Why don't you have the whole story written since the begining?
If Javier was raised by cuban parents, why doesn't he have cuban accent, y… moreet randomly speaks spanish sometimes?
Also why no one pronunces the Garcías' names right? Gabe and David specially. We don't say Gabe, we say Gaby. It's weird. Specially for a child.
Can Javier have a boyfriend please?
Clem's new haircut. Why?
And what happened to the hubs and the pace?
Why so much action?
How do you develop your characters? Not trying to be mean, I'm just really curious. How does the character chart looks like? What is the minimum of pages you dedicate to each character?
Why do your stories last a week or so?
Gabentine. Why?
Why are the episodes so short?
How did the idea of Javier start?
Slaughterhouse. Anything. Please.
What are your inspirations? What music do the writers listen to?
What is the message of the game? I mean, besides family and stuff.
How long did it take to write the whole story?
Bud, Luke and Lee are gone. Sorry to break it to you, but this part doesn't really merit an answer from Telltale. I want to know about Wellington Kenny though.
Will the Wellington Kenny timeline get acknowledgement? Like, even if we never see him, do you guys feel you might acknowledge the possibili… morety that he's alive in-game?
Less serious:
Is Luke dead 100%? (I would like this confirmed so I can put away my conspiracy theories)
^ super obvious, like Lee, but would nice to get confirmation like Lee did on twitter.
Can you guys Javier a nice bf in season 4? ( I would love to see Javier as Clem's sidekick in season 4)
I supported David throughout the game and i always rejected Kate but he fights you no matter what. It really makes it feel like there's ZERO reward for being his bro so you might as well just romance Kate since it doesn't change the outcome at all.
Overall i thought the season was okay but I'm disappointed with the last episode. I think you can do better.
Were there some character redesigns for Gabe and Mariana? They look really close in age in flashbacks and even in current times. It seems li… moreke there was only supposed to be a year difference, but Javi specifically says Mariana was 10 when she died and Gabe is supposedly 14, which puts Gabe at 10 and Mariana at 6 in the flashbacks. Mariana looks and acts considerably older than 6 in the flashbacks. Idk many 6 year old girls that are barely smaller than their 10 yr old brother. That's a huge growth period for kids.
They were supposed to be cousins (kinda same ages) in the first place, not siblings, and Salvador's kids were supposed to be David (Gabe's dad), Javier and Hector (Mari's dad). But Telltale decided to scrap that idea and made them (Gabe and Mari) as siblings instead and Hector to be Salvador's brother (David's and Javier's uncle). So maybe that's why.
To number 4, someone worked out what influences Clem's decision in Ep5, what she does when David and Gabe split. It's all determined by what you do with her during a couple of her flashback scenes. The first variable is when you meet Ava. Whether you decide to go with her or not is the first variable. The second and third are during the flashback to when Clem is stealing meds for AJ. The variables here are if you inject AJ or put the meds back, and if you spit in David's face or if you say goodbye to AJ. The options are she goes where Javi goes, she goes wherever Javi doesn't go, she goes after Gabe regardless of what Javi does, or she goes with Kate regardless of what Javi does. For some of the results, whoever made that forgot to add all three variables so you have to do some deductive reasoning and comparisons to the other entries to figure it out but I've used this guide and it worked for me. [](Here's a Reddit link for that.) I'm pretty sure the shooting David is determined by if she kills Kenny or not in Season 2. I killed Kenny and Clem shoots David every time no matter what I do with her in Season 3. I have no idea what determines if she kisses, hugs, or holds hands with Gabe. My Clem kissed him and I almost threw up.
Questions, oh yes...
1: After pistol whipping Lonnie, why did Javier just throw gun?
2: Do you hate David? He's only alive in one endi… moreng, and even he can be kicked out. Even if he isn't, he doesn't show up at the END.
3: How come episode 1, 4, and 5, (maybe more) were rewritten?
4: What determines where Clem goes in finale and if she shoots david, and if she hugs, kisses, or holds hands with Gabe?
5: is it a plausible theory that Tripp could survive by falling into the river on highway, and after shot, he looks like he's getting up.
6: is ANF a spinoff game with Clem in to ease players into it, to make a series on Javier, and one for Clem?
7: Is Reggie secretly alive?
8: can we have a season where you can change your appearal? Like in TFTB?
