"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • There shouldn't be a problem in the first place after this happening so many times you should really have a fixed solution.

    P.S: If you want the advice of everyone in the world, REMOVE DRM.

    They're not ready to say anything yet, but I can assure you that they ARE looking into the problem. And for the record - I'm not exactly ha

  • Wow, I actually got in. I just alt+tabbed out of the Walking Dead application and let it sit there for like 10 min. When I tried to connect again, it let me in. Idk if that will work for anyone else, but it's worth a shot.

  • Some mods already offered possible solutions (what unfortunately didn't work for me, heh), it's just too hard to see them in the shitstorm of death. After it they said they are still looking into it.

    LassyKongo posted: »

    2 hours and not even a single word about this issue?

  • Does not work for me.

    Wow, I actually got in. I just alt+tabbed out of the Walking Dead application and let it sit there for like 10 min. When I tried to connect again, it let me in. Idk if that will work for anyone else, but it's worth a shot.

  • Same issues as with Season 1 premiere and not a single comment from Telltale. I see nothing has changed in that department TT...

  • This is really pissing me off.

  • already tried that myself didn't work :/

    Wow, I actually got in. I just alt+tabbed out of the Walking Dead application and let it sit there for like 10 min. When I tried to connect again, it let me in. Idk if that will work for anyone else, but it's worth a shot.

  • As said by several members here, it's just amazing that Telltale is still using DRM-solutions that yet again fail to work. This has been a problem for a long time, and not only on games by Telltale, but also from other game companies. Just look at Diablo III. That launch was a freaking disaster beyond expectations. And it's even worse that pirates get to play a game before honest paying customers. And not even a comment. I don't care if they have a solution together with the statement. All I want to hear now is that Telltale KNOWS about the situation. And not through a moderator not connected to the developer team (no offence or hate to you Darth Marsden). In moments like this when the fans cant connect or communicate with the servers to play the game, communicate at least with your FANS. Your PAYING customers. You know, those who actually makes it possible for you guys to make a living of something you love to do. Just please. This situation is handled poorly.

  • Hey, it worked for one guy here. Thanks mate. That or maybe they coincidentally fixed something at the same time. Regardless, you get my praise

    The_Ripper posted: »

    Listen, I've managed to get work and I'm a Telltale customer. Run The Walking Dead Season One (if you got it), login if you need it, get to the main menu and exit the game. Then run The Walking Dead Season 2. It worked for me. Good luck.

  • I should not have bought it. I could be halfway through the game with the pirated version. Instead, here I am waiting, because I decided to support Telltale. How stupid can I be.... Ah well, I won't make the same mistake again ;)

  • "Not ready to say anything yet" isn't acceptable. We paid for a game, we can't play the game. You have our money, we have a title screen. There needs to be a statement. I'm sorry, as reputable as you are, one sentence from a moderator isn't convincing enough.

    They're not ready to say anything yet, but I can assure you that they ARE looking into the problem. And for the record - I'm not exactly ha

  • No reply, they are just retweeting on tweeter like if nothing is happening...

    AlexMA posted: »

    So still no comments from Telltale? So we, who bought directly from them can't actually play, hmm, then just give us Steam keys and be done with it. Those people seem to be able to play.

  • [removed]

    Alento posted: »

    Wow... this really tops it... waited for so long.. getting excited..pre-order.. downloading it, and for what.. Error?... supporting ttg directly, didn't really pay off

  • Didn't read through the entire thread, but it doesn't seem like there are a lot of reasonable or constructive posts.

  • Don't you love playing by the DRM rules and, in return, not getting to play your game? Yeah, definitely going through Steam next time.

  • edited December 2013

    Ah there has been worse, I will never forget when my friend preordered the physical Heroes of Might and Magic V Collector's Edition. He finally got it delievered 2 months after you could buy it at your local shop. And that happened to many, many preorders of that game. ;)

    I was tempted to buy from Steam because of the issues with previous launches but the Collector's DVD was too tempting. Looks like I should've gone with my gut instinct.

  • So still no comments from Telltale?

    So we, who bought directly from them can't actually play, hmm, then just give us Steam keys and be done with it. Those people seem to be able to play.

  • Dude, exactly the same thing happened when season 1 came out. Even worse, when I said out loud about my frustration and the fact that 'certain swashbuckling parties' are already playing the game and not us, loyal customers, I got banned for promoting piracy. Lol, can you believe that? I then tried to resolve the situation with customer service and found them to treat me as if I were a killer or something. I'm telling you people, TT is the biggest bunch of ASSHOLES I have ever encountered. They don't care about what you think. Not a single official reply. I despise these ignorant bunch of fools. Never will they get my money again.

    LassyKongo posted: »

    Telltale, you should be ashamed of yourself. 14 pages, 262 comments, all from directly paying customers. We bought the game directly from you

  • Don't expect so many constructive posts when the lack of support is so severe that it's just plain amazing.

    Didn't read through the entire thread, but it doesn't seem like there are a lot of reasonable or constructive posts.

  • edited December 2013

    I don't want to be rude, but fuck! Pirates can play it and we, paying customers not?

  • This is fucking bullshit.

  • The facts that we can't connect to them and they are not telling us anything are connected. Their Internet is down!

  • Same. I just wan't a Steam key or my money back so I can get as far away as possible from this company.

    This is really pissing me off.

  • Steam key and thou willst be forgiveth.

  • [removed]

  • And no doubt, when we are finally able to play, there will be problems with reading earlier save game files from S1.

  • They don't care they got our money....

    No reply, they are just retweeting on tweeter like if nothing is happening...

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up more bandwidth - if you are unable to authenticate, please keep trying, or come back and try again later. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve the issue.

  • Same problem here. I've purchased many TT game series before and pre-ordered TWD2 but can't start it (or even cleanly exit the application).

    The Wolf Among Us, a Steam purchase starts OK even saying "connecting" so this is really not a good situation.

  • edited December 2013

    Works for me now! I alt+tabbed out, quit, restarted game and at first it said the usual "can't communicate", then nothing happened even after clicking EVERYWHERE on the screen -- not even the login menu. Then all of a sudden it said "connecting" with the spinny thing at bottom of screen and now I'm on the main menu! Good luck, everyone, and enjoy playing when it finally works for you! :D

    Oh, and btw I downloaded from TT site too.


    EDIT: Please don't start being immature and downvoting my post just because you can't play yet :\

  • psssh, small percentage my ass

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Small percentage? What nonsense, also, we shouldn't have to try later. You should've prepared for this.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • "Small percentage of users" You're fucking kidding me right?

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • YES !!! YESS!!!! Thanks for your reply !!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • I didn't think Telltale would even bother having this kind of system in place. I thought at worst that I'd have to go through GMG.

    hickory7293 posted: »

    I was exactly the same. they should have stated that it wasn't steam, then I wouldn't have bothered


    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Must be a joke.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Not good enough.
    Two and a half hours of trying, leaving, coming back later, and still nothing.
    "keep trying" is not good enough.
    Appreciate my patience? Then you are appreciating NOTHING, because I have no patience left.
    Either give me a steam key, my money back, or a crack so I can play the game when I WANT TO, rather than when you can be bothered to put up more servers.
    Don't give us the "small percentage" bullshit. There are tons of people having this issue, and all of them are legit customers who either bought the game direct from the site, or from GMG or similar. Everyone who pirated the game has already finished it, and so have all the steam customers.
    I don't mind the occasional problem, but when people can FINISH the game before I can even start the fucking thing, then it's not funny anymore.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

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