Bud, Luke and Lee are gone. Sorry to break it to you, but this part doesn't really merit an answer from Telltale. I want to know about Wellington Kenny though.
Plot Twist: Lee was her actual father but he didn't know it. Lee and his not yet wife were fighting and he and Clem's mom met in a bar one night when coincidentally she and "Clem's dad" were having a fight, before they got married. One drink led to another and they ended up banging without ever getting each other's names. 9 months later out popped Clem and it was fate that even though he had no idea he was her real father, Lee found her after the world went to hell.
* What was the whole reason behind the forced love triangle?
* Are we ever gonna see Javi again? I'd love to see more of him, even as an NP… moreC.
* Are you guys gonna treat Gabe and Kate like you guys did with Kenny and Jane?
* I love Javier, but I'm wondering: What was the process with creating his character? Was there anything that was changed about him before release?
EDIT: I forgot the big question! Can you tell us who Clementine's father is or will we see him in a future season? (Based on the fact you guys kinda alluded to Ed not being her dad in the last AMA)
Does Prescott have a leader? What is the population 123 people?
What exactly does Jane tell, do, or influence Clem to kiss Gabe?
Does Clem forget the deal with Javi, the van and supplies?
Does the bracelet that Clem wears has a backstory? Clem tends to have keep sake from every character that she comes by. Is the bracelet one of those? Who is it?
Is the Clem that we see in season 3 the manifestation of the upbringing of Christa? If so, then Christa overbearing influence on her would make NF Clem make sense, in the sense that her personality is generally set in most play-though because she is acting as the longest cannon mother figure that she knows. She takes what she needs, doesn't really like groups, strong mouthed, and harden, which are all traits that we see from Christa.
1)Where did Clem learn how to drive a motorcycle? Did Kenny / Jane teach her?
2) Was Tripp the leader of Prescott or was he some sort of sceriff?
3) In episode 3, did Conrad apologize to Clem off-screen in the quarantine zone for what he did earlier in the tunnel? Is that why Clem isn't so mad about it with him or Javier?
Thank you for this season, and for this AMA , I've made you some fanarts to show you my gratitude!
Do you guys like it?
And here's Clementine. Let me know what you think and thanks again for the AMA
Was Mariana always supposed to die? Or did you have plans for her character?
Why was Eleanor's redemption arc scrapped? Can you tell us more about her past?
What did Conrad do before the outbreak? How did he meet Tripp and Eleanor?
Javier has the New Frontier mark on his neck in the first trailer. Was he supposed to be a New Frontier member in early stages or he was going to receive the mark at some point?
Will there be an extra episode that shows us what happens during the 3 day timeskip?
Is Luke dead 100%? (I would like this confirmed so I can put away my conspiracy theories)
Are you serious? Stop pretending you didn't see him die. He is 100% dead. This is a reason why he was nowhere to be found in ANF and will never be in the future installments.
Will the Wellington Kenny timeline get acknowledgement? Like, even if we never see him, do you guys feel you might acknowledge the possibili… morety that he's alive in-game?
Less serious:
Is Luke dead 100%? (I would like this confirmed so I can put away my conspiracy theories)
^ super obvious, like Lee, but would nice to get confirmation like Lee did on twitter.
Can you guys Javier a nice bf in season 4? ( I would love to see Javier as Clem's sidekick in season 4)
Hello there, Mr. Adam and Ms. Alyssa. This is actually my 2nd AMA(What does that even mean?), tho I'm not quite sure what to say. But I'll t… morery to come up with a few things:
What was Kate's life like before marrying David?
What was Tripp's exact job description in Prescott and what did he do before the outbreak?
What happened to Conrad's kid and is she someone we know?
Did Huh-chick(the woman on the bar stairway) have any notable relation to Eli?
Did Dr. Lingard have his own soldiers/underlings like David, Clint, and Joan did?
If you don't mind me asking, how many major rewrites did this Installment undergo before we wrapped up with From the Gallows?
Was Mariana always supposed to die? Or did you have plans for her character?
Why was Eleanor's redemption arc scrapped? Can you tell us m… moreore about her past?
What did Conrad do before the outbreak? How did he meet Tripp and Eleanor?
Javier has the New Frontier mark on his neck in the first trailer. Was he supposed to be a New Frontier member in early stages or he was going to receive the mark at some point?
Will there be an extra episode that shows us what happens during the 3 day timeskip?
What was the game's original plot/story?
At the Wellington ending of season 2, we see Kenny goes away and we never see him again. So where is Kenny? Are we just going to assume he's dead or will we ever see him again?
I thought it was 5 years, since Clem is 14 now? Or is she 13?
Yes, it months after he turned 10. Like Clem was 8 but now she's 13.
Also it's confirmed he was 9
Why don't you have the whole story written since the begining?
If Javier was raised by cuban parents, why doesn't he have cuban accent, yet randomly speaks spanish sometimes?
Also why no one pronunces the Garcías' names right? Gabe and David specially. We don't say Gabe, we say Gaby. It's weird. Specially for a child.
Can Javier have a boyfriend please?
Clem's new haircut. Why?
And what happened to the hubs and the pace?
Why so much action?
How do you develop your characters? Not trying to be mean, I'm just really curious. How does the character chart looks like? What is the minimum of pages you dedicate to each character?
Why do your stories last a week or so?
Gabentine. Why?
Why are the episodes so short?
How did the idea of Javier start?
Slaughterhouse. Anything. Please.
What are your inspirations? What music do the writers listen to?
What is the message of the game? I mean, besides family and stuff.
How long did it take to write the whole story?
So many passive aggressive questions...
Can you guys go a bit more in depth with regards to Clementine's new look: the inspiration, reasoning, and maybe describe some styles/concepts that were on the table before you reached your conclusion? Thanks in advance and thanks for the new season!
When Clem first meets Ava Ava asks how old Clem is and guesses 13. Clem doesn't correct her so the best we can do is assume she was 13 at that time. We don't know how much time passed between then and when Javi met her though. We know Clem got kicked out of NF pretty quickly because AJ doesn't look any older compared to how he looked when Clem and Ava met and Clem hasn't changed since then either so I'd imagine it's been no more than 6 months from the time she met Ava to the time she met Javi, which means Clem could be 13 or 14. The consensus is that she's 14 but there's no hard evidence of anything.
God I always hate these AMA's. Not because of the responses we get, but because I can never come up with a good question to ask, and any that I can think of have already been asked by someone else. Alright, let's give this a try:
I cant stop myself.
My qts is:
That's actually one of the things I thought happened to him.
Hello there, Mr. Adam and Ms. Alyssa. This is actually my 2nd AMA(What does that even mean?), tho I'm not quite sure what to say. But I'll try to come up with a few things:
What was Kate's life like before marrying David?
What was Tripp's exact job description in Prescott and what did he do before the outbreak?
What happened to Conrad's kid and is she someone we know?
Did Huh-chick(the woman on the bar stairway) have any notable relation to Eli?
Did Dr. Lingard have his own soldiers/underlings like David, Clint, and Joan did?
If you don't mind me asking, how many major rewrites did this Installment undergo before we wrapped up with From the Gallows?
Will the Wellington Kenny timeline get acknowledgement? Like, even if we never see him, do you guys feel you might acknowledge the possibility that he's alive in-game?
Less serious:
Is Luke dead 100%? (I would like this confirmed so I can put away my conspiracy theories)
^ super obvious, like Lee, but would nice to get confirmation like Lee did on twitter.
Can you guys Javier a nice bf in season 4?
( I would love to see Javier as Clem's sidekick in season 4)
Now I don't think adam and alyssa would be able to answer all these questions in one hour so rip
Not all of them. I imagine questions that specifically ask for spoilers will just be ignored.
They were supposed to be cousins (kinda same ages) in the first place, not siblings, and Salvador's kids were supposed to be David (Gabe's dad), Javier and Hector (Mari's dad). But Telltale decided to scrap that idea and made them (Gabe and Mari) as siblings instead and Hector to be Salvador's brother (David's and Javier's uncle). So maybe that's why.
I think this is how you pronounce their names supposedly:
David; daa-veed or dah-veed
aa/ah as in 'car'
ee as in 'see'
Gabriel; gah-bree-ehl (just like how David called him in game)
ah as in 'car'
ee as in 'see'
eh as in 'pet'
Bud, Luke and Lee are gone. Sorry to break it to you, but this part doesn't really merit an answer from Telltale. I want to know about Wellington Kenny though.
Is Kenny officially done? I'm afraid of the answer. Rip it off fast, like a band aid.
How long do you think we'll be waiting to see Clementine again?
Why was David handled so poorly in episode 5?
I supported David throughout the game and i always rejected Kate but he fights you no matter what. It really makes it feel like there's ZERO reward for being his bro so you might as well just romance Kate since it doesn't change the outcome at all.
Overall i thought the season was okay but I'm disappointed with the last episode. I think you can do better.
That would explain it. Thank you.
I know San Diego Comic Con is coming up in July and both season 2 and season 3 where announced there so i will be watching that event closely.
To number 4, someone worked out what influences Clem's decision in Ep5, what she does when David and Gabe split. It's all determined by what you do with her during a couple of her flashback scenes. The first variable is when you meet Ava. Whether you decide to go with her or not is the first variable. The second and third are during the flashback to when Clem is stealing meds for AJ. The variables here are if you inject AJ or put the meds back, and if you spit in David's face or if you say goodbye to AJ. The options are she goes where Javi goes, she goes wherever Javi doesn't go, she goes after Gabe regardless of what Javi does, or she goes with Kate regardless of what Javi does. For some of the results, whoever made that forgot to add all three variables so you have to do some deductive reasoning and comparisons to the other entries to figure it out but I've used this guide and it worked for me. [](Here's a Reddit link for that.) I'm pretty sure the shooting David is determined by if she kills Kenny or not in Season 2. I killed Kenny and Clem shoots David every time no matter what I do with her in Season 3. I have no idea what determines if she kisses, hugs, or holds hands with Gabe. My Clem kissed him and I almost threw up.
I am aware. Lee being dead was confirmed on twitter. Just would like Luke confirmation on all variants too even tho its obvious.
I don't expect any of my questions answered, really. I couldn't think of any good ones. I just miss Luke and Kenny and want best for Javier
Plot Twist: Lee was her actual father but he didn't know it. Lee and his not yet wife were fighting and he and Clem's mom met in a bar one night when coincidentally she and "Clem's dad" were having a fight, before they got married. One drink led to another and they ended up banging without ever getting each other's names. 9 months later out popped Clem and it was fate that even though he had no idea he was her real father, Lee found her after the world went to hell.
Does Prescott have a leader? What is the population 123 people?
What exactly does Jane tell, do, or influence Clem to kiss Gabe?
Does Clem forget the deal with Javi, the van and supplies?
Does the bracelet that Clem wears has a backstory? Clem tends to have keep sake from every character that she comes by. Is the bracelet one of those? Who is it?
Is the Clem that we see in season 3 the manifestation of the upbringing of Christa? If so, then Christa overbearing influence on her would make NF Clem make sense, in the sense that her personality is generally set in most play-though because she is acting as the longest cannon mother figure that she knows. She takes what she needs, doesn't really like groups, strong mouthed, and harden, which are all traits that we see from Christa.
Thank you. It means a lot for me.
What is/are the episode(s) you guys had fun making?
Who destroyed Wellington? New Frontier or not?
1)Where did Clem learn how to drive a motorcycle? Did Kenny / Jane teach her?

2) Was Tripp the leader of Prescott or was he some sort of sceriff?
3) In episode 3, did Conrad apologize to Clem off-screen in the quarantine zone for what he did earlier in the tunnel? Is that why Clem isn't so mad about it with him or Javier?
Thank you for this season, and for this AMA , I've made you some fanarts to show you my gratitude!
Do you guys like it?
And here's Clementine. Let me know what you think and thanks again for the AMA
Episode 5: Is the city under the highway suppose to be flooded?
Was Mariana always supposed to die? Or did you have plans for her character?
Why was Eleanor's redemption arc scrapped? Can you tell us more about her past?
What did Conrad do before the outbreak? How did he meet Tripp and Eleanor?
Javier has the New Frontier mark on his neck in the first trailer. Was he supposed to be a New Frontier member in early stages or he was going to receive the mark at some point?
Will there be an extra episode that shows us what happens during the 3 day timeskip?
What was the game's original plot/story?
Are you serious? Stop pretending you didn't see him die. He is 100% dead. This is a reason why he was nowhere to be found in ANF and will never be in the future installments.
Telltale please answer my questions below:
If you guys could go back and change one thing about ANF, what would it be an why?
It stands for "Ask Me Anything"
Stuff like this could’ve been answered through the use of hubs like S1 did.
cough telltale
At the Wellington ending of season 2, we see Kenny goes away and we never see him again. So where is Kenny? Are we just going to assume he's dead or will we ever see him again?